Don't know anything about this game but my friend brought it up as a potential game to play together. Any opinions as a multiplayer game? Difficulty? Length? Exploration or lack thereof? Worthwhile classes? Worth playing?
Don't know anything about this game but my friend brought it up as a potential game to play together...
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>Inti Creates
That's all you need to know.
Very fun game, can get grindy not too long in. Yet has the single greatest incarnation of a playable mage character in all of gaming simply because the way you play her is unlike any other mage in any video game and that difference is surprisingly fun.
Waiting for more actual content, but a very fun multiplayer game all the same, needs more players!
>Inti Creates
Honestly I don't pay enough attention to the reception of their games. I know Mighty No 9 was originally a train wreck, but don't know if it stayed that way. I also know Blaster Master Zero and Bloodstained Curse of the Moon turned out wonderful. What were you implying the name should mean?
>Waiting for more actual content
Does that imply the game is short or you just want more? What makes the mage so different?
I'm seeing a time limit in a video. Does that mean you select levels? Do you have lobbies then and is there any annoyance with trying to play with someone specific?
Tried playing it because that one girl character looked a bit like playing MMZ, seemed pretty good but I haven't sunk enough time into it yet.
Yes, there's 29 quests (41 with DLC), each with their own time limits.
There's Open matching, Open matching with Room Codes, and Friend matching that lets you change quests and characters without having to rehost.
The main campaign's kind of short (16 of those 29 quests), a lot of the replay value is higher difficulty quests for weapon and accessories to improve your character.
Witch requires you to begin an Incantation with R, input pic related, then cast it with Y.
Challenging, it may seem HP bloaty but gear matters a lot; you'll want a +3 weapon earlier than later. Those 41 quests span only a couple of areas, but each has their own objective and that doesn't make it too repetitive.
All 4 classes are unique enough to warrant playing, and the $15 price tag for just 2 makes it really affordable for potentially dozens of hours.
so is kind of good?
So if you want the convenience of a friend room, does that mean you lose randoms to fill in your last 1 or 2 spots? Is the game feasible with 2 or 3 people or do you absolutely need 4 for some quests?
The game is doable with any number of players, but some quests reward having more to split up and do multiple objectives at the same time.
Take for instance this one DLC quest, The Bell Tolls. A Lycanthrope can spawn in 5 potential boss rooms, and you need to ring the bell every time you want to fight him; he'll leave after a certain amount of HP is dealt, meaning you have to ring the bell again. There are 3 levers that reduces the number of rooms you have to check up to just 2, and a Warrior is needed for a shortcut to a particularly out-of-the-way lever.
They Come from Hell is also a good example, where the boss can spawn in one of 7 gates. Having 4 people to split and check different rooms means a 1 or 2 cycle, while doing it solo is probably insufferable.
So would open matching with room codes be the way you play with friends and randoms? What is the minimum you'd suggest going at ALL of the missions with? Obviously 4 would be best, but would those missions still be fairly doable with 3 or even possibly 2 people?
Just Open matching, since Room Codes are passwords that lock out anybody who doesn't know what it is.
Duos and trios are absolutely fine, having just your friend considerably reduces the workload.
Each additional player is +50% Enemy HP, +25% Quest EXP, and +1 death allowed (death = -12.5% Quest EXP).
So would you say any specific character types would be more useful than others for a duo or trio, or do they all have uses for specific missions?
Nothing stopping you from having a defunctional party though, since Warrior's used the least in Online Multiplayer; all of them are capable of killing the thing before they kill you. If you had to ask though,
Shinobi can access all chests Witch (and Empress) can, except a few Empress and Warrior exclusives, with his Wall Jumps, Double Jump, and Dragon Dashes. He also builds Dragon Points (DP) the best for the party, and allows them to use their Dragon Skills.
Warrior in particular would really appreciate a Shinobi functioning as a DP battery so he can use his Dragon Shield when necessary, or enter Berserk to deal damage.
At that point, Empress and Witch feel interchangeable, where the former has DPS and a DEF debuff and the latter has burst DPS and healing.
Can't you all just post more images of the girl on the cover with the nice pits and midriff?
Oh, and given Shinobi's mobility, he can rush straight to the boss room and teleport everyone to it, saving a lot of time.
>official art
Hold the fuck up
Pretty enjoyable with other people, pretty frustrating alone. Online can be dead at times so if you have local friends it's pretty good
Does a party of 2 shinobi sound like a recipe for disaster? I think 2 of us are likely to like the double jump ability. The other guy is more in the air on whether or not he'd play with us.
No issue, that means 2 DP batteries. If you're both STR specced and close enough to the enemy during your spin (Dragon Dash > Y > Y > Y > Y), it'll shred HP.
It's OKAY as a multiplayer game. Only okay, not good. Dragon's Crown and even that Castlevania download game were better.
The game is balanced for four player multi ONLY and is literally unplayable trash solo.
Its shit
Put thousands of hours into this one. I'd put more into it if it were only released on PS4, Switch, or best of all PC. Hoping for a port or sequel... One of my favorite multiplayer games of all time.
>Dragon's Crown
The one problem I read for this one is having to go through the game on your own before unlocking multiplayer. Seems pretty shitty if you are looking for a multiplayer and its one of the reasons I gave up on Nier. Does the multiplayer really have that much replayability?
>user thinks reviews started mattering again
Castlevania HD has a 68 on metacritic and is an awesome game and not really replaceable with other games. GTFO with review sites with shitty opinions...
Dragon's Crown is the best you can get for this genre.
Also I cleared DMFD and that review looks completely accurate. Only thing I'd add is how it has the same usual shitty Inti story.
This, I wish I could get it refunded. I'm not interested in playing this type of game in an "mmo" style.
>The Warrior and Witch characters are also clearly balanced for multiplayer, and this applies especially to the Witch, who requires the player to memorise and input absurdly long commands in order to cast spells which do not at all offer enough payoff to make it worth it. The Witch of course remains stationary and helpless during these incantations and needs to be protected by team members, making solo play an unfeasible and masochistic mess. Failing to clear quests in single player also results in the player losing everything they obtained except for the paltry amount of experience points from defeating enemies along the way (clearing quests yields a far larger amount) meaning that the approach of trying a tough quest over and over again does not result in it becoming easier over time, at least not to any significant degree.
If anything, Witch has the most payoff right now with Akashic Records dealing 30k with Condense Lv. 3 Ice. They did patch enemy EXP to be higher, at least.
>Also I cleared DMFD and that review looks completely accurate
Well since you seconded this then I decided to waste my time reading the review. God damn it was more pathetic than I expected. A game designed around a multiplayer experience is bad for single player? NO FUCKING SHIT... If there are actual problems with the multiplayer aspect of the game, feel free to bring them up. Otherwise saying single player sucks when I'm specifically looking at a multiplayer game is about the most retarded opinion you can be sharing with me right now...
yea the game is so bad that it died in 4 days
Multiplayer is bad.
>Loot collection but loot does literally nothing except arbitrary numbers, also game is shit balanced so you have to grind for loot
>half the classes are shit (that review says witch and warrior are balanced for multi but they're still shit in multi, empress/shinobi is all that matters)
>repetitive shit grinding, boring nonsense fetch quest missions, damage sponge bosses that can't hurt you but take five minutes to kill
Play Dragon's Crown.
Can't disagree with the first point to an extent, since you can allocate your stats; reaching the right STR/AGI can make a considerable difference on physical damage.
That review was before Ver. 1.3.0, when Warrior could OHKO bosses with a Berserk Charge Slash and AGI investment and Witch didn't have to deal with increased magic resistance on enemies. Even now, Warrior has a PIE spec and Witch has Akashic Records (the best DPS in the game).
Bosses don't have that much HP if you're geared right (admittedly the problem is getting that gear). The "boring nonsense fetch quest missions" is subjective, as I can only really liken it to Frozen Fusion and Paying the Miser; each player having their own screen lets you delegate objectives for faster clear times with free exploration.
Well I wouldn't know about patches, I stopped playing pretty fast.
I hate the multiplayer though, did the patches do anything to make single player better?
The time limits got doubled for initial difficulties to compensate for early game Single-player.
Early game Empress, Warrior, and Shinobi weapons got higher ATK.
As mentioned earlier, enemies give more EXP so failing a quest isn't too much of a setback.
General character balances (like Empress canceling Dragon Sword with Dragon Shot, Warrior cancelling a grounded Slash with Tackle) and the ability to change your element contract (Ice Witch to reduce Level Up inputs on Ice spells, Fire Shinobi for more Lock-on combos, Wind Empress for a PIE spec).
Huh, I should give it another try then.
Why would they introduce these changes two days AFTER the physical release, when the majority of people have already lost interest?
The game's been out for 2 months physically in Japan, digitally elsewhere.
If anything, it's long-term support they're not going to discontinue for their already niche fanbase to begin with; the next JP stream is 4/10 and we still have Lv. 65, 80, 90, and 100 weapons we can't equip currently.
When does the physical edition come out?
Came out last month. $50 for it but it includes everything.
It is $89 here, fuck that. I might grab empress digital version
So is it good for single player now? I'm interested in this but I don't care about multiplayer at all and I also plan on using Witch. I play MH solo as well.
Also, is the English version censored or changed in any way from the Japanese version? I hate asking this but I always like to double check.
I didn't like it. The game might have been more interesting if stages were more designed around character abilities, had less corridors, and had more branching paths + multiple objectives. Normal enemies could have had more interesting attack patterns and consited much less trash filler unless they were throwing a bunch of trash enemies at you at once. Some bosses such as the mandrake could have used more attacks.
It's really bad and trust I usually love Inti games.
They released 2.0 so I don't know how it is know, but honestly I wouldn't expect much.
Better than it was at launch. I played mostly in Multiplayer since launch, but playing in solo can actually be better since aggro is only divided on you.
Witch does have it the hardest in Single-player, admittedly, because you'll need to balance dodging and finding time to cast, so early PIE investment to store incantations longer goes a long way (about 20?).
These guys tackle the hardest bosses solo with no damage (sometimes no accessories) and it's better than what I can do with others.
Not censored as far as I know, you can change the language to Japanese (or Korean or Traditional Chinese) if you really wanted.
They removed some blood.
It was mostly balance changes and bug fixes. Warrior, Shinobi, and Witch got nerfed while Empress got a ton of buffs just so she wouldn't be the clear worst anymore. They did add random stronger enemies with drops though.
Is she viable to play singleplayer? I don't have Switch online (or friends for that matter).
It already came out, and I bought it because it looks like it's going to be a low print game.
I'm reading through this, what's a good default character to use? I see the Witch sucks. And is it hard to get a game online?
Ver. 1.3.0? Witch nerfed when it gave her Akashic Records in the very same patch?
Contracts are great for build diversity and viability.
Black Market is underwhelming and not worth the material grind.
DLC gives us two new areas, Ensys Castle(vania) and Labyrinth of Flame, which are expansive with branching paths, and 11 ~ 12 quests that highlight the multiplayer aspect with the level design needing varied classes.
Empress (Zero) or Shinobi (Copen) should feel really familiar. You only see quests you have access to, nor lobbies mid-progress, so it may seem dead when everyone's also farming endgame. If you host, it's not too hard for someone to join if you're aware of timezones.
Empress is the strongest character.
Single player still isn't very viable but it's better than before. It was straight up unplayable before: Time limits which assume you have four players heading in four different directions, damage sponge bosses which assume you have four players wailing on them non-stop, etc.
Empress and Shinobi are basically MMZ split into two characters. Empress has Zero's sword and gun, Shinobi has his dashes and wall jumps.
So who's best to stat with if I have to start out solo? Also is the game impossible to do solo or did the latest patches fix that?
It's not impossible to solo but it's still not fun.
Empress and Shinobi are both great for solo.
Fair enough, thanks.
It's basically pixelshit anime Dragon's Crown. If that sounds appealing to you then do gor it.
no it's not, retard
Will green Empress be more prevalent in fanart now? That's the color I played her as to begin with
Dragon's Crown plays like it was meant to be enjoyed online only. Single player can be pretty brutal on the harder difficulties.