Who's the best Tales girl?
Tales of
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This one!
She has nice pits
An important quality!
I don't know, but right now I want to bear hug Estelle
I love Grune!
Only right answer in this thread
Mint, clearly.
All the ladyposting makes me want to get back to an unfinished Tales game so I actually have something fresh to say.
Nothing wrong with that user.
Like this style.
Definitely play more, we need fresh people in threads besides the people that call every game that isn't their favourite shit
Sadly I have no Raine picture that fall in that category.
She's so cute but her game is so boring I never finished it.
I didn't realize that the Narikiri Dungeon 3 was finally translated a few days ago
Her english VA is just as annoying as (Ka)Moana
What do the funny runes say?
I don't know.
Tales of the World characters get no love
He just said "that's right" you filthy unclultured baka gaijin
I-I'm sorry.
No, thank you. I should get to finishing one day but I'd have to start over from forgetting everything that happened. Also playable Alisha.
There's the DLC that I heard everyone hated too.
finishing it*
I guess giving it another shot wouldn't hurt. I never finished it either though.
built for bwc
Patty and Presea of course.
hey this is an odd time but can anyone familiar with Vesperia Definitive Edition give me a little help? I'm basically confused as to the whole Fell Arms thing
do I avoid getting all nine so as to avoid the FINAL final boss who is stupidly hard, instead beating the game normally, then going into postgame, getting the last fell arm, and then they're all powered up so I can use them on difficult postgame shit (excluding said final final boss, who I would then go beat when I'm all done and ready to go to a 2nd playthrough), or is getting all the fell arms and fighting the final final boss kind of a prerequisite to the postgame shit including powered-up fell arms?
Is ND3 worse than 2. I remember playing 2 but finding it a little too repetitive, even for a GBA game.
Blame the director. These guys all did a great job but it's clear they didn't get good direction (or else the director didn't have the heart to double the already massive length of dialogue they had to read by going for a second take). There's so many situations where a sentence is emphasized wrong because they don't have the context because they're just reading a phonebook full of lines. Actually that goes back pretty far I think, I recall Sheena in Symphonia just randomly saying 'the summon spirit Volt' in a way that sounded like he was the only one, and as if this was the first time summon spirits had been brought up.. leading me to think that was the first line recorded about them
Are we talking about Zestiria? I know I finished it in two big bursts, built up the interest again.
I never would have thought anyone was still cracking at it!
This series cannot go wrong with silver hair, it seems.
That situation reminded me of VanilleVanil? i dunno from FF13 where she ended up sounding like a cringy hooker because the director wanted it to be that way
A girl that didn't win MC blow
Short hair and exposed tummy is a winning combination
>Go to Sassoon
>She changes Judith's full-armor costume so the mask is gone so you can see her face
>awesome. Glad they put that in the remake
>Go there after getting frog costume for Karol
>maybe I can use the body and not the hea- oh..
>adds the frog head to all of his other costumes
>including the puffy bloomers girl outfit
okay sure
Is Raine a virgin? I seem to recall a dialogue where she can't do something because she's not pure or a woman or something.
Judith, because ara-ara archetype gives my dick the twitches.
She's a literal healslut.
I'm sure she and Genius got up to a little bonding when times got lonely
Her beta/SNES sprite design is better.
It's a mystery
It's confirmed. She's used goods.
It's pretty cute.
I can still hear the squealy high pitched "Fasto Eido!" along with the crackling "Ei!"
Don't bully her. She's rather sensitive about it.
Fun fact: Symphonia is actually a distant prequel to Phantasia detailing how the tree of Yggdrasil came to be. Of course, the tree fucking dies in the beginning of Phantasia while the Dhaos, the antagonist, was trying to revive it, so you were the villain all along. Kinda like how Berseria is to Zestiria
I like how a lot of the inconsistencies between the magic systems and shit in those two games were explained away by the very very end of Symphonia 2, as much as people rag on that game. it bridged the gap and explained how all that was possible.
She's such a dang cutie but I wish I didn't know she was only added in later versions because it's so obvious sometimes when she pipes up in conversations that she's basically going "and Larry!"
Sorry, but that games isn't real. Please erase it from your memory at once.
Lloyd definitely pounded her while Genis listened in silence in another room
Why do their clothes make them look like they got Ora Ora'd by Star Platinum?
At this point Zestiria is exponentially more hated than Symphonia 2
you'll never take away the memory of the sweetest romance ever
not to mention one of the most epic ends for a classic Tales well-meaning villain. hugely inspiring to me. I wrote a character once based on the idea of what it would be like after so many years of torment
You posted her
If it makes it feel a bit better there were files in the original release that referrenced her. She was planned to be in the game but wasn't put in until they actually finished the game with PS3
At least Zestiria got an anime which "fixed" a lot of things Monkey's paw style
>sweetest romance ever
Come the fuck on.
Definitely not tear. Reminds me way too much of my sister with that hairstyle over the eye.
Collette is cute though. Raine too.
Just give it to her, Onii-chan.
The D___________
that makes me feel way better, thank you. though I still have some fucking questions about her..
It's so weird to me how people will judge Tales games based on the clichés they use to blindside you from the twists. I think legitimately falling in love with a fucking god and getting him to actually love you back is pretty special.
Nah she's happily married with her second husband and 3 kids.
She cute.
That's a real gay post, guy.
>tfw don't know Japanese but wound up buying Rebirth
I hope playing with the line by line translation doesn't get annoying since the game looks really fun
I wanted Rita to be my waifu, I really did. she has most everything right
if she was just 20% less of a bitch
Anime fucked up more things than it saved. It actually made me look back at Zestiria's ingame plot and appreciate it more because of how bad the anime adaptation was. Maybe it was a good thing Alisha got ditched.
Then she wouldn't be Rita. You need a blunt, undeveloped autist to contrast Estelle's unbearable level of cute sweetness anyway
When's the next mainline game getting announced?
The only good thing about Zestiria. Shame her game was too shit.
Alisha is one of the blandest characters in the entire series, she's a fucking side character that got main cast status
Raine fucks old townsmens for shelter for her little brother.
duke dosent activate his final form the first time you fight him even if you got all the fell arms. you can always fight him on the post game save anytime you want.
I love her bluntness! Really.. it's just.. Quit pummeling Karol! What'd he ever do? she's meaner to him than to Judith, whom she has an actual reason to be mad at. Fuck, she's meaner to Karol than to Raven.
okay thanks! that directly contradicts the information I've read online, but at this point that doesn't shock me. People have trouble juggling all these versions I think.
I got all the fell arms, including the two from the Necropolis, and fought him on a non-postgame file, and he went into fuckyou mode.
It's teasing because he's the only one younger than her that isn't completely irrelevant to the party dynamic, AND he's a member of the opposite sex, AND she's a social autist that doesn't really know when to stop
Neither Raine or Sheena are virgins, they cannot get close to the unicorn because they know the taste of semen
I want to play Vesperia but I cannot find it cheap, the only one that I found was from a russian site and I don't know if I can activate that in Mexico
excuse me. i was wrong. he dose activate his final form if you got all the fell arms but the two last one (flynns and pattys) are locked in the new super dungeon. just fight duke without getting them so he wont rape you then get them by post game since by that point, you should be strong enough to beat him.
I can't believe there's no Doujin of this yet.
Nips, stop being lazy you fucks!
what games
So cute.
Doesn't Sheena go too?
Damn i fucking love these lewd angle
okay so i should hold off on the last one, and the suckers will still activate when I get em all, so I can rape the hard postgame shit, and then come back and fight his new hardest form later
the last one for me to collect IS in that place you mentioned, so yeah that's why I was deilberating whether to get it first or not. I got some impression that you couldnt activate their effects until after getting raped by that guy
First two are Abyss and last is Berseria
The OP girl is from Tales of the Abyss.
Third is from tales of berseria
She does, but she still tasted it
´>I got some impression that you couldnt activate their effects until after getting raped by that guy
the weapons are sealed until duke un-seals them. you get the un-sealed versions in NG+ if you pick them in the grade shop.
I would never let go
I thought I had the cutest costumes for her as it is, never being quite satisfied with any, until I got her prince outfit.. and put dog ears on it. and now she's just too precious
real actual spoiler here when I was told her power would start draining her life, I fucking stopped using her. I refused. Like you can come with us but no more power usage for you, ever. Karol and Flynn became the designated healsluts
Good point.
and does he unseal them by you fighting that nasty extra hard form? because that's annoying but understandable. either way I guess my goal is the same. but I was told you could use them on at least some of the postgame shit in the definitive edition
I can think of better settings...
You haven't lived until you've given her rosy cheeks
Me too
How do I make female Guts my wife?
I want to turn Judith into a half-Krityan producing baby factory!
you fighting that nasty extra hard form? because that's annoying but understandable
but I was told you could use them on at least some of the postgame shit in the definitive edition
you know what, maybe you can. you should check it out since i didint do that.
Tales as a whole doesn't get as many doujins as one would think the series would, and a lot of it is yaoi.
i-is that an attachment?
Martha will always have a special place in my heart
Posting the superior stinky genius mage.
thanks for helping to clear this shit up. this game is pretty good overall at not letting you screw things up and miss out on content, aside from just a few little tiny things that Tales never quite dropped, like when you have a branching path and one path has a treasure chest and another has a cutscene that leads you out of the location you can't get back to.
Too many fujos are into Tales, it's kinda lame honestly
For me, it's Tear
Beat the tag team tournament on savage difficulty a second time
I take it that Yuri and the Zestiria Bros should be blamed for this? Along with the entirety of Xillia 1 + 2
Hubert got good taste.
oh yeah, no problem..
fuck that's a 2nd playthrough thing isn't it
>that one guy/girl that did all of the vanilla yuri/judith doujins
What a hero.
And Asbel and Richard in Graces.
It's the reason why Yuri won popularity polls so soundly to the point where Bamco had to ban him from them after a certain point to give other characters a fighting chance.
Fujos often eat up a lot of Tales merchandise and that's probably where Bamco makes a lot of money outside of the games themselves when it comes to this series, but a lot of fujos don't even play the games.
Cheria and Natalia each have a little series of doujins.
A Rita I haven't seen before? That's high quality? And it's stuck on Twitter? FUCK that place.
>Grindiest Tales game
>Hides the best girl in the fucking postgame.
It's a bold strategy Cotton.
>No doujin of Mint getting raped by armored old men in the first dungeon
>No Suzu Fujibayashi the descendant of Sheena getting captured and gangbanged
FUCK! This world is so unfair bros!
did it bug anyone else how judith's ears are too high on her conversation portraits?
Yuri's awesome because he's badass without being foolhardy, stoic without being wooden or cold, and knows it's necessary to kill when the law fails people, without turning into a psychopath or an edgelord. He sticks to what he believes in and faces all the consequences of those actions head-on. He's the hero the world of anime and games needs.
You just posted her
>literally just started playing Berseria today
>best girl gets killed off during the tutorial
Dat voice and those boobs though.
Don't >> me
Twitter is such a shit platform for finding good JP artists. It's a fucking pain in the ass to find what you're looking for in the first place. Even if you do find and follow some good artists, you have to deal with them spamming you feed with food pictures and, for fujos, selfie images with emojis covering their faces inbetween the art you want to see.
Them loving Yuri is a case of them having good taste for once though, he's easily one of the best JRPG protagonists out there
You forgot spamming gatcha rolls.
she likes em young
Next remaster we get should be Abyss right?
>Gives Raven the ability to have Schwann hair on his normal outfit
>not the other way around
fuck me
The 3DS version was the remaster haha
Elize's tiny baby hands are much worse.
god the portrait art is always so close to perfect but you see it over and over so flaws stick right out
ingame art has come a long way but Rita's mouth always makes me doubletake when she talks
Namco did probably put the very first mouth in games.
I could say that about the ps3 version of Vesperia user
Inomata's stupid lips bother the fuck out of me but all the fujos love it, and the last game Fujishima worked on was apparently worse than two holocausts so fuck me I guess
And you'd be right.
You're gonna tell me where to get that hairbun and yellow nurse-esque costume right now. I just got to the mercenary guild town in Vesperia.
Even though it's pretty evident normally how amazing Chloe's body is, I always thought she deserved something a bit more revealing
That's understandable.
Chloe Valens is pretty cool
As in pretty and cool
Beryl is top tier cute.
And cute
I want to ruffle and pat her cute hair and tug on her sidelocks
Ok I literally just bought Vesperia, what am I in for?
Of course.
well that was an odd scene. Judith revealed Hermes was her dad
... but didnt his notes have ciphered text revealing he's Rita's dad?
You posted her already
But i also love this smug witch
a pretty excellent story that takes quite a while to show itself for what it's going to be
a lot of shit they introduce you to that you can't actually finish or barely even start until significantly farther in, sometimes the end of the game
and a few very easily missable sidequest triggers. do yourself a favor and use this sub-events guide at least ameblo.jp
Why does Chloe wear such a tight bodysuit?
She loves the way it feels against her abs.
Special Knight attre.
Better question: how does she even put it on? It doesn't have any visible zippers or even seams.
Tales of Rebirth translation soon bros... right?
A sensible answer, thanks a lot user! I'm used to those things in Tales of games tho, so no problem there. I actually played a few Tales of games in the past, and now I own all of the steam games. I've been wanting to play Vesperia since it was released on the xbox, when they announced the DE I got really happy, and I'm glad I can play it now.
I really should try to use steam to catch up on the non-nintendo ones i otherwise couldnt play
I wish they would port Xillia too, I'm missing those from the ps3
by the way I wasn't just whistling dicks about fucking up sidequests
let's just say there's a town very near the end of the game that has FUCKTONS of sidequest triggers, and for a half hour now i've been going back in and back in and back in to get this scene to play at an inn, and it finally has, after a bunch of other scenes, and after normal inn-resting happened without a scene.. all for a 12-part thing i'd been doing all along that, if i messed it up, i'd miss out on a character's ultimate weapon. and what's even worse, the sidequest guide I linked you implies this all takes place during a part that you have to do all in one go because if you save and come back it's broken or something
speaking of, you're playing switch version right? save often. I wouldn't say this game crashes a lot, but it's so easy to play for ages and get a lot done and then when it does crash, you'll have lost so much
Hearts R port when?
Graces F port when?
Xillia duology port when?
Nurse, I'm ready for the injection... your injection
I guess the only way it makes sense is if Rita just found that name in another book and took it as her own
after all she wouldn't even be the first person you meet using Mordio as an alias.
This is legitimately hot and I can fap to this art alone I don't know why
Damn, gotta be careful then. Playing the PC version btw
Fujishima fucking that cosplayer and getting pregnant fucked him and his career up. Reason he didn't get brought back for the new Sakura Wars is because of all the drama around him
Karma is the best OP in the series, just try to prove me wrong
Velvet, one billion time over.
I had no idea that happened. Goes to show how much I was paying attention when it came to him in the past few years, damn.
I'm stil mad about what the anime did to Sorey.
>Game Sorey- reasonable and chill guy who doesn't believe in absolutes. Down to Earth. Acknowledges that he's human, and not the savior of mankind. Achieves his goal, completes his mission and fucks off with Mikleo.
>Anime Sorey- Moralfag who believes absolutely that killing is wrong even in self defense. "What dragons can turn back into seraphim its just that no one has ever tried it". Literally a God in human form. Yet doesn't achieve his goals, falls short of completing his mission (so one else does it), and still fucks off with Mikleo.
The animation studio that handles Tales got into legal trouble, so who knows.
I hope they go bankrupt
Legal trouble? What the fuck happened?
The only good thing the show did was let Lunare have a last hurrah at the ass end of it all
What? Really? I don't remember hearing anything about that.
Tax evasion apparently. Dumb nips.
It happened 2 weeks ago and ufotable is more known for their fate anime so it'd understandably go under the radar if you're not a fate fan.
We all know it's her
They could always go back to Production I.G.
Everyone knows that already
More likely they'll have the mobage animators (Wit) animate the motherships too.
So let's keep posting best girl
>The only good thing the show did was let Lunare have a last hurrah at the ass end of it all
They did Lunarre dirty though
interesting design choice
I love Tear, Kohaku and Velvet
Good taste.
I fap to Edna pics twice today
I think theres something wrong with me.
She's a good girl.
I wonder how well the original plan for the game would have turned out.
funny how everyone forgets about destiny 2 and rebirth girls
Rebirth girls get some love. Even it's mostly Annie posting. You got me on Destiny 2 though
That doesn't look much like Merlin.
1995 was already "retro" in 2001? Also, nice Hogwarts in the background.