What the fuck went wrong

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The Jews.

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Imagine being american, stare at ugly mugs at the bus stop, and then go to gamestop to pay 60 for a game where you look at more ugly mugs

All flash no substance. How can you have a game world so big with nothing to fucking find or do? Yeah you can read the newspapers on the ground, big fucking whoop why are there only like 20 weapons

>riding around town as Frank
>phone rings
>"Frank-a-lin! Wuss happnin!"
>yet another tow truck mission

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It's fucking great, specially online, been playing videogames since the early 90's and never before I've had so much fun solo on a multiplayer game.

Pretty much this. Doing another story mode run and there's not a damn thing to do outside of story missions.

>these stupid fucking morons will eat up whatever shit we put out
>lets release a barebones game with a tacked on multi-player and have a pathetically slow content release schedule to keep the rubes just barely satisfied with minimal effort on our part
>oh and also monetize everything because we know those idiots will pay for it

Absolutely SEETHING Nintendie, LMAO


tries to be a movie game in a sandbox fails at movie and fails at game

It's fun to fuck around in for a few hours but by that point you've seen everything and have no desire to boot it up again.

>What the fuck went wrong
>has sold over a gorillion copies

I guess nothing went wrong, opie

>complains about nothing to do
>more ways to click on the cops until they’re dead would solve this


>obnoxious writing and characters
>not enough side-missions
>trivial difficulty
>zero-tolerance police (they are on your ass after sucker-punching a single person sometimes, even if there are no cops or people with cell-phones around) that take too long to get rid off
>no-fun allowed MP that was designed to make revenue only (pay tpo get rid of cops)
>all that wasted potential

For a world so big is feels absolutely empty

No seriously, what the fuck did happen? Last 3 games developed by rockstar studios prior to GTAV were great games
>Max Payne 3
Then after GTAV they made RDR2 which is phenomenal. I don't get it, what led to GTAV being a souless, boring piece of shit that? It had the potential to be good for sure but it just sucks ass and is inferior in nearly every way to every other 3D mainline GTA.

The only thing that I feel like they fundamentally fucked up on, and this more opinion than anything, is destroyed San Andreas. Imagine if GTAVs map was just a larger, expanded version of the original San Andreas rather than just purely being LA + mountains/deserts that take up over half of the map that have no real purpose in single player and bloat the size of the fucking map.

Every 3D GTA has a story that tries to be a "movie game" dumbass

Half of the map is a giant highway and mountains. Everything outside of LS is empty.

>most viewed game on twitch for the past month or so
>go to /vg/
>no general

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not that I wish to defend gtav, but /vg/ is an awful board, most generals consist of fewer than 10 people talking in their own echo chamber, often repeating the same posts and discussions over and over to keep the threads alive.

gta online is still fun if you enjoy driving around and clicking NPCs to buy other cars to drive around with
is it people playing fivem rp? No idea how so much people suddenly want to watch that


delete this

GTA had a general, but it was mostly about GTA:O, things such as updates and crew circlejerk. FiveM is the one you're looking at twitch.

yeah im sure if there were 40 guns instead of 20 it'd be much better

Who else here can't wait for the SP expansion? It's been a few years since they mentioned it, so they must have been working on it for a long time, it gotta be HUGE!

They have got the best memes.

It's like, one specific game or franchise of games, just coalesces and come together to have the shit at both ends of the spectrum, both being amazing.
So shit it's good, so good its great.