Could you call Bloodborne a horror game?
Could you call Bloodborne a horror game?
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Yes just like you can call OP a faggot.
Horribly bad
Horror setting for sure, but idk about actual horror. Still, its more unnerving then any recent "horror" game where its just jumpscares and loud music.
On the first playthrough it could be a bit creepy.
But that all disappears by the time you do NG+
Yeah, horror themed action RPG. Kinda like Parasite Eve and such.
it certainly has that more creeping horror vibe that a lot of actual horror games seem to have given up on in favor of jump scares.
If you can play through it without spoilers, I could definitely see it being scary or at least deeply unnerving as shit gets weirder and weirder.
The brain of menesis room will never not be scary for me.
Are these church servants pthoos? Because they sure look like em.
there's no reason to think they're not
I think the most unnerving part of the game was Arianna giving birth to a babby Ebri
It's very lovecraftian with a tinge of kefkaesque appeal
Why couldn't we get his set? I like his hat a lot.
Upper Cathedral Ward legitimately scared me on my first playthrough. The Research Hall is just fucking sickening.
Please no meat touching maam
Bloodborne was my first Souls game. I was scared when I was going through the first area in the sewers but after that I got used to it and I just enjoyed the atmosphere.. Great game. Now I'm a Souls fans.
Yeah it's horror. So many times where I get jumped by some nigger standing in the shadows with a knife.
Not really but some parts of the game have a horror like atmosphere.
they're just trying to protect your innocence, nothing wrong with that
Not a horror game in terms of the genre itself, but a game with horror aesthetics for sure.
I was certainly horrified by the framerate and muddy N64 tier resolution.
Do you ever get tired of saying the same joke for 4 years?
I would not call it horror, but it got pretty scary sometimes.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I played it for about 15 minutes on my brother's PS4 when it came out and the framerate was hitting single digits. That's not how I want to play a fast paced action game.
I'll stop when it gets a PC port or even a fucking PS4 Pro patch
>Admitting you didnt play the best game to come out in the past 20 years
>local madman goes awoo
>framerate was hitting single digits
Only, it never does. It's actually 30fps doesn't go below 25. The issue is the framepacing.
I own a PS4 and have played bloodborne
you're allowed to criticize things you like. bloodborne's framerate is awful
I'm guessing you're a child that's never played anything by Fromsoftware except Dark Souls and Bloodborne. They've always had this problem. Good games ruined by shit graphics and worse framerates.
>hasn't played SOMA
it truly can be
20 years later and they still don't know how to optimize a game. Everything they make still runs at 12 FPS and looks like roadkill.
dark souls 3 runs well on the personal computer
noooooo stop challenging my narrative
Probably something like psychological horror. I actually couldn't play it for too long without taking like 2 hour breaks on my first time, the atmosphere was too heavy to handle.
i felt like it was when i played through the lecture building
King's Field games were always janky low effort garbage that never managed to surpass games that came years before them like Ultima Underworld. So no, I haven't
Why are the church dudes such pimp ass motherfuckers?
>it's been 4 years already
Jesus christ.
They kind of remind me of a certain HEE HEE
It's not a joke, though. Bloodborne has shit frame rate and pacing.
Felt like a few months ago.
This is why no one takes Souls fags seriously, it's just a fucking action rpg with some shitty Lovecraft influenced lore.
>he doesn't know
Albeit, it's a little out of the way but what isn't? Look around the large, circular city center filled with big church bois, it's down a branching path.
Game? idk. Slideshow? Definitely.
Played it at night in the dark alone and found it pretty scary.
Like Berserk and the other Souls games, it really isn't in the horror genre, but horror is definitely a theme.
I wouldn't call it a horror game i honestly loved the deco of BloodBorne and i was more excited if anything to see grander and newer places, the atmosphere in the game is also really great. The only truly horrifying thing about it is when a enemy you don't see or hear attacks in you a nanosecond.
why would the church use pthumerians as opposed to regular humans, though? for that matter, how do they even get them to do the job instead of murdering their way back into the labyrinth at the first opportunity?
It would be stupid not too.
Horror doesn't necessarily have to be scary.
presumably the Pthumerians are manipulating the Church to their own ends.
>coping sonyggger
The Nightmare Frontier, Forbidden Woods, and parts of Yharnham initially scared me. Getting grabbed by the invisible amygdala in Cathedral Ward was also spooki
Nah, I think I just figured it out. They're just mercury poisoned goons. They have a tendency to drop quicksilver and they look like pic related: the slime scholars which are composed entirely of mercury. There's a theme of corruption and pollution in this game, more specifically mercury accumulation. Hence, why we the hunter can extract mercury from our blood. The blood is tainted in Yharnam.
God I wish that was me
This. People seem to label the term "horror" to anything that gives them cheap jumpscares.
Its technically a horror game but not really. It has all the elements of a horror game except the feeling of powerlessness
Action horror. You are too powerful fot it to be considered a real horror game.
Why would I be coping when I can enjoy the best souls game to date?
>You are too powerful
>gets bodied by the three werewolves in Upper Cathedral Ward
>then gets his brain sucked out by the brainsucker in the narrow corridor in Upper Cathedral Ward
i remember being quite spooked when i went through upper cathedral ward when the game came out
the amygdala hanging out in the cathedral ward was some spooky shit too, and cant forget about pic related
then the dlc came out and the entire last area is just innsmouth
It does if you exceed its specifications. It's actually a good example of From's bad optimization though, like he said.
Sekiro got to me way, way harder than Bloodborne despite the setting.
It's an action rpg. It doesn't even attempt to be horror, what is Demon's Souls a horror game because some souls retards found Tower of Latria scary?
It's very easy to level yourself out of any challenge in Bloodborne I agree. I like to limit myself in terms of weapons upgrades and levels to reintroduce some tension.
I've played through the game 3 times and I don't remember this thing. Where abouts is it?
>It doesn't even attempt to be horror
what a silly statement
It had some pretty spooky bits
this shit was pretty disturbing
>They're just mercury poisoned goons
What about the giants?
>he didn't see the secrete elevator pathway
still never got the plat because of abhorrent beast in the chalice dungeons
The brain of mensis, you can pull a lever in the castle that drops it down into a black void and there's an elevator you can take down to see it
I call it a 24 FPS game lmao
this isn't soothing at all
In order for a game to be horror, the character generally needs to be weak and unable to defend themselves easily. Bloodborn guy is an unstoppable killing machine. The enemies should fear him.
It's definitely sub 25 in Old Yharnam. That's the only place where the framerate is really unbearable
what ends could they possibly have, though? don't they just want to tend to their tombs, kill any trespassers, and kidnap a few random Yharnamites every now and then?
>not posting Hail the Nightmare
Not scary, but it gives Yahar'gul a great atmosphere.
Bloodborne and other similar From games are literally all about dying repeatedly until you get it right
The first time I went to Yahar'gul I definitely was moving super slowly and was on edge, so I'd call that a "horror game experience" for me
>SOMA is scary meme
something to do with Queen Yharnam and Mergo, presumably. Before Micolash fucks everything up, anyway.
>Holy shit I killed this guy and he keeps coming back
>And he gets stronger and smarter each time
Truly a horror game for the enemies
>SOMA is not scary meme
Bloodborne's music is pretty great all around
The Lovecraft shit is just for lore. Just because it has some horror influences doesn't mean it's made to scare you.
Undead frankensteins, like in the Pthumerian labyrinth.
It has scary parts but overall it's more depressing
>What about the giants?
Most likely pthumerians that were captured by the tomb prospectors and brought to the surface as some sort of tank division. Besides, we get Undead Giants in the labyrinths.
>In order for a game to be horror, the character generally needs to be weak and unable to defend themselves easily
that's a totally arbitrary definition of horror you just pulled out of your ass right now
Well shit, does anything happen if you attack it?
For pre-patch Old Yharnam it is, but for post-patch Old Yharnam it isn't. And even then only when you're at the bonfire with 40 enemies milling about and you fight them all at once (rather than individually)
Nah, it's an action rpg with a horror theme. I guess for a normie who is not so anal about genre definitions I guess it could pass off as a horror title.
>just because it’s scary doesn’t mean it’s supposed to scare you
Dude what the fuck are you on about
Don't attack it just yet. It's actually a benevolent Great One. Get the make contact gesture from UCW, then perform it on the Brain. Wait until your arms have switched, which the Brain then rewards you with a Moon Rune.
It's a horror-themed Action-RPG. Every element uses classical horror for inspiration and although you may no longer consider them scary, they are certainly still considered horror.
Think about the fact that "comedy horror" is a genre. Even though it isn't scary, it still uses the typical elements found in the horror genre.
It would be fair to call it a Gothic-Fiction, but it's still Horror.
you can kill it, it has a ton of health but it eventually drops a living string upon kill
you can also make contact for a moon rune
If you do the make contact emote in front of it for about 60 seconds you get a caryll rune, and if you kill it you get a rare chalice material
I grow increasingly scared of the boss with 11 vaginas for a shin
And no joke i actually got scared shitless when a bloodlicker showed up in a chalice dungeon
That character looks just like me except
Bloodlickers make me really horny
How’s it going, Grubermeister
Additionally Living String is needed to create Great Pthumeru Ihyll chalice which holds the one trophy obtainable from the chalices.
the game has numerous cosmic horrors which jump out and try to kill you, the game jumpscares you numerous times, the entire setting of the game would have you objectively terrified if you were there in real life.
pretend to be retarded somewhere else
>Moon Rune
based self-aware japs
The third one. Enjoy.
nihilistic, intelligent, and with a wicked sense of humor?
>the orphan fucking his mommy
SOMA deez nuts
ps4 straight up worsens the experience
frame rate matters in a third person action game
Sunless Sea also has Lovecraft influences, would you consider that a horror game?
Except comedy horror is meant to be funny, All I got out of Bloodborne is that it's an action rpg with horror references at best.
you're a fucking moron if you don't consider Sunless Sea a horror game
You refuse to understand.
>log in to view this content
Yeah, with big syllable words like lovecraftian and existential
Sorry man, don't want to get b&. But it's worth it. Trust me.
Literally never once seen this happen
>the game has numerous cosmic horrors which jump out and try to kill you, the game jumpscares you numerous times,
If that was meant to be scary then I didn't even notice it and it's the worst attempt I've ever seen in a game. I'll give you that Micolash is the closest the game gets to "horror"
Yes, I would. Not Survival Horror specifically but definitely Horror.
outside of gameplay im pretty sure thats the genre of the game, so yea.
time to play bloodborne sp & online more often.
Is it on like e621 or something I don't really want to sign up
is there anything in the history of fanbases something more cringe than soulsnigger casualbabs trying to call their shitty bloodshit game a horror game because it has some blue goobers in it?
Couldn't find it there.
How pussified are you faggots?
not him but just copy+paste it to an imgur link. forced login sites are cancer
clocked in about 100 hours, never seen this before
Not really a "horror game" but I'd consider all of from software's souls games, bloodborne and sekiro to have strong horror themes and am certainly wary about when I'll be able to play them in front of my kid without terrifying her.
It's probably a shitty, biased metric but most things I'm even slightly afraid to let my kid watch/see because i think it would scare are a kind of horror to me.
But also the only reason it's not scary to players at all is because it is presented as a challenge you are meant to overcome, with all the tools for the job, instead of an unstoppable terror where you're a little more helpless.
>rarest move in the game
>is also the most devastating
don't see anything wrong with this
or you could just upload it to imgur like a normal person
There are no true jump scares like most horror games have, and there are never moments where you need to helplessly run away from an enemy. Those two things are what define the awful genre of horror for me at least, and they don't apply to Bloodborne.
It certainly has a spooky setting though.
Im glad bloodyfaster replaced fieldy. Fieldy is fucking batshit.
meant for also
is bioshock 1 a horror game?
I thought anons may not like imgur's compression, but thanks any way.
not him but
>I don't see anything wrong with garbage development/optimisation
not a first from the fromcuck base, i'll give you, but still as retarded as the first time i've seen this kind of defensive cope from fromtards.
dont open the image
Horror requires uncertainty and unpredictability. BB lacks that because it's a dark souls game where you always know the next checkpoint is right beyond the newest batch of absolutely brainless monsters
Oh my, very arousing dear sir
I fucking get that you can call an action rpg with some superficial horror elements a horror game if you really stretch the definition like this guy does
It's literally a 1 in a million chance of that attack happening
chalice dungeons have other extremely rare mobs that can spawn too
>hate the chalice dungeons and never bother going through them
>never got spooked by this fucker
They beat you with a fucking corpse too.
yes, because its a shit game for weebs.
>hated the chalice dungeons for the longest time
>eventually it clicks
>can now make a random chalice dungeon and have fun anytime
perhaps the reason you don't like them is because you haven't hit the point where your mind begins to like them
it can be distrubing
>souls games
I don't like them because they have zero atmosphere and poor level design in a game where atmosphere and level design are some of its highest selling points
Cosmic horror probably. Some parts were spoopy but mostly the atmosphere and difficulty when it was new
Bloodborne is just a shameless nightmare creatures rip off.
This fuck head doesn't even know how the make contact gesture works
Exhibit A: The Fucking Moron
Not really? I mean I personally don't. The themes and setting do have the air of horror but the gameplay is very fast and intense. When I'm playing I'm too focused to really settle into the horror atmosphere. However, to the casual observer I'd say that Bloodborne is very scary. My little cousin watched me play and she was freaking out.
I hate the ones in the chalices
there is literally nothing wrong with making a video game that's clear and easy to see.
Does the PS4 Pro improve frame pacing and framerate enough for it to matter? I know its not an enhanced game but they have that boost mode or whatever
that's not scary
fuck these things
Not much of a difference, sadly.
And Bloodborne is supposed to be a cluttered chaotic nightmare, go drink your prune juice gramps, maybe Ms. Pac-Man is more your speed.
>retarded postprocessing filters and arbitrary blurriness
it's called the mere exposure effect, and knowing about it has ruined my enjoyment of many things
>tfw bloodborne represents real life in that more knowledge and insight is rewarding, but also horrifying and rips the fun out of life
But it is easy to see?
I just don't like the slog to be able to make random dungeons whenever I make a new character.
>just want to dive into FRC
>got to slog my through all of it
>including Defiled Amy
yea its spooky
>go to Hemwick before fighting Amelia
>don't have to fight any of these guys outside of the boss room
I have platinum and this never happened to me
Siege heil, Good Hunter.
>/threading yourself
>200 posts into the thread
>Some dude is angry because I said Sunless Sea isn't horror
Is Binding of Isaac also horror then you fucking hipster?
What was his problem?
how would even define horror that it wouldn't include Sunless Sea? Only jumpscares and shrieking strings count as horror, everything else is not-horror?
Do you talk like this in real life?
They're freakishly fast
I think so
>Fieldy is batshit
She's top cute though.
Madmen were tolerable compared to red spiders
Didnt realize your insight affected the number of those things since I had single digits when I fought her the first time. Went in on ng+ with 42 insight and had a really bad time.
>that unnecessary flip into charge attack
>discussion is about bloodborne spooky levels
>posts sekiro combat video
where do you land on the spectrum level?
this is what failure looks like
What part of Bloodborne was this in
Fuck I love this game.
>ENBnigger is back
Jesus christ, you never stop, do you?
sekirolets are desperate to be acknowledged by the soulsbase despite trying to shill their game as non-souls.
Jumpscare horror and psychological horror are both actual horror. What you fags are doing is the equivalent of saying Get Out by Jordan Peele is the same genre as Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I mean I can get how you can think that but I don't agree at all.
Heard it was a russian lullaby, forgot what it was called though.
Speaking of lullabies, here's this.
i have always thought it was a mask
I was distracted by Red Dead Redemption 2 but the general died and so did the discussion on Yea Forums sadly. Sekiro brought me back to FromSoft's games.
Didnt he hate Bloodborne because it was about a baby and his wife miscarried?
>the hunter can extract mercury from our blood.
>our blood
i am the only one who kill the 2 witches by running around attacking randomly until i hit them without fighting the mobs
Oh not ENB. I was referring to this avatarfag who's obsessed with ENB's sister.
That's not ENB's sister
Friendly reminder that ENBposter
>carries around a photo of ENB's sister in his wallet and tells people it's his girlfriend
>writes erotic fanfiction about ENB and his sister where he self-inserts as ENB
>stalked Quelaag IRL and drove her off YouTube
>comfy thread ruined by a schizo
>>stalked Quelaag IRL and drove her off YouTube
When is FROM going to take the roguepill and make a full procgen dungeon crawler?
It's even worse. Marcus fucked up real bad by moving his jap wife back to the united states. Once that rice eatin' slut caught wind of some prime US born and raised negro meat, she knew it was all over for her so called "marriage." Once her fertile rice paddy was violently pumped to the very brim with thick and virile nigga syrup, she was quickly with child.
That miscarriage bullshit you heard about was really an abortion to cover up for her infidelity. The act worked until she found herself once again lusting to have her mochi pounded by a strong black stallion. It was obvious from that moment that the married life wasn't exactly for her.
pussified = not desensitized
This, but up to 4 player multiplayer and make it even harder
Imagine typing this
>4 years later and pkeks are still seething
just install psnow, fag
>When is FROM going to take the roguepill and make a full procgen dungeon crawler?
I think it can work.
this. feels bad man
Have sex
I don’t have to imagine it.
Roguelikes aren't comfy. I like Souls games because they are comfy when you take it slow and cautious.
Never ever
based as fuck
wh*Ties will never recover
Who the fuck is Marcus?
>rewarded for taking it slow and cautious
but that's pretty much every half-decent roguelike user
for journos, yes
There is a difference between jump scares and being disturbed by something on an intellectual level. Do the bloated heads squirming about in straitjackets around Research Hall not make you think?
>what is under those wraps
>how long have they been like this
>will they suffer for the rest of eternity
>what was done to them
>There is a difference between jump scares and being disturbed by something on an intellectual level
Bloodborne is not Silent Hill
Of course it's not, because Silent Hill is trite 2deep4u shit. I could never properly understand why I disliked it until Joseph Anderson managed to put my distaste into words.
>Once her fertile rice paddy was violently pumped to the very brim with thick and virile nigga syrup, she was quickly with child.
fieldy was a cunt and I remember what Lobos was like when he was with her. She was basically turning him into a cuck. He acted way too boyish around her. I often thought he was gay because of how fucking faggy he acted (even around her). Bloodyfaster is the type of girl lobos needed imo. Opposites attract and all that. Fieldy WAS batshit crazy. She constantly belittle lobos too iirc. When they broke up her saying some unnecessary shit on twitter.
Holy shit have worse taste
is dead space a horror game?
user, no.
Yes? DS1 for sure.
>Too much of a brainlet to understand dread
Stick to scary animal robot brains, faggolot.
Have sex
Silent Hill is an actual horror game as is every Resident Evil. Fuck, Re5 is more of a horror game than Bloodborne and I liked Bloodborne.
You sound like my mom when she talks about big brother
>imagine being this deep into e celeb shit to the point that you care more about it than the people involved
Can I get the original Asuka image?
>two or three bell maidens in the same dungeon
>all of them are simultaneously summoning red spiders
>a funeral procession of spiders stalks the dungeon trying to find you
>get ambushed as soon as you try to walk through a door
>spend the next 10 minutes killing spiders marginally faster than the maiden is able to summon them
Lobos basically was stringing Fieldy along pretending that he wanted to go through with his marriage to Fieldy while secretly chumming it up with Bloodyfaster online and right before the wedding after the church and feast preparations had been made Lobos confessed that he had been fantasizing about being with someone else i.e Bloody. Never would've known if it wasn't for Fieldy making a stream about breakups. Lobos did not do right by Fieldy whatever you think of her personally.
That one Loran story dungeon is heinous. Red spiders in an unending stream filling the corridors. I just rush the maidens if possible.
horror game in the way that the nightmare before christmas is a horror movie sure
Absolutely. Fuck I STILL have nightmares about that framerate
That joke has been done several times now ITT. Here's a (You) for effort.
It's got elements of horror games and it's heavily inspired by Gothic and Lovecraftian horror fiction, so I don't see why you couldn't.
If Resident Evil or Evil WIthin are horror games, Bloodborne is without question a horror game.
> yfw waking up here for the first time
>doors stay open after you die
>now have to deal with a corridor of spiders charging you while you clear the rooms leading up to it
>Re and Evil Within
With those two you can tell the developers meant to make a horror experience even if it isn't scary. I don't see how you can do the same for Bloodborne unless you cite some vague Lovecraft references and Micolash.
To the point if you consider Bloodborne horror then so is every fucking game with creepy shit in it.
Well, there are certainly disturbing and dark moments in BB.
>obtaining a blood soaked ribbon from the sewer pig, only to realise it belongs to Gascoigne's youngest daughter
>research hall patients
>the winter lanterns
>Arianna giving impregnated involuntarily and births demon spawn
*getting impregnated
Half of that is lore and I wouldn't say it makes the game horror. You do the same shit as in every Souls game which aren't horror at all except this one has a Lovecraft aesthetic so it's horror? How the fuck does that work?
Would Mel play a good Gascoigne now that he's older?
>Half of that is lore
How is witnessing the birth of a celestial larvae and a distraught mother not disturbing?
this fucker skipped the dialogue
How does that make the game horror overall? A lot of non horror games have horror themed missions or scary moments.
Can I play Bloodborne on PSNow during the free trial? I might end up buying a PS4 just for it if I like it
Because the horror in BB isn't mainstream horror.
Yes because of the absolutely SPOOKY amount of SCARY and UNNERVING and frankly, LOVECRAFTIAN statues!
Miyazaki understands that TRUE HORROR is hundreds of wierd statues plastered along every major street. Bravo, BRAVO.
The setting and overall plot are fairly heavily horror themed at least even if it isn't strictly a horror game
>fertile rice paddy was violently pumped to the very brim with thick and virile nigga syrup
>Souls fans are just video game hipsters
Yeah I figure.
>Sekiro has zero horror elements and barely utilizes the yokai/supernatural stuff
Color me disappointed.
I didn't say BB was outright scary, dummy. What I'm aiming to point out here is that the game's overall theme relies fundamentally on traditional horror.
>The setting and overall plot are fairly heavily horror themed at least even if it isn't strictly a horror game
Yeah I agree but there's lots of assholes comparing it to actual survival horror games which is ridiculous.
>playing Bloodborne with the HUD off
>assholes comparing it to actual survival horror games
Nobody did?
Not him but if you really didn't think about the implications of the Research Hall you have a tiny fucking brain. That's how mental asylums used to be, by the way - just let the nuts run around screaming as doctors did whatever experiments they felt like performing.
No, how the fuck is it a horror game?
Yeah I don't know why anyone would make that comparison but to say that bloodborne has no horror elements is pretty silly
>you gain 3 insight when you see the baby
This game just keeps on giving
>tfw one of my friends believed the Yea Forums rumors and thought that ENB's wife left her because she had a child with another person
This autism needs to stop.
I loved that detail whenever it happened, like gaining insight when you see the real hunter's workshop or when you approach cainhurst the first time
But's only us that is conversing, user. And in that time I made no statement that BB was survival horror.
The performance is indeed a horror.
Like goddamn make a PS4 pro patch or something.
Yes, Gothic and Lovecraftian horror to be more specific
Is this what shitposters are talking about when they say "sickdark?"
>but to say that bloodborne has no horror elements is pretty silly
It has horror elements but so does Get Out by Jordan Peele which is a satire with horror elements. You can't tell me that fits into the same genre as any horror film.
You're the FIFTH fucking poster to come to this thread and make this joke. Did you feel witty? Did you feel clever?
Wait what the fuck what enemy is this?
That particular scene with Arianna is not meaningless or there for the sake of shock factor. Once you obtain the cord off of the larvae, the game gives a huge reveal: Oedon's nature. It's like a crucial piece of the puzzle.
Horror is harder to quantify for games than it is for movies, agency has a lot to do with it
I believe it's called Loran Cleric, you find him in the chalice dungeons.
Since video game genres are traditionally defined by the gameplay mechanics, Bloodborne is obviously an action RPG. But,t he story, audio and visual design are all 100% horror, overwhelmingly so. I kinda like how Australian releases note the thematic content in the content ratings. Bloodborne says 'Strong horror themes and bloody violence'. Cause you're not necessarily going to like Bloodborne just because you like ARPGs, and that comes solely down to it being horror.
Never found it, the last super duper rare enemy I had knowledge of was the slug thing with two asses, I assume it's as rare as that?
>the slug thing with two asses
That fucker is rare. I've yet to see it.
nah you can find them on every Loran chalice. I think the slugs are the rarest
>Horror is harder to quantify for games than it is for movies
Sure but there's a clear difference in genre between say, Bloodborne and the Call of Cthulhu game even if you consider both scary.
>Glyph: 8chdjkka, Pthumerian Labyrinth (Layer 1)
thank me later
>people continue to find weird shit in BB
>STILL no Guidance 3
Its in there, I know it is.
You're likely not in this thread anymore, but you deserve to be called a fucking retard again.
There are different styles within a Genre. Get Out is a horror thriller, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a horror slasher.
Soma is horror adventure and Bloodborne is horror action. You're literally autistic if you can't grasp this.
>Guidance 3
never ever
Well yeah that's why I said it isn't strictly a horror game, just that it has arguably heavy horror elements
I would call it a meme game
Nobody cares about your meme game
>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere
Is it just one autistic NEET that spams this in BB threads?
>Get Out is a horror thriller,
>Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a horror slasher.
>Bloodborne is horror action.
That's Resident Evil. Bloodborne is an action rpg like every Souls game except it has a Lovecraft coat of paint.
Get Out is literally a horror thriller. Not that user, but what the fuck would you call it?
never ever
A comedy satire with horror elements. Calling it a horror thriller is as far fetched as calling Deadly Premonition horror
You're a moron.
It can be satirical and still be a horror film. Cabin in the Woods, for example.
Not my fault people consider that legit horror like they do with Bloodborne. Would you seriously recommend get out or Bloodborne to someone if they asked you for a horror film/game?
Hmm, who should I trust? The director and cast of Get Out, or some dipshit on Yea Forums who is just digging his feet in to win an internet argument?
The snake part, the upper cathedral, some chalice dungeons, the atmosphere in general make it a horror video game imo.
It was scarrier than dead space for exemple.
It made me more uncomfortable than any horror game has in over a decade. Especially the first time I walked outside in Yahar'gul.
The only person who has ever said it is you and you've been trying to push that shit for years now. I admire your fortitude, but please direct it towards something better.
>chalice dungeons
U wot m8? Even the biggest BB dick suckers agree those are the worst parts of the game.
That doesn't have anything to do with what the user was saying.
>Cabin in the Woods,
Also closer to Deadly Premonition than the Scream series which is also a satire.
>Screencapping IMDB
You know the wiki for Bloodborne mentions it's an action rpg and not horror right?
>comparing IMDB and the director's own comments to the fucking BB wiki
You could always just admit you were wrong about Get Out not being a horror thriller, you know. That's an option.
>horror game lets you play as the horror enemy
>you were wrong about Get Out not being a horror thriller
Again with this. Would you ever call Tommy Wiseau's The Room a drama even if it says so on IMDB?
>its not a horror thriller because I said so
Yeah you've used that one already.
>Would you ever call Tommy Wiseau's The Room a drama
The Room is nothing if not dramatic
where the fuck did that argument bring you two?
talking about Wiseau on a video game board
Well Im glad you were scared and thrilled while watching Get Out. I personally wouldn't ecommend it to people as a horror thriller nor would I bloodborne if they wanted horror.
That one user is just desperate to avoid admitting he was wrong. Its basically the embodiment of why having a discussion on Yea Forums is shit nowadays - can't ever back down from a point, you have to just argue for the sake of arguing.
post dog please.
Nothing wrong with believing the truth.
I wasn't part of that argument I was just pointing out that The Room is the most dramatic movie ever filmed
>That one user is just desperate to avoid admitting he was wrong.
Correction, I got massively btfo by an IMDB screencap
Are these guys Pthumerians? I always wondered that
Yes. The church took them out of the dungeons and uses them as some kind of military police.
Mensis struck a bargain with the sackmen and they were pthumerians.
We found it around chtistmas time.
>isz glitch is hampering our chalice fun
>find that the glitch is related to a chalice loot table
>there are 2 missing sections in the loot table
>the highest tier confirmed items that arent in the game are revered great one coldblood and guidance 3
>there are a few unused arenas in the chalice dungeons such as the grand lake of mud which features the unused 3rd phase of moon presence
because of this we can assume that killing the moon presence in the grand lake of mud gives guidance 3
Its just that devs have messed around with it a bit and not given us this cool stuff. They even had a boss rush prototype.
Oh be nice. We're all autistic NEETs here.
Horror is just a theme, just a genre, so yes.
This reminds me how bunch of faggots tried to force the buzzword "sickdark".
Wheres DS3, faggot?
no and it's honestly not even a good lovecraft game. Amnesia scares me terribly because it does Lovecraft right, you being powerless against things that don't make sense and it gets weirder and weirder as the time goes on.
BB has bonfire which prevents the whole fear of the unknown, and you have insanely powerful weapons to kill monsters. It's more of a Van Helsing thing than a Lovecraft one and it doesn't work well with fear and horror.
You shouldn't be able to kill Old ones, you shouldn't even be able to fight big monsters because that's the point of Lovecraft. BB is more of fan wanking over the lovecraft aesthetics and monster design.
>all these perma virgins spamming weeb garbagogirls
Actual yikes
It's scary how lazy they can be
Sorta, the atmosphere is great in the way it creeps you enough to make you dread taking another step forward. The labs is one of the best examples of this, it's a shame about the area boss though. I was hoping for some unspeakable horror born from a failed experiment, but we get living failures instead.
I mean the framerate and chromatic aberration are quite horrifying so yes.
Very original and funny.
It's still an issue with the game so yes, it's still relevant, shill.
never ever pcück
>not the old loading screen that just said "BLOODBORNE" and lasted 2 minutes in the middle
wasted opportunity
OwO pwease may i hwelp yew with that uwu
250 hours + plat and I've never seen anything like this.
>that framerate
Chalices were a mistake
I never really messed around with the chalices. What makes every kind different or are they just difficulty jumps?
>thought this was just user slwoing it down just to show how the enemy worked
Damn how does a ring of fire do that when the rest of the game chugs at a healthier 8fps
I've never seen this thing too, the fuck?
Could you call Bloodborne a horror game?
the forbidden woods is genuinely the scariest part of any game ive ever played, i cant stand snakes, just looking at those ganado wannabes makes my skin crawl, also the fucking snake balls
It has horror elements, but I don't classify it as a horror game because the goal is fighting back against the cosmic evil rather than running away. Yeah, Winter Lanterns and madmen are creepy, but their scare factor drops significantly when you pancake their asses into the ground with a wagon wheel.
yes of course and probably one of the spooiest games I have played, after you kill ROM and all the space monsters start showing up they really nailed that feeling of being such a tiny nothing in a universe filled with cosmic horrors
Silent Hill 2 is just another Monday morning for me desu
It wasn't a definition of horror, but pushing people to flight rather than fight is a component of horror, none of the souls games encourage you to run from your enemies but instead encourage you to face them head on and defeat them.
>If you can play through it without spoilers, I could definitely see it being scary or at least deeply unnerving as shit gets weirder and weirder.
I've managed to avoid spoilers actually and just killed that Rom shit, what the FUCK are those huge things everywhere? Also jesus fuck that hunter in the cathedral, took me like 3 hours to finally kill him (surprisingly i barely used any healing the last time i fought him). Is that Blade of Mercy worth it?
Just because you take on the horrors does not make it any less of a horror game
I fucking hate this defenceless = true horror meme its so fucking reddit
It's a horror story by the classical definition of the genre but not by the video game definition of the genre.
>on Yea Forums
I know you are not in the thread anymore after 4 hours, but this absolutely is not a Yea Forums exclusive phenomenon. It's called "commitment" and you find this in your average normal day life as well. Even students who give the wrong answer during a lesson still commit to that answer to the very end until the professor explicitly says it's wrong.
Alright then tell me what's horrifying about forthrightly confronting the enemies who stand in your path?
>normie brother just bought a PS4 and asked me to recommend him some games
>lent him my copy of Bloodborne since it was just sitting on my shelf since I've last played it like a year ago
>suddenly get the urge to play Bloodborne again
>don't want to ask for it back before more time passes
I wouldn't even mind if he was actually playing it, but all he has been using the console for is fucking War Thunder.
The enemies itsef makes it horro. Do you also think stuff like Dracula, Frankenstein, IT and so on aren't horror?
More horror than Resident Evil. Still it can't surpass Silent Hill though.
Some faggots purposely ez mode hemwick with 0 insight, as if it's not easy enough
Boost mode really helps
I didn't even know insight mattered in this fight and i hate playing with no insight so i killed them normally (although i did die the first time since i thought i was done when i killed the first one and didn't know the 2nd one could immobilize me). I did use Ludwig's sword though.
>having an unlimited amount of time to decide on what you want to do for your next turn isn't comfy
It's a survival horror game in my book.
Sekiro just doesn't have as cool of an aesthetic
Jesus Christ, anything but this cancer
Look closely and you can see that their webs are actually made from chains
>Could you call Bloodborne a horror game?
Horrific sub-30 fps with horrific frame times and horrific loading times.
All those monsters are impossible to kill by conventional means which is what makes them frightening.
>Only, it never does. It's actually 30fps doesn't go below 25. The issue is the framepacing.
>That joke has been done several times now ITT. Here's a (You) for effort.
It's not a joke, stupid snoy faggot.
It's a reality that is everyone sane is aware about.
it must be tough to have such a hard time enjoying games
I feel for you user
It's quite easy when a game runs in 60+ FPS with good frame times.
There are some unique rooms and enemies but for the most part the different chalices are just palette swaps and increasing difficulty. FRC Root chalices are the most fun content in the series though.
It is less scary and more hopeless.
>stick wood in heart
>just attack
>just do whatever it takes for it's current form to be defeated
In my examples only the Deadlights need something extremely special to defeat. The minor changes it uses can be defeated by corresponding regular methods.
Also your point is that attacking them head on is what makes it not horror, yet the protags of all those books and other horror classics braved their foes head on eventually.
Bloodborne even gives you the whole cosmic horror shtick with it's lovecraftian monsters and frenzy.
Honestly I'd prefer stable 25fps over the horrible drops the game suffers from. I tried to play the game but after getting used to playing with silky smooth 60fps it gave me genuine headaches. It's too bad because it was really fun.
Graphiks are fine IMO, with the exception of DaS2 what they don't have in technical prowess they make up with art style. Of course King's Field looked like ass but at this point I don't think it's representative of modern Fromsoft games.
Framerates have always been shit but even DeS didn't framedrop as much as Bloodborne does. I can remember a few areas where you'd have severe drops but overall it wasn't too bad. DaS had Blighttown of course but beyond that it's not too bad.
I played Bloodborne for a couple of hours and the framedropping was almost constant.
So i just killed the lake boss and the moon turned red, how far am i from the ending?
Unless you count the DLC, you've got some more to go.
You're about 50% of the way there depending on whether you do optional bosses or not
I went there and got my ass kicked, i hate fighting hunters. I will git gud, someday.
>you've got some more to go.
Great. I'm really loving the game, don't want it to end.
>ignoring optional bosses
I shiggy.
if you just stick to the story bosses for non dlc, you only have 4 bosses left. One of which is mainly a 'lore' boss that has some cool dialogue and a chase sequence.
Outside of that there are tons of things to do: 20+ chalice bosses, 4 DLC bosses, hidden area bosses etc.
Do the chalices. After the third one things starts to get harder and the randomly generated chalices are fun.
Gotcha, thanks guys. Time for some more exploring then. Any tips about using Blade of Mercy? I wanna stop using Ludwig's Holy Sword since it feels kinda strong, op even.
>tips about using Blade of Mercy
stunlock things to death and use the two-handed roll attack
99% of the chalice are trash. If you wanna do the chalices, use the guide on /vg/
Seems simple enough, i'm sure it will be easy.
here's guide, user
still best girl
>30fps with dips
>forced CA
yea pretty much
>L-LOL, it's not like I wanted my game to play w-well or anything! You must just be jealous of my one game!
yeh its a great game, i preferred demons souls and the first dark souls to it though. Probably nostalgia goggles but to each their own i guess. also bloodborne is spooktacular but tower of latria trumps pretty much anything in that game
I remember OoT running at 20fps when it got released.
I just know the blades will speed your attacks the longer you stick on a target, and the dash attack comes out very quickly in double dagger mode.
this game is so perfect
Time to farm some for that /fa/ armor.
Sort of. I make it a point to replay it every October.
Holy shit, did you get out of bed today determined to be a massive faggot or did it just happen on its own?
Having returned to the game again recently, Castle Cainhurst is still probably my favorite area in the game despite being so short. Everything about the theme, lore and all the stuff just hits of the right notes for me. Every time I get there, I always look around at the parts of the castle you can't get to in game and think of all of the untouched rooms and chambers that would be there in-world, covered in thick layers of dust having not been touched by anything alive in decades, sitting there frozen as it was the day the castle was purged by the church. Reaching the rooftops and getting a good look at the surrounding dark hills and forests surrounding the lake on either side of Yharnam, wondering what the rest of this world is like if Yharnam and the immediate surrounding area are this fucked.
It's pretty rare a game can capture my imagination and bring back that child-like wonderment I used to experience as a kid. There's a lot about Bloodborne that brings those feelings back to me.
So she's still alive r-right?
Personally I've always thought Cainhurst is pretty terrible aside from the nice visuals. The enemies are either annoying or have bloated healthpools, and the gargoyles always somehow manage to sneak in a grab on me.
Could have used a boss inside the castle or something, although Logarius is still decent. The lamp run to him isn't too fun though.
I was mostly talking about the theme, but yeah I agree with you. I like the squealing ghost broads though, even if they aren't that complex or challenging as enemies. Their pathetic crying and whimpering add a lot to the atmosphere and feel of the castle, and it's incredibly unnerving when they all scream in unison with blood squirting out of their slit throats, but as far as the castle goes as an actual area in the game I really wish they did more with it in general.
There's so much there that they do so little with, it's kind of disappointing in a way. But given that it's technically a secret side area, I guess that might be asking too much. It's cool that it's there at all.
Haven't visited the place yet but i wanna ask something. Is it weird that i am kinda lost when it comes to the story? It feels like i'm getting hints and pieces of it (so far at least) but no clear picture. Am i a brainlet?
Welcome to a souls game. Go watch lore videos if you are confused. Personally I like VaatiVidya.
Well, i haven't even finished my first playthrough so i think i might do that after finishing the game a couple of times, if i still feel confused.
Here's a quick personal rundown on the plot:
>Find the source of the spreading scourge of beasts
>Find out scourge of beasts happen during the Red Moon
>Find out that when the Great Ones descend, the line between man and beast is blurred (scourge of beasts), and a womb will be blessed with a child (said by a note in the Byrgenwerth college building)
>Find out Rom is obscuring the Mensis Ritual (note in Oedon’s Chapel)
>Find out Red Moon was there all along, just hidden due to Rom
>This is the source of the spreading scourge of beasts: the Mensis Ritual
>Mensis Ritual was conducted by Micolash and his Mensis Scholars, but their contact with Mergo inevitably killed all of them, except Micolash, who remains safely in the Nightmare of Mensis
>Mensis Ritual required a newborn
>Find out Great Ones attracted to newborns
>Find out they were trying to beckon Kos(m) all this time (Micolash's dialogue)
>Kill Mergo, the newborn, stop the ritual, and save whatever remains of the population from devolving into beasts
Your contract initially was to be a conscripted hunter in Yharnam. But you also had another contract: halt the source of the spreading scourge of beasts. Until then, you were bound to the dream, forever undying.
Note: beasthood itself can occur in small isolated cases, which was dealt with quietly and under the public radar by the Hunters of the now defunct Hunter's Workshop (lead by Gehrman). The Church did this as to not alarm the masses. That was until the Red Moon started to occur, and this amplified the beasthood into a "plague" known as the Scourge of Beasts.
Honestly, most of the story is buried in the item descriptions. All souls games are purposefully stingy with their stories, you have to parse it for yourself from what you can find. Two people might get vastly different stories based on how much lore they dig for. If you enjoy discovering lore for yourself you’ll have a blast but if you prefer they tell it to you straight you aren’t gonna have as much fun.
Yeah i noticed that thing about the item desciptions.
>If you enjoy discovering lore for yourself you’ll have a blast but if you prefer they tell it to you straight you aren’t gonna have as much fun.
I don't mind either and i'm loving the game so far (even if i suck at it).
Another thing, Queen Yharnam and the Pthumerians dabbled in the occult and the great ones ages ago, which fucked things up.
The Church used that knowledge after exploring the ruins beneath Yharnam and got some old blood and after many years, when their Choir division was founded, Choir scholars discovered Ebrietas there. It's implied that she is some sort of failed great one, that could not ascend like her brethren and thus remained in the labyrinths for years.
Parallel to the initial discover of the old blood, a marine Great One's carcass, that of Mother Kos, was found in the fishing hamlet. It's explicitly states that it was teeming with parasites, which could be the cause of her death. A Byrgenwerth raid party was sent to investigate the hamlet, only to be confronted with a native population completely transformed into fishkin, likely due to Kos' body washing up on the shore and maybe even because of contracting her parasites. They discovered the carcass, found an unborn Great One within Kos, and killed it. This lead to a curse to be placed on all hunters, drunk with blood (Ludwig and the various Old Hunters around the early areas in the DLC), and all those involved directly in or by proxy in the Hamlet massacre (Laurence and Maria) to have their consciousness to be forever, perpetually tormented in a Nightmare Dreamland. The curse still persists. In the DLC you uncover this truth that was kept under lock by Byrgewerth for all these years and you end the curse by killing the Orphan's consciousness.
It is a drama though. It's only funny because of how much of a shitshow it is.
Bruh you skipped over Ebrietas and the source of the plague. Basically
>Long ago a group of scholars discover Ebrietas, the last of the Great Old Ones, in the chalice dungeons
>From her they learn blood ministration, which involves injecting period blood into your body
>Lawrence, a scholar from Byrgenwertg, breaks away from the school and forms the Healing Church
>Blood ministration is brought to the masses under religious connotations
>Unfortunately, blood ministration is the actual source of the plague. The more you partake of the blood the more likely you are to become a beast.
>The hunters are formed by Gehrman to keep the beasts in check, with various other factions springing up.
>The Healing Church starts engaging in horrific human experimentation in order to summon more Great Old Ones
>The corpse of Kos, another Great Old One, washes up on the shore of the Fishing Hamlet
>The Church, along with some hunters, violate the Hamlet by literally opening up the skulls of the inhabitants to search for eyes, a sign of the Great Old Ones influence
>The hunters are cursed for their actions leading to the creation of the Hunter’s nightmare
>Meanwhile, the existing Great Old Ones are engaged in some unexplained conflict, with the game itself actually taking place because you are the Moon Presence’s tool for exterminating its rivals
>You are a “Pale Blood”, meaning your blood can actually take the form of whatever is injected in to you. This means that you can accept Yarnham blood in order to heal, and (huge spoiler but I’m not black texting) you have the potential to ascend if you are given enough Old One Blood
>You go through the game, uncovering the evil actions of the Healing Church and doing the Moon Presence’s bidding until you confront it yourself and ascend
>When is FROM going to take the roguepill and make a full procgen dungeon crawler?
When they lose the last of their dignity.
>From her they learn blood ministration
See my initial paragraph It's a common miscocenption that Ebrietas is the source of the Old Blood. She isn't, as she was discovered by a recently established division of the Healing Church.
When should i spent points on Arcane and Bloodtinge, or should i not bother with those unless i'm doing a specific build? I'm mainly using "normal" weapons like tha cane-whip or BoM.
Maybe I'm just a colossal pussy but I have a low spoop tolerance and it was spoopy enough that I couldn't enjoy playing it once I reached a certain point.
Beat the DLC before finishing your first playthrough though. It's hard enough the first time round. Chalice difficulty isn't tied to NG+ so you can beat the game and play the chalices at your own pace.
this is what happens when your raised on Markiplier videos
you have no understanding of horror whatsoever.
WW1 is more horrifying than most fiction but I guess to you it isn't scary because everyone had a gun
I heartily disagree, the lore states that blood ministration began when something previous was discovered beneath Yarnham. I’m not averse to bring disproven but I’d like actual proof.
Who else but boyar valishin
goddamn why did fromsoft make a generic japanese sengoku game instead of going completely wild with it, from intervies it sounded like they could make whatever they wanted with sekiro and they made the most generic shit possible, only the dragon was hype, the rest was so fucking pedestrian
>the character generally needs to be weak and unable to defend themselves easily
no fuck off, you and whoever made amnesia clones popular, fucking cancer, if you know you cannot defend yourself you just treat enemies as shit you run from without a care and that stops them from being scary at all
oh shit is she a great one in disguise?
Horror motif but not horror design
In other words it looks and feels like horror but is not meant to actually scare you
A Hooonter must hooont
they will never be aknowledged, sekiro is fucking shit
I hate how much content is locked behind those fucking stupid dungeons.
They'd be okay if 90% of what you found wasn't Ritual Blood or some other stupid shit. Just give me fucking Blood Gems or some shit.
You may have a point. I think I need to ponder on it for little while.
she's a doll given life by a Great One, so maybe
>Personally I like VaatiVidya.
You mean the guy who stole so much explanations, theories and conjecture from /vg/ about DaS and BB that they all stopped talking lore so he couldn't steal anything for his videos?
nigro but thats not witcher 3
>ITT turbo-brainlets who have never read Lovecraft try to argue that cosmic horror isn't real horror because it doesn't have epic jumpscares and chase sequences
Read a book you mongs. It's all public domain and most of it is under 20 pages long. There's no excuse for being this ignorant.
>Honestly, most of the story is buried in the item descriptions.
No, it isn't. That's how Dark Souls does it. Bloodborne and Demon's Souls are more visual. Most of the item descriptions in Bloodborne were written last minute and terribly translated, they aren't useful at all.
Am I the only who felt the higher planes of existence concept more in Sekiro than in Bloodborne?
>Most of the item descriptions in Bloodborne were written last minute and terribly translated
Why say something that's blatantly false?
Truly precious bait.
>le this never happened to me!
wait what
>Personally I like VaatiVidya.
you men /vg/ - Bloodborne general "stolen info but donate to my 7k patreon" edition
>he STOLE our discussion and made a video about it
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you had ownership rights over the stuff you post to a Vietnamese underwater basket-weaving forum
Because it's true. That one attack has a one in a millionth chance of it happening. Only a dozen people have seen it in action.
Gehrman made a deal with the Moon Presence to bring the Doll to life after Maria told him to fuck off. This is what created the Hunter's Dream.
>4 years later and snoyfags still have only ONE (1) game
>Gehrman made a deal with the Moon Presence
Here's why that's wrong, m8.
It’s called bait, newfag. Learn to spot it lest you reveal your newfaggotry.
>and his associates
It'd be fine if not for the fact he's made money off it.
>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
>Comments are owned by the Poster.
Would you look at that, it actually is theft.
Let me know how your class-action lawsuit goes, bro
My original point was supposed to be that Vaati is intellectually bankrupt and nobody should be watching his videos, letalone telling others to.
>intellectual theft
>video game discussion
Don’t watch his videos then, pretending like anyone has more or less of a right to talk about that stuff is ridiculous. Why do you care where he got his content?
If he's not doing the work himself then as a principal I wouldn't want to see him leeching off the ideas of others for big bucks.
Why not? It's literally in the "Cosmic Horror"-genre. It's perfectly fair to call it a survival horror game. It's quite freaky in more than a few parts - squeamish players might get some kicks out of The One Reborn and the late-game beasts. It also relies heavily on horror tropes (Creepy enemies running past the end of a corridor, jumpscares, body horror, etc) for tension.
Just entered Cainhurst castle for the first time and i have to say FUCK THOSE BELLY SHITS.
Highly recommend you watch this. He's one of the people Vaati unfairly ripped off. He did the Paleblood Hunt, which was a pretty autistic and extensive look into BB's lore.
Literally every console developer can't keep consistent framerates.
I wanna buy a playstation 4 to play this game but I just know that if I do a damned emulator will come out a week later. Plus I don't have a TV to plug the thing into either.
make the sacrifice so the rest of us can get the emulator
Isn't there some autists working on a PS4 emulator atm? I forgot what the project was called.
>ps4 emulator
Come on, you know full well that even if one did come out tomorrow, that's not gonna be an adequate alternative for many many years.
PS2 emulation barely works properly with most games.
How do chalice dungeons work? I recently bought the game and crafting them/doing them confuses me for some reason
Approaching this thing is one of the most unnerving things I've done in a video game. Faintly seeing that nasty eyeball fade in while slowly walking in a pitch black void gave me a genuine chill down my spine, never got that from a game before. It's not that scary after the fact, but seeing it for the first time and having no idea what it was or where I was... fucking oof.
I WANT to fuck maria.
Holy shit, you can do that?
I WANT to hug_ maria.
yup, you just need to turn left before fighting Amelia
honestly bloodborne is such a masterpiece
the only work in any media which does right by lovecraft