Can i like wolfenstein games while also liking nazis?

can i like wolfenstein games while also liking nazis?

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Old Blood and TNO are great.

Why couldnt they have just stuck with the same story formula? The jew magic shit was funny.

you are on the wrong side of history

B-but muh strong niggerwoman saying fuck every 2 seconds

Who the hell hates Nazis?

Just imagine that you're playing as the bad guy

A bit unrelated, but I feel conflicted between respecting U.S. soldiers during WW2 but also realizing that they were in the wrong for fighting the nazis. I don’t really blame the soldiers as much as I blame the government (although the Japs attacked first).

I think the New Order bears more responsibility in making Nazis cool again than anything /pol/ has ever done.

If the "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE CROWD!" were intellectually honest they would see the Nazi's as the good guys. Space travel, a moon colony, a Space Resort on Venus, even if the plot device Jews invented the technology, they are stained by keeping it from the wider population and keeping it for themselves.

Anyone with a functioning brain stem would see the accomplishment of Nazi Space travel, Space colonies, and a ordered functional society as an infinitely preferably outcome to the clown world we live in today.

But who am I kidding, THIS is clown world.

Attached: ClownHitler.jpg (845x1147, 211K)

But we have cool vidya in this world

the whole space travel stuff is bullshit. They may have had more of an interest in space but they wouldn't have space colonies. If the nazis had won they would’ve have crashed and burned by the 21st century.

TNO kind of makes that seem like its the case anyway.

We're talking about TNO and TNC here, not IRL alternates.

A totalitarian socialist government has a finite lifespan, unless they are China.

Your switch wont save from you from Jamal and Tyrone but your mouth might.

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Do you think the nazis would’ve allowed anime? If not then I’m glad they didn’t win.

>mfw zoomers like these two don't understand if such a world existed they would be cement for Nazi government buildings

yes, if you enjoy shitty shooting mechanics.

>the left id reboot is cancer and the right id reboot is kino
really gets the noggin joggin

Historically successful societies tend to swing to degeneracy faster so they probably would have had holographic waifus by 1970.

Attached: Laserflop.png (1112x1313, 1.83M)

Don't the conversations between the Nazis make them seem like ordinary people?

The only Wolfenstein game ID made was 3d.
RtCW, 2009, and all the Nu-Wolf games were all different teams.

Glorious DOOM never left ID. Even if the marketing for 2016 hurt it

>unless they are China.
give it a couple hundred years, China has had dozens of revolutions they aint stopping now

2009 was the best in the series.

Conversations held by most serial killers do as well. Kind of comes with sociopathy. Ted Bundy was a hell of a charmer, for instance.
