What happened to it? I haven't seen anyone talking about it after the launch.
It was meant to kill games like Warframe and Destiny.
What happened to it? I haven't seen anyone talking about it after the launch.
It was meant to kill games like Warframe and Destiny.
No romances. Shoulda had romances BioWare.
Yeah that's why it failed lmaooo
The drama about its development and abused devs is far more interesting than the game itself, is what happened.
It was soulless design-by-committee focus-tested-to-death western trash made by overworked depressed wagecucks who didn't know what they were supposed to make.
SkillUp dabbed so hard on it that it died.
>it tried to kill shitty games by being the same shitty games but with less shit to do
no shit the game fucking died, the genre is trash.
If it had romances I woulda bought it.
>inb4 ecel/youtube retard
It's better than Warframe, it just doesn't have content. Destiny is king of the genre.
It sold well, to Yea Forums's disappointment, but almost everyone has stopped playing. Even SWTOR and F76 are beating it on Twitch now.
>infighting between EA's studios
>Bioware and Manveer Heir whining they have to use Frostbite over UE4
Not to mention the biggest ego's in the room (leaders) are also the biggest cunts
>it just doesn't have content. Destiny is king of the genre.
this unironically.
This ^
>Game with 0 content and littered with bugs
>Better than Warframe, consistently top ten most player game on steam, rivalling full priced games
>Destiny is king or the genre
I seriously hope you don't reproduce.
loot shooters need to be fun, you basically need to make diablo 2 with guns. Thats why borderlands sells so well and why 3 is the only game that will dethrone 2
Like all other premium roadmap service bullshit it ran out of content so people have put it down until the next expansion.
seething warcuck. destiny is literally the king
>consistently top ten most player game on steam
That's because it's also, you know, free.
You retard.
You know it's not the only free to play game on Steam, right?
Density more like; at least you broke free from your slave master's shackles.
Still, enjoy being that game everyone's already forgotten about!
You are dumb as fuck user. Do you not see how unironically illogical you're being?