Is there a better stealth game?

Is there a better stealth game?

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Deus Ex wasnt a good stealth game at all but it was a good rpg and a fun shooter.
>maxed out heavy weapons with GEP gun and jumping augments

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Thief is better for stealth. What makes the stealth good in DX is that it's one viable option among many.

Should I play the first one or should I jump into the second? I've heard the first one didn't age well at all.

Sly Cooper 2

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The criticism against the first game is that you spend a fair amount of time exploring crypts with monsters rather than straight cat-burglary. They're both worth playing.

This, I also liked how the game rarely pushed you into stealth. You had your brother want you to do it, but then Anna favored the run and gun approach, but aside from a few hostage situations you were pretty much free to play the level as you saw fit. Meanwhile in the prequels the added the stupid stealth exp bonuses making action oriented gameplay much less rewarding.

AsSaSsInS cReEd


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If you ain't maxin out speed and melee running at mach 7 one shotting every enemy with the dragon sword you're not playing deus ex right

>twitter meme text

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SOCOM had some rewarding stealth missions.

heavy weapons with speed/high jump > melee

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>he didn't max out swimming

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>maxing swimming when you can just max out enviromental skill instead

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>I've heard the first one didn't age well at all.
That's only true for a few missions. Some of them are straight up masterpieces (The Sword comes to mind).

Just jump into Thief 2. If you like it, you can go back to thief 1 for more.

Dishonoured 2 is a better stealth game, but not a better game as a whole.

Chaos Theory

Environmental training doesn't make you swim any faster, stupid retard.

Why do you ever need to swim fast when you have a rebreather?


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>swim slow and be dependent or consumables
>swim 3x faster and not need consumables
What a hard decision. Swimming is literally the only useful skill in DX, I don't get the meme that it is bad.