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it took me a several tries, finally got his timing down. literally possible.

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Why does Sekiro even give you a health bar when you basically always get one shot?

>owl gets a magical owl buddy

>wolf doesn't get a magical wolf buddy

fuck you dad

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>several tries
journos like us don't want to try more than once games should be easy so we can make money talking about them!!!!

>fight minibosses
>get more health
>don't get one shot

Did anyone else fall for for this when you take out his first health bar or am I a literal fucking retard...

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I didn't. I knew I only knocked him down once and he had another chance. So I stood in guard until he started his second phase.

>Run around
>Bait his leap attack
>Get in two hits as he recovers
>Run around sweeping lunge
>Get a hit in
>Run up to him when he uses the healing curse bomb
>get a hit in

Rinse and repeat

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I don't even know what happens if you fall for it. I used a thrust attack.

He laughs in your fucking face and throws firecrackers at you I felt like such a dipshit

Where's the honor in doing this?

it's a fucking ninja fight

Artificial difficulty

Why the fuck did Sekiro betray Owl anyway? He helps Kuro because he follows the Iron Code but then he breaks the Iron Code to help Kuro and betray his father? I haven't finished the game yet but that seems like a big plot hole, why does he care about Kuro so much if not because of the Iron Code.

>Spend entire game literally stabbing people in the back

Honor is for chump Samura. We'z Ninja.

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Yeah fuck that deadbeat dad boss owl cunt, but really bro dont run right in there youre asking for it



No you just suck. even DSP beat him on his 3rd attempt.

Yeah Sekiro is actually a fucking garbage game, will return

>runs straight in and gets fucking destroyed for not being patient or exercising any caution
Bad at video games and a giant manchild. Man, the universe sure has cursed you.

I went in to him to attack him but he seemed to think i fell for it
I mean... He still hit me... But yknow... I expected it

DSP is only pretending to be retarded, he's actually really good.

Kuro makes him those little ricenuts and they were so tasty that well in ashina they say that sekiros small heart grew three sizes that day and he decided to do what was right

Bruh this aint DS3 pontiff fight club

>cant even beat Owl 1

Owl 2 is where the real Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice begins

It's actually literally where sekiro ends pretty much depending on what ending

Honor and chivalry is all a load of bullshit. No warriors in history have ever practiced honor when their life is on the line. Certainly not ninjas.


A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory.

These people are why the world is such a terrible place now.

>not being the shinobiest

Was Sekiro's mom a womanlet chestlet?

>DSP beat him on his 3rd attempt
This is a joke right? I'm not actually worse than DSP right?

I have fuckton of problems with O'rin. She is worse than Genichiro and Guardian Ape.

He isn't really a parry god like other bosses, after the end of most of his attacks you can just go up and hit the dude.

t. beat him on my first attempt

Use cheese with Sabimaru, makes her piss easy, just needa be careful when she gets ready to attack


what do you think

O'Rin has really poor posture, you could break without even touching her health by deflecting and jumping on when she does her kanji attack. Also she has the most ridiculous cheese I've seen in this game.

I reckon people censoring titties in video games and working 40 hours a week is better than being in a feudal society ravanged by constant warfare and plague under tyrants who will you mount you on a stick or have horses rip you apart just for speaking ill of the king,

literally just deflect.
Her posture breaks in seconds

How Owl and Butterfly fight is literally what you should be doing throughout the game, they were the ones who taught you, not some honorabru samurai nigger.

I think Sekiro's mom was a western womanlet chestlet.

Now I know why Yea Forums is the most shitposted board on 4channel, you guys have no honor, no respect.

Does attack power affect how much posture damage you do with deflect? Because it sure as hell doesn't look like hers breaks in seconds. More like recovers in seconds.

Literally who even is O'rin?

Go ask Lord Sakuza.

your new gf

Do you know where he is? asking for a friend

Oh, so you're just going to ignore me too...

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I wish we could re-summon her at will to help fight.

Got +3 attack with the meme mask, should I go for the all skills achievement in the same playthrough or will it be impossible?

Hes hiding : (

Buy the DLC.

t. Phillip Burnell

All memes aside he lacks creativity and critical thinking but mechanically he's very sound, if you tell him exactly what to do to beat the boss he will pull it off with ease.

I cant, she is too fast.

>first playthrough you fight owl in a slow battle of attritionslowly wearing down his HP
>NG+ you fight him much more aggressively and learn that enemies cause posture through deflect and deal with him firecracker'ing every 2 seconds.

He had a big hp bar and still got one shot.

Is Genichiro the next boss after Oniwa? The only other one I can find is Corrupted Monk. I've explored Mibu, Mt. Kongo, and Sunken Valley, gotten all the prosthetics except one.

Go get the bell from the old lady in the broken house right after the very first miniboss. Where the first crow merchant is.


row row fight the power

The bull...

>Demon of Hatred charge attack

I know what I'm supposed to do, but I always get smacked.

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Wait, so if you do Mibu village before Sunken Valley you get to skip Guardian Ape part 2?

By boss I mean one that gives me a memory. I'm sick of running around with 3 attack power. Aside from Genichiro, Monk, O'Rin, and two Headless I've killed everything I can find.

yes. though you can always go back

If I forgot to get the Young Lord's Bell Charm from the old lady am I fucked if I'm at the last boss? there's nothing on her corpse

>By boss I mean one that gives me a memory
Go get the bell. It brings you to a whole new area.

Try looking in the offering box.

If you're talking about Hirata then I've obviously cleared it already, otherwise I would not have 3 attack power or all of the prosthetics except one.

Then yes, Genichiro is the next boss

Yeah nothing is in the box, and it won't let me fight Owl 2 since i haven't completed the first memory. This sucks

Okay thanks, cause I ran into dead-ends in Gunfort and Mt. Kongo but in this kind of game it's hard to tell if I missed a path.

Yes, can only do it on NG+ now.

NG+5 that is

You need to beat Genichiro to unlock access to the bosses in Sunken Valley and Senpou Temple.

Be constantly running perpendicular to the boss? That's what I think I did.

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He actually laughs at Wolf and calls him retarded if he tries fighting "honorably".


I don't like how bosses arbitrarily get hyper armor

owl is pretty easy once you understand you can abuse posture. Whenever he breaks your posture he'll try and grab you for an instakill but you can roll into him for 2 free hits.

user I don't think this is a serious thread and OP is not serious. And yes owl is pretty easy but not because of what you said. He just is.

lightning reversal is super inconsistent, I have to basically spam R1 and if I'm not pressing it on a given frame my window is closed.

It's likely inconsistent because you're allegedly spamming the fuck out of it. Big shock.

If i don't I just hit the ground without reversing

What attack is that?

I didn't fall for it but the game still treated it as if I did. I got close to attack because I didn't buy his shit for a millisecond but then he just triggered the laugh.

You are out of your gourd, I beat her first try going in blind, just do what this user says Honestly very easy since I don't think she has any red kanji moves besides a sweep, it's a guaranteed counter by jumping. Just spam parry if you really can't time her.

Jump and tilt toward left

Literally just don’t be on the ground. It has the most merciful hit box, you can jump at the last fucking second and still dodge it.

How hard is NG+?

Just beat the real corrupted monk, how much more of the game is left?
Are there any secret areas/bosses I should do?

This is the Yea Forums player.

were you trying to do dis?
i bet you were newfag
but you belong in the

This is basically a Tenchu reference

>thrusting against Owl
You live life dangerously my friend

watch out guys, isshin's spear has an exploding head