>tfw you will never go on primal slaying adventures with her

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know about you but seeing a bitchy straight -laced character acting all cute against her will makes my dick rock hard

shadowbringers? more like TRANNYbringers lmao

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>goodlooking highlanders dont exi--

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The lalafell makes me highly uncomfortable for some reason.

Her and moon bitch's side stories felt like such a waste of time. Fordola better do fucking something of worth in SHB.


You're never gonna see her again.

nice saber alter cosplay fag

Her story was apparently continued in the written side stories so you might be right. Hopefully not, would make stormblood feel even more like a filler.

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fordola nad arenvald can potentially be used to create new summoners. they have the echo to protect other fighters and once the primal is dead they'll be exposed to their aether.

>when the lorebook tries to explain away the reused monster models that appear on the other side of the world

Attached: 1253270629078.jpg (720x708, 75K)

>x is named after y myth/legend.
there's the explanation

instead if gassing eorzea, he'll gas the other provinces getting upitty in ilsabard

Attached: 1553635273028.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)

>there are people in THIS thread RIGHT now who are excited for barafur daddies
Get out!

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Any tips for newcomers?

He's going to gas the void.
Based Varis.

Fuck off, game's full.


Fuck mhiggers

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Was she forced to fanta to a lalafel?

But I like FF

Take it easy and enjoy the game.
There is no need to rush anything.

if you roll on a preferred world you get 2x exp rates and free gametime

This game will make you hate it, I'm warning you.

fuck trannies too

just have fun and take your time.

Attached: Yoshida.png (1197x775, 238K)

16-years-old is not an appropriate age for breeding.

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All right anons, since people were arguing over the legality of Alisaie's age last thread, here's the ages of some of XIV's waifus as provided by the Encyclopedia

Alisaie: 16
Y'shtola: Unknown
Lyse: 25
Minfilia: 27
Tataru: 21
Krile: 22
Yugiri: 26
Yotsuyu: 32
Fordola: 19
Kan-E-Senna: 28
Raya-O-Senna: 21
Cirina: 21
Sadu: 27
Kurenai: 21
M'naago: 22

go to plyerauction or ebay if you want mogstation items. its much cheaper ther

>Y'shtola: Unknown

>that one FC member that sends you a tell every single time you log on

If you have to ask, it's probably locked behind the MSQ
Don't worry too much about gear, the game will shower you with it at certain points
Do the blue quests
don't be shy of trying out a bunch of different jobs if you don't like the one you're on (go and unlock palace of the dead in gridania around level 16 or so and use that to get a feel for them if you don't want to spend 5ever leveling each one), bard and monk start out pretty strong compared to the other dps jobs, and warrior levels a lot better than paladin on the tank side, leveling a healer is boring as fuck no matter what.
Crafting really isn't worth it until you get higher level and have more dosh to spare, so hold off on it unless your heart is just really set on it
Gathering is an okay way to kill time during queues and doesn't require nearly the investment crafting does

Attached: Fraudulent.png (1034x1172, 255K)

she cant be much older than her sister y'mihtra

The part that bugs me is how Lyse's character for all of SB is written as if she was the 16 year old teenage girl instead of being in her 20s.

I'm not sure how you've come that conclusion given that entire tribes of cats are breed from the same Father for decades.

you never visit anymore

Attached: DgS5c0pVAAIrqdN.jpg large.jpg (886x1200, 115K)

The writer probably wrote her as she would be carrying over from 1.0 instead of considering the Calamity.

Y'mhitra is 26 and is born seventh out of 12 sisters. I cant recall if it was ever mentioned if Y'shtola was her older sister or anything.

Jokes on you, I'm not a crafter so i can't do your dumb shit, shitty hime.

>I'm not a crafter

Attached: t34t34.jpg (400x402, 40K)

Reminder this fine midlander specimen is only 15

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And I hated every minute of her stupid haircut. BOTH of them.

I've been buying from Playerauctions since 2015 and never got in trouble. They even made this same message during HW when people were buying keys from G2A and nobody got in trouble IIRC.

>Tataru: 21
Good shit

>mfw she cut her handlebars off

Attached: 1542827137996.jpg (240x240, 9K)

Is Fordola the worst character this game has produced.


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But I visit you every week and even have your 150 delivered Achievement

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Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn: 42

How can one of the dumbest characters be one of the oldest?

You motherfucker.

So happy when she got rid of the retarded twintails and got a super cute pixie cut.

Give me a reason to then beyond scrips

>giving her clothes

but i want to be able to drive the car :(

I always interpreted this quote as YoshiP lacking confidence in his own work.

>literally nothing to do anymore
>so bored feels like taking lewd ss
>windows security hate the trainer

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>Arya: 18
Hell yeah, she's legal

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make an exception in defender

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Despite it being a meme this really is the best way to enjoy it.

What he's saying is that XIV isn't a game made for poopsockers, and if you are the kind of person who wants to play every MMO like it's Everquest, XIV is not the game for you, but if you insist on playing it anyway, you'll be less assblasted about it if you take breaks.

>sticking your dick in voidsent

he's had a hard life.

Attached: his smile and optimism gone.png (1912x1075, 716K)

I assure you, I'd stick my dick in a lot more than just voidsent.

Good boy

Attached: 13.jpg (1280x1812, 492K)

good to know

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what a handsome lad

Thats a cute panty shot, and I'm so addicted to porn that panty shots haven't done much for me in a long time.

I visited you yesterday since you had Cloud Eye for crafting or whatever it is.

I want to marry Fordola.

Attached: voidfeet.jpg (1200x675, 184K)

>Have to talk to an NPC in the Enclave to find out that Hien, Lyse, and Yugiri survived

Must suck to have waifued one of them and think that they died.

>Raya-O-Senna: 21
Ok, what the fuck? She looks like she's 16, tops.

Padjal stop aging in their teens.

Padjal are eternal children. The one in the conjurer's guild is implied to be hundreds of years old. Kan-E-Senna uses magic to make herself look older.

Padjal are 1000 year old lolis

I wanna fuck a potato.

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I will fight you.

>Working on getting Warrior of Darkness glamours for classes
>Having to do all this old content to get the right ones

I wish that World Of Darkness dropped two pieces of gear instead of one. I just need the caster pants god damn it.

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they will still call your dick small

why did they have to get rid of prime cake material bros, she probably had a nice mane under that pretty dress

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They could step on it for all I care.

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not them but that makes it better

y u posting my lala comission

Gosetsu probably forced her to shave it off because he didn't want his new daughter having a bush.

What if G'raha fucks it up and put the twins in the opossite gender bodies

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that might make it more likely for them to fuck

Survived what?


Attached: lala19.jpg (775x1045, 85K)

she singlehandedly turned the entire nation of nym into tonberries through stds that transcend time and space

Why would he even soulsuck the scions? Like instead of saying cryptic shit he could've just said "Yo bro, remember me? Come visit me at my crib."

sounds based, fuck lalas

someone post the improved edit

because hes a dumb inbred nigger cat

is that how it even look on jews

Attached: 43488913_p9.jpg (600x1600, 625K)


there I finished it for you.

Because I saved it bitch.

How the hell are you connecting Yotsuyo to a scheme enacted by Mhachi void mages over a thousand years before she was born? Show me your wild ride.

so soft

>Kan-E-Senna: 28
>Minfilia: 27

Attached: sweating solaire.png (325x358, 97K)

Syrcus Tower is Trio-able and even Duo-able, I haven't tried WoD but I can't imagine it being that much harder.

To be them in the First Shard bodies of course.

>game doesn't allow you to kill Asahi
>game makes you lose to Elidibus-Zenos despite the Shadowbringer trailer showing you win
They dropped the ball hard with Stormblood.

what age is WoL?

>yotsuyu is born
>works in fields and is treated like shit
>gets sold off to husband
>gets pozzed by him
>he dies and she gets sold off to brothel
>gets ultima pozzed
>has to wear panties enchanted with esuna to even contain it
>brothel owner tries to summon a succubus to use as a worker
>summons an atomos instead
>it attacks yotsuyu
>she gets sucked back to the war of the magi
>captured by mhachi lalafells
>they remove the esuna panties and see the green death particles hopping from hair to hair like monkeys on tree branches
>they manage to mass produce it
>unleash it on nym
>she escapes through another atomos
>shock wipes her memory of the event

Attached: 1535541766561.png (750x650, 212K)

>Tataru: 21
>Krile: 22
old enough to drink and get the dick

Attached: lalala.jpg (1000x1112, 170K)


My guess: When we are transported to The First, we'll be taken back to the character select screen to make a brand new The First Shard Character to inhabit (play as).

Attached: 1546909849310.jpg (829x960, 220K)

WoL is XX years old


who GUB here

Attached: gun7.jpg (1920x1080, 369K)

Send it to Ethys

wol is less than a year old, hes a manikin created by hydaelyn

The lorebook claims 'the hands of time stopped' at 23 for her. She looks exactly the same in 1.0 Echo visions which take place 15 years ago, implying that she's at the very least 38.

>make the same character but with black hair

That would be really ambitious, so it's not happening. Besides, the entire reason for having the crystal tower cat involved is so it can be used to transport you body and soul to The First, just like how it was originally used to connect to The Void.

Lizard butt bump.

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>Those scales

Attached: 1543498477735.jpg (444x322, 23K)

Survived the Zenos beatdown they got at the end of 4.56.

I sure do love my Christmas Cakes

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What's it like to breed a padjal?

all the mods in the world and you fags can't take a single decent screenshot

I didn’t take the screenshot.

Breeding the eternal children adopted by the elements who will get butthurt or cheer it on.. yet they're probably older than you so kinda hot to be honest.

Ravioli Ravioli give me the Fordola

>people like the mutated manface kinslayer

The bit that happened in the Shadowbringers trailer still happened in game, it's just that you have your magic heart attack right after that.

she was mentored by gaius himself.

>Those textures

Attached: Jay Vomit.gif (280x296, 1.61M)

Because she's cute! CUTE!

She's cute, has nice tits, and feels bad for what she did.

Oh right. I mean, they do tell you that Zenos ran away immediately after Estennien showed up and whisked you away, so it's not remotely surprising that several high ranking unconscious leaders were recovered and/or simply woke up and walked back to base.

It would have been weirder to find out that not-Zenos took the time kill them as he was running away.

ass sliders

>people like the retarded Darth Vader

those are ugly as fuck scales

GUN, you retard.

vanilla here

Attached: ffxiv_03162019_032834_587.png (1920x1080, 2.65M)



If you're going to correct someone, do it right; it's GBR


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Attached: ffxiv_03152019_030904_127.png (1080x1920, 1.72M)

Femroe or Highlander male? Can't tell.

It sounds better to say in chat "We need a GUN for our static" than "We need a GBR/GUK for our static."

It won't be GUN because of the confusion it would cause with the actual gun-wielding job.

goober and guck isn't hard to pronounce

No one plays that one so there will be no confusion.

Not even close.

Anyone else chasing big fish? Because I'm real fucking ready to bitch about Sea Butterfly.

You mean the gun-wielding job that already has its own abbreviation already


I'm convinced everyone who says GNB, GBR, GBK, GUB or GUK is just baiting.

Doesn't matter. People are dumb and will associate the two in their head. At least, Yoshi's dev team will assume they would.

>Anyone else chasing big fish?
No, I love myself.

Attached: super saiyan.png (1920x1080, 2.25M)

Pick taters they are statically the best race.

Attached: KVuXkns.jpg (1920x1080, 260K)

>Sea Butterfly
This is the last HW fish I need. I've been after that fucker for months.

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>always look like some kind of cult
You can't make this shit up

bros...why are dunesfolk lalas so much more sexy than plainsfolk lalas...

they also brutally murder anyone that would leave it

False. I switched from lala to midlander and I'm still fi

it's a very dangerous world in eorzea

Attached: local lala murdered.jpg (641x678, 98K)

The eyes. They're irresistible.

Name a single main story character that's worse.
Easy mode is Minfilia, but she only made things boring. Fordola actively made things worse.

Whoa almost like she was an antagonist or something


Lyse. Fordola was cute, has redeeming moments and in my opinion had a good mentality. Her skulls were a bit.. how to put it they kept acting like mhiggers unlike her. Lyse has a decent appearence but otherwise is so bad that she actively makes me skip cutscenes. Minfilia had a cute personality in japanese but was unlikable in the localization. Lyse is unlikable at all times.

You're being mean! MEAN!

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>Fordola: 19

The entire point of her story is that she was born a Garlean and that's a major reason she fights for them. She's not a traitor because she's literally not Ala Mhigan. She's a Garlean from the Garlean territory of Ala Mhigo.

> want to level an alt to go through the entire story again before SHB to refresh my memory
> 250 hours long
> would have to play three hours a day to make it on time
I sometimes forget how much fucking time I've wasted on this game

Attached: cyanide gas.jpg (600x560, 68K)

That's never happening but it could be neat.

>three hours a day
as opposed to doing what, not counting work

>Lalafell Fordola
This makes me wish I could force fantasias on npcs.

Attached: 1550643941091.jpg (340x247, 36K)

Young enough to be considered "Lad/lass" by Raubahn, old enough to make Minfilia's panties wet.

>JK you're going to the 1st
What did they mean by this?

Attached: IMG_20190406_152628.jpg (1147x644, 55K)

>three hours a day is a lot
What the fuck happened to the MMO audience?

Best case scenario: Occasional minor cutscenes/diversions showing how the war is at a stalemate, with the alliance being driven back by black rose. Main Shadowbringers plot wraps up in 5.3 with 5.4 and 5.5 leading in to the proper Garlemald campaign expansion with 6.0.
Worst case scenario: They pull a Stormblood and have you swap between saving the First and taking down Garlemald and both are concluded in the span of Shadowbringers.

why not just read the book at the inn. it has all the msq cutscenes and has text in a window explaining everything.

They became adults.

Minfilia was unironically fine towards the end.
She tried her best and I'd gladly walk around with her for a full expansion than fucking Lyse again. Hell, it would eliminate the one thing thay made her annoying.
She was calm, even tempered, and always greeted you with a smile and apologies for bothering you with dumb shit even though she still needed it done.

But I'm an adult and I play video games 10 hours a day. You mean to say they became slaves.

Attached: 1551329363331.jpg (250x250, 6K)

Well you are too based on your pic, so you first.

It's hard to play when you have a full time job. But I do spend a fuck ton of my off time playing vidya. I have too much stuff to do during the work week.

Just caught up to the very ending of Stormblood.
WTF it's just one lame fight and no 1hr cutscene?

Remember the cliffhanger cutscene in the sewers that was ARR? There was nothing to show here...

Attached: DVQ1VIQUQAASyQX.jpg (1200x676, 111K)

PS3 limitations pls understandu

>it has all the msq cutscenes
Because it actually doesn't and they didn't write sufficient text for SB since everything gets more and more rushed.

This final patch somehow managed to take hype away from Shadowbringers.
>oh shit everything must be fucked
>how the fuck is the story suddenly going to shift gears that hard
>how and why the fuck are we going to embrace darkness
And then catfag interrupts your fight to ask you to pick up his package and preorder Shadowbringers to find out what comes next.

give me a futa elezen eb

The recent dungeon in the battlefield was really good, I was hoping we'd get more of that.
Or the Black plague gas killing a bunch of people at least.
But we got nothing.

It hasn't been too bad putting the Garlean war on the backburner in the past, but it's gonna be really awkward when we're literally in another dimension.

Because we weren't even actually at war with them before. Gaius was a rogue agent. In Stormblood we've finally started full-on war and now suddenly we're going on a field trip.

ITT: People who want complete stories in a incomplete narrative

someone pvp for me so i can buy the new emote

Attached: 1415165480779.png (473x263, 110K)

Remember Omega vs Shinryu?

No I just wanted a good hook for the next season of this garbage anime.
There's literally nothing to look forward to right now.

>1.0 ended with Bahamut breaking free from his prison and unleashing a calamity on the lands.
>2.0 ended with all of your friends being seperated and potentially dead, the political structure of Ul'Dah in disarray, and nowhere to go but the cold driven snow where you already know dragons await.
>3.0 ends with a reflective journey of your time spent in Ishgard and a final fairwell to your best buddy followed by the spark of war, the death of a Scion, and a kaiju battle.
>4.0 ended with a fighting against the main antagonist of Stormblood who wasn't even the actual main antagonist, and some bullshit from a faggot cat.

The only good and pleasant things about 4.6 were waking up in Ishgard, getting to see Aymeric and Edmont again in the city I love, and knowing that Estinien is still there to get my god damn back and knew to break me to Ishgardians for help and not incompetent fucking ala mhiggers.

You can literally do that on Hidden Gorge
Just keep grabbing fuel the whole match

>4.0 ended with a fighting against the main antagonist of Stormblood who wasn't even the actual main antagonist, and some bullshit from a faggot cat.
Don't forget the fucking screenshot instead of an actual cutscene of Estinien saving you.

It's almost like we still have at least one more update before the expansion.

Sure there is.
According to the CE box art, we will be the thing that craddles and protects a cute little Minfilia Mother Crystal in ShB.

You get to look forward to cucking Thancred!

it's just eureka isn't it, story is over?

Oh shit.

We don't.
.57 is world visit and .58 is just system maintenance.

The story of Stormblood is over you fucking idiot

The fact that it was all revealed to just be in a parallel dimension deflated all the hype regardless. The premise of having to beat back the Garleans while also trying to prevent an impending calamity of light by falling to darkness somehow was extremely interesting. But instead it's just going to be a long detour in a different dimension that's already being ravaged by light monsters for reasons we've known for years, so the entire basic overarching plot is already obvious. We'll go there, kill the light monsters, save the day, and come home for the remainder of the half-assed Garlemald war story or at best a lead-in to the REAL Garlemald expansion.

It's a pretty obvious stretch of whatever original roadmap was since the game doesn't seem to be declining.

Wow, getting you mad was easy. Chill dude.

Hundreds, really? When was this mentioned? I mean, I've done CNJ and WHM questlines and also recently visited him when finally getting around to doing the DRK questline where he says he's probably several times Sidurgu's age despite appearances... but actual centuries?

It's not like we didn't know to expect it at some point.

Eureka is already over, dude.

Fordola was a shitty character, almost as bad as lyse

I swear to god if we end up getting that niggerfaggot cat as one of our main companions I will start skipping cutscenes, the expansion hasn't even been released yet and I already fucking hate it.

Attached: 1552559102732.jpg (109x176, 12K)

Pretty much what I thought as well.
Shit got hyped up with a huge scale battle field, we're finally going to face Garlemald and...
>*ring a ling ding*
>Hi this is your echo buddy
>Oh you passed out don't worry the dragoon mopped the floor for you (here's a screenshot lmao)
>Aaaanyway, come travel back in time or something, nevermind what's going on over there. K bye! xDDD
Fuck this shit, let us go straight to fighting Garlemald come on.

In the lorebook. CNJ guildmaster stopped counting after he turned 100 but it says most believe he's at least 230. All the other Padjal we see are much younger though.

Thank fucking god.
But they are gonna bring something similar to eureka for ShB aren't they...

Yes, already confirmed

That's a big campaign

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>hidden gorge
>expecting a queue lower then 4 eons

thats a huge chunk of time, god damn

>I don't want to grind fates let me grind fates instead

Attached: 1554323242855.png (613x648, 181K)

or just not do the relic

Only if the account hasn't been logged in for 30 days or more

At least it populates the open world, which is dead empty.
You can also queue for shit while you're outside.
Eureka is instanced, there's no diversity in the fates like outside, and walking around on foot avoiding mobs that instakill you with a sneeze is just korean-tier grinding.

Active subscription*

What's that gonna do? Regular monk damage?

fuck off Corey

Anyone know where I can get a Shb Collector's Edition non-Steam key for cheap?

Don't forget another incredibly shitty NPC fight. Those things are pure anti-fun.

So is Yoshi going to put the Cloud mount into Mogstation before or after I die of old age?

It's on mogstation though?

WHAT? Since when?!!

its been on for fucking months dude, have you fucking tried looking?


Attached: 1553839958220.png (694x793, 15K)

The bike? last month

Fuck you for making me look. There's still no Cloud mount. That fucking thing is going to remain a preorder bonus forever.

>spend 30k on haircuts then keep the same one
its hard

Attached: 1538548833533.png (1141x829, 161K)

Literally retarded, go to Rhalghrs and there's at least 5 catboy DRKs on their bikes

Bullshit that they spent basically the entire expansion building up to a full-scale conflict with Garlemald (and even outright said that this would be the focus of the expansion during NA fanfest) only to completely swerve at the last second and expect anyone to care. At the very least they could have given a compelling reason in-story for us to suddenly drop everything and do as Mystery Nigga says, like a vision of a ruined future or some credible evidence that helping him will bring the Scions back, but instead it's "just trust me bro lmao".

No, you faggot. Obviously we want to just keep fighting the Garleans since that's what the whole story has been rushing towards for the past 6 months, that's what the whole game has been building up to for 5 years, and right at the critical moment, the absolute crescendo, you tell us to change course but can't even give a compelling reason.

Capitalizing cloud gives this dumbfuck no help but he meant cumulus, not the bike

I think they're kinda neat, the questing in general could use a few more gimmicks to break it up a bit, but by god does it make it obvious how low an opinion the devs have of the average player
>here's two damage buttons and a self heal, try not to get too lost!

oh you are referring to the nimbus thing, yeah that thing remains exclusive the irl campaign shit, thought you were referring to Clouds bike, I'm not the only one it seems

>Still have to do fashion report for MGP
>Can't muster up the will to log in

Attached: 1532366789370.jpg (409x409, 64K)

Last time I checked The Literal Nimbus Cloud from Dragonball is not the same mount as Fenrir.

>but can't even give a compelling reason
Didn't you watch the cutscenes? Tataru cried!

>does it make it obvious how low an opinion the devs have of the average player
They're absolutely correct.

really wish they would just open the hairstyles to preview on your character to see how they look, just make it so they can't be equipped until you unlock them in-game

fordola a best

"hi im x lvl now"

Does it grieve you to see the depths of your own weakness laid bare? Maggots.


>tfw the hearts of men are black with corruption and must needs be cleansed

Attached: 1545393210106.jpg (540x533, 82K)

Attached: Stormblood Ending.gif (144x192, 789K)


It's like all my name days come at once!

>Does it grieve you to see the depths of your own weakness laid bare? Faggots.
I'm surprised this was allowed in game, it's all I can hear

Yeah this finale was bad. There wasn't enough material to justify splitting it into two parts when 95% of the finale was in the first part.

It was even worse if you were fully caught up back when it was new because the fanfest revealed literally everything even remotely noteworthy from those last two quests days prior to the patch being available.

Terrible pacing and planning from SE.

so if you could have a crossover event with any game and it came with a mount, an outfit and a minion, what would you choose?

Attached: 1552255205175.jpg (512x523, 36K)

>here's two damage buttons and a self heal, try not to get too lost!
And people still manage to fuck it up. SE is absolutely correct to expect trash tier play from the average player.


And yet getting people to collect CE or get into a mech is like pulling teeth.

Keyblade weapon
Cum Guardian mount
Heartless minion

the average player doesn't read their tooltips or know how to play their jobs to a barely acceptable degree, recently had a RDM in expert who couldn't understand how to do anything, they dualcast jolt and hardcast verthunder/aero and it was infuriating, also had a caster who didn't realize that lucid dreaming was an aggro shed, they didn't even understand what aggro was when I said it

Threads of Fate

I could deal with the unending tedium of the NPC fights if the dialogue during them was at least voice acted. There's a lot of conversation during them, but it's way to easy to miss since they're only on the screen for the blink of an eye and you still have to do fight mechanics, regardless of how simplistic it is.

That's a pretty good deal. If you're unsubbed and wait for a bit before starting you can not only get the 4 person mount but also take advantage of free transfers without having to resub in the first place.

The other day I tried explaining how Fire spells damage more and Ice spells are for regening your mana.
The catboy was lvl 60, basically replied with a "u don't pay my sub xD" quip.
I thought it was just a meme, I hope he was just trolling me with his blizzard 3 spams.

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Fucking cunt

Yeah, had a black knife ear that kept using kasatsu to reset her mudras after she used huton on pre-pull.

The healer must have started the vote dismiss because the other dps was trying to help her out. It's really sad though, people like that will more often than not be kicked and just repeat the cycle.

I've seen a stream once where the dude had no idea what his abilities did, played tank solely instant queues and just button mashed everything and never really ran into trouble.

The fact anyone wipes on shit that's not the hardest content in the game is astounding since the bar for success is so incredibly low.

here's a tip to avoid dealing with those shits, kick them and file the dismissal as "difference in playstyle" you can't be punished for that
I had a tank and black mage in Amdapor Hard, they talked in that distinct kind of annoying way that you knew they were a couple, the black mage had a lvl 17 weapon and all gathering accessories on, me and my friend kicked them after we asked them why they had such pathetic gear and they basically responded with "hehe" and "lol" the tank threw a fit and left
also back in HW had a black mage who entered A9n with their novus weapon and refused to swap it out, he was pulling laughably pathetic numbers and was a detriment to the party
the worst part is, I've given up on trying to help players I notice who are playing wrong or struggling, they take advice as a personal attack so most times I just don't bother

Sometimes I wonder what happens when 4 hopeless shitters get paired together in a single dungeon. It must happen, but in every dungeon I do personally I am always able to carry to some degree, so I can only ever experience a maximum of 3 shitters. Are they even able to clear?

>interrupts fight with Elidizenos to tell us jack shit
he nearly fucking killed us and fucked everyone and everything over because the hooded faggot is a blithering retard

Holy shit, BLM feels absolutely awesome.

>they take advice as a personal attack
Every online game people are like this but it's in xiv where I've experience that almost daily, I don't know what attracts them to this game like flies on dung.

Is it actually confirmed to be G'raha

He became Aspect Raidou?

>tfw play as male roe

How do I acquire a female EB?

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You're lucky man, had a fujo and what I'm assuming was her trans-bf bard main who were absolute shitters. Kicked the bard because "he" kept spamming iron jaws in between his heavy shots because and I quote.

"The extra up time i get on my dots are more than the 50 potency difference :o so this is more efficient."

After we kicked them the healer fujo just started losing her shit at us and wouldn't leave. Trans bf somehow came back, from what I'm assuming was duty incomplete roulette.

Thankfully my friend was already vote dismissing the healer and we just left.

People in this game are fucking crazy.

absolutely based

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Big thanks for pointing that one out, I wanted to jump back in for a while now
>15gb update
well shit

>Asking this on Yea Forums when Lyse exists

probably because the game is retard proof yet people still fuck up on the easiest shit because the average player is mindbogglingly bad at this game
they removed buttons and made jobs easier to pick up and play, yet I would say the average player is worse than they were in ARR or HW, these are the dribbling morons who couldn't do Steps of Faith unnerfed, back when it wasn't even hard, people just couldn't follow the instructions on screen and just scrambled around like retards because they can't do content that isn't a straight line or a circle arena with a boss in the middle, hell people asked for Shinryu nerfs, a boss that does absolutely nothing new and just recycles everything you have seen before, but this was still too hard
they fucking gave you a white mage with 4 buttons and a heal that healed 3/4 of your targets health and people still, by some cosmic miracle, couldn't do it
they can't make the story content harder, the average player literally can't handle it

In the event that mystery hooded nigga is revealed to be a pre-established character and not an entirely new one, there's not a whole lot of realistic options.

>they dualcast jolt and hardcast verthunder/aero and it was infuriating, also had a caster who didn't realize that lucid dreaming was an aggro shed, they didn't even understand what aggro was when I said it
Now I feel slightly better about fucking up Wildfire openers sometimes to a point where I need the opener on a separate hotbar as reference.

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there's no character worse than Lyse, she is fucking terrible and it doesn't take a genius to see why

I don't know, I'm starting to hate the crystal cat nigga in the hood more than her. Though Lyse is still pretty bad.

They make a point to mention both that Fordola is younger than Lyse and that Lyse is in her early 20s. In fact, the entire crisis around Fordola's character is whether liberation from Garlemald is truly right when there's a whole faction of people who have only known subjugation and have accepted it as a way of life.

she cute tho

They made their bed. They decided to cater to people who don't play video games and as a result, received an audience that like games that don't challenge them at all. I'm not arguing for ballbusting Shitters Die Twice Midas (Savage) (Ultimate) content in MSQ, but this game is just set up all wrong, man.

>to a point where I need the opener on a separate hotbar as reference.
this is unironically a fantastic way to ingrain an opener into your head, I've done it for plenty of jobs when I hit 70 and it really does help just having the sequence mapped out in front of you
cat nigga is just a retard with horrible timing, I will reserve my judgement until we actually get to meet him face to face
she looked better unmasked in ARR, not to mention her tits are pathetic compared to how they look in the trailer
Lyse a shit

Was acutally about to resub to see how the game is now. How much of RR is left after beating the Ultima Weapon?

>Why won't these farmers risk open war with the three-eyed juggernauts riding robots that shoot magic death lasers?

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100 quests until you hit Heavensward, have fun

you're right. GBR is a class for hicks drinking PBR.

You can't use a gunblade unless you've built it yourself out of the spare parts of the 3 disabled magitek vehicles sitting in your lawn.

>mfw browsing /xivg/ for 5 seconds

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god I wish she would grab my dick like that

its fine to cater to people who never played games before, but the least they could do is not act like I just took a big slimy shit on their grandmothers face when I try and suggest how they can play their job better, I see complaints that the game doesn't teach players well enough, I argue it does it fine, just that there are players don't even try to be better, which is a shame, playing well is much more fun than floundering around and not knowing what buttons to push
like at 70, you should know what you are doing, if you can't push buttons in sequence when they light up or apply debuffs/dots, why even play? playing like shit honestly looks boring as fuck

...And even if mystery nigga isn't him, there's still a good reason to believe G'raha is going to have some involvement in the happenings given that the Crystal Tower is, too.

>Want to beat O9S to get easy 400 accessories
>Join a learning party
>5 pull later we clear
Well, that was easier than expected, the only tricky part is earthquake since it goes against every fiber of my being to be hit by long/lat

Can I get a quick rundown on the line strat I see pop every so often?

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It's just a game bro^^

They are awesome until end game where every raid then becomes DDR and you have to leave the leylines.

That's because the brain dead monkeys on the OF couldn't play as Y'shtola right and kept bitching it was too hard.

All the fuckers has was Aero, Stone, Cure and Lucid Dreaming. All they had to do was
>put up aero
>spam stone
>heal hien when he gets low
>use lucid to regen mana

and it was TOO MUCH. Fuck, it pisses me off just typing it!

Melee sit on A, pop Arm's Length at 5 sec of Fire and "kill" each other with their fire while not moving
Caster sits on C, ranged sits on D, caster uses surecast, ranged just gets pushed, but in total they "kill" each other the same way as melee resolving their fire and earth
Tanks and healers chill on B in front of the caster and get pushed by the caster's fire to A resolving the water donut around A

It's actually quite simple

Everyone stands at a pre-assigned spot, healers/tanks get pushed, people pop arms/surecast and it kills everyone its supposed to without having to do the square strat. I explained it like shit, but checking out a clip will clear things up.

I actually confused ranged and caster positions there but the idea is that dps kill each other with their fire as opposed to getting killed by water as it was supposed to be done

Ultimate, #1 piece of advice for newbies:
Register the Square Enix Software Token app to your smartphone for a free teleport location of your choice in game. This also stops the constant security alerts that can happen if you have a dynamic IP so it's a good idea anyway.
Set your free teleport location to Limsa Lominsa, the pirate starting city. It's also a good idea to do this anyway because Limsa has the best designed city and the teleport hub is 10 meters away from a market board and retainer bell, which is where you'll do much of your business.
And now when the game asks you to visit the Waking Sands (which happens fucking constantly, sometimes twice or three times in 15 minutes, hundreds of times throughout the main story) you merely have to teleport to Limsa (free!), take the aethernet (inter-city fast travel, also free!) to the Arcanist guild, and take the nearby ferry to Vesper Bay (costs 120 gil, which is pennies) which'll deposit you 20 meters from the Waking Sands.

This will save you hours of your life. No I am not exaggerating.

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Pokémon. Give me any dragon type as a mount

I finished the MSQ last week and the entire Hildibrand questline this week and also the Genbu, Suzaku crap. What other Questlines have lots of story and cutscenes outside of Job questlines?

Good she is a monster

I would play a lalafell if not for their absolute dogshit walking animation that ruins all cutscenes they appear in

They are sacks of popotos for a reason.

Beast tribes have cutscenes after you reach each threshold, there are quite a few of them too
there is also the Scholisticate which you can start in Ishgard, though its ultimately quite short
raids also have plenty of story, both 8 mans and 24 mans, you can queue for any 24 man and expect a pop in decent time, you can use party finder to get a party to do all of binding/second/final coil unsynced
also the warring triad, which is the set of HW primals
I think there are more but those are off the top of my head

>I would play a lalafell

I'd be curious to see someone work out the exact number of times you're told to go to the Waking Sands throughout the entire MSQ. Hundreds sounds like an exaggeration.

Beast Tribes for current stuff. If you haven't done older stuff there's the Scholisticate quest line in Ishgard, and the Heavensward Warring Triad Primals. Postmoogles I think have cutscenes but I haven't done those.
All the raids also have cutscenes.

Yeah I aint doing dailies.
What are the raids I can unlock? I only have Deltascape1.0 and Royal city rabanastre

It's a couple dozen at least, and if you're teleporting to Horizon and then running the rest of the way that's still hours wasted in commute time.

Like 20+

Why not?

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Fuck off cultist

What's the best way to make money?
I want to buy a house.

Sell things that are valuable at the time

are your fingers broken and can't look it up yourself?
oh well, all the coils are unlocked in the Waking Sands, you complete one set to start the other
Crystal Tower can be started in Gridania
Alexander can be unlocked in Idylshire, Shadows of Mhach questline is unlocked in the Sea of Clouds

find a niche and fill it, jack up prices and gain a monopoly on a certain market until it inevitably crashes, rinse and repeat

>Shadows of Mhach questline is unlocked in the Sea of Clouds
It starts in Ishgard actually.

thanks for the correction, iirc the quest is in the pillars, it takes you to the sea of clouds pretty quickly

I just moved to ragnarok, now I'm playing with the cool guys™

>dumb fucking airship is stuck in the Kugane skyline forever

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Basically fuck faerie in general

>really want the event shit
>they actually do a free login campaign

Umm how do you get free gametime?

What are your thoughts on lizards?

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By far the most likely players to suffer from mental illness.

Xaela are fun and cool
Yugiri is nice and I want to cuddle her dutiful ass

Oh, you mean players?
Who cares, they're all shitters

That'd be cats actually.

this but including people who don't actively play them
for some reason it's the go-to race for the WAAH IT SHOULD'VE CATERED TO ME fags

>Play 24 hours a day!

How did this get past Yoshi


We will take them down
as Elezenos

Explain further you pick my interest

>unsubbed since the end of sigma
>won't be able to run anything without being a graylet
oh well at least I can sweep the hatchingtide items for free

>play a long winded section as Elezenos tearing shit up
>only has 4 buttons
no thanks

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what helm is that

They activated echo for alpha, so logs now mean jack shit.

Bonewicca Soother's

Samurai or Red Mage?

It's usually the most disappointing that is the most likely.

Red mage, it's just more useful in a long run being able to solo old ex trials and similar shit.

Samurai if want pure DPS.
Red Mage if you want to decent DPS but be more useful utility wise.

Cats are just dumb, not legitimately mentally ill like lizards tend to be.

Two of the most braindead classes in the game. Samurai is about big numbers, Red Mage is about progression.

>have a friend that started playing as a female lizard
>got into "that" crowd
>he's now trans

Nobody takes res mage to prog anymore (unless we're talking like, an extreme trial) because summoner is just better. It'd have to be reworked to see any competent play.

New player here; currently deciding on a character:
Chocolate Raen, or Paler Xaela?

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They explained why: muh Japanese regulations


Red can provide support to undergeared healers in a way summoner can't, but summoner is better in every way if your healers can actually heal enough.

nice neckbeard, fag

It's not even Japanese regulations, it's because their rating would change all around the world.

Smn would be able to do that better too if it wasent for the fact that the smn heal is the most broken pos spell in the entire game.
Shit heals for like >600 at max lvl.

if you don't play a cat you're probably a faggot

Yeah, it still scales off of mind instead of int, whereas RED's scales off of int.

If you DO play a cat you're definitely a faggot.

>new player
Stop being an attention whore faggot.

red xaela

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The window to claim that time lasts almost until the expansion comes out and the XV even where you can get the 4 person mount starts in a week. If you accept that free time now it will run out just before that event starts but if you wait another week then you should be able to hit it. Same with the free transfer window the following week.

Hrothgar? More like Hrothgay

You have my attention

Ok so I just have to wait to activate the trial just before the event start
Nice thinking thanks

Chocolate Wildwood

Death to all c@fags but me.

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>Sip can of Monster
>Press Diversion key
>Press Fire IV (4) three (3) times
>Rip aggro from the tank immediately
Smh fucking tanks I swear to god

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Finished 4.56 story, what was the deal with Varis looking evil at the end? Has he been taken over by Ascians too? What is Black Rose?

black rose is mustard gas/ zyklon B

I wonder if DNC will be cool or lame. the teaser video is kind of gay and cool at the same time

because the man was based dunking on the eorzea alliance leaders with fact and style so Yoshyosh need a way to remind us that he's the bad guy, therefore psycho evil deadeye

Raen by far.

>marking to everyone for miles all around your own gender dysphoria

game is dead.

>Sip can of Monster
>Press Diversion key
>Press Fire IV (4) three (3) times
>Get 99 on fflogs

You wouldn't take advantage of this poor, innocent child, would you?

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>be me
>be WoL
>hydaelyn's chosen one
>constantly called on to save the world
>even today I get called on to kill some world threatening primal again
>already done this countless times in the last year
>the eorzean alliance would've been destroyed several times if not for me
>barely get any thanks for it though
>still constantly getting sent around the world to fetch bullshit
>barely even get paid
>only get a couple of hundred to thousand gil per time I save the world
>barely even enough to get a meal from the lalafells off the market board
>someone has to do it though
>assemble a team of adventurers together to deal with it
>ask them if they're ready to save the world
>couple of them tell me to shut up
>one of them in a bikini insults my armor and tells me I look like a clown
>two of them are two busy to even pay attention as they loudly talk about fucking each other and keep using the word "futa"
>somehow defeat the primal though
>make my way back to my apartment
>can't afford a house because a bunch of lalafell merchants snapped them all up and demand exorbitant prices for them now
>some more adventurers talking about "futa" and groping each other in the lobby
>get to my single room apartment
>go to my free company issued bed
>lay down and wait to be called on again to save the world
>feels good to be the chosen one

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Are we really supposed to believe not a single year has passed lorewise?

Y'shtola is beyond christmas cake age considering that her sister is urging her to get married already

Do we have an idea on how its gonna play other than just knowing it's a Tank class.

I dont wanna go in excited only to find out the class is shit like it happened with Samurai.

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In my head I imagine the WoL as some kind of autistic savant that yes, may be the greatest warriors to ever exist, but they have absolutely no comprehension whatsoever for things like politics; more akin to a force of nature, your "allies" point you in the direction of something that needs killing and you become obsolete the instant the world is truly saved.

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>he doesn't know

It's going to be dedicated OT

They grew up and got jobs.

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>decide to resub on a whim yesterday
>this happens
But of course

Take me to brown town.

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I'm starting to play RDM and I'm new to MMOs but I get what aggro is.

Still I'm trying to understand all my options before jumping in with real people.

When would you say it's the right time to pop lucid dreaming?

That's exactly why I'm asking

When you use about 1/3rd of your MP, so you don't waste any MP regen ticks but it's off cooldown for when you need it again.


kek you got me

You won't really have to worry about grabbing aggro as RDM

someone update this since i'm too lazy

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it's the absolute worst part of the MSQ, once you've reached Ishgard, you're free, but damn it was goddamn long to reach that point. They've stopped doing that since .

>You won't really have to worry about grabbing aggro as RDM
How bad are you at RDM? RDM may not be strong in the long run but it is super frontloaded and without diversion your average DF tank is unlikely to cope with your big dick.

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Anyone from here play on zalera? I NEED gil. I'm dying.....

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You have TWO aggro management cooldowns and you still bitch

I don't play DPS, I have never seen a RDM get anywhere close to grabbing aggro though I have also never seen one that didn't parse grey

They clearly just haven't played it if their first concern about lucid timing is the aggro reduction.
Sure you might have to use it earlier than desired sometimes for that purpose but that's only with baddies or on fights with weird tank swaps limiting shirks, like o10s.
Every competent DPS player needs to reduce their opener aggro if they're also playing with a competent tank.

It was more of a problem before 4.4
Red mages that didnt wanna take diversion had to get a bit clever with lucid during opener. But after that its pretty brains. Red mages just have a lot of dps going out during opener.

so i unsubbed after first ultimate clear at the end of november. Could i play for free now or there is some catch?

After you activate you get 7 days to play. I recommend doing it during ffxv event.

I just didn't bring shift because raising is essentially a shift, and alternated apoc/addle on the last slot. Not bringing diversion would have been so terrible, you'd creep back up way before lucid came back off CD.

I don't understand eureka, I'm not high enough level to do fates and everything takes forever to kill

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I main tanking for most activities, but whenever I happen to be DPS, I go BLM and deliberately try to steal aggro during bosses.

Because fuck this game's tranny limp-wristed community.

>free login period right on time to get the Regalia
Holy shit and I was gonna resub for that.
Cheers, Square Enix!

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Funny enough what this user said is true
So you would pull from a competent tank
>Every competent DPS player needs to reduce their opener aggro if they're also playing with a competent tank.

Meanwhile good luck pulling from a tank sitting in tank stance spamming aggro combos

Do the challenge logs first for a good boost, you should be able to shout and find a partner or three doing theirs.
Afterwards do the fates anyway, they give good exp even if you're penalized for being underlevelled. Once you're halfway through in levels it will have sped up immensely.
Once you get to 20 just go to pagos because the worst pagos nms give 200k and the best anemos nms give 20k. It will suck shit getting to higher levelled ones but it's still better than wasting time waiting 3 weeks for CLs in anemos and maybe someone will pity you and drive you around.
Repeat for pyros
Repeat for hydatos
Once you're 58 in hydatos reflect farm sprites on Sprite island to get to 60 insanely fast

Boom, you're done with eureka in about 3 weeks with a bit of light farming on the side. I started mine in the middle of last month and finished a good relic, full armor set, and everything else but a BA run a few days ago.

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Does he have scar over his right eye? How come I never noticed it? Where would the scra even have come from?

>Do the challenge logs
I'm trying it takes forever to kill anything and if I aggro 2 at a time I run out of mana from having to heal myself which just takes even longer, no one responds in chat when I've tried asking it's all just level 20s looking for groups

>Where would the scra even have come from?
Gee user I wonder how an adventurer who fights every single day would get a scar

>not shifting the bard
>dropping apoc or addle before diversion(if a fight requires surecast)
Fuck me this community is trash and they dont even know it.

it's a shame the games isn't more singleplayer focused since I was playing alone most of the time anyway except for dungeons and primals. Would have been cool to have npc henchmen like in guild wars 1 while questing and them commenting on shit. Workd wouldn't feel so empty and lonly too.

The character you create turns out to be the first shard's WoL, which you'll have to defeat in order to bring back the night

Was it ever confirmed that Arbert was the WoL of the first shard?

>something told me to wait until the event to resub after months
>do it this weekend because retarded
>2 days later free login campaign
I want my 13 bucks back

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Lol says the rdm that thinks they don't need diversion

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Don't worry. FFXIV-2 will fix that.

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The first is going to be a mediocre dungeon

Sounds like the average doujin dialogue.

>I'm out of conditioner user, please jerk your cum shampoo all over my hair!

Okay my other advice is not to play at 9am est

Yes but his body didn't look like that.

Do Modders think that hair looks good? It reminds me of my mom’s hair in the 70s kek

>what is this?
>someone is using your cleavage to summon a voidsent!
>quickly, we must place aetheric-infused binding to seal the rift
>only the purest of compounds will suffice
>but first, it must be milked out with an honest heart
>do what must be done!

xivg was a mistake

>bunch of ugly dudes cumming on pictures on characters controlled by other ugly dudes

But when else would I play?

FFCC (since the Remaster is coming out sometime this year)
Hurdy/Gurdy outfit for shits and giggles (standard male and female Clavat clothing)
Mog (with the Chalice) as pet
The carawan as mount (optional have it also a four seater or more)

I play a Raen myself
>inb4 tranny
But does it bother anyone else how so many people fucking play Xaela and pick regular ass white skin tones? It's not lore rapey, nor do I have a problem with white skin colour in general. It's just so fucking boring and it gets on my 'tism.

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It's a shame because the build up was 2.55 levels of good. Granted, they nullified everything that was good about 2.55 in 3.0.

That's because unnatural skin and hair colors look really bad and limit outfit color coordination options unless you want to look like a clown in a clown world.

Stay braindead greenlet. Unless a fight had aggro resets back in the day diversion isnt required if you bring lucid. and if you have a bard then you should manashift them. Im not saying diversion is useless but in most fights if you had to drop either apoc/shift/diversion. If you have a bard drop diversion. If you dont drop shift.

I prefer "boring" skin tones over special snowflake ones that make them look like aliens from an 80s sci-fi TV series. Unique skin tones also look weird in this engine's lighting too.

t. pale Raen

shut up sluts

You're not wrong, it can be pretty difficult I suppose to try and make your skin colour not look like it's going overboard.
I'm a pale Raen myself, but I suppose as a gigantic Sadufag, I was kind of hoping to see more characters like her.

I remember playing "unique" Xaela, only 1 hairstyle worked and very few outfits.

I don’t like Xaela because the skin colors are fucking garbage. You can pick oversaturated red, shitstain brown, ugly ass green or blue. Wow.

finished my dante cosplay fellas

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Woah, rude!

Sadu's colour scheme is great, but it's a pale skin tone, so it works better. Anything saturated or darker can look weird, applies to almost everything in the game. Dark red dyes for example look awful on almost all gear, for example.

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I went back and checked after my inflammatory comment. Very few top rdms on delta/sigmascape shift their bard even when they have one. Most bring diversion, even if the fight has no resets.
3% on one single extra gcd from foes is absolutely inconsequential, even from a rdps perspective. Literally one single random crit from any player outweighs that.
When the trade off is making aggro management a pain in the ass, I don't think that's worth it.

btw I'm a BLM main with orange RDM parses on deltascape.

post lizard

>let shitters who don't use diversion steals aggro
>you're welcome

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Looks more like a cowboy than a dante

thats what dante be like these days

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How I draw like this, bros?

They're desperate to make the game not dead during the content drought

Just practice. Draw every day and after a few years it will start to look good.

At least you're not a cat girl or tranny lizard so you're doing better than the rest.

>We'll go there, kill the light monsters, save the day, and come home for the remainder of the half-assed Garlemald war story or at best a lead-in to the REAL Garlemald expansion.
The eight-man raid series is about unfucking the world and reintroducing the six elements to it, I legitimately doubt ShB's story will get resolved instantly the way Stormblood's did. They were also up-front that events won't just stop on the Source while we're fucking around elsewhere.

dante cat dicks are just as bad as the other degenerate garbage, dont feed his shitty ego and lazy glam

Find a random fem-lala in Limsa to EB with for the meme points

Is everything degenerate to you

Why are crafter quests consistently the best part of the game?

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I'm actually a profissional illustrator (I do mascots for colleges in a prom agency). Im just want to draw better, know what I mean?

Is it too late to get into late game crafting. I have most Crafters at 70 but I need to start melding. It'll take me around 3 to 4 weeks to get all the classes I need to overmeld myself.

I just don't know if it's even worth it this late in the expansion. Expecially since things don't seem to be selling that fast or expensive.

is male elezen PLD the most aesthetic combination?

>I legitimately doubt ShB's story will get resolved instantly the way Stormblood's did
Hopefully it will go the way of HW where the "main conflict" is only dealt with several patches afterward.
>They were also up-front that events won't just stop on the Source while we're fucking around elsewhere.
This is what the "Roleplay" system is for. While we are busy in the source, we will control other NPC's back at the source and progress the story.

im just starting 60-70 and basically going to drop it the moment I cap, I can start learning all the ins and outs when ShB drops

To be fair, dante is a very easy look to go for in this game.

Just wait for ShB at this point, my dude.

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And is the extremely common glam for catboys by and large in combination i've found. I don't think I've ever played with a dante-tryhard who wasn't a mouthbreathing troglodyte or functionally retarded and just button mashing randomly

>just button mashing randomly

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>Cuts her hair and thinks no one will know it's her when she's the only one in Ishgard with that haircolor.

>no onahole girlfriend

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Post this on reddit for 10 billion upboats.

>Christmas cakes
Patrician taste. Cakes are a gift to humanity

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Thought that was a can of Monster: Allagan edition.

Raaaahhhh why is Yugiri so perfect?!?!

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More like Hear Feel Twink, am I right?

You can never say they aren't dedicated to their roleplay I guess

>enough time to try the new story and a few things before waiting for the expansion

is Yoshida some kind of god? I don't even need to pay to play the story

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Death to those who hurt Alisaie.

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do you people like her because she's a well-written character or because she is a female human with breasts and a vagina

Wait a week so you can get the FFXV event (coming with the best mount in the game) too.

God I should have waited before resubbing, I feel so fucking ripped off right now

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I want to commit a crime

The latter.

Reminder that these campaigns are ran like
>start free login campaign
>timer counts down on your account
You won't actually have 168 hours of gametime unless you literally play it nonstop from the minute you start it. Makes sense, I know, but every time this happens you get people saying "wtf I only played a couple hours last week, why can't I login for free now?"

And if you log in RIGHT NOW it won't last long enough for the XV event to start (on the 16th, currently 8 days from now).

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Only good Au Ra picture.

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