What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Everything. It has Bioshock in the name.
nothing. Wasn't as good as bioshock 1, but it was better than 2.
Though bioshock infinite alpha and beta has a lot more than what release had. Watch crowbcat's video on it.
>Wasn't as good as bioshock 1, but it was better than 2.
But 2 was better than 1 so this statement is logically inconsistent.
The hype cinematic trailer didn't do it any favors.
>wait a minute
>that card
How was 2 better than 1. Riddle me that.
Yes, return from whence you came.
Says the redditor that watches le ebin cherrypicking dishonestly edited videos by redditcat.
Having like a million total game revisions between when it started development and when it launched ruined it.
Whether you are intentionally doing it or not but you're unironically defending such actions from the Bioshock infinite devs.
Better than defending reddit: the youtube channel.
Tired sequel to a series based on a game that was never better than "fair."
Better combat, better setting, better characters barring like 1 exception
The story of bioshock 1 was literally just System Shock 2 but underwater.
>proves me right
That's all i need to hear from you.
Because, just like your idol, you're a cherrypicking moron.
No I hate cherries, dunno what you're on about.
head dude kept changing shit and they spent way too much money
>better setting, better characters barring like 1 exception
>it was better than 2
Nice joke.
Proof that jews do not create, but copy and regurgitate other works.
Nothing. The game was great.
Everything. The game was garbage.
>better setting
I agree with everything else but this. Most of Bioshock 2's environments just felt like leftover concepts that didn't get used in the first game. Although I did like the prison level at the end.
Minerva's Den had much more creative environments, imo, and I wish we had gotten that expansion as a whole game instead.
like witcher.
Wasn't it supposed to be DLC for 1?
I enjoyed gothic 1 and 2 but witcher 1 was legit fucking shit
Honestly Infinite shouldn't even be brought up when talking about Bioshock 1 and 2 considering it more closely resembles a generic fps than an an actual "Shock" game.
2 did the whole "action-focused Shock game" better.