What video games correctly portray Alcoholism?
What video games correctly portray Alcoholism?
Max Payne 3
Based and Steelpilled.
What is the appeal of alcohol? It tastes like fucking dogshit, makes you smell bad, and makes you act like an obnoxious retard. Are normies just so vapid and empty that they need it to enjoy life?
why not drink something nice like a cola or hot chocolate
Conker's Bad Fur Day
it calms you down and some of them taste great. Grow up
It makes me feel good.
Dumb zoomers, you're not even old enough to drink yet.
t. str8edge kiddies
While drunk I feel none of my usual depression.
it keeps the inner demons away
Sorta unrelated, but I drank this while playing Phoenix Wright recently. Was pretty great.
you Tell'em Marty
just smoke weed instead
just don't drink shitty ones or find something you like
i don't even drink to get drunk i just like the flavor of my preferred drinks
Doesn’t it wake you up later?
When I drink it relaxes me but guaranteed at 4am I’m going to wake up feeling panicky for some reason
I read it becomes a stimulant after a certain amount of time when it reaches some part of your body
Uh no. Not at all. I pretty much can't be woken up for any reason when I black out.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. it depends on what you drink and how much you drink it
The only people who get shitty when drunk (not completely hammered) are attractive spoiled kids, mid-life crisis dads and neckbeard incels, and even then it's a 50/50 chance less without woman involvement. Most of the time it just makes you relaxed and kills social anxiety.
Oh man I used to love Old Rasputin. Strangely enough I've enjoyed beer less as I've gotten older. Feels bad man, at least there's always whiskey.
You need to be 18 to post here.
Jesus Christ, you're the kind of faggot that unironically say shit like "Bro I'm high on life xD"
>3 tall boys is a lot
baaaaaaaased, the first time i had these i didnt know they were 9% and got really fucked up
Probably waking up dehydrated
Weed isn't legal for most of the world and alcohol is the only super easily accessible drug for most.
Also drinking age is 21, not 18.
Interesting, that could be it
i dont drink anymore because it was damaging my digestive system, but it quiets my mind and makes me feel relaxed
I mean, you can't drink either, but that's the point.
You need to be 18 to post here.
Drink responsibly .
why are those tits so long
The weed pens are the best though
I have a sativa and indica cartridge to relax vs creative energy
>neckbeard incels getting shitty when drunk
>Drinking alcohol is a mark of maturity and age
Ah yes fellow enlightened one. I only drink the greatest scotch while I tip my fedora, gentleman.
I am sorry your state/country won't legalize weed.
it's the same as smoking
paying for a sooner death
No I just think alcohol is disgusting.
you'll soon find yourself in a sad state at the age of 26. Curled up in complete isolation after a 11 hour shift. When no one in your life seems to make you comfortable anymore. Lady liquor will gracefully descend in from the window, she'll fall into your arms, kiss your lips and tuck you into a calm sleep.
That's the appeal of alcohol.
I respect your honesty user. A toast to all our vices.
She's got a nice pair of tits too
>hurr that could be it, I'm too dumb to google so I ask people on Yea Forums
Off yourself retard, it's not hard to figure things out
It makes the bad feelings go away for a few hours
I can see the appeal of alcohol but it's literal poison for your body. Better off vaping weed or eating edibles, THC and CBD is good for you.
Coffee is for day time, alcohol is for night.
As you grow older you realize that feeling "normal" is something you should keep minimal.
She's a pretty one. Sometimes difficult in the morning but she's always got your back.
"Allie is always there to help me get back on"
Alcohol is legal though, so it's much easier to acquire
holy fuck thank god i'm not as pathetic as you
I like Hefewiezen the most, she's a sweet blonde girl who provides a nice cold towel for a hot day
You can develop a tolerance for a lot of poisons, spices are technically toxic to most animals that aren't us, after all.
At any rate, you actually shouldn't drink too much. If you keep it limited it's gonna feel stronger and just be a healthier lifestyle in general. Especially if you're drinking wine, wine's good for ya if you're not an alcoholic.
Witcher 2
Weed is legal too. I can buy it in a damn store.
I used to think that. Watching my drunkard of a father fall asleep every afternoon, I was repulsed, terrified when he got aggressive, terrified when I watched him have a stroke due to withdrawals.
Yet here I am, drinking. It'll happen to you someday too.
Most have fun with the tingly feeling of a drink or two, then slowly gain tolerance until it is to the point they need to drink it constantly just to ward off withdrawal and depression from the dependence they have given themselves to it, the idea of it making them feels good is replaced with needing it just to return to a feeling of normalcy.
whatever makes you feel better
I'm not him but you are either very young and sheltered or just haven't had to deal with anything negative in your life. What a perfect man you must be
>Three steel reserves
That's all
I take 4 40 ounce SRs to get a damned buzz..
oh goddamnit.
it depends on the tall boy. a steel reserve isnt comparable to a bud light
i love beer so much, nothing hits the spot better after a long day at work or a hard workout at the gym, especially coupled with some good, hearty food. one of life's greatest joys.
When my sleep schedule gets fucked up I drink pretty heavily because I'm guaranteed to get up earlier than usual.
whatchu know about that? prolly nothin
Not trying to argue, I hope you actually don't. When you get too into it, you'll become sad and pathetic. I admire the willpower and all, just skeptical.
I've seen a lot of cats start drinking later in life when shit isn't going so well and they completely fuck their lives up. I dunno if treating alcohol like some evil temptation is the best thing to fix it, but I wish you luck.
>Beer after the gym
no way fag that shit fucks with your gains
A nice chili or curry could really hit the spot right now.
kill yourself. just because you have to drown your misery in alcohol doesn't mean everyone else does. seriously fucking kill yourself if your life is that bad.
Are you okay retard? Did getting called out hurt your feelings or something?
>k-kill yours-s-self!!!
jesus you really are a child aren't you
>jesus you really are a child aren't you
>he says while defending the substance that reduces him to a childlike obnoxious retard
You'll be able to buy it one day boy-o
Not the guy you're responding to but damn you sound like a total faggot
I'm still waiting for Florida to make it legal for recreational use.
Also when you're "coming down" from alcohol, it just makes you feel bad. You've had a hangover before, right? I guess that makes it harder to sleep.
Found the guy who brought his homework to parties
>the most common human social activity is to literally poison yourself
Not everyone turns into a socialite with drinking you know, it's really not that simple. Different types of drinks and different types of people with different personalities have to be considered.
I'm a sad drunk for example, I don't think there's anything childlike about that.
>3 beers
>OP is impressed
Jesus, OP, you just revealed what a fucking flyweight non-drinker you are
I didn't do my homework which is why I work 50 hours a week at burger king. I still don't drink. Stop saying stupid shit like "heh... you'll understand one day son." You can't be tempted by something you've almost never had and actively disliked the few times you have.
Sucks not being in Canada where it's legal and they even deliver it in the mail.
>why not drink something nice like a cola
Fucking kill your self.
It's amusing how spergy Yea Forums is
Enjoying alcohol is a part of having a normal highschool / university experience, and you faggots all hate it
lmao, fucking losers get back to your basement
Then why on earth did you enter a thread about alcohol just to spew shit from your mouth about how you don't like it and people who do are horrid? You are one of the biggest, giganigga size faggot I have ever encountered.
>step in shit on purpose
>What the fuck why is their shit on my shoes
So what is Yea Forums's favorite drink?
I like rum the most.
Stouts are fucking gross. Literally taste like flat warm coffee
pretty sure he's being sarcastic dude
For me it's a big old glass of stinky whiskey
I've seen alot of trash opinions in my time, but this is one of the worst.
alcohol wakes me up cuz im dehydrted as fuck and the body says DRINK WATER OR UR BRAIS GONNA MELT
To ask about the appeal and then reply to a relevant post that I think it's disgusting, only to have a swarm of probably literally drunk losers reply to me like I'm a naive zoomer to make themselves feel better about their disgusting substance dependence.
As far as drinking stuff straight goes, a nice dry champagne / sparkling white is great
Cocktails are good too if you're on holiday or something
i'm on number five of steel reserve 211s today and i want to play vidya but i can't because i'm too drunk and there's nothing i can do but watch youtube and post this.
I'm going to add annoying and just sad to
>he doesn’t drink whiskey neat exclusively
What a fucking meme, you can literally smoke weed all day every day like I do and have 0 addiction issues, alcohol is pleb-tier. There's literally 0 repercussions if you smoke weed all the time, you can't say the same with alcohol. Weed is even proven to help creativity and cognitive function, fuckin idiots.
>Hey guys, what's going on in this alcohol thread?
You probably weigh like 500 pounds.
kek what a victim.
>I'm so cool for making alcohol look so bad by calling it poison and...
Yeah we get if fag, you don't like alcohol. Stop trying to seem different on an anonymous image board which such a "controversial" opinion. This thread isn't even video games.
Alcohol suxs
Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled
>love ciders
>everyone see's me as a pansy
>warm cider
>warm soup
you can get addicted to weed too. but the withdrawal symptoms go away much faster than alcohol or hard drugs.
Get back to me when you start coughing up black shit.
Using meme sentences is the real cringe here.
Hating fun things doesn't make you cool or mature.
Social drinking is the biggest life cheat code.
Literally who gives a fuck what they think. I drink nothing but ciders too socially.
>tfw mom's being weak
love this stuff
like an expensive jack
>but the withdrawal symptoms go away much faster than alcohol
>Warm alcohol
I prefer my alcohol ice cold on a hot day
Honestly apple cider is fucking ass, but when its made out of black fruits its god tier
It makes the bad thoughts go away
When I stopped smoking weed after being a chronic user I had no absolutely no appetite and bad insomnia for days. It was miserable.
There literally is 0 withdrawal, fucking retards. I can stop whenever and have no issues, but why would I when it enhances all aspects of life?
Not drinking is just one way the Muslims are superior to us chrstians
They don't need a crutch, an addictive drug addling their mind and destroying their body, that's kuffar stuff
>There's literally 0 repercussions if you smoke weed all the time
What a fucking lie