>broken old man fights you
Broken old man fights you
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When i was younger i fought the old man
Now, i have become the old man
It's my turn to fight you all
SSI wasn't a broken old man. His memory says he was brought back at the peak of his ability.
>Broken old man
He literally JUST got reincarnated into his PRIME. That is him at his very strongest.
Are you just gonna forget this chad?
Op is a dumb motherfucker
For some reason, the Ivory King doesn't give off old man vibes.
I wanna forget DaS2, period.
The only broken old man here is Gwyn. If anything you should have included true King Allant, he was also JUSTed. Both of those characters are husks of their former selves. Everyone else is still really powerful, even in their primes.
Also not a broken old man.
Thanks for the spoiler asshat.
Bravo, From.
>looks 70
>scrawny with small muscles and exposed ribs and one eye
Maybe his mental and skill peak but not his physical peak
gael isnt old
Aldia and Vendrick also fit the broken old man criteria
If you think that looks 70 you need to get out of your house you fucking moron.
Yeah his un-reincarnated form looks like 80 years old, but the final boss one looks about 40, which is still pretty peak for a male taking care of his body.
Young Isshin looks like my fucking dad.
Gehrman is literally a puppet, endlessly carrying out the will of a god. He's broken in spirit, which is all that matters since time doesn't really pass in his dream. He literally cries out in his sleep about wanting to be free.
Yea they made him look older than they should have, but he is way skinnier and grayer than that version in the other fight
why is there a black square where vendrick should be
That should be a picture of OLD isshin
It's funny that the best boss is a newborn.
Gael is the oldest character you fight
>40 peak
Nah past 30 you are fucked
You're literally talking noncesense m8
>outlived everyone until the end of time
>not old
Nigga you what?
>all the bosses are 6'1'' compared to the PC manlet
Is every soulsborne game a 5'11' revenge story?
The entire world has been covered under a thick layer of ash. The time skip has turned princess filianore from a living breathing human to a mummified skeleton. He's literally thousands of years old.
old man strength is real
The size of bosses in these games, except specific cases, isn't meant to be their actual size.
They're artificially inflated to be more visually threatening and imposing to the player.
It's a common technique for japanese games, it calls back to old JRPGs.
yeah but he doesnt look old so it doesnt count
Because I didn't finish DS2 because it sucked. Here you go.
From bosses are typically larger so the player model doesn't block them.
>What's that smell?
>The foul manlet, oh, he looks up at me
>Enough to make a neck crick
He looks like fucking Santa, user.
Yeah, but it's way funnier to imagine it's a manlet revenge story
Yeah I think Owl is the size of a fucking ogre.
It just makes me think of the huge guys on Fist Of The North Star
Who is bottom left corner?
That's what fat weaklings tell themselves so they don't have to exercise. Male prime is age 35.
I can see what they're doing narratively but it bothers me more than it should, I just want regular sized dudes most times. Especially when they're just peasants or something
I wish his fight was more than just dryhumping his (left I think?) leg for 5 minutes.
What the heck?
He's basically just a really, really big hollow
Looks like he just trips then gets actually knocked out on impact
Brain damage definitely possible
It matters to me when Sekiro has this fucking blade that is 2 inches long meanwhile Owl gets to be 8 feet tall with a 9 foot sword
How is it possible to fuck up this hard.
Literally worst old man fight of all time.
He was also around at the beginning of time. He fought in Gwyn's army against the dragons.
I think he tried to put the butt of the cue on the table and lean on it, but he was too overzealous with how much weight to put on it all at once and ended up missing the table, so he completely lost his balance.
which begs the question:
is he the most skilled warrior of all time? Or just the LUCKIEST bastard of all time?
who's the guy in the top left
he put the cue on the ground and leaned on it, but it snapped
play demon's souls
>is he the most skilled warrior of all time?
Not after I kicked his ass
>not uncluding King Vendrick from Dark Souls 2
go fuck yourself miyazaki cuck
Who is the guy mid left?
According to who? For almost every sport in existence (outside of bodybuilding) the athletic peak for males is around 25.
He's the mirror image of the player: a literal nobody, one step above a shambling hollow, who manages to overcome countless impossible challenges through sheer willpower. I also like to think that his bloated and massive form is also what YOU look like after consuming so many souls, much like how your true form is revealed in the final fight of OFF.
One of my favorite levels in a game this year tbfh
>DS2 sucked
OP confirmed turbofag
>give me that dark soul of yours
>player was just another boss battle to him just like gael is to the player
It's not supposed to be a good fight, you're putting down a mindless zombie that can barely do anything
> is just random demon taken form of an old man
> is just a fire taken form of an old man
> is just a dream
> old men made of dark soul
> dead dude got revived to his "prime" (not old)
Now this is an actual old man who is at the end of his given lifespan and crippled by time alone.
funny, Gwyn is an actual dude but the demon king literally came out of the chaos flame like you're saying
>literal nobody introduced in the third game's mediocre DLC is the ultimate final boss for a decade-defining franchise
Gael was a decent boss fight, but I almost wish they had just copy-pasted the Gwyn fight. The more I think about it, the more I think that DSI's relatively tight theme and story were a mistake rather than brilliance on From's part. Then again, they kind of did it with Bloodborne, so I think it just a roll of the dice, honestly.
Nobody cares about your secret boss from Sekiro.
>has a finale "phase" if you get him down to 5% of his health
>it's just him trying to lift up his hammer, but he can't
Also, dreams in Bloodborne are physical planes of existence, not just dreams as we know them
Gael is likely millions of years old when you fight him. He's the last living being in the universe at that point
>artistic products made by the same people
>similar motifs appear
woah man actually pretty crazy, next you'll tell me death is a theme in every game
save for one black knight, and the priestess chick
>one black knight
There is also that one girl who spawns in a temple if you enter it, and one solitary UGS knight chilling in the corner of Gael's arena.
Its kind of the point, its why its kino. He's a hyped up badass like Gywn but he's become a trash mob hollow while retaining his size and weapon but even then he can fuck you up with damage.
You're supposed to come out thinking, 'damn imagine him in his prime'
>black knight
isn't it a dark wraith off the left of the arena?
Also yeah...Shira invades you but that still means she must be there in timeline or whatever. How is she alive?
Side note: I haven't played das3 yet but I wish you could get her weapon (the crucifix of the mad king) MUCH MUCH earlier in the game (the main game) because it's a perfect weapon for a "Dark Paladin" aka "Corrupted Paladin" build.
Miyazaki can't do/doesn't like sequels. That's why all of the spiritual successor titles are so solid
there's a Ringed Knight who drops a Slab, and Shira who's who-the-fuck-knows-what attacks you in the little chapel.
He's literally the sole survivor of a timeskip in which he murdered and consumed every other living being until the end of time on pure willpower alone
But Allant is already in OP's pic
>I didn't finish DS2 because it sucked
>He fought in Gwyn's army against the dragons.
No he didn't. He could have, sure, but this isn't official.
he peaked at 40ish because thats what he was summoned at
he doesnt need to have the absolute best body to peak, hes an armed soldier, not a bodybuilder
he was likely considered at his deadliest at this time due to his skills being at/near highest while physique still hasnt deteriorated as much yet
So what's the deal with the black sigil, dark soul, and darksign? I just can't wrap my head around it.
What the fuck is going on with that lighting
>The swordlet unleashes a guteral scream
>Gael was a decent boss fight, but I almost wish they had just copy-pasted the Gwyn fight.
Why do DaS3 haters make it clear they don't know anything? Hey fuckface, Gwyn is already copypasted in DaS3. Gael being another undead in servitude on his own quest is a fantastic way for the series to go out. I bet you wanted a fucking Kaathe boss or something gay like that.
Gwyn died sacrificing himself to re-ignite the flame. The Gwyn you fight is a pseudo-being, possibly the flame reconstruction of gwyn based on his soul. It can't "grow" so it's never old
Demon king, while is a being given birth by power of the chaos flame, had lived out his life like a natural being, albeit his natural long lifespan. He had kids and never died so he was actually old man.
The Dark Soul is one of the four original souls found in the First Flame. The Pygmy shared it to create the race of mankind. Humanities are fragments of the Dark Soul.
The Darksign is a seal of fire that Gwyn placed on humans to shackle the power of their Dark Soul because he was scared shitless of their potential.
Fuck old people gaming is ours
That's how DS2 looks.
>Male prime is age 35.
Which is why 9/10 Olympic level athletes are in their mid-teens to mid-20s. Because almost twice that age range is when a man is in his prime.
He's only 35 years old here
The darksign is the "seal of fire" placed on the pygmies, their descendants, and so forth, as seen on the ringed knights' armor, to contain the abyss.
Humanity running wild gives you oolacile and manus among other things.
The deacons of the deep and their cleansing rituals were intended to draw out the dregs, the heaviest part of the soul (essentially humanity)
Meanwhile, the Dark Sigil is like poking another hole for the curse to accumulate and emerge from which is why the player hollows under it- unkindled seem not to do so normally. Friede apparently became unkindled so she might've been the sable church's first attempt at linking the fire and failing, so they adopted the dark sigil plan to swallow the flame the same way the fire sealed the dark before. This is thematically represented in the final white eclipse.
The londor pilgrims and deacons both have those roots growing out of them, as does aldrich. Apparently what comes out of the back is the Pus of Man, more like a dragon, and what grows down is like the roots of a tree.
Humanity is kind of a last minute reset by reality is my opinion.
Kaathe sent pilgrims from londor to lothric in order to seed the entire area with what would become the pilgrim butterflies, angels, etc.
I probably missed something because I'm reciting from memory.
Kaathe didn't send shit, he's dead. Japanese Yuria dialogue when she dies confirms this.
The husk of gwyn is still technically gwyn, with his lord soul and all burnt up as fuel, in which case his physical appearance declined to match. Not reconstructed. He's not really alive like the average old man though, but definitely old overall.
>you are the broken old man
Athletes peak differently: They drive their body hard, reaching a greater performance and beginning their decline earlier.
"Career" men who take care of themselves reach physical peak in their mid twenties and maintain it, with most of their gains at that point coming from experience, conditioning and practice. They only begin to deteriorate when they exceed 40, when their bodies stop being capable of that baseline performance.
Kaathe's dying wish was fuck fire and fuck gods
He founded the sable church, the pilgrims are agents of the sable church, the maidens work for him even if he's dead. It's still his keikaku.
Why haven't I played this yet
zoomer genichiro vs boomer isshin when?
>They only begin to deteriorate when they exceed 40, when their bodies stop being capable of that baseline performance.
No. Very very few athletes perform better in their 40s than they do in their 20s.
Fuck if I know, give it a shot. One of my favorite games.
Demon's Souls has the best bosses in all modern From games.
Thank you anons. Is the reason that Dark Sigil in the sky is because Okay. Thank you fluctuations of timelines and everything's fucked-up?
The humanity, dark souls, curse and their like have always been hard for me to comprehend. If ya'll don't want to answer, any places I can go to read up on lore?
No, I mean I would have preferred a literal copypaste of his bossfight instead of Gael. Soul of Cinder's second phase was actually a pretty tasteful way for the series to go out -- the exact opposite complaint I have with Gael. Gwyn's grasping foolishness is the underlying cause of all the bad things in the game, so it was appropriate to get to smash his face in again when he reveals himself in the amalgamation of souls that feeds the flame.
Gael isn't even introduced well. If they had him in the base game as one of the wandering knights, then that would have been less utterly egregious than what we got. It's the fact that he is so totally out of left field that's idiotic.
Patches got a better send off than the whole Soul series combined. That's fucking retarded.
They're the most unique and I find many of them quite charming but no.
He just said athletes peak differently
Make kinda sense with what kind of drugs they are taking, kind of diet they have, and kind of shit they put their body through.
>missing the point of the fight entirely
it must suck to be a brainlet
Which is what I said: Non-Athletes.
I am contrasting workers and athletes. Soldiers are more workers than athletes.
>Patches got a better send off than the whole Soul series combined
"A FINE DARK SOULS TO YOU" is a good send off in your books? Eat shit dude, honestly.
I see, missed that somehow.
The dark sigil is in the sky because dark has finally eclipsed fire, swallowed it whole via the ashen one as a vessel. It's a complete turnaround from the usual. It's also there because of the berserk reference symbolism.
As for reading, you can gather almost everything by item descriptions and dialogue with a bit of inference, but I think there's a dedicated souls lore wiki that's split into actual canon and theories made from said canon items.
Patches is a smug motherfucker, kicks you off a ledge to a spot you're meant to be heading towards anyway, and practically taunts you while dancing on top of the fourth wall. Miyazaki is mocking you.
You forgot to mention how terrible it looks to have that cutscene happen with no mouth movement from Patches. You got us, Miyazaki!
>director makes fun of you for sticking with his uninspired shit for so many years
>user proceeds to buy Sakiro
it's just a prank bro
I didn't buy Sekiro
based broken old man that fights you
I havent met patches once , he is in dark souls 3?wut
not that i mind , he is a shit character
Isshin isn't broken though, neither his old nor his prime self. If anything, old man Isshin is dissapointed with how you turned out
Seeing as we've actually got to see him in more places than some random fucking DLC, and being an outrageous cunt is his entire character, I'd say he got an appropriate send off.
DSI Gwyn was amazing because he's been hyped the entire game, gets a good, subversive music track that really sells the game's atmosphere, and is a solid boss fight. Nashandra sucked because she gets hyped too hard and her bossfight does not deliver whatsoever.
Soul of Cinder is okay because he's not really hyped at all, but the fight is mediocre-to-good and the second phase refrain does a good job at selling the entire theme of the fight.
Gael's boring because despite being a pretty good fight, he has absolutely fucking jack shit to do with anything that we've learned so far in the entire game.
>oh but don't you get it, he's just some rando like you that makes it kino
Except that's not what the game is about you fucking stupid cunts. The games' aren't about rando undead doing shit. They have consistently been about the meaningfulness of cycles of rebirth, immortality as a curse, and questioning the viability of a future.
Gaels bossfight is none of these. In fact, because it's taking place at the burn out husk at the end of time, it implies that all the aforementioned themes are totally fucking pointless because 'everything turns to dust at the end' and it's just two random undead who punch each other out for absolutely no reason or gain. Which, incredibly, has not actually been a theme of the fucking games, so the fact that it's dropped in at the end is a special kind of fuck you.
And hey? If the ending was a fuck you? Good job on Miyazaki's part. I really felt it.
This applies to mooks too. It really triggers my autism that the regular hollows are 8feet tall in DS3, I much prefer the regular sized enemies of DeS and DaS
>wanting to remember ds2
How thick are your nostalgia goggles? DeS is only beat by non-DLC DaS2 for garbage boss quality,
>They have consistently been about the meaningfulness of cycles of rebirth, immortality as a curse, and questioning the viability of a future.
Gee fucking whiz what could those have to do with an immortal slave on a quest to create a new world?
Could Gael have been handled better? Yup, absolutely - that sums up DaS3 really. Does that make him a bad character or a bad finale to the DLC? Fuck no and fuck off you prattling, know nothing know-it-all.
>I've been dead for 35 years
>They have consistently been about the meaningfulness of cycles of rebirth, immortality as a curse, and questioning the viability of a future.
>Gaels bossfight is none of these
It's literally all of those things. You're a legitimate retard.
Exactly, a fucking boomer
Moon Rune Land respects their elders a lot, wisdom, knowledge, and power resides within them, and also a fuckload of experience. Fighting legends is where the real fight is.
>and it's just two random undead who punch each other out for absolutely no reason or gain.
Dumb and wrong. He fucking tells you what he's after, it just drives him fucking wild. His fail state plan was getting you to kill him and finish his quest.
His first few appearances might not work depending on what characters you interact with, but there are some that are harder to miss later.
isshin is in his prime
I don't think Ivory king is an old man.
Best bosses and best boss music.
Isshin looks so fucking bad in comparison like they couldn't even give this nigga cool samurai armor they just had him show up in a bathrobe and flip flops
the final boss we will never get
That's basically Soul of Cinder though.
>it calls back to old JRPGs
Or Fist of the North Star heroes and villains. If you can kill somebody, you're probably at least twice the size of the average peasant.
based and joypilled
nigga if you see a man with katana and in armor you start to worry, if you see a man with katana in bathrobe and flipflops u start runnin
them japanese mofuckas be like that they dont give a fuck
He's pushing 80 in snake years
Yeah, Miyazaki got the daddy crazy to some degree.