ITT: real life video game bosses
ITT: real life video game bosses
More like a tutorial boss. Look at this faggot
Looks more like a trainer or a hero of another story.
I wish he would die already.
the boulder of fallujah?
He's the hero's mentor, and before the hero embarks on his journey you have to fight him.
You can come back later and fight him again and he'll fight you at his full strength and he's one of the hardest bosses in the game.
you kill his dog in the first phase and it makes him get big
Dude looks like a boy scout who never stopped scouting
Did Tripwire ever got around to making that riot shield or not?
>I'm putting a team together for one last job
There's already a thread for this Use the catalog BEFORE POSTING, ALWAYS
>soros literally refuses to die so much that he already transplanted his soul into another being
I don’t see a single boss in this room.
it's the gimmick boss battle that's nothing but a bunch of adds
Immune while adds are up.
It's the assassin in the back looking at you, notice he has a unique skin compared to the rest
ah yes, the shadow man
What the fuck the other thread is gone boys. Fuck jannies and their no fun allowed policy.
>final boss did it all for free
>back when this first came out
>people joked about him being a boss in MGSV
If only we knew.
exactly as planned
>those adds spawning out the door while the boss recovers
Probably found this on /fit/. Don't know the context.
i was expecting you, [game company]
>boss looks like the otherwise unremarkable regular enemies, but is infinitely more powerful
looks like the fags from the other thread full of shit memes showed up. see ya later; it was fun while it lasted
>boss is just a regular mob
>but with red eyes
and this was from /x/
>boss is just a normal dude but in an inaccessible area where you need to slowly get to while he destroys your cover
>all of the regular mobs have red eyes, so they gave him a hat instead
la luz extinguido...
y'all come on these are pure Yea Forums shit
what? I know you're not talkin about me but it's not exactly easy collecting original content. A few years ago I had a treasure trove of memes and stuff on a old desktop pc but it dies and ever since then I never gathered a good collection again. adult life has made it too damn difficult to be some wise oldfag with a library of memes.
deacons of the deep
it died*
I swear windows used to autocorrect any typos I made.
>Boss summons mirror images
The thread is about bosses, not justified underdog heroes.
Left dog: Electricity
Right dog: Water
>Humans die in a single hit, but can't be attacked until the dogs die and the dogs need to die within 5 seconds of each other or else they just resurrect one another
>when the villain has better motives than the hero
>mosque level
>boss comes in swinging two scimitars
>immediately get crushed by the actual boss
>who wields a shotgun
naginta naginta big black naginta
>Protagonist of the previous game is the antagonist of the sequel
>asian """""""""men"""""""""""
show me your move white boy
>Hero makes it out, beaten within an inch of his life
>Game is about hunting down those that left him for dead
i-i'm joking pls dont send me to the re-education camps Huang Lao
I forgot he died. Goodnight sweet prince.
Mods always delete these threads for some reason. Despite being more vidya-related than 60% of the catalog
His 16 year old female apprentice will carry on his will, and with it the fight for justice.
As long as it isn't EGS exclusive, I'm in.
Yea Forums is only for twitter screencaps, blatant marketing, and political outrage now.
>multiple enemy boss battle
>guy with white sunglasses is a corrupted priest who can silence the player, heal the group, and a damage over time dark magic curse on the player
that's all I got. I don't have all of my creative juices flowing so Idk about the rest. The boss of course is the blue guy...or is he?... maybe it's actually the guy in the very back on the right
put a damage over time dark magic curse on the player*
Varg finnally become mad
Optional boss I won’t bother defeating lookin ass
>Tfw he write the bible
>le from software style reoccurring boss
>first you fight one
>then you fight two of them
>then you fight three and one of them has lightning attack
you came into the wrong forest fool
>absorbs your allies when they die and adds their faces to his suit
>absorbs their skills
get out furry faggot. we know thats a actual miniboss from sekiro.
No, in my setting he's just a 'family man'.
>Need to attack the head when it unzips to reveal his true face
Brothers Brew.
Truth is, game was rigged from the start
Why do top military officers always look like poindexters?
You gotta be a smart nigga to tell dumb niggas how to kill sandniggas.
Look how stacked this mother fucker is.
>You may have bested my troops user...
>But there is a good reason I sta d at the head of them all! May the best man win!
>The Man Who Would Not Be King
HP: [/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////]
>corrupted blasphemer
What the actual fuck?
Fly in the exact position he wants it in.
>Villain lost his family due to experiment gone wrong
>Wears this outfit to force himself to remember what he has done and their sacrifice
>knows it makes him look insane, but he is such a broken man by now he only cares about completing his work for them
>This fuels his righteous fury in believing he must finish his radical experiment and turn it upon the world so that their sacrifice is not in vein
>It's still seemingly a deadly weapon your team must stop
>He'll fight till his last dying breath to stop you from destroying his work as it is all he has left of them
>Hidden text in the final dungeon reveals he killed them on purpose as they were in his way
>Playing the game on hardest difficulty adds to this text to reveal that he regrets is immensely and wishes he could take it back more than anything
>the boss uses eldritch powers
"Shell Perdido" is some ominous shit
Was there ever any context on this?
What are you doing and why do you keep using this goober phrase?
Mentally ill cunt runs alongside slow moving car.
Oh shit is that Left Cheek and Right Cheek?
>deacons of the deep
>Bosses can appear in safe zones
what else do you propose calling "additional enemies that are not strictly the boss being fought"
It's weird how if literal satan like this walked in a big city, people would just ignore him. Just a guy in a costume innit
Why are subways and trains so degenerate 100% of the time?
>boss posts a picture that just happens to have a girl in it
>defeating the final boss clears the evil fog from the game world
I get it.
God I wish that were me.
minions or just enemies
looks like a fucking right hand man of a james bond villain
Reminds me of how for Friday the 13th Part 7 the actor who played Jason actually walked through the streets on his way to the next filming location during the shoot entirely in-character, and everybody cheered for him.
That was a good thread.
part 8*
Hey don't diss, Satan has to get to and from work SOMEHOW.
>villain's motives are based and reasonable
It's not that he refuses to die, he just needs 13 of himself.
>Villain thinks Coolsville is great
>those ribbons and stripes
That's a bad, bad man right there.
>Boss bursts into smaller versions of himself.
>State of the hub gets worse as the game goes on
Bet he rides the Red Line
I will never not be mad this is who they found to replace John Stewart
I dig those pants.
>hes the first boss of the game. mad as fuck. cant block or tank his attacks but pretty easy to dodge. hes there to help you learn movement and avoiding attacks.
This is the boss whod have a grand orchestral boss theme with church organs and angelic choirs as he uses holy augmented guns and shit on you.
what the fuck am I reading? That's Getafix.
>black magic*
>Boss can summon minions to assist it
Fuck the three doppelgangers at the end, if you pause it the last one looks like he has a stocking on his head, or he's a featureless hairless changeling
>scrubs think instinctively that the best strategy is to jump over the dogs in the cramped hallway
>when the chad strategy is to slide under the dogs when they jump
This city is supposed to be the best big city to live in? How disgusting
>Boss can teleport.
Hope you have good reaction time, vro.
>The series follows the adventures of a village of Gauls as they resist Roman occupation in 50 BC. They do so by means of a magic potion, brewed by their druid Panoramix (named Getafix in the English translations)
adds is ez-er
>Draws images that come to life
Big citys have been disgusting forever, even after they stopped throwing shit out the windows into the road
Wonder if he's still alive.
That Rich?
That other guy is fucken huge
Oh shit, that's the english name ? Great idea.
>Villain turns out to be the good guy.
What the FUCK is wrong with Florida?
he was stabbed to death by a group of kurds
>Yugioh boss battle.
>Must win 2 of 3 games
>He plays Danger Dark World and Sky Strikers.
Why do people sugarcoat and glorify big cities like New York and Paris with their cherry picked locations and edited photographs
It's the fakest shit in the world and it spits on everyone else that has to deal with the worst that cities have to offer
It's the car from harry potter seeking revenge
>Grace & Glory
I always knew that male lions don't hunt because they are too OP and that would break the balance.
they sell a romantic image to get fucking morons to come in and spend ridiculous dosh
It's just that the journalists have access to the police files. It would be at least the same for every other state.
i think both NY and Paris were alright before niggers.
What's your problem with Paris, fag. You probably can't say any correct critics about it.
he looks like an optional boss you can only fight if you go the evil route
>Fouiyes the Awoken
>buffs the group's magical abilities and is a dangerous sorcerer in his own right, frequently interrupts conversation with insane ramblings
>Swagnamembe the Poet
>coldest man in the group, is the main boss's biggest muscle, largest health pool and a formidable foe, rarely speaks. cannot die, but will retreat to recover from his wounds.
>DeMarquis the Boss
>the most dangerous wizard this side of West Africa, fears nothing and frequently casts AoE abilities, cannot be harmed until his entourage is taken out. motives are mysterious even to his own men
>Stabza Musa the Crook
>shifty backstabber that listens to no one but the boss, has an extreme critical hit modifier and is difficult to hit. can leave the fight if paid off with enough gold.
>Villejpeipul the Dancer
>outrageously flaming to a fault, constantly charms male party members with seduction-based attacks. easily countered by female party members and is the weakest, but frequently revives during the fight.
>Tyrone the Younger
>newest member to the entourage, had to do unthinkable things to good people to be accepted. is second-guessing himself and is an apt fighter. can convince him to join your party to fight against the boss and his cronies
>Manzatarmz the Warden
>the tank of the group, he's starting to get too old for this shit. helping him in an optional sidequest before the battle will make him not take part in the fight and retire to his farm.
>Demontrius the Elder
>long since sold his soul to the boss, he's the elder brother of Tyrone and will get additional attack and rage buffs if Tyrone is in your party. the dark cleric of the group, he will frequently heal the boss's group with no qualms.
It's a boss spawn zone.
Would be a perfect Souls final boss.
Its full of frenchs
Water levels are spooky.
What saddens me is that a proper knuckle to the chin is capable of knocking out pretty much anyone, but seeing as the dude is still conscious their punches are piss weak and an average adult male should be easily capable of beating the shit out of the whole group.
I accept that answer though fuck you kindly.
i thought he moved to europe like everyone else.
>unironically watching the daily show
>Baguett's internally
Oh weird. I made that but I didn't think anyone ever noticed.
A proper kick to the testicles is capable of knocking out pretty much anyone as well. No need to feel demasculated over an image user.
>You shall never enter the home of my master, Styxhexenhammer666, while I guard the entrance.
most fighters did return to europe/australia but the notorious ones were hunted down like jhadi john, the bulldozer etc
I'm too lazy to dig it up, but you should be able to find it with these post numbers.
>Minions have learning AI, they learn how to fight by watching the boss, the longer you take to win the stronger the minions get.
I gotta stop you here, the one bandit is explicitly jewish
>Postal: Just a regular week in florida
>i think both NY and Paris were alright before niggers.
Boss counters STR builds.
roids do shit
Nah, there were irish instead. The worst of all races.
Befriending the boss unlocks a secret item shop.
>Boss has elemental immunity.
Rich Piana was over 6ft tall, that guy was a freak of nature.
RIP Rich
>tfw I thought I was cool when doing it with a candle
>Boss is defeated by being tricked into falling off the stage
>boss has the same abilities as you just better
More light WATER vs STR
is that young John Cleese in the middle?
>Boss is You from a future where you turn into the greatest evil
What the fuck?
>Boss is You from a passed before you lost your memories and turn into the greatest evil
>approaches you wearing 6 super bowl rings
I see a resemblance to Penance from FFX...if he wasn't black it'd be even more pronounced
I can do this .
>boss is what you'd have become if you'd taken the opposite choices
>larps as a Celtic frank druid
Why are these larpers so dumb?
>Still cries because boss didnt get 7 or 8
manlets have a smaller profile, a lower point of balance and better stamina, all of which are more important than raw physical strength past a certain minimum
also, tall chads gain enough satisfaction from their social lives that they don't need to become angels of death like Vining to feel validated, which is why most glory hogs are manlets
>It's a coliseum arena level
My absolute favorite theme in video games. The coliseum segment was my favorite in Golden Sun.
>when the final boss turns out to be just a bitch to the TRUE final boss
I have the game for you.
>There are people out there that thought it would be a good idea to touch molten liquid and put liquid nitrogen in their mouth
I couldn't remember the name of it or I would have called that out as being a fucking amazing game. I only ever got to rent it from Blockbuster, and the only copy they carried would freeze at some point within the last like 25% of the game. Fucking loved that game though.
I agree with the sentiment, but you do know where the Franks came from right?
I think it works well on emulation.
there's this game by ex-IO devs where enemies learn the things they see you do so you have to sneak around and act while the lights are out
Why am I not surprised
And germanics came out of Mesopotamia if we go even further back. Still don't see the sense as dressing up like a savannah hobo
Franks were germans but didn't have druids. Druids are celtic. The guy shouldn't have said frank at all.
Need to be drinking age to post on here kiddo
the absolute state of furfags
blazing bull was clearly male
Said the faggot watching le current year man.
Wrong meme, retard
Those faggots are all the same anyways.
Conan is the only good one in the pic.
He's going to deflate his anchor arms in shame when he gets home.
He's also the only one who's vidya related
Conan is alright, and Fallon avoids controversy like the plague so there's nothing to dislike about him except for that. Everyone else is an opinionated cunt, and people who look to them for any sort of intelligent commentary are going to be opinionated cunts too. It doesn't matter WHAT their political beliefs are; they're smug dickheads who need to take a step back and look at how they present themselves.
stephen colbert was good in harvey birdman attorney at law
No shit, it's their job.
It's so dirty and it's people are so rude that around 40 Japanese people a year are driven insane when they visit.
>boss is an ominous statue in an empty room
>only activates when you examine it
>you don't have a loicense to beat it
It's actually way less dirty now than it was before Haussmann and his renovations in 1853.
because guns mean you have to work smarter not harder
I want to be this man
The hardest is to not an hero before becoming old.
>It's less dirty now that it was in the 1800s
No shit.
*visits eegra dot com for more top-notch poop like dat*
Why are you?
I mean, it was famous for being filthy before that. Now it's clean.
True alphas, they let the females do it for them.
Those Bed Bath and Beyond tier curtain rope tassels are ridiculous looking.
# # # #
sometimes i forget that most of v doesnt own guns
Is this retard right here implying that frankodruidism is the same as bronze age germanics? Protip, there's a reason Frankish is a Latin based language and Germanic inferior animal noises, much like the French and Germans of today.
Nigga liquid nitrogen is fucking baller. Nothing more fun than throwing a bucket of it against someone and watch him explode in a ball of fog
why the fuck are high ranking officers not forced to work out.
Janice Barov
Because like all "muh brains over brawnfags" they think muscles makes you dumb, oblivious to the irony of this belief
I was chosen by heaven
Say my name while you pray
To the skyyyyy
See Carolus risee
Hes wanted by the german police
No you fool celtic culture originated in what we now know as Germany and Austria. There's a reason one the largest suppliers of historical reproductions in Europe is called celtic Web merchant and is based in Austria.
>improved mikiri counter
fuck you
straight from Silent Hill
>boss clothes come alive and begin attacking you
Damn, an internet site.
Guess Switzerland is the sole money printer in the world..
not the sole one, but (((they))) control it
technically the protag from days gone
best part of it is that the headlines on the right sound like his move names
Is this one of those Yakuza games?
>when you gotta posses a virgin in half an hour but you broke as fuck
Oskar "Hikky-Avenger" Dirlewanger
haha what if the car was super crowded and you could be molested by him without anyone noticing wouldn't that be funny haha
The second I saw him in motion I knew he was English
> Paris
> full of french
Boy I still remember that day when my friends from US and Japan asked me where the French were when they went to Paris.
Something is wrong in that image but I can't point out what ?
No trigger discipline.
Looks more like a hamam than the japanese equivalent.
That's right.
mother of god
Whitest man alive.
>Dancer of the stink restroom
>Boss trys to kite tou by spamming range attacks
You're a fucking retard.
Also, underage b& detected.
I still can't believe that shit.
>returning boss levels up
Adds have been used since ages retard.
>Ace of the storm
>Plane comes crashing down and the pilot parachutes out
>He sticks his Bowie knife into the engine, making the already burning plane explode into pieces before he emerges even more powerful
>The nameless Pilot approaches you from the smoke
It's obscure fetish porn. They didn't put much thought into it.
>when the enrage timer hits
more like rat king
You realize that you're speaking an ''inferior'' Germanic language right not, right? It's called English.
He's an NCO user. The guy is a top-notch soldier but far below a General, not even an officer.
>lonely and just plays vidya all day
>mom gets you a dog so you have some responsibility
>go take the dog on walks have fun with it
>best buds with dog
>take dog on another walk
>niggers gun you down because you started at them for a second longer than you should have
Poor guy
Hate when developers put so much effort into jiggle physics instead of gameplay
If you do kill Mundus someone will take his place.
Can you at least come up with some interesting names for your pics?
Reddit does this shit better than you, what a fucking disgrace.
>Oohooh child...
will always be a boss
in my heart
Literally underage. We've been using "adds" since EverQuest.
>The Posture Stealer
jesus christ wtf that doesnt look healthy
Pelicans don't give a fuck
>THIS is who I am.
>"should we eat it?" in the background
Not if the pelican eats you first
>Name: Forever
>Sutando: Strength
The fuck? Is it eating a cat?
what the fuck am i looking at, is it eating a fucking duck or something
what the fuck
It's coming for you next
it's a cat
>Boss summons Ugandan snipers
Faction champions
oops, someone's trying a little too hard to fit in
it's okay, you'll figure out this board eventually
what's the Styx encounter like?
this thing is too low iq to be a boss
they stop hunting when they get their own harem.
its swallowing a duckling alive
>when he unexpectedly transitions from Suspect Confession directly into Perfect Storm
As a game journalist I have to say fuck this boss. Release easy mode immediatly so it can be enjoyed by everyone! Swallow your pride developers
I need this with sound to heal my soul a bit
Yikes they are actually hitting him for real. Did he die?
>most fighters did return to europe/australia
I think I've been watching too much anime or something because for a moment I thought it was moving left and right crazy fast when it was obviously just the camera moving
the heck is it trying to do
is its mouth pouch somehow jangled
>you will never play spin the umbrella with them
someone hmu with a pepehands
all the asterix names are kino
>not miraculix
peinlich uezs
How can white bois compete?
>steal the curtains from the palace and wear them as a cape
>look everyone I'm the king
But also kind of based.
Yes, its japanese snuf porn
It's the name of the oil rig where this was filmed.
>le reddit froge
Why would you type something like this out and post it online.
Maybe it's yawning
god i wish that were me
You cant post things like that without source man
>you only have 15 minutes to beat all of them or you get sneedchucked out of a plane
Snowflake alert
as if anyone would dare face vining
>have to resist charm attempts to defeat the boss
Roids or Synthol?
based JAV poster
Thats a pikey, they're irish originally
bodybuilders focus on a type of training that mainly builds muscle in the form of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, not strength specifically. hence why bodybuilders are typically weaker than smaller people with functional strength
And the other one sounds like an old Jewish woman.
>When the boss music kicks in but you face a lowly goblin that tricks your party into letting your guard down for the real fight
That's very optimistic of him. Thinking he'll be able to shoot that many rounds before dying
Too cute, I can't win
Have you ever been to Paris? If yes, is your name Muhammad or Ibrahim?
>Rich Piana was over 6ft tall
NO he fucking wasn't.
I came here to laugh at you.
wtf am i looking at
>boss is nothing but speech checks
I lost...
its a pigeon retards
Fuck, I love that shit.
>welcome boy
Oh shit, it's the final boss.
I like how he displays his games
It's the Parallel universe of "Polish Man"
>has seven health bars
>first six bars correspond with a ring
>each time a bar is depleted he loses a ring
>each time he changes a ring his abilities change
>loses all abilities at his last bar but gets a massive stat boost and you only have 2 minutes to finish the fight
Those floor and wall tiles look like an arab country.
I cant be the only one who is genuinely upset at what he has become.
>when the final boss was the good guy after all
>boss can transform
haHA Spoilers
>The man is actually hotter than the lava
Crazy how he do that
>boss has a rare currency drain skill
>console FPS controls
pigeon iirc
I live in Paris and I have a french name of greek origin.
heyy i want that !
now this is a kek and a zozzle
I like how john stewart isn't even in the pic.
Ryse: Son of Rome had a decent Colosseum multiplayer. Shame the game itself was kinda boring.
If I was locked in a room with these dudes, and had a gun with ten bullets in, I'd shoot James Corden 9 times, and then Myself
I thought Forever was a monkey
Aw :(
Can't imagine the restraint he needed to not start flailing around, fighting all the instincts.
literal who
literally the owl from Sekiro
looks like a jobber
Oh, please. Catholics are literally all homosexual bottoms.
Daniels of the Deep
>Dr Pavel, we're CIA
GOD The Royal Family garb is so cool, shame they are child killing pedophiles
send help
ancient master of powerful Argentinian fighting arts
reminder that the faggots on /x/ are so stupid they thought it was an alien moving at hyperspeed and not the camera
Based Vining poster
based and glow-pilled
That's way too retarded, even for /x/.
How does anyone find this shit funny?
Underrated post.
deep sea thread is still up you can check it yourself
Sweet, thanks for the heads up.
>the absolute state of fighting games players
too bad ISIS is no longer delivering
>this is ravens territory
In the age of bullets and bombs, only the smart ones know how to survive a war.
Missing kid does not sound like a good move tho
Why does he need a leash this man clearly controls the forces of nature
This always gets me.
>we have such sights to show you
The fucking dude above the Governor is Rick Moranis
>Transforms into a bear mid-battle
>Hey ese, got a light?
Wait what happened to him?
There's a risk of rain title in here somewhere
Took a student to train in an island at the middle of a lake but then the lake demons tried to drown his student so he chose to sacrifice himself instead. Or so the rumors go.
Those monks are really impressive.
>nonstop slipping
Demon conjurer with godly speed; cannot be slowed by any means.
underrated post
Holy shit he looks rad as fuck!
>Skittlez the Defiant attacks!
>Skittlez uses multifuck
>pol's idol is a larping faggot