what do you think about Japan's taste?
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>majority of the top 5 are males
wtf bros how'd we let the fujos win
Fucking fujoshits.
Hibiki would've been a good looking character had it not for that K-pop boyband bowl cut hair style.
>Hibiki, Mai, Celica, and Es being so high
Absolutely shit. Xblaze ES is better but she’s such a soulless piece of shit in Blazblue. Mai is trash and Hibiki literally adds nothing of value and could be removed without anything changing. Celica is boring.
What does the rest of the list look like? Is there a vote count for all the characters?
>best snake left out
Hibiki is the only character I legit don't get why he's there beyond "Muh AoT"
lol they voted Ragna 1? I thought they would like Rachel or Tsubaki
Hibiki and Jin have female bodies though
is there an actual legitimate reason why apparently ONLY fujoshis ever vote on popularity polls
I honestly expected these characters but in a different order ie Makoto or Noel on top.
is this just a ranking on how badly you want to fuck them?
traps and fujos
Ragna is definitely deserving of top spot, but literally nobody else in the top 10 deserves to be there.
>mai is the most popular girl
This but unironically. These four picks are legit meme picks. Hibiki and Mai could be removed from the series and you could lose nothing.
absolute garbage. snake man is one and his edgier alter ego are some of the biggest pieces of shit designs japan has ever made. Hibiki is complete fag bait.
Real top 10 is:
1) Es
2) Kokonoe
3) Ragna
4) Dog turd
5) Dog turd (diarrhea)
6) Dog turd with dog vomit
7) Dog turd (diarrhea) with dog vomit
8) Jin
9) Everyone not listed
10) Hazama
11) Edgier Hazama.
i only sort of used her but my favorite character is lambda
More like top 3 worst girls
>Petite blonde with huge tits and not a slut
>giving a shit about her personality
Are you aware that you two are women?
>All three expose their navels in their playable outfits
Works for me
and fujopilled
never let women into your hobbies
>not liking her aesthetics
>not seeing how her simple and flexiblee playstyle is appealing to a large playerbase
Yeah, it's like they don't play the games. Fucking women.
>Top 5 1,000 votes ahead of 6th place, and all males.
The fujo meme is real isn't it?
Oh damn MeWe is popular on Yea Forums now?
I think it's pretty based desu
>Relius down with the literal whos.
It's not fair!
>Hibiki is supposed to be popular with fujos and trapfags
>There's literally no porn of him
>It's all the same Jin and Hazama shit
its honestly really fucking typical but Cecila and Hibiki are surprising
>Ragna - of course the MC is going to be the most popular 1, not even because everyone likes him but he's usually the first guy casuals see and play as and they want to feel included so they vote for him despite not knowing the other characters
>Hazama - the sneaky villain with chains. beloved by edgelords and fugoshits alike
>Hibiki - he's the new boy in town so its surprising to see him so high but he's an assassin who's also a twink. guess who he's attracting
>Terumi - same as Hazama but he came second so people who started with BB since the beginning have more loyalty to Hazama PLUS he's more of a creep so less fujos, and lacks a fedora
>Jin - beloved by fujoshits and edgelords alike but its surprising to see him at number 5, below Hibiki of all people. guess twinks are in season
the rest are all pretty typical for waifufags
Mai - the totally not a trap
Celica - not sure why she's so high honestly
Noel - of coruse one of the main female is going to be up their. she's so vanilla
Nu - killer robo yandere
Es - oppai loli
You all know where this thread is going, just take it to /fgsg/ on /trash/ instead so you can post porn without getting it deleted.
>why, science weanus of course :)
>hahah! :D
>it's my weeeeeeeeeeeeanus science! :) hahah
>ITT: motivation and character development - my answer is, of course, my science weanus :D
Most 1 dimensional character since Hazama.
First two places are ok, then it turns into shit.
Instant trash
i honestly thought makoto would be higher.
Is Mai really that popular? I though japan doesn't give a shit about genderbent
Es is the ultimate waifu. Only jealous roasties hate her.
Ragna fucking EARNED his spot as number one, well done Japan. Honestly the rest of the picks are pretty solid imo, except for maybe Hibiki and Celica. Celica's just so... bleh. And Hibiki is just a non-entity throughout the whole thing, really. And this is coming from someone that really likes him.
Sounds about right, except for Hibiki being that high? Jesus.
Based Es user.
Ruby a cute. Wanna take her, weiss and penny to another none shitty series
>Es in top 10
Good enough for me. I don't even play the games but I find her attractive.
Ragna gets numuro uno out of virtue of being one the most tragic figure in his own game. people really identify with him. especially since he gave up his own existence so that his siblings could live in their new future.
>MFW being an older brother myself and seeing the last bit of story in central fiction.
Hit me harder then it should. Any older sibling worth their shit would do anything for their youngers.
Did they ever explain why Es went from being a developed character and basically a real human girl to "what are 'feelings'" when she moved forwards to BlazBlue's time? Seems like a massive waste of all her growth
The biggest mistake Ragna ever made was giving his imouto such a brother complex she swore off all men as soon as she lost her memories
Reminder, the blonde is Ragna's sister and the brunette is his foster mother, both of them want to bang him, just kidding, the blonde doesn't know what sex is
based bro
>no squirrel wife
It's shit, as expected. At least number one earned his spot with distinction.
Where is Taokaka?
>T-Tao is still popular guys!
>Fucking Naoto is more popular
She got replaced by Kokonoe as the best playable cat and faded out of existence.
I want to ram her with my car and sell her as roadkill.
>bang isn't in the top 10
>meanwhile hibiki/tranny mai/mary celica/noel/nu-13 and es the non-character are
Yeah I'm thinking that Japan has shit taste.
Kokonoe isnt as hot or cute as Tao though.
>best playable cat
It's funny to me that you think that.
what the fuck did you just say about my wife?
>Ragna 1
Good taste
Only one missing is Makoto
>i'm fucking gay and not into weebshit the post
I guess I'll call you a faggot/fujo and call it a day.
Nu is in the top 10 overall and top 5 females, yet still has absolutely zero merchandise. It's not fair.
where's Bullet?
blazblue is one of my favorite games, people just like the shit characters instead of the cool ones.
>anything japanese iss weebshit
Spotted the tranny mai lover, kys nigger. I played bb since CT you fucking retard.
Bang is basically that green Naruto guy without the things that made him actually cool and relatable. Bang is just kind of a moron who's most prominent trait is his infatuation with the worst character in the story.
>worst character in the story
wait, when did bang wanted to fuck Mai?
>that entire post
>that bipolar reply
Alright whatever, but as expected you are a faggot.
>Values hard work
>Doesn't have a magic do-everything weapon nox-nyctores
>Vet of the ikaruga war, has one of the coolest fighting styles in the game
>is a unique character gameplay wise who pays off once you put int he work with the character
>has actual character flaws and a personality
Bang is one of the few likable characters in blazblue. Don't give me that shit.
>bipolar reply
Yeah I guess actually playing the games makes me bipolar now. Eat shit you trannyfucker.
Reminder that people could vote once every day
yeah because mai and es are such complex characters
I'll give Relius a pass when he becomes a cute short stack that is not cancer to play as or against.
shh... you're gonna trigger the maidrone
who hurt you?
Litchi is sexy, sad she's disliked a lot (even if I understand why).
I understand that Litchi was a total dipshit who ruined everything for everyone she met, but do people not even want to hatefuck her? That's what I woudl do.
you have better titty monsters to fuck now.
Litchi ain't worth it now.
>Big Boobs
>Old Hag
She just has zero appeal. Has nothing to do with the story.
>Big breasts
>no appeal
fag or pedo take your pick.
Did Hibiki have a lot of presence in the side material or something? He was a barely relevant side character in the game's story that could easily be removed with little effect.
No he's only popular because fujoshi love skinny fuckboys.
Not at all.
Fujos just love seeing his birdfeed get demolished by Kagura's black dragon.
You hatefuck bitches. Litchi isn't a bitch, she's just a fucking cunt. I'd just kill her and fuck a cute bitch like koko desu.
I know, I post the best one all the time but it just seems like a waste of a perfectly fine and fuckable body.
>zero appeal
Now you fucked up.
They don't even like Kagura. Kagura is the only reason that Hibiki isn't forced into everything since they can't add Hibiki without Kagura.
I'll fuck Litchi but I'd rather fuck or get fucked as Makoto
It's time for Makoto to give anal birth to bugs again!
I wish Nine was higher
Which i don't understand since kagura is one of the funnest characters that they've added since CS.
Good, if weird, taste.
Litchi was only relevant in CT when she was the only character flashing her tits everywhere. Then we got Makoto, Bullet, and Nine who do exactly the same thing without being garbage characters
>no Tao
It's shit
Litchi's the only one who had that motherly demeanor going on, though. That's a big thing for me, and they just sort of threw it away so I lament it a lot.
That became Trinity's role.
I liked Litchi to begin with, whereas Trinity I could've give two shits about.
i mean, fuck it.
I'm saying!
Litchi's pain sounds are also hot as shit.
That just makes me even more confused. With all the hate you Litchi ryona sounds like the most perfect fit but you don't see it at all.
They are bringing back Terumi and Ragna for next BB right
she's just disliked way too much to give a shit about her.
Not to mention BB is already lacking in lewds besides Makoto or Mai.
Xblaze was pretty mediocre, but I'm glad to see Mei that high, she was a qt.
I guess I'm the only one who cares. I've been with the series since the beginning, there's been so much dumb shit that's gone around. This one seems the worst oversight in regards to what my dick thinks, though.
makoto pls
She's got the need. The need for breed.
>first girl is in the seventh place
Why is japan so gay?
oh no, she's gonna rape me
You are obviously a gay because no sane person would be unwilling.
Why are beast girls always top tier?
>Nu actually top 10
Feels good.
if i was willing for it, then it wouldn't be rape.
Top 5 are all males though
Need for breed.
guess it's another trip to the rapecave
It's the only way to cure the gay.
What went wrong?
With glasses she would be perfect.
I'm sad that barely anybody is playing online anymore.
>terumi and hazama top 4
Anyone else like him?
Top 6*
If there was a list that ranked people's 2nd favorite characters, he'd be high up. A lot of people like him, but he's rarely anyone's favorite.
The top 6 are males
Because they care more.
but I'm not gay
My wife Mai.
Nice wife.
Better safe than sorry.
They always win these stupid polls. They care a lot more about this shit than anyone else, so the results are always skewed.
nice husband
who is hibiki anyway?
does he has his own side story stuffs like with naoto, Es or Mai?
outside of him showing up few times to nag Kagura I never see him doing anything else
did Arc go
>hey so we made this character with these moveset that will offer this cool playstyle but we havnt really figure out how to add him into the story
>oh well we will just throw in few lines for him and call it a day
>who is hibiki anyway?
Kagura's secretary and bodyguard
>side story stuff
No. His arcade route suggests he's broken inside but the actual story doesn't invovle any of it
Pretty sure his VA is friends with the devs so he got the role and was made playable
Hibiki baffles me. Everyone else was obvious.
Daisuke put him in GG please. Bluefags don't deserve him.
Thank you.
She's the bestest wife.
>His wife has a dick
Lol what a gay
>in the game since CT
>still not playable
She'll replace Litchi in the next game right?
Thats a boy
Based Sugita at 1st place, everything else is unimportant.
>Hibiki #3
I think they should buff Terumi's range. He is all damage no neutral nor meterless options
>Top 10
Calamity Trigger cast
>Honorable mentions
Relius, CS newcomers
>No nigga
Everyone else.