Yeah I'm think FEH is saved

Yeah I'm think FEH is saved.

Attached: beast.png (1080x1920, 1.59M)

Based orb saving banner.

Would've rather had more Tellius humans.

Jill when?

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>More beasts
I guess that's neat.

I bet you wouldn't like her if she was never racist.

Oh cool another shitty banner

Needs more daughter

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>Yeah I'm think FEH is saved.
>Yeah I'm think
>I'm think
Found the ESL retard. No wonder you play gacha games

What the fuck?
>we want the barafag audience

Without that part of her she wouldn't have had such a satisfying character growth so you're right.

Haar is the GHB

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Cool, more free orbs and another banner I'm not rolling. Lethe is cute and Caineghis has DD4 but it's not worth the loss of orbs.

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Telliusfags are massive homos so it makes sense. I don't even mean this as an insult, it's just a fact that fans of FE9 and 10 are more likely to be hard gay than fans of any other FE.

Does Tellius have the most fujos?

>Radiant Dawn is my favorite FE
>these are all the RD incarnations of them
>spent all my orbs getting my Yune
I guess it's a pass. Only one I really used in the actual game was Caineghis anyway, Mordecai and Lethe sucked asshole as units most of the time and Ranulf being the best cat didn't mean I used him much (damage was too low). Might as well save a little more.
I'm so glad I saved all my grails.

Attached: Ilyana_(Radiant_Dawn).png (413x876, 370K)

havn't touched it since it came out, are the maps still tiny for no reason?

>Free Haar


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Hoping for an Archanea or Valentia new heroes banner before Three House come out.

I want to say that honor goes to either FE4 or one of the 3DS games.

There are now larger maps where you use twice as many units. I think they're around 3.5 times bigger. There's also a mode where you make your own map and people fight your units on it.

Ike/Soren launched the FE fujo crowd in the West

That's how they looked in the actual game. Mordecai and Caineghis are basically walls of flesh. A huge chunk of the laguz in game are male actually, don't expect a lot of units like Nailah. If you want a cute Laguz girl apart from Lethe, wait for Vika, she's ultra cute.
I blame Soren. The games have best girl, Nephenee, and she seemed reasonably popular so not all of them are fujo/homos.

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PoR was SHIT and Soren was right

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Just like it got "saved" after the first beast banner? Telliusfags are so fucking full of themselves I swear.

I want that DD4 though

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>another no demotes banner

No, Mordecai is not demoting.

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>unit known for being a smite bot has a prf built around smiting people

I want you to remove your trip. I know it's on so people can filter out your posts, but this isn't /feg/, no one's going to recognize your garbage posts and spam "trip back on" unless you're actually talking about tharja. Take it off so I don't have to see that shitty name or tripcode here.

Fuck, that's all I wanted. I might play it but all the bloated systems are confusing and make me want to die.

Can't wait to see no demotes in the Binding Blade banner either.

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At least pulling focus won't be such a cockshrinking experience anymore. For a while, at least.

I'm more curious about the next seasonals. It feels like the current banners have been around forever, we're on April already and we still have Valentine's units being promoted. What was last year's April seasonal event?

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Pretty much. Barring kingpin over there, they all have a skill that IS considers 5* material even if some grail buyable units have them too.
>Rally X/X+ and Chill Atk 3
>Solo skill and Hone (IS doesn't care about Fortify)
>Link skill
Even if Mordecai somehow demoted, then it would just be another Blue beast alongside the already free Panne and Naesala, basically unless you've rolled for a 5* one, your only options are Blue and Green beasts (Panne, Naesala, and Reyson, plus Mord if he gets the demote).

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almost done +10ing burger king, and now i get to +10 haar
very nice

Hopefully nothing, fuck seasonals

Actually, we didn't get a seasonal last April, it was both Thracia and Fates banners. I guess we can only wait until the calendar to see.

Next seasonal will be brides and maybe grooms.

Yeah I was just checking through the archive. I guess bride is technically next.

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>everyone a day or two ago saying a male majority banner is impossible now
haha fuck you
still not rolling on this though, Kita drawing Caine makes it tempting but I don't have the orbs. Would rather spend on a girl unit desu.

Hey aceman, I have always wanted to ask: do you change the filename manually after saving a twitter pic in orig or do you have an extension? Because I always change the filename while saving.

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> almost every banner for the last couple months has had none heros able to be get at 4*
> demoted a small amount of heros to 4*/3* Rarity to to flood the 5 star pool again.
What's ISIS endgame?

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>implying they won't add a hanamatsuri event for more hoshido royal seasonals & camilla

>free Haar

dude nice

Next seasonal is the bridal banner but that doesn't happen until May.

I just leave it as it is.

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Kill the game.

Buy more orbs, goyim.

>implying there won't be some convoluted theme for Golden Week, which is technically in April

Four new fatesfaggot seasonals for each day of the week! How nice!


Yeah because it's not like the valentine's day banners didn't exist or anything. Or the Quan banner.

>then Sakura or something
>theme is Hoshidan week
(lol enjoy

Apparently their memory is too short for that.

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>been saving orbs for months because I wanted to +10 Haar on release
>ignored aether raids after launch because it got unfun so quickly

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Male majority was never impossible. An all male banner certainly is though.

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Only for new heroes
Tbh I prefer it with a good balance

>DD 4
And the end of blade tomes fags come to an end how does it feel?

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Just auto battle it like I do, the miniscule increase of the rewards really isn't worth the effort.

Oh god yes

Feels bad, bro. Might need to change my Aether Keep since my +24 -blade Nino was MVP in breaking through the stronger tanks. We'll see how popular of a skill it becomes in T21.

>take forever to add beasts
>When they finally get around to adding beasts it's almost non stop beast units for like 3 months
Even when they give people what they want they manage to fuck it up somehow

>free Haar


IntSys can't ever do anything in moderation.

They might as well dump all the beasts now
No one relevant is missing now except maybe shit like Ena or his grandpa I don't remember

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>made a complaint about how Valentines Ike is another armour unit without armour
>Someone replies telling me that Ike isn't gay and doesn't suck twink cock all day
Some of them are still in the closet it seems

Bladetomefags deserve to get cucked for being cancer anyways.

Well, I've never been a fan of beast units but damn they're getting a lot of crazy skills. Debuff on initiation is wild. I'm probably just going to start stockpiling orbs now. I only spend them on legend/mythic banners, but I've been burned by them for the past couple of months now coupled with us getting less orbs is starting to make me rethink. The only units I really want now are Brave Camilla and the red jello girl. Game's on a steady downhill track and I can't see it being around for another year. Cool free Haar tho.

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How do I get a lethe gf irl?

Sure is fun getting all these new banners and getting less orbs than last year to roll on them.
I sure am excited for there to not be a replacement for GHB elite quests in a few days, since that would give us too many orbs and free merges.

Most gacha give more currency as the years go on so that people can actually keep up with the excessive amount of reruns, but ISIS seems to be trying a bold new strategy of doing the complete opposite. Even FGO never reduced the amount of currency you earned and it's one of the most cancerous ones out there.

>no guard
I agree he will be meta as fuck if they release like an Iotes shield seal tho.

>The longer it takes for a unit you want to get added the more likely they get bullshit overpowered stats and skills
Guess Cynthia not being added yet has its benefits.

Find a girl from a nation your country constantly went to war with and take months, maybe even years to show not all of your countrymen are inherently bad.

This is only true to an extent. You can still end up being shit tier, you just increase your chances of power creep.

>Those descriptions on the weapons

When did Fire Emblem become like Yu-Gi-Oh?

>Even FGO never reduced the amount of currency you earned
Unless you play NA in which case ya fucked.

I hope Marcia's lucky enough to come with a Prf unlike Thea.

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It's been like that for a while user.

Right here.

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I love this banner, because I get to save my orbs.

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She still has the chance of being like her mom and getting meh skills, no prf and being cucked from demote status. The stats are nice though

Ive been waiting for 2 years to get my blue tiger I'm so happy right now

Gay banner.
Least best girl is getting something this update.

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They at least get the benefit of being able to know what's coming for quite a while. I wouldn't mind getting less orbs if I knew what every new character was for the next year or two so I can plan accordingly and not blow all my shit on someone I kind of want, only to have someone I really want come out right after.

What are you trying to say with this pic?

You know this game is dead when every time it gets updated there are these threads saying that it’s “saved”

daughterwife niggers KILL YOURSELF

>perifag shitting on anyone's taste
fuck you and your shitty waifu

Laguz Killer when IS, i'm getting impatient

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I'm calling it gay because it's literally a bunch of muscled bois. It's not even an insult.
And I'll gladly fuck her, cause she's my wife.

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that this game is shit and that Ares has far more interesting stats, skills and weapon while being 3 star and eldigan who was released before is shit and now a rare 5 star.

what's the best asset for ares

atk for the cookie cutter build
spd for the miracle meme build

We're getting Haar? Jill when?

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why does everyone spell Helbindi as Helbendi? I've seen it in too many places for it just to be a typo

It's because I'm from the Berenstein universe.

Can they stop giving armor units op base skill sets?

Is joke. Guess I should have made it more obvious, my bad.

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>nobody cares that Caineghis has art drawn by his original RD artist
it's ok I fucked up the first one, Skrimir's Caine's nephew, not his son

Tellius had the most females devs in FE. RD is the only game directed by one.

Tellius games are rightfully known as Fujo games by Nips. It's fun watching people pretend otherwise.

They'll give her shitty skills and stats but I'll still +10+10 her and use her in all my teams.

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Never heard of such a thing, but RD also has Heather in it. Pretty sure the fujo thing is simply because of how many people latched onto Ike and Soren's ending.

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RD had the best art, shame she doesn't put as much effort into Heroes

She does fantastic work still and puts in effort on par with her cipher cards. Did you even look at Caineghis?
She simply does heavier computer editing now so the art has a bit less of a hand-detailed look and all the skin and clothes she draws now are a lot smoother. This is evident on all her Ikes for FEH and for the two Cecilias.

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>releasing another free unit I want right after Rutger and Naesala

Muh grails

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>be generous as fuck with orbs for the first year and 3/4ths
>out of nowhere just cut back heavily
Why are they doing this?

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Because fuck Gamecube grandpas XD

They made enough money and are sick of updating this game, so they're trying to get people to stop playing so they can shut it down.

muscle girls are always a good choice my nigga but im sure that if they add her she will have strong defense only and some seal skills like they way she was in fates, she was only a debuffer

They're going back to the amount they've always been giving. You just got used to the generous amounts.

They can't stop me, I finally have everything I wanted in with the introduction of Haar. Anything else after this is just a bonus.

They already milk Fateswakening crowd while the tellius horders were waiting in the wings. Now they set their sights on them and won't let them restock

It's finally our time my bara bros!

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don't ruin Giffca for me please
dude is fucking awesome, a giant black lion, and he's actually powerful enough to be on par with king units

>Haar and Jill aren't on a banner together
That's fucking stupid

i always though baras where cool characters until i realize it was a fetish for massive faggots just like sports animes are for fujoshis

Her personal skill would be considered a brazen skill (she got like +4 str while not 100%) and her most notable skill in her was death blow(+20 crit)

>oh no these perfect specimen of hunky beefy men are fetishized! How could these be?!

Next thing you're telling me muscle girls are entirely not a fetish. You retard.

Gotta save Jill Fizzart for the anti beast unit wave

is there a term for female bara characters

but muscle girls is a straight fetish for men while baras are a massive faggot fetish way worse than traps

They're lumped in with muscle girls.

Tone girls are nice and can generally just be a character design that people can appreciate without always sexualizing. Bara shit always gets sexualized by barafags who are very loud in their reminding people that they like dudes with pecs that look like tits.

yeah so the same as a do +10 damage when special skill, a Brazen skill for A and a Seal skill for B, she will be a common unit

Yeah, they're typically described as "best girl"


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>ywn best Rinkah in combat, drag her back to your army's camp, and fuck her asshole while she screams and cries and begs you to kill her instead
feels bad man

wtf is wrong with you? anal is for faggots, i will only fuck her pussy

do i want her in my gacha game? probably not

Holy shit Armor Beast units are going to be bullshit if they make more of them.

But that'd be doing it correctly. The point is to screw up at sex while raping her
I'm usually against that sort of thing, but considering how let down I have been by her spray on abs, I can't help but smile

>unit you get as a 5* weaker than a unit that requires investment to promote from 5*

Skrimir and Giffca will likely show up at some point. Don't remember if they named the white lion that fought Yune with Altina and Dheginsea, but there's that one too, when they run out of ideas.

>20k feathers

Soan, one of Ashera's 3 Heroes.

His name was Soan but I don't remember if they revealed that in the english release

yes he did so much better than Oscar

Bara is a genre about manly gay sex user. Saying female bara is like saying male yuri.


Yeah, that's one galeforce, aether, QR3, [weapon]+, bond.

does soren not count?

Just build her right and she can one shot dragons.

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>replacing the Dark Mystletainn, Ares' biggest asset
>implying Eldigan can do jack shit with his base kit of skills either, even with Fury 6 his stats are just average

20k feathers is a lot of feathers to spend. You run out of them pretty quickly just getting merges.

Not him, but I have a +10 Ares, what is the Miracle build?

I don't, I'm almost at the feather cap. 20k is jack shit in feathers unless you need to +10 everything.
Anyway promoting one unit to 5* to compare to another that comes at 5* at the cost of 20k feathers isn't even much of a downside.
Easier to merge than a 5* exclusive with worse stats, I'd rather spend feathers than orbs.
And even at the crux of this, your initial argument was flawed to begin with. Eldigan's stats are shit simply because he's an older unit, not because he comes at 5* and saves you the feathers. This goes for a lot of units, like vanilla Ryouma.

>not +10 everything
you're doing wrong. also
>implying im that person talking about eldigan

I can clear Abyssals just dandy without a single merge on units (just did Ryouma's Abyssal LHB without any merges), so no, I don't need to +10 everything. I don't care about Arena because it's not fun to intentionally make your high merge units deliberately shittier (e.g. slapping Aether+Dual Rally+ on everything) just to score better.

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They need it to offset their weak movement otherwise they're useless since they will never get the first strike.

Don't have Atk/Spd Solo 3. Would Life and Death 3 work?

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Imagine being such a humongus faggot and talking about a fucking PHONE """""""""GAME""""""""" unironically.

Fucking subhumans

Trying to build the motivation to make an Equip Sets for Arena Assault is hard.

I want to fight Caineghis whales

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why are both morgan designs so fucking cute though i just can't