Your daily reminder that
>pic related
passed his calculus class by walking in, grabbing the wall, and throwing it at the teacher.
Your daily reminder that
Other urls found in this thread:
based kratos
>passed something that wasn't invented until the 1600s
>this fucking snoyfag OP
Can we all just agree that God of War 1 to 3 are really fantastic games? GoW4 felt like it could have been better were it not 75% walking sim
remember that dumb xtard who kept spamming single player games/exclusives were only relevant for nintendo then GoW/spiderman broke records?
>GoW/spiderman broke records?
lol what records?
fastest selling playstation exclusive. GoW broke it then spiderman broke it again a couple of months later. TLoU2 is probably going to do something on that level as well
xbox tard
>Days without Yea Forums still seething
More like: "Days without Yea Forums remembering"
1-3 were pretty generic beat-em-up games like you play in an arcade. People like 4 because it had a relatable story with an equally relatable main cast, and the game actually gives the sense of an adventure rather than just room-to-room arcade style beat em up shit. It's overall a much more well-done and inimitable product compared to the original 3
also calling it a walking sim is retarded
oh also the combat is super tight and fun to play, really the only problem the game suffers from is enemy variety which is only a problem for dopamine-fried spergs who need different colored enemies in order to think they're experiencing something new
>fastest selling playstation exclusive
oh it beat it's own record. how cute
still doesn't match nintendo exclusive sales like that apparent "xtard" claimed
Fuck no the combat from 1 to 3 was fun as hell. God of War's story wasn't that good to begin with and GoW4 still didn't really explain how Kratos managed to to go all the way to Scandinavia. Also I would like to know how all the pantheons are connected. GoW4 didn't explain shit.
Also gameplay is really fucking slow and it doesn't pick up until you get the blades of Chaos but even then that shit feels slow and fuck that boss in the tree stage and the teleporting stage. fuck him and that blinding spear
you know what IS cute? god of war won more awards than "game of the generation" breath of the wild and god of war wasn't even sony's most anticipated title lmao
see you when TLoU2 drops kiddo
Every day until we like it huh?
GoW unlike BoTW is Zelda done right.
I can assure you that nobody besides "journalists" and sjws are gonna like but not buy the game
TLOU1 sold more than 17m copies. That's more than every Zelda game ever released.
>Zelda Series sales figures
>102.12 million copies sold
>not buy that game
>TLoU has sold over 17 million copies
>series sale
Nintenlard cope
he's not wrong, no zelda game has sold as much as TLoU
>18 Zelda titles comparing to one game
seething hard
I'll be honest I misread that as outselling the series but speaking of Nintendo Pokemon and Mario still outsell TLOU
yes, it takes 2 of nintendo's mega multimedia franchises built over decades to outsell a new sony IP
>ignoring the fact that TLOU1 has been in almost every Sony e3, the sale discounts, the hd port and the bundles
yeah nintendo doesnt port older zelda games or advertise them either just fucking stop
user the only Zelda game that i remember being hard advertise was Ocarina of time 3d, the other games have trailers and thats it
TLOU keeps apearing in sony e3 and the fucking advertise of that game doesnt let me even watch videos on YouTube back on the day
This same shit happends with horizon Zero down, hard advertisement, cheap, bundles etc, hell might as well talk about Wii sports now that we are here
Splatoon is getting pretty close and that only has lol U game and the switch one.
no it isn't, splatoon 2 is at what 8.5 million? Not close