>Freedom Planet 2 has a whopping 24 stages
>Exclusive to Adventure are the hub areas, where you can interact with citizens, buy items from merchants, and advance the plot
>there are over 100 citizens with their own unique appearance, dialog, and animations
Freedom Planet 2 Dev updates
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This is way more than I was expecting. No wonder they delayed it so much
Listed as late 2019 atm
Plot and character dialogue are the last things I want to hear about from this game.
Yeah when I was reading through the blog I was like uh why?
Willing to give it a chance though
Story of the first game was... Passable
Strife didn't you said march 2019?
also r34 where?
somebody tell me about this, I haven't heard anything about it, what's it like?
It's like sonic to put it shortly
can you put it longly?
A treasure game disguised as a sonic game is how I'd describe it
I like NPC's in platformers. Unfortunately they're probably all going to be their friends sparkledog OC's.
I haven't played the sequel but the first game is like sonic but you have a ton of movement abiltes at your disposal. A spin attack you can use middair and aim in any direction gives you tons of air and momentum. The game has actual combat and attacks. Hidden areas with collectibles and shit. Different characters with different abilities and theyball have special routes they can take through levels
I tried
patience, soon
Wasn't there an option to skip the story stuff in the first game? Will that be in this one too?
of course, why wouldn't it be there?
>Classic mode is more unique from Adventure this time, featuring a grid map for quick and easy access to any stage. Completing certain stages will unlock multiple new stages that you can tackle in any order you'd like.
>Classic Mode also features a universal shop where you can buy everything you need. You can still find some items for free by exploring the stages, but the shop gives you the option to pay extra for convenience.
>You can customize your item set before each stage, which includes potion brewing! Mix and match different ingredients to create a combined effect that suits your play style.
Really curious to see what the items and ingredients are all about.
Freedom Planet 1 had more gameplay in it that represents early sonic but improves on it with larger, more varied stages mixed with more alternate paths on top of having a little more focus on combat attacks
2 is where the devs have decided to turn the game less of a sonic game and more into its own thing with its own story+gameplay
if it's all garbage to your tastes then at least the music can be its savior, the entire OST for 1 is gold and 2 has a really good first beta level song
Freedom Planet 1 was one of the best platformers i've ever played
it's pretty much what Shovel knight was to the NES, but to the Gensis; a mash of sonic, gunstar heros, etc.
looks like furry shit designed to develop a core devoted fanbase that only plays it for the porn.
Sonic meets gunstar heroes with a saturday morning cartoon style story.
we'll see if it's better than the first
These additions don't make for what I consider a better game, but maybe I'll be proven wrong.
Judging from the pics in this thread i dont feel wrong
Real shit, as long as the levels are as intircate and the bosses are good I'll be pleased
All the rpg stuff will be icing on the cake
So how useless are the items gonna be?
Guys I can't wait for this game to come out.
Inb4 sonic mania 2 is announced and they delay fp2 again
Stuff like this
Theres also items that make health pick ups heal more and give stamina
Didn't strife said that he wanted to make auto-guard an option instead of an item?
i hope is as good as the first one, also props for letting you play as the hot panda girl.
ok, and where is the link to this information? i've been looking for about 20 minutes and can't find shit.
Is it not on the blog?
Post yfw Epic Store exclusive for 6 months
Do strife actually like epic game store?
the latest post is from feb 4th and it's just an interview with the musician.
I translate that to mid 2020.
Strife has already said he wanted it to be on consoles, before the first one got a Switch port.
Who cares if he likes it or not.
If Sweeney will give him money he WILL make the game an ES exclusive like any other indie dev.
and desu I can't blame him for it, financial security for his workers has the biggest priority just like in any other gamedev.
It's on his twitter around December 2018 or somewhere at that timeframe
I can't gt into this game. i saw the character who was a super rare special dragon who everyone loved and I just know this used to be a Sonic OC that the creator jacks it to.
okay, so the update isn't new. weird that this thread was made then, but i guess i'm glad to know more about the game.
reply to this with your steam id if you want freedom planet
what's your favourite 80's anime
Area 88
Is it just me or is neera just really shit to control?