What's the best game of 2019 so far?

What's the best game of 2019 so far?
I'm thinking of getting one from this list

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Other urls found in this thread:


Sekiro is the only great game there. Rest are mediocre.

DMCV for gameplay "diversity" (Dante and Nero take a fair bit of practice)

Sekiro for "strategy" in your gameplay(hard bosses that have very simple patterns hidden in their moveset)

Rest are trash

>Not including TSA:NMH in the image
I can smell the sõy from here, sõynignog.

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Sekiro, RE2 and DMCV are all great goty contenders. Haven't played AC7, but heard good things.

KH3 is very disappointing, so avoid that.

Haven't played AC7, but either RE2 or Sekiro. Might lean toward Sekiro more.

Those are all pretty good. I've played them all and enjoyed each of them a lot.

That game sucks dick. Spin off or not it's fucking janky and boring. It deserved a sequel. Not this shitty shovelware to supposedly "raise" interest.

DMC5, but Sekiro isn't that far behind. RE2 is about as good as Sekiro too.

Of those I would say AC7 but I haven't played sekiro yet.

I really should have bought DMC5 on my X instead of pirating it on PC, really awesome game. I would have bought it but it doesn't have any DLC planned beyond Bloody Palace so there's no point.

What I've played was great but I'd select AC7 for my GOTY. It's just such a simple, fun game. It feels great to play and it's just the right length.
TSA was better than I expected but it still has many problems that keep it from being GOTY.

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Re2 or DMC I think. Though I did like Ace a lot

just buy it on PC on sale or something if you're strapped for cash. There's DLC in the works but they're not talking about it because 1. the team needs a vacation and 2. they didn't want people thinking they had plans for DLC before release because people will assume they just cut it out of the game.

DMC5, as a whole, is the best game of them all.

Sekiro dabs on it really hard when it comes to challenge though, so if your a difficulty nut then thats the go-to for you.

Ace Combat and RE2 are fantastic, but not as exciting or interesting as the prior two.

KH3 is trash.

God, this image just reminded me that I didn't even finish KH3.

Risk of Rain 2

>any option other than Ace Combat 7
Come on, buddy.


Ace Combat 7 for me, though DMC and Sekiro are both good.

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dmc5 is best.

Depends on your taste of course, a lot of these games can be pretty wildly different from each other on a gameplay enjoyment level.

DMC5 and RE2 are the easiest games to like from a general standpoint, they appeal to basically the lowest common denominator but are actually well made games.
KH3 I only recommend if you are a fan, its a good game for me being a big fan of the franchise but its hard to appreciate as a newcomer since it does a lot of weird things.
If you aren't a big action game fan or from software fan, you might not get into Sekiro enough even though its a fantastic game experience.
Ace Combat is for boomers

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What a disgustingly janky camera


DMC5 has the most widespread appeal and despite that it's fairly deep in its gameplay while also offering a literal journo mode for ultra casuals.

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Sekiro made me feel like a kid again

Son of Sparda should have been available at the start and not hidden

The camera is great though and you'll be in 1st person most of the time anyways.

>he didn't BTFO urizen to unlock it instantly

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and even with journo mode, that only applies to story mode

you know who are the real chads by their DMD S-ranks and Bloody Palace S-ranks


Why are people hating on KH3? I’m playing through it right now and it’s fun. Not Amazing, but enjoyable.

AC7 if you want a 3 hour campaign and 5 minutes worth of MP content.

Any of the others if you're planning on spending money on them

I would have taken the time if I knew.

>he doesn't know about enemy focus and missile tracking
He's literally switching modes throughout that clip between normal and focus.


Journalists hate it so DMC V will probably win GOTY, Journalists also hate Mr.X

honestly probably RE2:R, because of the sheer amount of mods keeping it relevant. I pre-ordered it but have played like 1 minute of it.

>no smash
>no botw
Really lmao?

DMC5 > Sekiro > AC7 > RE2 > KH3

V2 yourself


Devil Engine so far. I'm enjoying REmake 2 so far too. I expect Desperados 3 to be my GOTY by the end of it though.

Only played sekiro and resident evil 2. I preferred RE2.

>he hasn't already picked up DMCV

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Sekiro > RE2 > Ace Combat
> DMC5 >>>>>>> Kingdom Hearts

KH games in this point in time are either, you like it or you stay the fuck away from it like the plague. Most people on this board are the latter because its an admittedly weird franchise and has one of the worst reputations in vidya

DMCV could've been so much better. I don't get why Yea Forums's sucking it's dick so hard.

who keeps shilling to put KH3 on a 'best' list?

>Smash Bros
are you simple?

DMC5 is the only one that exceeded expectations.

Haven't played AC7 but I agree.

We get it, you like DmC: Devil May Cry. You like shit games, it's okay.

R u retar?

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DMC5 for best gameplay and most replayability and worthwhile content. Sekiro is fun for a playthrough but it's short as hell and it lacks replayability even if there is multiple endings. Being locked into one play style really hurt the game tbqh. Haven't a AC7 or RE2 and kingdom hearts isn't for the faint of heart. You need to be turbo autist that's played all of the games including the mobile one to get anything out of it, and even then there's a 50/50 chance you'll be disappointed. You'd be better off waiting for the Final Mix DLC.

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No u

you must have really low expectations

DMCV > Sekiro > AC7 > RE2 > KH2

DMC5 or RE2

ahh now its perfect

I'm thinking video games are back

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Some people just like styling all over the enemies which is fine.

Baba Is You

they're all great except for kingdom hearts, that's for retards exclusively but i'm surprised how pleased I am with every new release I've played this year

I don't think KH belongs on that list.

RE2 was good. Gonna play the rest sometime this year. I'm a faggot and currently NMS has me in its grip.

No he doesn't.

3 does a far better job at that. games that fail to match the quality of similar older games have no right to exist.

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Not kh3. Otherwise it's preference, but I really enjoyed dmc5


that's mostly player controlled, you can hold a button to focus on target to maneuver better, it's actually a really good camera function

I think it's fine when those kinds of games exist because then people can learn what not to do next time. If DMC2 wasn't such a piece of shit, we would never have gotten DMC3.

i need to get back to this. it's better than i expected.

DMC5 Dante is the most complex and in depth Dante in terms of combat, isn't he? More that DMC3 and 4 Dante? Correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't get all the hate for KH3. People complain about the story, but the story for all the KH games are retarded and putting all the oc story towards the end of KH3 was the smart move so it wouldn't get in the way of the experience. The worlds were the best they've ever been and the gameplay will easily be the best in the series come final mix patch with critical mode. It was easily the most dumb fun I've had playing a game in ages.

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based black ps5 owner

the entire game should've been played as dante. say what you will about DmC, at least it got that right. most of his moveset is underutilized because of how late in the game in the game you get it.

So far it's the first Metal Gear Solid, played it for the first time last month and already replayed it 3 times. Gonna play through the whole series, wonder which one i'll like the most!

It's nowhere near as good as 2FM in terms of raw combat. It's not as tight. Also the grind for Ultima wasn't worth it and the secret boss was a pushover. The final boss also wasn't as good as Ansem and Xemnas, though I did like the fact that he can force you to rage mode.

The story was absolute dogshit too. The game was its best in Toy Box and the key blade graveyard. I'm glad we got the game and the 3 on 3 xehanort fight but overall it's the weakest mainline KH game and the weakest of the big 2019 releases.

Sekiro. Rest have huge flaws. I haven't played any other AC game to talk about it's quality.

How the fuck is it underutilized? Did you not play DMD or Bloody Palace? Also Nero is mechanically a fun character in his own right.

The fact that DMC5 came out at all already exceeded any expectations

Sekiro has flaws, fromdrone.

Yeah it doesn't help that the game is super easy if you didn't figure out you could beat Urizen during tutorial and unlock Son of Sparda.
The game in general needed more focus.

>best game overall
dmc5 > Sekiro > re2 = ace combat 7 > kh3

>Want a challenge
sekiro > re2 > dmc5 > ac7 > kh3

but dmc5 gets harder difficulties later in the game that can rival Sekiro.

>reading comprehension
forcing the player to replay the game to make more use of the full capabilities of the moveset is bad game design. the fact that you have to play as two inferior playstyles in the process of doing that hurts it even more. STOP DEFENDING BAD GAME DESIGN YOU DICK SUCKING APOLOGIST FANBOY TWAT

There will be more difficulties included as free dlc for DMC5 that will make the game even harder.

It's not a bad game. This is bad bait as well.

DMD is already the hardest shit I've played so far this year, including Sekiro NG+2. What new difficulties are you talking about?

ah yes, autism

No, I agree with you. I want legendary dark Knight mode and Just Style mode from DmC (DmC is still a garbage game though). DMD on DMC5 gave me a hard time.

While I don't hate KH3, it just felt really disappointing and more like a tech demo for future games instead of being the grand finale that they had said it would be. I've got plenty of other problems but I feel I'd be here for hours explaining my feelings about everything.
>The worlds were the best they've ever been
A lot of the worlds were total ass though. Frozen and Big Hero 6 immediately come to mind on that front.
>and the gameplay will easily be the best in the series come final mix patch with critical mode.
The patch isn't here now though is it? The gameplay was already pretty mediocre to begin with with how busted magic is and how boring the attractions were. I played the whole way on proud and was blown away by how easy everything was.
Again, KH3 isn't the worst thing ever but to not understand why some people are disappointed with how everything came together is a little silly.

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I said the rest have huge flaws, fag. Sekiro only has a few in comparison.

Sacky Row: Loli never die

honestly for me Proud was a mixed bag. Yes it was mostly easy in terms of combat, but then you had shit like the PoTC heartless you had to beat in the air in that plane segment and that kept killing me over and over

seems like pretty shoddy tuning all around

Risk of Rain 2.

DMC games were always designed around replaying them on increasing difficulties so I don't understand your frustration here
Nero is a different flavor but almost as complex as Dante after you beat the game the first time but I agree V is just fucking painful after SOS

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re2 or ac7
rest are not fun

For me, it is between AC 7 and DMC 5. Probably DMC 5.

Not him but you do realize that arguably Sekiro's biggest flaw is how there's little to no replay value after you beat it twice right?

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*dabs on everything*
August 2019
screencap this

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>instead of being the grand finale that they had said it would be
I feel like they didn't say that if they said this was the end of the first part of a trilogy, implying the finale is still 2 whole parts away.

Does AC 7 and DMC 5 really bring back the ps2 days for anyone else?

Sekiro: Games are Played Twice

Yeah, they're basically glorious PS2 games with a next-gen coat of paint.


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DMC5 and RE2
Seriko is overhyped based off of it's difficulty alone, just like every From game. I'd probably be the best souls like if there were multiple weapon types, but there aren't and it's just okay.
Ace Combat is also really good but also really niche
KH3 is shit and will be shit until it gets it's rerelease like KH2. Even KHfags didn't like it.

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I wish V had more summons and uses with his cane. But he's like Nero in DMC4. I still like V though.

>just shaping up to be a scifi GTA clone
no good actual cyberpunk game ever and it hurts

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I binged DMC5 in an afternoon and kept coming back for the rest of the week to finish SOS/DMD and practice bosses
I haven't finished a single other game in the last 2 hours, some of them I haven't even touched after installing and launching once

Vaha11a or whatever was kind of neat, Observer was cool too. But yeah we won't get anything else of grand scale. Oh well, there's always Deus Ex.

>2 hours
fuck meant to write years

VA-11 Hall-A was great, but it's just a VN
Their PSX inspired game looks neat but it's literally never ever happening at this rate and, if their recent dev blog is to be believed, VA-11 Hall-A's sequel is going to be delayed.

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>Every game post-2010 sucks ugh /tired gamer thread/ anybody else just think the industry is soulless I don't even like games anymore
You 6th gen kiddies need to shut the fuck up because your age is always obvious and you're unaware that you were part of the normalfag wave that made the industry what it is

awful generous of you

I've only played RE2 from this list, but it's really good.
Fuck buying Sekiro for 60€ and all the niggers who bought it at this price. I hate you all.

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That's really cool dude. Glad to see others are really enjoying it.

6th gen is the 3d version of 4th gen. Tons of creative AA games made the generation great, and everyone knows it.

You're not even wrong, I'm just extremely wary of the crowd that started on Ps2 and seems to think every pre-2000 game is outdated while every post-2010 game is shit. Becoming aware of this demographic and their opinions has made me borderline schizo when it comes to Ps2 in particular because they treat it like the beginning and the end of the gaming industry

Only played DMC5 and Sekiro. But I liked Sekiro more.


Git gut

Oh yeah, I see where you are coming from now. I definitely do not see it like that. There were tons of great games before the 2000s, and while I feel like 7th and 8th gen was a bit of a step down, there are still plenty of gems.

You're right, mediocre is an improvement.

>ITT weebs foaming this hard over scraps
Enjoying your moment until Imperator Rome, Cyberpunk 2077, Ori and the Will of the Wisps and Doom Eternal get released.

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>foaming this hard over scraps

>excited for Ori and Doom


it'll be boneworks
no question about it



RE2 is a modern classic but it is VERY SHORT for 60$. 30-45 dollars would be a more fair price

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Don't you want an incredibly difficult 40+ hour game without a senseless grind for $15?

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Yea Forums is too poor for vr, most people here can only afford one system.

Not coming out this year, or even fucking next year.

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>Kingdom Hearts
>good game

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I genuinely enjoyed all of these games god damn 2019 is gonna be strong.

>halo custom matches with Yea Forums this summer
>a true animal crossing after nearly a decade
>mario maker 2 shenanigans
>doom eternal
>total war finally doing three kingdoms after years of fan requests

And we haven’t even seen E3 yet.

>Devs patching out alternate solutions

hard pass

DMC5. RE2 is great too.

>Devs patching out unintended cheese
Plenty of levels have multiple alternate solutions. Devs are patching shit out like being able to beat a level without touching half the blocks or by shoving text over what was intended to be an insurmountable barrier to break a rule that wasn't meant to be broken.

>Game about being creative
>People get creative
>Patch out the creativity

Makes sense.

DMC5, RE2, and Sekiro are great games. I never got into the Ace Combat series so I won't comment on it. And KHIII was a disappointment and a half.

>game about being creative
>ignore all the shit they give you to be creative with because they accidentally left the door out of the level open
Use your fucking brain

Most accurate post.

Sekiro and RE2.
DMCV is decent and other titles are below average

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