Attached: isshin.webm (750x422, 2.81M)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=medieval japan shaved head

You had a shit ton of emblems you goof, should had used the shurikens.

>trying to deflect the lightning
I get that it was probably just nerves that caused you to do the wrong thing, but damn. Just gotta relax in phase 3.

indeed, managing not to panic is the way to beat this game

>dodge all the attacks you can just deflect
>try to deflect the one attack you can't

>goomba stomp his AOE spin instead of running away
>side dodge his plunge and punish
>jump into lightning swing and do reversal

That's entirely on you, you retard. You did a fuckton of mistakes.
How are you even that scared in phase 3 it's almost even easier than Genichiro because of the lightning.


I know you're probably used to seeing shitposting threads 24/7 but he didn't say anything about it being the game's fault so that makes you a raging autistic faggot picking fights with literally no-one. retard

ok ive done it, one more time and then shura :)

Attached: SEKIRO SHADOWS DIE TWICE 2019.04.07 - (750x422, 1.09M)

why do you jump so much op, just get in his face and parry him next time

better quality

Attached: SEKIRO SHADOWS DIE TWICE 2019.04.07 - (750x422, 2.7M)

i jump cause of that one attack where he swirls the spear around him it almost always hits me so i preemptively try to get away

There you go.
To be fair, phase 2/3 Isshin does a fuck ton of posture damage. And in phase 3 you don't need to be quite as aggressive.

I'm on this cunt. I hate this fucking fight already.
>have to fight the stupid shitter faggot every time
>have to fight through one fucking health bar just to get back to the phase I'm having troubles with
Theres difficulty, and then there is fucking tedium. This is bordering on tedium because of TWO FUCKING CUTSCENES I HAVE TO SKIP and Genichiro every fucking time. Thats fucking retarded, Genichiro isn't even a fucking fight, he posture breaks in like 2 seconds. But this all just adds up to a ton of wasted fucking time. I beat Demon of Hatred in less fucking tries because I could easily just walk up to the cunt and cut him down to his last phases no problem.

>>goomba stomp his AOE spin instead of running away
Holy fuck you can do that?

> literally dropped your ball and didn’t deflect or even mist raven (which was equipped) that special attack for guaranteed kill and just ran away instead
> spaghetti and jump around more to get hit more
> die from fucking up lightning reflect
The max choke is real
I died doing similiar thing of jumping slightly too late for lightning then dying due to not deflecting dragon slash at 75% posture 25% health. Last phase is easy compared to 2 but damn my hand is sweating because how much it takes to get there. It took only the 2nd try of going to 3rd phase to beat him and it took like a shit load to get pass 2nd phase.

I'm glad I dropped this shit, It doesn't get any better.

Deflecting any of his special attack also does a shit load of posture at him as well

>actual child SO MAD at some shitty ninja he has to get his grandpa to beat you up

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Choke artist

One key press

>have to fight the stupid shitter faggot every time
Take 10-15 secs

>have to fight through one fucking health bar just to get back to the phase I'm having troubles with

Isshin phase 1 is piss easy, just dodge couple of times for hp dmg, then parry the rest, takes under 30 secs again

Git gud fag

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>It doesn't get any better.
Thats right. This is the best final fight in any FS game to date.

It's a level of difficulty I wanted from Gael, who has lots of CUHRAAAYZEEE attacks, but all of them are too easy to roll spam through.

Stay mad your game has neither style nor substance, BBabby.

Every FROM game since DS2 has been anime.

>get lady b. to a sliver of health
>oh shit, i got another res!
>die again

I choked against the lightning attack too but managed to pull it off barely

Attached: isshin.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>Not deflecting the jump and slam

C'mon user that's like a freebie.

>parry spamming
not a good sign.

why are people shitting on OP? he's just sharing his pain and not blaming the game. he just fell victim to nerves, you guys are so elitist and obnoxious

I know you want to show off your "skill" by posting your shitty webm but you're pretty bad and that was sloppy. Stop running around like a tard and deflect properly

I can't find the will to keep playing this game anymore in NG+. It gets pretty boring and all I do is run around looking for webm's to make. I might just drop it soon.

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>tfw restarted after choosing iron code because I thought that was the "hard Isshin"

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Guys how do you beat the demon of hatred. He gets me everytime with the charge attack

Jump to the left.

Literally stick to his crotch and run counterclockwise (to his left) at all times. Get 1-2 hits when you can and then just keep running. If he does his sweep, jump and run as fast as possible to him. Use fire umbrella to block his fire attacks. It's an endurance fight so just don't make any huge mistakes

why you didnt jump bro

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Wait, what? are you doing nightjar slash and senpou kicks? How?

unironically the best advise. probably 50% of my deaths were because I got to a bosses final phase and started choking and making stupid mistakes

I honestly don't know how people can justify playing games over and over these days, there are so many fucking games out there that you are missing out severely to not be playing them

I know what I like and don't like, and replaying games that have good replay value is fine. Sekiro is just kind of boring. I don't need to play every game in existence, either.

>spamming block
>gets btfo by based Isshins lightning chop of destiny
Eat shit casual

high monk

Why do people complain so much about the gorilla?

That dude is not hard. Even the rematch with the add is easy as fuck, it drops posture with two firecrackers.

The fuck?

just after the shuriken slash though you did a backflip thing, what's that?

How are you doing shadow rush and mortal strike?

Sword Saint Isshin is one of the easiest bosses in the whole game. I had more trouble with Father Owl and the fucking Headless.

Owl is harder than Isshin, in a way. Isshin has more health, and because he has more phases he has more moves, but Owl is fought in smaller arenas and a lot of his attacks give him hyper armor, so hitting him before his attack lands does nothing and you just end up having wolf constantly trade blows with him all the time. I also feel like he input reads far more, plus he has a mikiri counter.

Dumb shit you did in your playthrough?

>tried to fight headless without lilac umbrella even though I had it in my inventory
>same with demon of hatred and the fire umbrella
>didn't realize I could sprint until I was a few statues into Ashina Outskirts
>got stuck on Genichiro for at least two hours before I learned to stop baiting for attacks
>didn't realize that a lot of martial arts do chip damage through blocks until I read it on Yea Forums
>gave the giant carp the poisonous bait before the precious bait because I didn't realize it was poison
>missed the first memorial mob in outskirts, didn't find it until second playthrough

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>just spam L1 lmao it's easy
>walk up to a general and spam L1
>he takes minimal posture damage, I take a lot
>properly time an L1
>he takes lots, I take minimal
Why you niggas lying

Attached: akarin.png (256x256, 114K)

>>tried to fight headless without lilac umbrella even though I had it in my inventory
>>same with demon of hatred and the fire umbrella
You don't need these for either of those enemies. You can parry the headless while using divine confetti to prevent terror build up and the regular umbrella works on all of the Demon of Hatred's attacks (other than fire, obviously) but the fire attacks are extremely few and easy to avoid.

People are just fucking retarded. This game really is not that difficult. Bloodborne gave me more trouble, honestly.

>tfw fought False Corrupted Monk before even finding Genichiro

Attached: chadazaki.jpg (700x941, 36K)

>stuck on genichiro
>not because my dodging/parrying is shit, but because I keep dodging into his grabs thinking they're thrusts

Jumping at all will make you immune to it, since it counts as a sweep. As for his stomping, just block it because its hard to dodge. When he does small stomps in his combos, dodge backwards and you will avoid the fire swipe. When he glows and gets fiery, sprint backwards and grapple hook back. Use Divine Confetti on final phase, take space between phases to use items. Malcontent Whistle can stun him 3 times for long periods of time, save for final phase. Boom you beat him

Editing out the menu swapping

Saved every confetti until the last Headless. Reason: autism

why couldn't this incel (genichiro) just chill and drink sake with his grandfather in his old age instead of trying to regain some past honor that he wasn't even alive for?

Nice timing on those jumps, but you're dumb for not deflecting those attacks.

>took three days getting rekt and doing the first 2 phases until I get them down perfect
>tried again this afternoon and got through first 2 phases without any damage
>beat isshin using only 4 gourds and minimal cheese

holy shit bros we're all gonna make it, it's like it just clicked in my head all of a sudden and it became ez

shoutout to all you niggas who gave me tips, you know who you are

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please respond

Post bosses and minis you beat first try
Owl, Ape escape 2, Tokujiro, Shigekichi, bull of palace Mist noble

I just removed the pause screen from the video to make it seem fluid, as if it were possible to use multiple combat arts without disrupting gameplay. I wanted to see what is was like and hope that someone might be able to somehow mod something like that into the game or that it gets added in a future update or DLC.

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true form corrupted monk
divine dragon
mist noble (lol)
folding screen monkeys (lol)
sakura bull
okami leader

and probably a few of the ashina generals
I was actually kind of upset when divine dragon was such a pushover

i agree. Dark Souls 2 was fine (more than fine) but after that it was anime city. Fuck bloodborne das3, and sekiro. I hate that kind of ridiculously fast combat. I play games that require fast reflexes to survive and clear levels easily (easy example, hotline miami, very different genre but still) but bloodborne, das3 and sekiro are fucking ridiculous.

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also goddamn, i can't help but start cracking up if I watch that gif for too long. Idk why the bloodborne one gets me. I don't even know what weapon that is and what kind of build it's referring too since I can't and don't care to play bloodborne.

user's is old, have the updated version

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i beat him what a beautifully done final boss really loved it

>tfw beat Isshin with Bell Demon and Path of Hardships
>every other boss feels a joke in comparison

Sword Arts would be better as combos or button inputs, as it is I end up accidentally using Ichimonji when I just want to block

I end up blocking 1/3 of the time i want to use mine



I'm stuck
I killed a few miniboss guys but I get stuck on the actual bosses. Like the drunk guy and the general with the sword behind the huwyte ogre man.
Do I just need to grind for skills? I did lose a ton of skill points from dying. Also is there any way to grind for pellets at this point? I bought all I can and they're sold out

Black mortal blade can create a portal to the underworld
There's a chest with a document about it on Isshin's balcony

>not reversing the lightning
>not using emblems
You still have lot to learn

>the drunk guy and the general with the sword
>actual bosses
user, you are in for a big, big challenge

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don't do this to me
I've only tried them like twice each, its just annoying having to deal with their lackeys every time I challenge them

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just stealth kill all the goons first, de-aggro the boss, and backstab him to cut his fight in half. ez

Explore a bit, gourd seeds will give you enough vitality to survive long enough to learn movesets and the confidence to try and repel.
Skills aren't that good, especially active skills.
You quite literally have to git gud, you can do it now or you can do it later but ultimately there's no way around it.

I've noticed that the game tends to hang between button inputs a lot, alkkost like the inputs cancel out and you just can't have the player character do anything. I'm constantly running into issues where I want to heal, but it doesn't work, or I try to use a prosthetic, but nothing happens.

How hard is NG+?

holy fuck that dark souls 3 one. One could argue that the rapier should have been used for the dark souls 2 character/animation because of cancerous weapons like the ice rapier. I figured one weapon to represent the cancerous side of dark souls 3 would be the carthus curved sword. Bleed is too op iirc and since there's no real poise it was too easy to stunlock players. fuck that shit.

it really depends on if you keep kuros charm or not, but its not too bad imo. i guess you could be low on attack power if you picked the shorter ending maybe

If you mean the drunk guy in Hirata, you can actually lure him off to the side away from his mooks and deathblow him, then finish his last healthbar. It's pretty easy if you double attack with the flame (burns and stuns him for a long time) but of course resorting to tricks does not help you to git gud

>>tried to fight headless without lilac umbrella even though I had it in my inventory
>>same with demon of hatred and the fire umbrella
I've never ever used umbrella.

okay nice I beat the general guy, guess he is just a miniboss too.
I used firecrackers to cheese it a bit.
now for big drunk guy

NG+ without Kuro's charm is basically a whole different game

I just wanna focus on getting new endings, am trying to figure out if it'd be easier to start the game over or NG+ it

NG+ is faster since you have prosthetics and items. The difficulty increase is totally negligible if you don't return charm.

Got to horse guy, any tips for him? tried spamming fire crackers but thanks to him running around too many miss to be useful
I guess THIS is the first legit boss, and there's no way to deathbow bosses before the fight?

Got him today after 16 tries. You can do it OP!

>tfw killing the big retarded guys

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>didn't jump on his head during the spin attack
>didn't dodge the air attack
>didn't jump the lightning attack

hesitation is defeat

>playing on easy mode

game is freezing on me now when I use firecrackers in the horse boss area

Honestly that's what the final skill tree shoulda been. You need 2 final move to get one anyway, might as well combine them for real

Even though I didn't have much issue with the game after the first playthrough it took me till NG4 to figure out that that when the enemy deflects you that a counter is coming

Wait if I want the NG+ be more easier time, do I give away the charm or keep it?

This, sasuke and first phase isshin only take me less than a minute to get trough. Most of the retries are from phase 2 and I first tried phase 3 since he started using lightning attack which are very easy to deflect

>I don't need to play every game in existence, either.
You're not a true gamer.

Not that guy, but you're not refuting any of his points.
The cutscenes are still there, the first two phases as well, regardless of how easy they are, actually it's the whole point - they just waste time.

Add sekiro but with parry dancing

that's what you're supposed to do with any swipe attack

sekiro doesn't have any cancerous pvp memes

>easy to avoid
The fire carpet was impossible for me to avoid, I tried literally everything and only got it once while sprinting to the side and jumping in the split second. The window to avoid it seems so fucking tiny that I just upgraded the umbrella and used it only for this attack

I had a big reply chain the other day with a couple of retards who basically called me a casual because I questioned why the game tutorializes almost every single mechanic with mandatory popups except for jump kicking during sweep attacks and holding guard to regain posture quicker. The guard tip is only randomly on loading screens and you need to train with the undying guy to see the guard tip, which is not mandatory. It's very strange.

Is Genny the most JUSTed character in all of From games? He potentially gets BTFO 3 times
>Gets styled on during the tutorial
>Has to rely on shitty nightjar sneak attack to take the win
"K-Kek nothing personnel kid, a shinobi should know LIFE'S NOT FAIR"
>Rekt hard even after willingly getting pozzed by centipedes and unleashing *that* jutsu
"REEEEEE mom says it's my turn on the Dragon's Heritage!! It's not like you REALLY beat me, h-heh, smell ya later!"
>Gets reduced to a single-phase intro fight and ass-destroyed so hard he literally kills himself in autismal rage so his grandpa can come back from the fucking dead to wipe his ass

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>ng+ with both debuffs
>try using purple umbrella against the shichimen
>all his orbs damage you because of ((((chip)))) damage debuff and because it's considered blocking

Don't even need the umbrella, but fuck that shit

to see the jump kick tip*

having way more trouble doing the shura ending than the regular one. I got lucky and re-directed lightning three times in Isshin the Sword Saint's last phase, made it a lot quicker but now I am getting my ass handed to me by a woman and a literally dying grandpa

>why didn't this guy just give up and die while the interior ministry came in with their army and murdered everyone who has anything to do with the ashina clan
I wonder that too user, you fucking retard

You have to be sprinting perpendicular to the direction it's coming from and then jump the last second to grapple onto the boss. But in my experience it still hits me quite often. There must be some proper distance at which you dodge it too.
Although you could try sprinting towards the demon, if you get right under him before the attack hits, you can deflect the hand. But you might still take some damage from the fire on the ground if you're too far away when that happens.


keep it

When eh does that large charged sweep attack, you can jump on his head. It won't hurt his posture like with red sweeps, but it will completely avoid the attack and give you an opportunity to punish him.

I did it finally I got good and beat the first boss

Attached: sekiro horse guy.png (1919x1079, 3.65M)

Proud of you user

Gyoubu is easy as shit, barely a boss

Fucking FINALLY. What a ride. Probably my favorite From game to date, honestly. That was a chore and a half though.
>Did Shura first like a dumbass
>Had to do NG+ to get everything else
>Whoops Lapis Lazulis are the new Titanite Slab, have fun going through the game again!
Lmao2ape was not fucking fun in NG+2.

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just did him on my third playthrough, finally got to a point where i'm wiping the floor with him. deflecting and dodging everything perfectly in phase two in particular feels so good. felt like when i learned Lady Maria properly and danced with her instead of spamming gun parry.

It's easy for you. Let user have his victory. We all struggled at the start. Looking back they seem easy but at the time we all struggle wuggled uwu

Good job user. You're gonna make it.

Every boss in Hirata is a tutorial boss(except for the last one). Every boss up to and including Genichiro is also the tutorial boss, teaching you different mechanics and how to react to them. Genichiro is the culmination and test of all the things you've learned so far.

The three Generals? Simple mechanics test. Ogre? Sprinting test. Spearguy? Mikiri test. Drunk fatso guy? IQ test.

For the drunk guy, you go to the left, kill the two guys there and then proceed. You kill the shieldsman and rush the archer, then hide. You take them all one by one until only the boss remains. You go the left route again, sneak up on the boss and stab him in the back. You sprint to the samurai and go through his dialogue, then you take turns killing the boss.

The gameplay of this game is more kino than any "cinematic" cutscene from the west.

With Kuro's Charm and Demon's Bell it's much harder and a different experience. Bosses that have rapid attacks really shit all over your posture, so it's something you need to watch out for. You're also punished each and every time you don't deflect and block instead.

>using prosthetic tools is cheesing
>using items like snap seeds is cheesing
>stealth deathblows on mini bosses is cheesing
>reviving is a crutch
Soulsborne ''veterans'' were a mistake

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Those one handed kicking enemies are fucking cancer. I had trouble with the one in the Reservoir, but now they are a regular enemy only with less HP. They put my timing off more than any other enemy in the game. Sometimes it feels like their kicks hang in the air for 3 seconds, other times they are right after the other, do a shitload of posture damage etc.

The worst part is there's like 5 or 6 of them before the late game Ashina Castle boss battle on the roof, and I don't see any save points.

You deflect his attacks, graple onto him when he's far away and that's pretty much it. There's a big window you can use the firecrackers when he finishes the attacks.

I suggest you don't rely on firecrackers too much because it's gonna come a time when you can't use them consistently and instead of learning how to deflect at that point you're gonna keep dying and having a hard time. Learn how to use the sword first, then add prosthetics as a little bonus

Jesus how much fucking HP do you have?

No wonder people beat this boss "easily" I had like half that HP

just go get antechamber and dojo statues again if you want shortcuts to that boss

>Ogre? Sprinting test.

You really cant play this game in a panicky way huh. It seems like you have very powerful tools at your disposal in the big backdash and back jump, but the bosses also swing for very wide, there's not a lot of room for error

is it me or fromsoftware took the story way to seriously?

You run and never stop running unless if it's to strike his balls.

(X) Hug Balls

>bait his attack
>run away
>hit him a few times
>use fire
>hit him a few times

Never died to Ogre once, all you have to do is keep moving

>managing not to panic is the way to beat this game
>game has buddhist themes
>purging inner conflict
>hesitation is defeat
It's really not obvious to people that this game is some form of Buddhist meditation. But then again most people don't really know about Buddhism.

not him but I beat horsedude first try, thanks to those firecrackers
right after that, Blazing Bull killed me around 15 times

The ogre is a step dodge tutorial, not a cheese tutorial, just because you can cheese him.

You do know in this phase you can just run around and bait lightning attacks and reversal all day right? You don't have to do jack shit but that.

Nah. It was pretty nice to have a game where the world wasn't already dead for once.

thanks anons, it felt fucking good
>grapple on to him
well shit I had no idea I could do that, that would've saved some running around
Another question, I got the thing that I think resets dragon rot on npcs, when should I use that? I don't want to get screwed in the long run because I keep dying. I think the first tent merchant and some woman I haven't seen yet has it. Plus the sculptor ofc

>running is CHEESING
Based retard, enjoy getting 180degree grabbed and thrown from the cliff

desu the npc dialogue literally tells you to use fire, that's what I did and I killed him first try by getting him caught on the stairs and just whacking away after stunning with fire

Not that guy but I went into Ogre expecting a famously bad time because all my friends had trouble with getting super-duplexed off a cliff. Half hp, two res nodes, I'm going into it thinking "Yeah, I'll start up the fight, throw this first life away. When he kills me, I'll res, bail and try again fresh."

He didn't even hit me *once.* Strafe, bait out a grab, slap him, step back, repeat. I really don't understand the fascination with fighting fair when literally the first boss of the game tells you to throw that shit out the window.

I don't get grabbed and thrown off a cliff, because I know how to play the game. Beat it multiple times already. But you will [not] enjoy playing the rest of the game if you don't learn how to play it properly.

he gave you a free win with that lightning attack but you just didnt take it

Dragonrot is a meme mechanic, the only thing it does is make NPCs cough, lower the RNG for you retaining sen/exp after dying and pauses the NPC quests. I usually use it after I get 2-3 npcs infected

Now get ready for the BVLL user

It's not about fighting fairly or anything, it's about utilizing the right counters for the specific attacks, as well as exploiting enemy weaknesses. Hit and run is a bad habit and will bite you in the ass, when you face an enemy that will punish it. Not to mention it's just not a very fun way to play.

honestly the difference was minimal at best.

I already finished the game retard, Ogre running is the proper way to do the fight no matter what you've thought up in your head

How in the fuck is taking advantage of how slow a enemy is not playing the game properly

> Hit and run is a bad habit and will bite you in the ass
>the only way to do the dual ape fight
uh huh

On the story? Maybe.
On the world itself? I'd say it feels much, much more alive. Something as simple as being able to evesdrop and listen to spoken lines from random mooks in or out of combat does a ton. Then you add all the other NPCs and minibosses or whatever with their own stories not to mention the main story and you have a world that actually feels alive.

Not to mention how the game actually develops with the invasion and everything.

Exactly. There's a literal pause button ffs. I beat him the third time in my NG+3 playthrough for the severance ending and the platinum and I got him first try while talking to some friends on group chat. I was expecting to get rekt like I did for hours on NG and NG+ but he really is the most git gud fight in the game, aside from Owl 2.
>Tfw I bet this guy didn't even use a dragon's blood droplet to unlock his Rez and then use bite down or hidden tooth to get back half his health bar on top of that

You go in with 3 rezes
>First two phases can allow a death and rez reset each
>Then you can pop a dragon's blood droplet in phase three to unlock the rez again
>If your health gets very low use bite down and get up with 50% HP
>Then use your final Rez
You basically get 4 tries like this. More if you can use hidden tooth again.

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Playing it without the music while listening to a video or talking to friends unironically makes it a cakewalk for some reason.

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>I beat him the third time in my NG+3
Were using Kuro's charm?

right, a tutorial on how useless step dodges are.
also you're retarded, hit and run is extremely effective on almost every boss that isn't in an enclosed space, most effective on demon of hatred and sword saint
nice argument lmao

Attached: shitbox.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

>one more time
Two. There's 3 endings with SSI and one with Shura.

>dodging a sweep
Based retard.

>doing what the game tells you to, which works half the time
based retard, but seriously, the game doesn't tell you about hit and run, but it works very well. what gives?

>hit and run is extremely effective
>20min of making circles to stab enemy to death

Sprinting and hitting and running is super effective. People will still shit on it though and would rather play it just like a Souls game, only substituting iframe dodges with deflects and insisting that it's the only way to play.

Just started, took a detour to Hirata Estate. Am I supposed to be able to beat this before getting back to the main route, or do I go back and forth? Thought I was doing okay but then reached the path with all the monk spearmen and they pushed my shit in.

when you use deflect its twice easier and 5x faster

It's extremely ineffective, it's just safe.

hirata has the harder minibosses. but the real boss there is kind of a pushover

You can beat it any time, though I recommend the latest being right after the Ashina Castle Roof boss battle, for an extra ressurect which will be useful in the future battles.

Also get the Mikiri counter if you don't have it yet.

Effective =/= Efficient
Literal braindead retarded apes from brazil, but I would expect nothing less from soulstards.

I finally beat him a little bit ago. Took me practically the whole day to learn the fight. Nothing else pushed me like that but I missed out on Owl 2 in this playthrough.

Attached: Sekiro™_ Shadows Die Twice_20190408012349.jpg (1920x1080, 331K)

"hit and run" is such a generic strategy - why WOULD it directly tell you to do that

>spamming block because you are too dumb to actually defelct
sign of a shitter, no wonder you cant beat him

cool buzzword, why don't you actually say what you mean next time you post

got it, and got the bull
damn these firecrackers were worth it

Attached: bull down.jpg (1920x1080, 294K)

>based retard

>cool buzzword
eurotime is such a shitter time

oh look, another buzzword substitute for actually stringing words together to express what you think

>didn't drop attack his first healthbar
>sidestepping a sweep
>divine confetti

what happened

Attached: 1502829600918.png (423x314, 198K)

>based retard, but seriously, the game doesn't tell you about hit and run, but it works very well. what gives?

>the game doesn't tell you about hit and run, but it works very well. what gives?

>hit and run

>I hate action games that require reflexes and quick decision making!
Found the DaS2cuck.

I beat the entire game without realizing I could sprint. After I realized to could sprint, I seriously began questioning how anyone could have trouble with DoH.

It's crazy how much high monk absolutely ruins the posture of those lone shadow faggots'. Two counters with it are enough to knock out each phase of even the worst one of those assholes.
>Mfw used to get ruined by these fags but now I'm perfect deflecting ever slash and almost every kick
>Mfw I got platinum and beat Owl 2, DoH, and SSI first try but now I don't have anything to do
I think this is the first game where I legitimately got gud. Even bloodborne saw me overleveling a fair bit on some bosses despite being my favorite game.
I don't know what to do now. I feel fulfilled but also very empty at the thought of not having anything more to do.

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>"sweep" that has the animation of a grab and can be dodged semi successfully by dodging while every other sweep in the game cannot be dodged through
Please take miyazaki's cock out of your mouth. His games aren't perfect, and the hitboxes are basically their biggest flaw.
Confetti lets you deal extra damage to all enemies and chip damage through blocked attacks. Do not presume so much.

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The game literally tells you that spamming L1 makes parries less effective.

hesitation is death
-weeb lightning man

nigger your stab and run is pure souslborne its almost miracle to get hit if room is isnt 2x2 go back to your firecrackers you casual
deflect, jumping on enemy, dodge, jump, grapple hook, and mikiri is true sekiro player
fuck combat arts and fuck prostetic tools

Okay retard, but look up the definition of the word you're arguing over next time.

>Please take miyazaki's cock out of your mouth. His games aren't perfect, and the hitboxes are basically their biggest flaw.
are you ok?

I feel like I'm missing a path. I'm six hours in or so and the furthest I've gotten is the Ashina Castle Antechamber. As of right now I have that as an option and three others.
1.Fight General Spearnigger (no)
2.Fight wacky woohoo spooky man in the dungeon
3.Continue into Hirata Estate (just beat Shinobi Hunter)
Was there something I missed or do most of the options lead to additional branching paths?

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the hand clearly hits you
you're not even close to avoiding it
that's not a hitbox problem, it's a brain problem with you

>Binocular sprinting
DS2 was the dumbest shit I swear

>can't dive
Why??????? Why the fuck do I have to go through the game again instead of finishing off diving areas straight away??? I fucking hate it when games force you to revisit areas you've already been through

If they didn't want to be dicks, they'd all be like Kotaro

>still block spamming and not perfectly timing every parry

poor plebs

check out the ashina castle rooftops

>imagine not being able to tell a sweep animation from a grab animation and blaming it on the game

The next game is going to look like this but with swords.

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Yep, Sekiro's hitboxes are completely flawless. Fromsoft has never made a mistake or cut any corners.

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>tfw I sent him to the dungeon

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The thing about this game being casual filter is spot on. When I see people playing this game who either haven't beaten it or just now beating it they are playing the slowest way possible.

Especially the female streamers and who continually jump-dodge away from every single attack and refuse to deflect or be aggressive in any way. I'm almost mad that these people are playing this way because the game is much easier if they were more assertive.

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Doing Shura first sets you up for a bad fucking platinum run
>NG+ seems to have the biggest jump in enemy attack power
>You potentially miss at least something like 5 memories/remnants
>You miss endgame upgrade mats and item drops
Making Shura choice on your first playthrough pretty much ruins your save, which is fitting in a narrative sense. On the bright side, restarting and getting back to that point takes just a few hours.

>Sword saint
>He uses a spear

He was holding back wasn't he?

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I did that right at the start and spent 3 hours on Butterfly. After that, every other boss was easy save some of Owl's bullshit and the DoH.

If you get stuck on a boss in Sekiro i seriously recommend just turning on a podcast or something and go in with the intent that you're not trying to seriously beat the boss. Just learning how they fight.

Always makes me defeat them like twice as fast.

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Why didn't you even try to block that?

>and go in with the intent that you're not trying to seriously beat the boss. Just learning how they fight.
This is literally what happened after fighting Isshin for 6 hours. I went in to fuck around and try some new tools to see if they make a difference and ended up beating him on that try.

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you literally get hit there though
let me graze the side of your face and body with a giant fucking slicing weapon and see how well you turn out

You foolish monster.

>Another question, I got the thing that I think resets dragon rot on npcs, when should I use that?
The dragon tears are not at all uncommon, so use them freely. You get more in NG+ as well. I use them whenever I want to do something specific with an NPC because I have a feeling I've progressed a quest.

tachibana was just the casual filter in nioh but in sekiro hes the final boss lmao what a scrub game

You're right, I got hit. The sword made contact with the side of my face.
Please, please, PLEASE, for the love of god, stop being a drone.

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Forget the spear, he shoots you with a gun.

>His games aren't perfect, and the hitboxes are basically their biggest flaw.
Ogre, Emma, Old Isshin, Owl's overhead slam, and SSI's slam can sometimes be bullshit in this regard but the rest of the game is excellent about hitboxes. The real big problem with this game is the camera.

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You should have 4 paths open to you right now
>monk area
>ghost area
>gun fort area
>Hirata estate

Hirata is optional but highly recommended.

>get mushin combat arts from tengu
Nice, didn't even know about this

Too bad every combat art except double ichimonji is useless

youre literally retarded

Yeah I know, it's the only thing I used because it's the only thing that actually does good posture damage. I think if they just removed the fucking Spirit Emblems from skills they'd be more useful. As it is there's no reason to use anything else when Ichimonji is free and you can use emblems with prosthetics

High Monk?

High monk

What's this high monk meme? Is it effective against the 3 toughest end game bosses? If not, then it's useless.

If you haven't used it then don't say it's useless you retard

high monk trivializes all bosses that use sweeps

>ability to not only dodge sweeps but also do a shitload of posture damage
>useful against most NPCs and bosses with sweeps

You can't be serious.

It literally mikiri for sweep attack.

It's a straight upgrade over the jump kick for sweep punishing. Plus some follow-up posture damage too.

I seriously wonder if Miyazaki is a practicing buddhist. Sekiro is obvious, but DaS1 and 3 are very much buddhist in their themes.

>grab is now a sweep

Grabs can be sweeps, yes.

Why does the game literally tell you that there are three kinds of perilous attacks then? How am I supposed to recognize that as a sweep when he grabs you with it?

>puts arms out wide and closes on you
Does he need to be dual wielding weapons for this to register?

You watch the enemy attack animations carefully.
Although I do admit there's a certain amount of trial and error involved. Obviously you have to see the attacks at least one time to learn what they do.

Somebody explain to me the purpose of bite down/hidden tooth.

>having a min/max mentality in an action game with no stats

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He also has a dropkick specifically to punish misreading a sweep and jumping. This is not new territory for fromsoft games.

If you die using it you can resurrect immediately instead of trying to use deathblows/attacks to enable the 2 additional resurrects.

Shadowrush is fantastic for Isshin's sword beam.

Lets you resurrect without needing to get a deathblow to resurrect again.
Means you can heal in a boss fight when you are out of gourds/pellets since it brings you back to 50% health

there isn't perilous warning before the dropkick though
I think the only other problem for me was the lone shadow thrust kick, I wasnt sure what exactly that is for the longest time

Basically, if you're about to die, use it so that you dont use up your res. then you can res again. As long as there are no black lines through your reses you should be able to keep using it. You can get an item later in the game that gives you infinite uses so im not sure if this means you can get infinite reses

Owl 2 can cancel his vertical charge into two different attacks to punish dodge spamming and running away.
Isshin can cancel his Ashina Cross into hit-sweep combo if you get too close when he's charging it (although it's probably easier to counter).

It doesn't. If you don't have any reses left and you use the tooth, then you die the same way you would otherwise.

That bite down shit is so insanely situational that I found it to be pretty useless.

It's the same as the fake death pill from MGS 3, you can use when enemies are all alerted and if you time it right come back to life after they've left you for dead so you can get a sneak kill on them or escape when you're being overwhelmed.

>I wasnt sure what exactly that is for the longest time
All part of the challenge. Seeing the move, surviving it, and understanding it are separate challenges. I got a lot of mileage out of backstep and nightjar flipping over moves I didn't recognize.
>get hit
>welp, it's not a sweep
>do this on butterfly during the standing overhead kick
>end up dodging it
And then dumb shit happens which gives you a whole new answer.

Ng+ with both debuffs is a completely different game. The amount of posture damage and chip damage bosses do is ridiculous. It's where you see that your deflecting is mediocre at best, because it's required that you do 95% of perfect deflects or your posture breaks like the ukranian government

Ok, I watched Shogun and I don't understand the Samurai hairstyles. What is the difference between the top shaved and normal hair samuri? Does is signify something or is it personal choice?

After beating Owl 2, I think I basically mastered the perfect deflect because even in NG+ and with both debuffs I am still managing to pretty effectively steamroll every enemy.

Except pic related. I had to spend so many fucking emblems to finally kill this bitch.

why the fuck do you have to skip 2 cutscenes for every attempt

that's the worst part.

Forgot pic.

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I had to give up the Kuro debuff. I still play with the demon bell now in NG+ doing Isshin for the first time I picked Shura ending on NG. But I'm just not good enough to give away the charm and had to give up on Butterfly.

Yeah I made the post specifically because of her sister. You need 2.5 full subimaru combos to inflict poison which means you can only use it once. Her gun does like 70% """CHIP""" damage if you block the long windup attack so you gotta run, the normal gun attack also does a good amount of """CHIP""" damage. But the thing is her normal attacks are easy to deflect, but if she hits you twice she kills you right away. Hit+gun hit is instant death

All the bosses so far were passable with some deflect fuckups, but this one forces you to do it right. Also the Centipede after her sister actually becomes a challenge because of his unceasing attacks and the absolute requirement to deflect almost every single one

I have a platinum in every Souls game and I think I'm giving up on Ishin. Can't even get past his first phase. Two hits and I'm done, if I attempt to heal he teleports in and takes off more than I even healed.

He's not even the strongest boss, go back and keep trying until you do it. Take a break or do it tomorrow if you keep making dumb mistakes because anger only makes you play worse

Are they going to patch Genichiro out of the last fight? In Bloodborne I didn't have to fight Gehrman over and over again just to get to the Moon Presence.

But I don't know how to deflect his attacks he always teleports to me and if I keep the pressure he does sweep attacks that slash me dead or my posture gets broken

you want to r1 twice (even if deflected) then L1/parry his reaction

if it's a perilous attack it's a thrust 99% of the time, mikiri it

if it isn't he will do a special, dodge left twice (in general)

same deal in spear phase, mikiri the thrust always for posture dmg, hold L1 to regen posture when you can.

How the fuck do I beat the Bull, he's always rushing and never stopping. Everytime he's close to me I dash and attack him but then he runs away and starts charging again.

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hold down sprint and poke when you can

I just beat the fucker and he gave me a good bit of trouble but I beat him in three tries. My advice is to stick to his flank when he brakes for a new charge. Get right up on him and he can't turn sharply enough to hit you. I take that moment to slap his ass a few times before repeating. I have no idea how you're supposed to do it aggressively, honestly.

but what if you never die, just keep using bite down. Technically you haven used a res so as long as you never die, you should be able to keep using it?

Hit and run tactics

How do you deal with the spinning pointy hat bois at senpou's temple
Except with sneak of course
Literally the only enemies I don't rape, their posture is pretty much infinite

>He's not even the strongest boss
who is the strongest boss according to you?


>*takes one step into dojo*
>"omae wa mou shindeiru"

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I think most people forgot that when you first fought him at the outskirt the game literally had a popup messages saying you should step dodge to avoid his attacks
That's literally the reason why so many people died to him, they didn't try anything else because the game told them to step dodge and thought nothing else would work.

You dont theres a reason why there are like only like 4 should have put one as miniboss instead of rehashing the ninja 3 times

>all you have to do is press L1
>still die 3 times
I dunno

Fuck those guys I just ignore them. Even late game I just hate fighting those assholes.

hold sprint and stay close to it. unlock target when it slows down so you can strike the ass instead of getting pulled towards its head.

Umbrella absolutely wrecks him in seconds.

How do I get the Recovery Charm? I've got two of those white drops to heal Dragonrot, but no charm.

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talk to emma

you can literally see your sword past his arm, he collided with half your fucking body
is this a joke?

If it's the first phase and if the problem is the double slash attack, he only does it if you're too far away. If you're close he'll do a single slash and then do a sweep. You can deflect the double slash if you double tap deflect at the exact point, but it's not foolproof and it's a bit harder than deflecting attack from the guy who does the same attack in the dojo. He'll prepare that attack by putting the sword in the scabard, so you need to get closer and deflect the first attack then jump for the following sweep and kick his head for very good posture damage. This is the most effective way to deal with it because double tapping is a bit risky. Also he's easy to mikiri because he does it really fast, I had more problems in that fight with Genichiro mikiri because he charges up his thrust which makes me try to mikiri too early.

Phase 2 you need to do a bit of blocking for his overwhelming combos. Deflect the obvious attacks like the overhead spear jump he does when you're too far away/taking a sippie and from my experience he does a LOT of thrusts so mikiri is the key to breaking his posture here.

Phase 3 is the same as phase 2, except it's a bit easier if you can get a few of the lighting stuns off.


the only bullshit in the game is spear attack tracking, if you jump you are going to die no matter what. not that you should jump, but yeah.

How do I make long webms without fucking the quality in the ass?

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>14 emblems
>feathers equipped
>do nothing

Wtf user

you can deflect/block in the air

I know, but usually when I jump a thrust I didn't think it would hit so high.

regardless, mikiri spam always for spear

You can't make long webms without sacrificing quality or resolution, at least not with the 3MB limit. Make them bigger and upload them somewhere if you absolutely have to make them long.

Deflect his attacks. If you're taking too much damage or can't deflect stay behind him and hug his ass. He'll try to hit you but if you stay behind his right back leg he can't do anything because he doesn't have any attacks turn him 180 degrees. You can get 2 slashes off and he might regain his position eventually but if he does just block and then hug his ass again

Dont backed up in a corner because you're dead then

These guys instakill you with the spinning rush attack when you're in ng+ with both debuffs, even through a block. You deal mediocre damage to them and you can't break their posture, just running past this cancer is the best thing you can do

well that's disappointing, all enemies except them have a way to get handled

If you really want to fight them, I find the best way is to wait it out and watch for when they try to do their floaty jump over you then anti-air deathblow them for an instant kill. Make sure you only pull one of them at a time, of course.

you can shuriken them to knock them out of the air when they're doing flippy shit for a few free hits. run away from them when they're not doing flippy shit. i don't know what to do otherwise.

they count as the "high posture regen but slow down with vitality" type, but From overtuned their blocking rate so they ended up being horrible to fight against, you rarely gets a hit in. Maybe they realized this at some point before release and that's why there are only 5 of them in the whole game

Why is True Monk easier than Ghost Monk? The only scary thing was her shadow clone no jutsu.

These niggers are so easy, just dodge past them to the side and hit them, reset and do it again
You don't have to repel every fucking enemy

Also means you don't even have the mask to trade skill points for attack power. That and missing several memories would probably make you hit like a wet noodle in NG+

Did you not use confetti or snap seeds on Ghost Monk?

Now that the dust has settled, was this right?

>Pop up tutorials appear for every single item, gadget, ability, and gizmo you collect throughout the ENTIRE game
>No levelling up mechanic. Instead, there's a westernized brainlet talent tree that will act as the "rpg" system
>If you fall off a cliff into a bottomless pit the game will just insta respawn you back to the perch you were on, no penalties besides a tiny slice of your health taken off. Just like Guacamelee!
>The game is SO casualized that there is a mechanic which gives the player 2 lives. If you die, you literally have the option to just respawn right where you are and try again. There are no penalties for doing this. If you end up dying twice, you just respawn back at the last idol you rested at, and again, dying comes with no punishment. And there are plenty of idol checkpoints scattered everywhere, so you'll never have to worry about a long haul back
>No weapon variety, you will be using the EXACT SAME katana throughout the ENTIRE campaign. This also means NO upgrading and it means NO infusing. Just one weapon, at one single stat, for the entire game.
>Standard everyday Dark Souls items like fire bombs, pine resins, throwing knives, luring skulls, etc, have been placed on a pedestal in Sekiro and glorified as "Metroidvania" style equipment you will be unlocking throughout the game. How exciting! You can look forward to applying fire on a katana, or unlocking throwing knives to throw at enemies! Wow! Ground breaking!
>The only truly new mechanics in the game are jumping and the hook shot, which look flimsy and unpolished
>Gameplay has been reduced to button mashing with a parry system
>Multiplayer is NONE EXISTENT in Sekiro. That means NO summoning, NO covenants, NO fight clubs, and as a result, NO community, and NO replay value. There is absolutely no multiplayer at all in Sekiro.

>If you fall off a cliff into a bottomless pit the game will just insta respawn you back to the perch you were on, no penalties besides a tiny slice of your health taken off. Just like Guacamelee!
Thank fucking God, I don't miss dying to grapple hook malfunctions in all those old Tenchu games

For me the problem with the final fight is that I have to fight Genichiro over and over WHY does that have to be in the game I want to learn Isshin and not watch cutscenes and loading screens after dying.

I didn't have a large stock of confetti, and I thought snap seeds were for apparitions like lady butterfly and the mist noble ghosts, I didn't realise they did flat damage to her. I also did her as the first path before even doing Genichiro so maybe that's why.

that's not the regular samurai, that's an endgame mini boss. his main attack one shots you.

Genichiro is a warmup, you should already be able to deal with him impeccably


Of course but WHY do I have to do him over and over again. I really want to learn Isshin but sometimes I get killed early in his first phase and I learn nothing

You don't need any of that shit though. I just deflected the attacks and killed her first try like that. I got the confetti ready since I though she was gonna be able to do headless amounts of soak damage without them, but her attacks don't cause terror cancer even without confetti

>Start NG+
>Get to blazing bull
>Stop playing
What the fuck were they thinking with that antifun boss

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>shadow clone no jutsu
you can skip the entire phase by swinging on a certain tree branch and drop execute her face

Dual ape is easy, just ignore the headless and use firecrackers to stun the add and take him down quick, then it's just a repeat of last time.

but that entire list are all positives

It's all technically accurate. Some of it is unfortunate. It doesn't make the game bad.

is it bad new game+?
I killed it first try, it was just like a big nothing enemy. Just dodge lol.

whats going on with the ghosts? i remember a few samurai ghosts from ashina castle appearing on my first playthrough, but in ng+ i've had a few ambushes by groups of mibu villager ghosts.

>WHY don't I get a save state after every single encounter
stop being such a journalist

I didn't have to do that in BB so why here?

so does jumping

because you're not playing BB????

there's a bull skip now. no one ever has to fight worst boss ever again

>Pop-up tutorials do appear pretty often
>There is levelling up but only in set ways, the talent tree is the various arts but it doesn't really work that way
>bottomless pits take off a decent chunk of HP and prevent you from respawning if you run out of life by falling into one
>you can respawn and the respawn resets every so often
>but death is punished by losing money and exp
>no weapon variety but who didn't expect this really
>equipment isn't really metroidvania style because no prosthetic is required to progress to certain areas
>hook shot is unironically based, adds a lot of increased movement potential
>'reduced to button mashing' as if dark souls was anything except R1 R1 R1 Circle Circle R1 R1 Circle R1
>no multiplayer but literally who cares
It's accurate but it overstates a lot of potential flaws

just hold sprint the entire fight
>sprint in
>1 butt slash, firecrackers, 4 slashes
>sprint out

rinse and repeat. It's a braindead boss

Retards. The game tutorializes almost every single mechanic with mandatory popups. You see what the attack does, it looks like a grab, you dodge it with a step dodge. It works half the time because fromsoft cannot into hitbox. No other hitbox except the ogre's is this egregious. If there were intended to be special sweep/grab hybrid attacks, the game would have tutorialized it. Stop making excuses.

>No levelling up mechanic. Instead, there's a westernized brainlet talent tree that will act as the "rpg" system
So this literally wouldn't be a complaint if there was a number that went up next to your health bar telling you what 'level' you are every time you unlocked a new skill or upgraded your stats? Whoever wrote this is completely retarded.

firecrackers and axe his face for big dick posture damage
>tfw he slammed his face into the wall and fell down

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sekiro faggots just like to say git gud at any criticism of the game, avoid any discussion with them

Because they want it to be as tedious as possible.

If you mash the parry button, you fuck up your posture, you have to time it do hurt their posture. button mashing gets you killed in any almost all of the fights except maybe the first few.

I just started Sekiro yesterday, is the first boss the guy on the horse yelling about how the gate is closed? He seems kinda tough just to hit and it feels like I may have skipped a boss. I'll probably try elsewhere later but if he's the first boss I'll stick with it.

Most important mod for Sekiro

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I wish I didn't kill the training dummy really would like to know how those martial arts work

yeah and you do all of that by constantly running to and from the apes, which was my point

there's not even one instance in the game where using sprint on the boss is a bad habit

Bloodborne had multistage boss fights.

Oh it's this autismo again. Should've guessed.


What's with Ogre's grab? He got me once but I fucked up here so I don't know.

Button mashing can maybe pass in ng, but in ng+ with debuffs it's a huge crutch and you'll get nowhere doing it

he's technically the first boss, but there is another you could've run into. you should stick with the horse. he's actually very easy.

Some bosses can punish you from staying too far and can counter you for closing the gap that you made. Genichiro forced me to stop sprinting and stay close to force his posture down. Besides, when you get to the small dick arenas like where you fight Vilehand or the lone shadow longswordsman, camera souls punishes the hell out of running away and makes you want to stay close just so you can see.

the camera fuck you worst when you're deflecting combos that push you back into the wall.

Is there anything I can do to cheese Isshin Stage 1? I think I can do the poke and run tactic afterwards

Yes. The game might be harder than any of the DS games but it has next to no replayability thanks to no multiplayer elements, build varieties, or really hidden things you'd miss first time through without a guide.
It also suffers from Bloodbornitis where every enemy attacks at stupid fast speed with no windows to punish them because the bosses are from Bloodborne while you still feel like a Souls characters.
I completed it start to finish and didn't really enjoy it. Worse than Demon Souls and about on part with Dark Souls 2. 5/10.

Which Isshin?
If you mean Sword Saint, then poke and run is absolutely the worst thing you can possibly do.
Keep close and keep attacking him. After he deflects you he has 3 counter-attacks:
>regular attack - just parry and counterattack yourself (although be fast on the attack input, or he will not cancel his second attack)
>palm bash into thrust - deflect and mikiri it
>step back into ashina cross - step forward to him, so he'd cancel the ashina cross into a hilt bash-sweep counter - deflect the first attack and jump kick/high monk the sweep
If you keep close and don't let him attack first, these 3 patterns are all you will have to deal with on p1. And since mikiri and jump kick do so much posture damage, the first phase will be over in a blink of an eye.

Actual mental defective. Olympian level gymnast. You cannot jump kick the ogre's "sweep" for extra posture damage. It is not a sweep, it is a grab, and the hitbox for it is completely fucked.

I figured these out the other day. They're actually incredibly weak to being pinned aggressively. Just stay on them, attack constantly. They'll try to jump around you but sprint straight towards him as he tries to escape and keep up the pressure. You barely even need to block anything except the actual jump they do, and maybe a few knives. Easypeasy.

Oh look, the autismo found my post and just couldn't keep his retarded mouth shut.

What makes Umbrella so good? I don't really get it. I only used it to cross the bridge into Gun Foretress.

Why is Sekiro such a fucking manlet?

Is Blazing Bull the Bed of Chaos of Sekiro?

It has pretty big deflect window and it parries all attacks that connect with it during this period, so you don't have to double tap to deflect every hit individually.
The upgraded ones also trivialize enemies who use the corresponding elemental attacks.

Cool rebuttal but you have literally no argument other than "it looks like a sweep*".
*Before he grabs you and the grab animation plays, displaying that this attack is indeed a grab

It's pretty much an easier way to parry shit. And the upgrades are useful.

Why don't you try using it for something else instead of asking a bunch of faggots?

How do you kill the big ape that you behead, then he comes back at you with a sword? First phase is soso, sword phase is rek

just deflek

if you deflect the massive overhead use the spear pull on the neckhole when he falls down

This works for any video game. The music in bossfights often works to make you anxious. Turning off sounds entirely makes every game easier as you can fully focus on what's happening.

Both Ape and Ogre are non-swordsman type enemies, both have a sweeping grab attack neutralized by a jump and don't receive bonus posture damage from the kick.
Get it through your peanut sized brain that different attacks have different counters, and you have to be actually paying attention to the enemy animations. So stop crying about muh hitboxes and asking to "tutorialize" every attack with a giant glowing color-coded kanji.
If you want to play a QTE game - just get the Batman Arkham series.

That would be a nice argument if it wasn't defeated by the fact that guardian ape's grab can be dodged consistently with a step dodge. By all means keep fellating miyazaki, though.

>boss twitches a little bit
>L1 L1 L1 L1 L1
Shouldn't you have figured it out now by the end of this game?

I think that's why his fights are so easy, just like Gwyn was easy at the end of DaS. He's a weak fuck. He can't stand up to Sekiro and he knows it, which is why he goes to get 'forbidden tecniques'. So eventually he offs himself so you can fight an actual opponent, because he's just too fucking weak.

I like how they managed to work that in actual gameplay. Granted, the first fight is difficult because you literally just started the game and have no clue what to do. If you do the opening scene after finishing the game, it's pretty pathetic how easy it is.

Because I'm at work and I can't play right now to test it out.

>sword saint
>is better with the spear

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Not gonna lie, he killed me a few times with his cliff flip. I had to actually laugh the first time it happened. He grabbed me, smacked me in the face, but I had a sliver of health so I was like;
But then he just chucks me off the cliff and I died. It's fucking hilarious.

>Hard + Harder modes active
Impressive, user.


What NG+ cycle is it though?
I just did him on NG++ yesterday, and I missed Owl 2 memory on NG, so my attack power was subpar.
I think I'll just run through NG+++ without the extra difficulty modifiers, get Shura, and shelf the game until the DLC.

This is the result of people wining about Dark Souls being too dificult.

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>up against the final boss
>getting barely to phase 3 after using 10 gourds and 3 pellets
>next attempt i finally learn how to counter his sweep properly, especially the bigass one with a 3 minutes chargeup
>finish the boss using only 1 gourd during the whole thing

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the topknot was considered the hairstyle of the noble samurai class. peasants weren't allowed to wear top knots and disgraced samurai had their knots cut off to signify their loss of status.

Are Akira Kurosawa movies actually good?
For the longest time for some reason I thought they were like pseudo-documentary historical dramas. But now when I look at them, they seem more like westerns, but with samurai.

there's no reason why you'd run away from any of those bosses and I'm not saying that should be your primary tactic. you run away from specific bosses like the ogre or Ape 1, you just deflect the others like genichiro or the ninjafag

You just destroy his posture by deflecting, mikiri and jumping on his head when he sweeps. There's no reason to cheese this form at all. If you can't deflect regular attacks then block them and mikiri/headjump him.

Ok for the knots, but what about the top of head shaved and unshaved, what's the difference with that?

google.com/search?q=medieval japan shaved head

Still can't find the answer what's the difference between shaved top and having hair there. Someone theorized that a lot of Japs grow bald so those dudes just shaved the head because half bald look looks like shit. Those who actually have hair just leave it or shave it by choice, so it doesn't really matter and is probably there for aesthetic reasons

Deserved for random jumping/parrysmashing like a faggot

Why do you think the style matches with the male bald pattern? Because they looked for dignity even when balding thus making common people think having that shitty haircut looks good. I don't know shit about japanese history yet I know I'm right.

Should have reversed the lightning.

Literally same thing happened with me.
>ram headfirst like a retard into the right everytime even though I've spent the entire game learning how to learn boss movesets before going all in
>remember to take a step back and just focus on learning each phase
>learn phase one
>go in to start working on phase 2
>ends up being the run where I push him into phase 3 for only the second time
>ends up being the run where I actually beat him
I don't even remember the final phase. I think I paused once to take stock of my healing items but I wasn't looking at anything other than his moves and tells. Didn't focus on any party of the UI. just kept parrying him and going at his openings until I got him down with a lightning reversal. Literally the most hyped gaming moment I've had as far back as I can remember.
3 playthroughs later and with the Platinum done I can first try him now without much problem.

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Do you think From would update the game to give the father's bell to those who missed it ?
I mean the box at the temple has been made exactly for stuff like this.

Sekiro is not a souls game. Only tutorial popups are the real flaw here.
Lightning revesral scroll hint should have been hidden better and not translated with a tutorial.

>3 playthroughs later and with the Platinum done I can first try him now without much problem.
That is the best feeling ever. First time I barely managed to beat him I had this sinking feeling that I might have just fluked it, then NG+ I killed him in 2 tries, and NG++ first time etc.

>skipped ashina noble #1 by accident

What is the worst map and why it is Fountainhead Palace?

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That map is great though. Only shitty part is the closed off section with a lot of nobles, but the underwater part is fun and the Okami women are great for farming

All of them are the worst. Sekiro level design is Fromsoft's lowest point yet.

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How do you do Bossfights where you die more than 10 times in a row? I find it super boring should I just listen to Joe Rogan while doing the fight? I think most clues are visual anyway.

Quality bait. Sekiro's level design is one of the best they done. Better than Souls and on par with BB

I fap end edge during the loading screens, but I'm only allowed to cum after I beat the boss.

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No it isn't, stop lying. It's on par with DS3, worse than DS1 or BB or DeS, only better than DS2.

i just beat the bull in my first playthrough (defeated him in 3rd or 2nd try and 1st try got him to half hp easily). my strategy was to walk around him in cirlces holding the parry(defend) button. and using the firecracker to stun him and deal some dmg and using my whilrewind slash too. p easy boss.

You keep saying this, but the facts contradict your words. Sekiro's level design is even worse than BB's. Most areas are very linear, with only a few "alternative" paths that loop onto the main one a couple dozens meters further. The shortcuts are few and far between, but most importantly completely useless.
And the large scale world structure is super simplified as well. You have Outskirts leading to the Castle, forking to the Valley, Senpou and the Depths, which continue into Fountainhead. There's a single useless one way route from the Valley to the Depths and that's all. And then there's standalone Hirata Memory appendix not connected to anything else.
The level design in Sekiro was extremely underwhelming.

How do you get to the little boardwalk section after the great sakura and the szechuan warrior? There are grapple points but I can't reach them from the water.

TIHYD play Sekiro

>le ebin dsp may may xddd
>he's le fat and le stoopid just like me xdd
Kill yourself

Play the game next time. Also DaS3 has better level design than 1 and DeS

It's too linear and half the game is castles and swamps. There is little sense of adventure since bonfires are so frequent and teleporting is given right away. The colors are muted everywhere. A lush and open area like Darkroot would've been nice. At least the game feels finished.

You are objectively wrong, sweetie.
Level design
>BB > Sekiro > DeS = DaS3 > DaS1 >>>>DaS2
World design
>DaS1 > BB = Sekiro > DaS3 > DaS2 > DeS

>attack crumples me
>okay, get up now Wolf

>It's too linear and half the game is castles and swamps. There is little sense of adventure since bonfires are so frequent and teleporting is given right away. The colors are muted everywhere.
Literally all of this also applies to Bloodborne.

Here you go again posting baseless "conclusions".
You're supposed to present your arguments first, BBdrone. Where are they? That was a rhetorical question by the way, don't answer it, because you don't have any.

cope p󠛡cuck, neverver

>so many games

and most of them are complete shite. Why should you waste your time burning through shit games instead of playing the games you like and getting better at them?

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What? I like all Souls games though (except DaS2)

>can't spend 50 hours to platinum Sekiro, because "there are so many fucking games out there that you are missing out severely to not be playing them"
>probably has a thousand hours in BR games

Yea I literally had an anime moment yesterday on fire isshin paused the game with half health no heals and one respawn left he had maybe 2 hits done to him and posture was going down I took a deep breath unpaused the game and wrecked him without getting hit once

Try not to be too envious

You're pretty much admitting to cheating at the game.

So then why did you even post just to say you don’t like bb? Sad..

Soulsfags will defend literally anything when chained ogres grab attacks are broken on so many levels

How'd you fucking switch Combat Arts? Is that a mod or did you pause it mid fight and edit that out?

You're either an incredibly quick shot or playing on some seriously shit hardware.

I was just born this way, it's not my fault.

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He probably dies like 50+ times to a boss

Yeah, but how is he even going to GET to the edge during a loading screen.

Does this game have any kind of Multiplayer functionality? Like the souls message system.

The only legitmate cheese I've found it using the Poison Pool against Snake Eyes bitch. Just sitting up top, baiting her rifle shot while she stands in the poison and ever so fucking slowly dies of poison. It's not a good cheese/exploit, but it's better than fighting her.

Also if you use an item in Genichiro's shirtless fights while medium distance, he'll automatically thrust lunge you, easy mikkiri counter. Goes for any item, even if at full health just pop a antidote and free mikkiri coutner.

>Turning off sounds entirely makes every game easier as you can fully focus on what's happening.
it also ruins horror games


>NG+ fighting one of these cunts at gun fort
>"This will be easy"
>Beat her with 0 heals left and revived partway through
Those fucking gun attacks kept catching me off guard and she does so much damage if you don't deflect perfectly. At least I took her 2nd pip with half health and no revives so I'm confident I would ace her on a retry.

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>Can't deflect the lightning

You deserved it you fucking scrub

It's weird. It's definitely amazing to be able to breeze past bosses on NGs and not because of cheeze strats or upgrades either. It's wild to think back to when beating Gyoubu was a huge deal for me, or getting Genichiro and Butterfly felt like a massive accomplishment since now I can first try DoH, Owl 2, and SSI in a row. But I also get the core theme of the game because of this, all the stuff about how you fall in love with fighting and can't be sated, so you keep looking for more things to kill if you can't stop.
Some user wrote a pretty good post about how the combat is fast but you still have to be deliberate about it because, with the exception of a few enemies, spamming and button mashing will wreck your shit. You have to be both fast and calm, and this user compared that skill to some Buddhist meditation principles. Really good stuff to think about. Still doesn't help that I want more so I keep hoping they'll put out DLC in the next half-year.
I'm also really glad Miyazaki's announced that they have like 2 or 3 other games in development.

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The only real blemish of the game was the soundtrack. There's barely anything memorable aside from Genichiro's and Divine Dragons themes

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Or don't be shit and attack him then dodge around him as he attacks and continue doing damage.

Jump off of his head, that 360 swipe will never hit you

Does the game save between final boss and final ending choice ?
Or must I fight the final boss three times if I want to savescum the endings ?

You can save before making the final choice.

Just use journalist mode.

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>is a sword saint
>pulls out a full auto glock in medieval Japan

Emma's theme and the main theme are as good as Firelink Shrine, Secret Betrayal, SoC, and Gwyn. But yeah overall there's not a lot of great stuff. Some guy made a comment about how the soundtrack is probably supposed to be secondary to the sounds of your sword clashing with your enemy's weapons and as pretentious as that might initially sound, I buy it.
Hidden Forest was another mindfuck and one of the best areas they've ever made. It sucks that it's ruined once you figure out how to dispell the illusion after your first playthrough. But coming across this house with the fucking reed playing in the back was the creepiest shit ever.
>tfw assumed that was the sweet sound toward which that the bigass samurai guy was being lured and thought the spirits in the area were remnants of other guys that had been lured down there so I actually paused to wonder what could be inside
>Thought it might be actually corrupted monk doing something horrible inside
>Mfw went inside and saw what it really was

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It's a repeating pistol

not sure but ashina outskirts is the best map

is drunkard the hardest boss in hard mode?

drunkard and his clones are annoying
bosses with delayed attacks are hard

Kite him to a tight corner. Dodge forward to his ass, attack. He turns around. You dodge forward again and attack. You can repeat this pattern forever.

Old Man Isshin is harder than Sword Saint because he can more easily punish chugging due to the smaller arena and theres no lightning cheese
Also, Emma > Jobnichiro

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Fuck off, cunt.

I missed Emma's bell to enter alternate Hirata.
Does someone have a PS4 save before killing the dragon so I can do it ? Is it even possible ?

>lightning cheese
are you genuinely calling the lightning deflect cheesing or am i falling for bait here?

His fire phase fucks me up and I have no idea where to get the umbrella

I think this is the best OST in any of fromsoft's games yet. If you don't like eastern music just accept that because even the composition quality of Sekiro's OST is better than DaS or BB.

No, I mean that Lightning is just damage for free if ever he decides to use it.

I always thought I was pretty bad at soulsborne seeing as how I can't remember the last time I killed a boss on my first try and I still die to trash mobs every now and then, and then I read about how people spend 10 hours fighting Isshin when he took me about 50 minutes and I suddenly feel a bit better about my skills.

Merchant sells it. Pretty sure it's the rat guy in the house at the old grave idol. If he's dead it should be at the offering box.

Many games are doodoo.

Was actually surprised they gave you an explicit hint that you're doing something bad, because the prompt uses the word "lure" which has negative connotations. It could've easily been "send", but they chose to make it a little more obvious.

> sweep

you mean grab

side-dodges are meant to have i-frames, just like jumps, user.

Was a bit disappointed you don't actually decapitate him.

he grabs you, though?

>sword saint
>pulls out the fucking glock

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You don't understand. High Monk is the mikiri counter for sweeps.

> you gotta run

or just dodge? It's the same firing timing every time. You can also get hit and still deflect the gun followup.

16th century japan had glocks you dumbass

Just stay next to him and hit him, what's the problem?

How do I feed the carp?

whats the best combat art and why is it high monk?

Find the carp feeding dude.
Just in case: you can't feed the carp until after you swim past it.

he's not called glock saint tho

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>can't beat SS Isshin
>can't beat Demon of Hatred
>can't beat Owl in Hirata
I feel like I'm no longer good

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Remember user, you're only bad if you give up
Keep at it!

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So i had some runs with Owl (1) i am learning his patterns he's a dirty cheap old fagget, is there a good strategy against him?

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I'm bad or is O'Rin really hard? Didn't beat the game yet, I've just beat Owl, but from all the bosses, she's the one I had the biggest issue, I had to use that bug where you can get a stealth blow after jumping on her them run across the bridge and she didn't attack anymore.

Also, throw oil and use the flame vent to kill the brown one quickly

made me think of this bastard

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don't know if you have shadowrush but firecrackers into shadowrush will get you 4 - 5 free hits every time. Good for the last boss too.

Stop asking for strats online and figure it out for yourself.

she's pretty tough. For this fight, you don't have to move at all. just stand in place, deflect, punish when you can, and jump attack the unblockable for a lot of posture damage.

Be aggressive and don't let him just drain your posture for free. Dodge the jump attack and shuriken-chase combo, because they destroy your posture, but you can't counter attack after them. For the second phase have a shuriken ready to stop him from healing posture.

It's ironic that the one move of his that you can mikiri is an unblockable jab that you can unlock

she's kind of frustrating because her fight has you essentially on defense the whole time, since you'll only get minor chip damage in in exchange for getting stunlocked for her entire combos. just have to deflect her combos until she does a sweep, bounce on her head, rinse and repeat.

She's easy to learn. Not a very diverse moveset and doesn't really punish block spamming as much as other enemies. If you have a decent IQ you can figure out the openings in a few attempts.

Just beat ss isshin and old man isshin you can do it bro. Also firecrackers

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I got this cool rot collection. Like 17 items. I'm the best.

probably trying to parry the bullets, in the second webm

Turning off sound effects actually makes it harder as we react to sound faster than visual information.
Sure it might only be the difference of a few frames but often that's all that's needed to make a difference.

Those are the toughest bosses in the game

Will try any of them I was deflecting everything

where is user now?

Easy as shit, no idea what game people in these threads are even playing. It's the same deal with the Monk, I don't understand how that boss(both versions) is hard. THe only answer is that people don't actually try to parry attacks, which is preposterous considering you need to parry to beat Genichiro and there's no reason to ever go back to blocking after that fight

Good work user keep going and the game will click for you.

Gyoubu is a sick boss too.

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Make him rush into a wall, that way you dodge and he just keeps running towards it, hit him a few times and repeat

just do it on ng+ pussy

this is one of my favorite bosses, turn off the music and it's so fucking amazing. The dude is probably 90 and he is the more prepared for death than any man ever, also the unsheathing attack is so fucking awesome en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iaijutsu

very late but gz user

>spear bearer
>uses swords and summons dogs

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be aggressive and loop his AI 2-3 hits parry hit him when he does his jump attack repeat.

If Isshin is that tall, and he looks of normal height in the intro cinematic. Just how fucking big was General Tamura?

yojimbo is good one
its basically a western samurai cinema --- that A Fistful of Dollars ripped off

Sekiro is a manlet

How harder are the bosses in NG+ if I don't take the debuffs ?

just do a little more damage

it depends on the status that the person think they belong to in the society

ronin usually had not shaved because they were masterless and not a bureaucrat unlike other employed samurais

not only samurais but also chonin had became to shave since 17th century so basically bureaucratic employed samurai and chonin living in big cities except peasants had shaved top

>buy anti air deathblow text
>go fight shichimen nigger
>leap at him dozens of times while he's in the air
>no fucking deathblow

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why do black people like samurais so much

Knights remind them of their white opressors, so they just gravitate totally to samurai.

I think you need divine confetti active for it to work on them. I never once had it work until I slapped some confetti on.

>buy anti air deathblow text
>going through fountainhead palace
>find lightning bitch on top of the giant tree
>jump towards her and R1
>she jumps as I jump
>I accidentally deathblow her, killing her instantly
oh shit I'm sorry

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I mean the entire series is about stopping your own & the worlds cursed repeating reincarnation so its definitely Buddhist even though aesthetic wise it isn't (apart from Sekiro)

Killing yourself and the world is actually the good ending in these games

Dashing is the WORST thing you can do, learn to NOT DO IT

L1 button is your new "dodge" my guy

>not wanting to get maximum value out of your purchase by playing as much of the game as possible
>not wanting to get good and unlock everything at a game you genuinely enjoy

That's just sad, user.
>inb4 sunk cost fallacy

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>use all my firecrackers
>still not close to the end
>run in and start attacking while he skids
>dodge his next attack
>go ham when he staggers
He wasn't too hard, once I broke my fixation on his "weakness."

>they seem more like westerns, but with samurai
That's exactly what they are. Many westerns share a lot of similarities with Kurosawa films.

you are literally me 1 week ago
you need divine confetti active for the prompt to appear on shichimen warriors
this shit drove me crazy, I tried on one for nearly an hour, raging at the game for being bugged, before realizing this.
fuck divine confettis desu, they are way too powerful and necessary in many situations, shouldn't have been consumables

>oh shit a named mini boss, gonna prepare
>waste all my money, make sure to reach the next skill point
>go to her, she starts throwing me lightning
>jump to lightning reversal

Can we share PS4 save with each other ?