Apex Regends

Hey all you Apex shitters, you know Titanfall 2 is the superior game and you should feel bad for playing respawn's abomination.

Also, post burny bois


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ooga booga whitey

>nose ring
So close
So fucking close goddammit

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My gf looks like her but darker

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her shade of dark is the cut off desu

She looks like she gets embuggered by white bois

>cuts herself
In the trash she goes

fuuuckk , loooook at that asss

Imagine designing a character where every single cosplayer looks better than the ingame character.

She looks like she exclusively fucks white guys

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You faggots would fuck her if you could. Too bad you can't.

it's not fair kings, how do we stop the white devil from stealing our queens?

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Okay, I get that this thread is shilling/advertising.
But if this is EA advertising, why would they badmouth their own game?

Actually, white people are the least likely to racemix, and blacks are the demographic that whites racemix the least with.
Only a minority racemixes in general.

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Watch the discord trannies sperg out and start shitting on white people now.
They do this same shit on Yea Forums

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What do facts have to do with autism?

Yeah because a small majority of black women are attractive, and those are the ones that end up with whites

And AIDS, almost half of them have AIDS.

it's already starting
they literally encourage race mixing of every kind on the major boards to try to normalize it
just ignore them since they have a suicide rate of like 40% each year lmao and they will be gone before we even care to check again.

Oh no, it's the same in all these kinds of threads.
You call them out, proceed to start shitting on all white people and say that if you don't racemix you are pretty much inbreeding and that you'd be willing to fuck your own sister.

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we're right here

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and underboob tattoo

This is literally the Holocaust 2.0

Hey there mr. faggot man, I just love titanfall and scorch and watching Respawns reveal of this shit was like watching them drown my son.

But since I'll be a shill no matter what you think the PS4 player base is as fat as dat ass.

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>white people are the least likely to racemix
but then why so paranoid about muh hwite race going out?

Because it's being pushed hard, which means there's enemies out there.

>and those are the ones that end up with whites
Or hood ninjas that still believe in modern rap/hip hop lifestyles.

low birthrates and politicians making up for those low birthrates by importing nonwhites who have high birthrates
it's not rocket science