UNIST Thread

Fight night's back

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Pass is vee
I went into training mode to actually learn how to do TKs properly.

Also blue, we got another light blue square around now I think

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Spent Friday night learning alittle more Enkidu stuff and then spent most of Saturday participating in Frostytheswoleman's stream and got alot of info out of that so hopefully I'll be able to show some of what I learned tonight.

was busy all weekend so i never got to practice anything! I did get to see how fucked my car is though and experience driving it to the shop with no brakes except the emergency brake!

Reminder that early registration for Evo ends tomorrow on April 8th

>Frosty's enkidu tech
That's a pretty big jump

I actually signed up for EVO. The registration fee in leaf bucks was so much, but there's no going back now.

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Got to play over 100 games at two different local events this weekend. Finally can do inputs outside of netplay delay.
Too bad now I can't do inputs in delay now. RIP.

I don't know how much of what I witnessed that I'll retain but it was interesting stuff, and I learned some new corner pressure (like how 6C >22B is a frametrap IIRC).

So it's a well established fact that the Arksys colored square rank thing is dogshit but how exactly does it work?
I played a ton of ranked this weekend and had some silly shit happen. Was going toe to toewith some higher ranked players, winning some losing some, but then I lose twice to another orange square dude and I get knocked down to yellow. I started to go after other yellows at this point and no joke after winning three games I went back up to orange immediately.
Ultimately it's pointless to worry about your square color but why is the system so finicky?

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Dia was that you in melty jus a few minutes ago? You did pretty well for being new.


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Also, it's amazing to actually be able to confirm on stray ground kuuga hits. I just gave up on that at some point.

Net total of 10 wins to rank up and 10 losses to rank down. Only applies to the same color

I haven't touched melty in 5 years and was never good, so that wasn't me.

Tell me why you guys enjoy this game so much.

I'm really excited to see it at Evo and I'm hoping to show it off to my friends this weekend.

Not him but I was playing some Melty 30 minutes before this by starting it up via /afgg/. I was playing C. Kohaku. It's a pretty fun game.

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Square Color only goes up or down if you fight someone of the same color. To my experience, changing takes a while in the red-purple/pink zone

Anyone wanna do a quick ft5 on PC?

Oh and in case you were wondering, I go by Sai in PS4 lobbies.

I have the damndest time getting 22A out in offline, then it flip-flops every couple times.
I better get on that

Also that
j[C] > jA > jB > 66C
Good shit, blue. That's the real sign of Wagner evolution. Good to see both you and phrumpf doing that.

How do I get good at this game? I have lots of trouble. I haven't won a single round (yes, not even a single round) online yet.

Who are you playing
What exactly do you think you're fucking up with
What trouble

What are some I should learned before going online to get my ass kicked? I'm playing Orie.

Have you done tutorial/mission mode

Is this your very first fighting game

Sei, golden rule of Hilda in VO
214C should to be out immediately

It's ok, we can be trash together

Blocking can be just as important as attacking in this game due to a key mechanic (vorpal state).

I learned that the hard way after getting a beat down by one of the regulars here who used chain shift (a result of vorpal state) to continue combos off of ex flashkicks.

No, but I don't play any fighting games seriously. Still, I've never been not able to win a single round before

>No idea how to play her, I've watched vids and read wiki pages, I can do her BnBs
>Can't land any attacks that aren't the odd Kuga, divekick or C as an anti air. I get blown up any time I try to get close, I don't know how to be offensive.

Guess not


Use TK kuuga to help open up an approaching opponent.

Also, use A+B to do dashing forward or press it twice for a fast roll to get closer to/behind the opponent.

Hien (63214x) is also a good way to close distance. Charging the B Hien gives you a sweep that you can chain into a combo (I believe with either a whiff or using chain shift or an EX move).

t. mid-level Linne player.

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Forgot to mention 6C is good for punishing people who rush in.

I'll do ya a solid after my turn comes up on PS4 (one game away). Give me a couple minutes!

What am I supposed to do against Seth's command grab. Can barely even recognize the start up with how fast it is

>Hien to close distance
For combos and far-off conversions, that's the distinction. You shouldn't use these without CS cause they're not hard to block.
Plus I'd sooner recommend 2B and 2C for really good engagement/disengage buttons. Her dash normals are really strong too

Learning to Dash block will help tremendously especially Linne since she has such short normals.

>Use TK kuuga to help open up an approaching opponent.
Is there an advantage to use TK kuuga vs just normal kuuga? I know you can use the former in a combo

Her dash is really fast sure but what do I do after? 66B and 66C are fine but usually anyone I play with is blocking or getting ready to DP after I dash. DP also catches roll antics

I don't know man. If I try throwing out Hien or something I just get punished. Its a fucky move with a weird arc and I only see utility with Hien B when you have perfect spacing and you want to get an overhead or go for a mix up by charging

I don't think anyone will ever risk a hard-read and try to do B command grab that grabs people in the air so probably jumping and backdashing will do it. I fit it in after a 66B which is hella safe.

Alright PC bro. Ready to do your ft5. What'll the lobby name be?
I believe it has more + frames?

Also it sets up an air combo and can be used in conjunction with 214AA and 214BA.

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Well now it's gonna have to be a ft3
Keyword vee

>probably jumping
Tried for a little bit, but it felt like I was always getting tagged on jump start up by frame traps

>TK Kuuga vs. normal kuuga
Plus frames, it's a game changer
If you're anticipating a DP then block
I wouldn't throw Hiens out in blockstrings unless they're in the corner

Sorry m8. I'll do my best to make these matches count then.

Off of blockstring-command grab, jumping won't do it, I actually meant on wake-up.
But now that I think about it, I think backdashing or DP should do it.

Thanks for the games, time to sleep

GGs Frank. Too bad about the timing problem, have a good night!

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whats the average frame delay you guys get online


3-5F on PS4, 3-10F on PC with random slow-down occasionally.



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does green shield have any specific advantage over regular or is it just a balancing mechanism?

Stronger Push-Back so it's not completely useless.

oh shit, thank goodness you guys are here tonight. I'm a little bit drunk, because i've been drinking and watching professional wrestling tonight. who thinks they can take me on tonight?

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>Pro Wrestling

That airs on Sundays? Or was it an old episode?

damn that was a pretty cool overhead sei
surprised dia blocked it

Wrestlemania son, Main event of the year!.

Nice, hahaha. Not a diehard fan but I do enjoy some quality matches. That one time Shane jumped off the cage is starting to come to mind.

Also that was some crazy good pressure Sei. Good stuff!

I am going to lose my red square i na single night with how bad I'm at adjusting to the frame delay. All my level ups clearly aren't showing here.
I was a bit busy with other things earlier, so I didn't have achance to respond. In general, listen to the ideas the others have mentioned. Dash blocking is especially crucial in zoner matchups. Depending on who you're fighting, you want to stay close to your opponent, or space them out with Kuugas and your C moves. Your long range moves specififically allow you to punish your opponent, at which point you can go half-gorilla on your opponent with grabs, assaults and a lot more kuugas.

i cant do charge attacks for some reason.

its weird

Vatista can't be CH'd but she sure can be Havoc'd

to elaborate since i realize anyone asking this doesn't watch wrestling. Wrestlemania is basicly the superbowl of wrestling. all the major storylines reach their climax here, and new storylines begin tomorrow on the weekly shows.

Tonight we find out if Kofi has what it takes to beat Bryan for the championship after all these years of trying.

>That one time Shane jumped off the cage is starting to come to mind.
Shane does like jumping off of shit. he has a match with the Miz tonight and if you like Shane you can guess it ends with people falling off of a very high platform.

Sounds amusing. I suppose I'll have to find a way to watch that. Thanks for the tip!

Hippie, you really shouldn't bully the new guys with your Waldstein like htat.

Made a PC lobby come beat me up it'll be fun

kw: pclobby

I'll jump in, just be warned i'm playing in both lobbies, so if i go AFK it's because my turn came up in PS4.

not getting any results for "pclobby".

is the lobby full? can't seem to find it

Sooner or later they're going to have to learn to not jump so much

What did you think of my performance?

>EVO reg turns out around 60 bucks if I just enter UNI
>15 dollar player badge
I mean, I hardly care for it but it'll probably be good for memorabilia for UNI's EVO.

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sharp, i'm starting to suspect you're a little better than y our light blue colour emplies

how is blue still blue? he should have ranked up by now.

I just realized we have a full lobby on a Sunday, you hardly ever see that shit.

yeah, when i start drinking magical things start happening like that

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He's in light blue hell, he's exceed that color a long while back
Light blues all prolly quit the game
Strangely it either fills up really fast or becomes slow burn.

Is the pc community still alive? I'm looking for a new fighting game because I'm burnt out with dbzf.

i wonder how hardit would be to create a new account to lose down to light bleu so that i could push him into the red/purple rank he blongs int.

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I mean you the right idea for pressuring me to hell with Linne's buttons, probably want to cool it against people with meterless DPs.
The match was a bit too short for me to commentate on much else.

Gah i wanna fight Merk. Every time i drink i get in the mood to beat his punk ass.

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Whoops. Dropping those 2Cs is looking to be my problem I need to fix for the night.


i actually can't get in on chaos in 10 f

I watched Wrestling in the 2000's era. Stone Cold, Goldberg, The Rock, Kane taking off the mask, Undertaker being a zombie, etc
God I hated Evolution

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you need to work on your 10f approaches then. just 4b him that works in most fs for me.

I belong in orange tops, maybe red on a good day. I'm still far below juggernauts like hippie and atic and I lose a lot more often than not to the red squares of the lobby.

wow not playing for 2 days is really showing

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Son don't talk to me about Kane, Kane was elected Mayor of my county.

Don't even worry about winning matches online my man. I'm pretty new and I find games against clearly good/better players to be more fun than ones where I can win

Practicing blocks and approaches against the roster of characters while losing is fine. I have a 5% win record but I learned how characters work and whats high and low by losing all those games

Excellent. Who are some good characters for beginners?

no idea what hilda's doing or where to block desu

>look for a Wrestlemania stream
>Shane's match just comes up

Whew lad. Let's go!


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I managed to get pretty good at Wagner with this as my first fighting game I ever put real time into.

Oh yeah, I forgot that shit sort of happened. I remember him being a preschool teacher before he started choke slamming bitches

wagner, hyde, nanase, gordeau

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nah, even if i'm the worst red, you still deserve orange/red for beating me. I don't think you appreciate how amazing my phonon is.

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this image was made by a wagner player 100%

>Wagner Intermediate
Doubtful. I'd put Nanase up in that intermediate area instead.

sorry hippy....hic i'd happily fight you but pc lobby needs my attentions.

Wagner is a fair and balanced character with no mixups.

Sent to you by the wagner gang

fuck 3c day

It was also the first time I've managed to beat you soundly in months.
This but unironically

Well that was an interesting match, haha.

lektric, just work on more reliable confirms.
And just improve your knowledge on what your opponent's character is capable of.

Wait, I spaghetti'd all my shit against yuzu LOL
I couldn't confirm my 5C off of 2C everytime almost. Should've went to lab a few hits first, yikes

if anyone wants to watch pc lobby just give me the word so I can put my internet to good use

to be fair, almost nobody has beaten me in months, since i barely show up lately. still i think you'd be soundly in red rank if you hadn't got stuck in light blue hell like that.

I'm guessing the PS lobby is full then?

god dammit that chaos timing fucks me up. every. single. time.


I put up a second PS lobby if anyone wants to play me
same pass

Hopefully this year we'll be able to actually do offline Yea Forums tourneys.

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How full is the PC lobby?

I finally got a new controller so I'm going to be breaking it in. I know the pad/buttons are objectively better than the now-mushy ones I've been using for a year, but man did my execution get even shittier than usual.

Also got a new cable so I'll hopefully be able to play regularly on PC more without as many issues.

Do you think the characters look better in BBtag or the original game?

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>all these delayed confirms for match start

Is everyone watching Wrestlemania now?

I'll accompany you in abit friend.

Also, how do I stop fucking up all my inputs? For some reason i seem to just fuck up all my button presses and joystick inputs so i fuck up all my combos.

one slot open

I'll hop in after my next turn

>on the same level as Elt
yeah, no

one open spot


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Don't fuck up and that'll solve your problems :^)


ggs everyone. gonna go to bed seeing as I can't even dashblock anymore.

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GGs broski. Maybe next time we'll fight (and next time I hope I don't keep dropping 2C after the air stuff)!

GGs Dia. I want you to know your dashblock is crazy good, but that's part of why i can grab you. since it's really hard for anyone to react to grabs when they're command dashblocking.


>cheering for evil shane
I don't have an image to express my disgust, here's the best i've got.

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The only art Tag did better than UNI is Hyde,
because his mouth is actually visible. The girls were okay but Higuchi really cannot draw muscles as evidence by Gord and Wald's weirdass looks.

GGs. I'm competing locally this weekend so I'll be coming every night to grind a bit. Gotta show the evo bandwagoners their place.
BBTAG art is slick and honestly I think it does look better in most instances but it wouldn't fit the original game.


Might be early to call it but it definitely looks like I need more work on my Enkidu play. At least I'm not relying on auto-combo stuff too much anymore.

Also heads up for those people in lobby 2, 3 spaces are open if you wanna join up!

Haven't watched in a long while but I'm a fan of the over-the-top heel personalities of the McMahons.

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hope you're good at that merk game. i get aggresive when i'm drinking.

>that 4k vatista combo
huh, interesting


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>only intermediate

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Don't panic EX if you get confirm.
Unless you're in the corner, 236C is a pretty rocking starter but that's situational

goodnight sweet anonymous poster

she's not hard desu

Anything involving high altitude drills does a ton of damage. Like Vat can hit 5k for 100 meter if she catches you with a full A drill>CS

So many people for a Sunday night.

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Darn, friends are pestering me to play CS with em'! Haha. Guess I'll give Enkidu 1 more go before tapping out.

Roger that. I'll try to save it. Some of the neat stuff I learned while watching Frosty was that with havoc, can go from 236A > B and then sweep with 2B for another combo variation. Or at least that's what I wrote in my notepad.

Seems like something that'd be fun to lab up.

Fuck me that's a hard input. Normally I try to do clean recordings, but I can't get it consistent. Too slow and I get counter hit, too fast and the teleport eats the 236B input

I know some people aren't the biggest fans of the original style I love it I think it's got a rough doujinsoft charm to it

>that delayed 236C

Yeah it was just pretty sick seeing it

I think the birthday art is better than both.

And just as I said I wouldn't panic EX too, hahaha!

Oh well, guess I'll have to just get it out of my system.

GGs bros and have a good night!

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Which one
Admittedly, 214C fakeouts are probably a bit smarter but still dangerous. You want to parry at the last possible moment to catch people trying to think they can counterattack.

These ones

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EX Bee Drill hurts
VO hurts harder

That was one thing I didn't hear a peep from really during the stream interestingly enough.

A fair amount of the Enkidu stuff was about how to bait green shields so you could punish with Enkidu's long pokes and whatnot.

He's also considering doing a weekly saturday showdown matches where random people in stream could fight eachother in FT7. Got bodied both times I participated but had fun!

>Sei is also good with hilda
that's not fair! i suck against her too! you should only be allowed to play against character's i'm used to losing too!

>azhi getting murdered by the light ball
im sorry bro...

From what I've played with him, Frosty doesn't like parrying as much without CS. Rikir is more on that end with using parries.
Hopefully Yoshihara doesn't forget Hyde's mouth on the 14th

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man that's nto fair! people shouldn't be allowed to be both better than me AND soberer than me. i'll see you guys tomorrow. GGS hippie and Sei.

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I don't know why round start gunshot counterhits always make me laugh so hard.

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Almost as funny as round start Grim Reaper

I prefer the Uni style more even with this character, but BBtag art is still pretty good.

I don't think I should've taken that 2 month break.

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orie wanted nothing to do with that 623c

Ggs dude. The alcohol was kicking your ass, not me.

nah i'm pretty shit sober lately. if you put in regular effort you'll pass me in no time. alchohal is no excuse for my general laziness. I barely play enough to stay better than Icey.

i have a hyde dash c addiction

I have a Shadow Scare addiction

Never really got the Wagner hype. I'd much rather fight her than any of the elite 4.

Anyone got Gif requests? So far I did Hyde spin gif and Byakuya spin.

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Hey PC lobby I'm getting tired but there's a lot of you right now. One of you guys should set up a new lobby and migrate if you're all still looking to play

well its 2 am, ggs pc lobby.

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If anyone wants to try their luck against me let me know. I'm not going to bed quite yet so i can play a bit more. I've only thrown up (manually) for the third time tonight so i'm not that far gone if anyone wantts the matchup experience. just tell me what platform you wnat me to log in on.

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Ggs Hippie. I've been meaning to ask is Hyde's Dark lotus plus on block?

GGs everyone and to you sei.
If you'd like some advice from a guy who got killed by royal a lot, you never really want to make me comfortable blocking you. You want to constantly guess high-low whenever you're putting me in a string. I'd suggest using more 5BB or 66B/C to keep people locked and keep people guessing with pins and pillars. Also more orbs to either cover your ass in defense or your approach.
Whenever you got the oki with orb, that teleport shenanigans are the right idea, do more of it, a ton of people eat the classic j[C] close to the ground or a cancel into jB if they block the j[C], or just the empty into a low or a grab.

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ggs bro

I should probably call it too, too much akatsuki spaghetti and bad inputs

I was interested in her addition since EXE Late with the whole sword and board shtick is my jam but the bandwagoning seems to have gotten strong with her as time went on. I sort of wish she used the shield more in her attacks instead of kicks but oh well.

I make fun of all icey all the time and he deserves it a couple times but he's definitely gotten better. Annoyingly he doesn't understand how or why he's gotten better and it doesn't help that he plays a character that's damn near impossible to punish most of the time to teach him a lesson but yeah.

GGs PC dudes. I could probably squeeze in some more play but the smart thing to do would be to go to bed.

Icey's definietley an odd case in that he's bad, but he's incredibly good at the haracter he's bad at. LIke it's crazy how good he is with Yuzu, but at the sametime he really should be better at her. he's like Schrodinger's newb

I wanna see Vatista babababa.gif actually, if you can do that.

GGs PC lobby. Seemed like I was having a bunch of network issues as we were playing tonight, sorry about that. Hopefully you were all connecting to one another better than you were to me. Don't know if that was just a hosting thing or if my computer is running shitty or what

>but at the sametime he really should be better at her.
I don't think it's specific to the way he plays her much less than his general understanding of the game and the fighting game genre as a whole has a ton of gaps. It's tough to capitalize on said gaps to teach him what he's doing wrong when his character is damn near a fullscreen away, has fast as shit teleports, and a 1 frame side-step that's also doable in the air.

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now that I have a chance to type, damn I feel like I was actually starting to establish a throw mix and grd game during that set
also some of that shit you broke out those last few rounds was super tricky and got my ass good atic

Still would like to see vatistaspin

So where can I get the OST?

>there's asecond ps4 lobby
nice my drunkass was getting owrried that i hadn't embarrassedmyself enoguh tonight.



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Wtf that's just a bunch of dolphin porn. Thanks user

I sure hope inthe next game we'll be able to have everyone in the cover like in Late

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I really thought that IWEXS would work orz

Anything specific?
The aerial one?

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let's go BENCH!!!! let's go BENCH!!!!!. you got this bench i believe you can beat this yuuz punk!

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Woops gif messed up.

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pls, this is where you're supposed to cheer for the blue square underdog

How cruel to compliment me behind my back. Do it to my face, fuckers.

sorry, if Icey's taught me anything it's that Yuzu players on the whole are depraved lunatics who don't deserve any support or love.

I do, you generally don't take my criticisms seriously

I wish I could master the impossibly complex input of actually waking up with VO when I want instead of fucking it up several times and getting punished for it

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Wait, we have another blue square yuzu? I thought Lamp got out of it.

Fuck you Icey you suck! you decieve people into thinking Yuzu is easy to play by lying to them in any thread hwere the question comes up, you're a terrib le person and your only redeeming quality is the competence with which you play Yuzuz.

Icy is a known outlier. We Yuzu players are a soft-spoken bunch just trying to do our best with our humble mid-tier character against the hordes of Phonons and Akatsukis

Please buff Yuzu next patch French Bread and make 4B frame 1 active

drill spins and 66C please

Crouching babababa would be nice. Air babababa would be great too.

I appreciate your work!

Also 66B if you can.

>our humble mid-tier character
Nah, she's fairly high. It's just difficult to play her at that level where she's basically untouchable.

If phonon's taught me anything in the past year it's that either she's mid tier or i'm a retard. I'm hoping it's the former so she'll get buffed in the future, but i have nothing but respect for non-Iceybros who play Yuzu. You guys are crazy for picking such a rough character to play.

I deceive no one , if I did I'd be a politician.
Compliment me more and criticize me with compliments.

She's considered Top 3 because she gets great returns from long range, consistent mid-high 3k damage off stray hits and projectiles that invalidate other projectiles too.

Yeah I think its both j.C and 66C or something like that.

Kure and Tari are outliers too, please don't be deceived. Yuzu is a low-tier character in desperate need of buffs

All right, the new controller's feeling better and less stiff, but I've gotta go do something now. I'll leave it at spectating in the small chance I can come back and play again.

I wish hippie could have the internet park has, since it was a rock solid 3f for like 25 matches even though it's a CA-MW connection and it's always like that in our matches. I still can't believe I have seen an instance of UNI netcode actually being consistently good.

Ya ain't foolin me

Is Orie that much of an Unga? She always seemed the character of the spacing type like Faust, but it seems people really hate playing against her.

alll of that may be true,but there's something wrong with a character that requires you to be sober to capitalize on any of her capabilities.

A bit in high level play she's got range, speed, and insane delay windows.

all i know is she gets away with too much bullshit

personally i think she's fairly balanced, but atic beats me 10/11 trimes so maybe i'm just used to her unga and she' actually OP. I don't think so though, currently i blame my badness for why i lose to Orie. i haven't quite given intoblieveing she's such a gorilla yet.

Also ggs everyone

ggs, got to try/see a lot of new stuff during those

>have to catch an orie sleeping to actually punish them
I have to straight up turn off my brain and confuse both of us to have a chance

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atic quit afking and fight me.

Will I found this spin which I thought was a lot better than the aeriel one she does. I'll try the 66B next. Also are the backgrounds okay being black? I don't know how to make it transparent in Premiere without fucking everything up so I could make it white.

Attached: Vat-Spin.gif (500x500, 83K)

Sorry but see , you should've arrived before park and I played two dozen matches

That one is 66B.
Thank you.

That's her 66B

that's fine, i may be sobering up, but i still deserve to lose a bunch of matches to park with the way i'm playing tonight. Hopefully he cna learn something from the sad quality of game i'm putting on tonight. (assumign he's not alreayd better thanme ).

Me and merk used to have decent connections once upon a time.

Oh, well then. I'll get another Vat spin out.

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I still say Yuzu is the best character in the game.
I don't think Orie is a bunga. She's just annoyingly safe and hard to punish, enabling her to get away with a lot of dumb shit that would leave other characters kissing the floor.

You've still got me to style on.

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Sorry I've been pretty out of the loop for a while, the only person i recognize who posts anime images like Satania, is GonD, who doesn't play anymore.

He plays on PC

then he's a master of avoiding me. I bought the PC version so i could bully him, but the two times i've tried to play PC he's not been on.

He's not named GonD on pc

Maybe also her grab tech please.

I do still play.

Attached: 22f839bc86e106bab8a2120299f34a03.gif (500x482, 748K)

well i'm coming for you! sure i may play incredibly rarely, and even though i've bought PC and play it even rarerly you better watch out son.
But seriously if you want to play me hit me up sometime. my Steam name is the same as my PSN.

Either I'm just tired af or autistic but I couldn't find her aerial spin.

Attached: Vatista-Flip.gif (500x500, 121K)

Alright. I'll be on tuesday at least. After this week they're slashi g hours left and right so i should be able to make more nights for a while.

>I tried warning you about charge characters bro.gif
These are great thank you.

tuesday on PC? i'll make an effort to be on then. although i'm still really garbage at playing on PC it'll be fun to play you again.

GG's bench and co. I'm sobering up so it's time for me to go to bed.

Attached: Phonon 3C you later.jpg (1024x822, 83K)

>all these Vatista gifs now
>stream I'm watching for Wrestlemania is just about to play Batista vs HHH

Looking forward to this.

Attached: vat.jpg (595x842, 222K)

I've tried more than once to get a Vatista bomb drawing done in the drawthreads. albeit more than once was like 6 times total.

Attached: Vatista bomb.png (1030x1229, 792K)

What do you want to be drawn. I am mediocre but if I had a few days I could pull something off.
No promises as to quality of couse.


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Not him but I definitely need more Hyde and Orie stuff

Hyde and Hilda stuff sorry.

Fuck off, icey

Hey, I didn't lose orange

oh hey cool, I'm a red square now and sha is gonna knock me back to orange
park or training pls

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Not him but the description sounds like Vatista performing a Batista bomb throw (there exists gifs/youtube videos of it).

Everyone wants it

You don't count as everyone

i wouldnt mind hilda teasing hyde
nice suggestion icey

Yes, I do.

Everyone knows the patrician choice is Hyde and Vatista

I'll do my best!

>phonon doesn't get paired with anyone
>this leads to a very sad amount of fanart of her
it's an abstract kind of feel lads

Not like most commissioned fanart are ever story related. She's got Nanase at least

Attached: D1OVsQsVAAAXkLS.jpg orig.jpg (803x1109, 114K)

Hyde playing Hyde and go seek with Vatista.

holy shit I finally did my 200% VO route in a match

Attached: __phonon_under_night_in_birth_drawn_by_eric_muentes__5e6e553b3f60b8af655e930c28e85053.png (612x1056, 1.02M)

Attached: 97255c6f86017d523f415c70ae85de01.png (1345x2060, 1.78M)

it's impossible to hate hyde if you're a female
he's a pussy slayer

Clip it

even nanase, the person who wants revenge on hyde has a crush on hyde
how does he do it

Main character power.

it's standard and it's actually one of the easier ones
end in 214bb>623c>CS the startup of the top of the pillar>VO>236c>41236D

Keep it for posterity

Too tired to think. ggs everyone

ah man I almost had that, I really need to be better about CSing with D instead of AD against airborne players

ggs park
man phonon does a lot of damage, that shit smarts

also atic, if you check in here, i moved into my new spot. im joining you in twc land and so far it feels...ok???

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delayed wakeup 66b is something else with byak, one second he's lying face down and then the next you're getting hit low at roundstart distance

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you have some really nice setups and punishes my guy, those 200% vorpal routes look sick
I need to figure out how to keep you out of the air somehow...

I'm working a lot on being optimal but I still fuck up a lot. I actually couldnt think of what to do in one combo at the end of a round where I was low enough to IWEXS but also IW would have killed anyway and just dropped the whole damn thing.

As for keeping me out of the air thats kind of a tall order with phonon because you either commit to j.[c]/ff or get really good with your dp
You'll be able to snipe me out of neutral webs someday but the real hard part is gonna be dealing with the assaults in pressure

yeah, trying to pick things up and figure out how to end them with whatever meter you have left in VO is super hard regardless of the character. being able to make a snap decision about where you can route to spend it all and EX into IW to optimize is definitely one of the hardest things to do in the game imo.

I kinda just have to hold the assaults or roll the dice but I don't want online games to push me to the latter. I've been implementing some more throw OS so maybe I can use that more in those situations. I definitely do need to be better about using 214b to anti air in that matchup since your jump normals eat FF for breakfast.