How important is frame rate in vidya?

How important is frame rate in vidya?

Attached: Why FPS is important.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

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30 fps is playable but 60 is preferable

not important at all

2 posts in and already found one welfare recipient.
stay poor.

60 fps is playable but 144 is preferable

every game is improved by a higher smoother framerate, but I can tolerate 30fps if the game is good enough. 60 really should be standard in modern day though

30fps is just fine for walking simulators, puzzle games, etc. But games that depends of input response like Fighting games, shooters or some adventures, 60 is ideal. For competitive multiplayer I would say that 120/144hz gives you an edge in most games.

Very. The higher the better. 60 should be the absolute minimum you shoot for, and god forbid you tie the physics to it like a fucking retard.

Unimportant in single player. Important in multiplayer up to 60 FPS. So overall not important at all because multiplayer games are a waste of time.

personally I don't care for much over 100, but the difference from 60 is very obvious

Important though I don't want to get used to framerates over 60fps because that only leads to extensive spending.

For singleplayer games I like to have 120hz, in multiplayer games 240.

Sub 60FPS is borderline unplayable in 90% of games. OP's webm exemplifies that pretty well. The only reason I can think of why you'd think 30FPS is ok is if that's what you're used to and you're fine with eating shit (console players).

Why do console ""players"" put up with it?

Because they've become acquainted with dogshit performance over the years and have no choice but to put up with it. You can't upgrade a console.

If it's not 60 or higher I'm not playing it.

I like a nice 42 or so with frequent dips into the 30s and 20s and the occasional inexplicable 5 second hitch that always happens in the same boring area

your eyes literally cannot see more then 30 fps

Why does this webm have abysmal frame pacing during the 30fps parts? That's really misleading.


Very important if you're a PC gamer or you hvaen't played videogames at all in your life and thus have working eyes and a sense of taste.

Not important if you're with Sony/Nintendo and so you've just learned to put up with shit framerates and you were so desperate to justify your purchase of sub-par hardware that you are able to -disbelieve- the concept of moving objects.

It's like 4k. If you haven't experienced it it doesn't matter, if you have there is no going back.


60fps feels like the game is going too fast, like accelerated and not "normal"

it's called mental retardation.

every human brain percieve time at the same speed

the most pleb opinion i see commonly on this board is 30fps being unplayable
why is this zoomer shit accepted here
wanting 60fps is fine. needing it for certain genres is fine. but if you need your fucking puzzle games and shit to be 60fps, you're actually fucking retarded. same for if you cant touch games that drop frames at 30.
to purposefully make 30fps seem unplayable. the reason why zoomer retards who only ever had a pc think 30 is unplayable is because when they played games on their mom's laptop at 30, the frame pacing was trash

...and a variable frame rate between 30-60 is enough to get you killed in a challenging FPS or racing simulation.

depends on the game
i play a lot of racing and flying sims so i like pretty high and sustained framerate
for builders i really dont mind if it drops low when there's a lot going on or i'm using the fancy photo modes
i dont play too many shooters anymore but i dont mind a few drops here as long they're not constant, but its get pretty janky at 45 and below when you running around shooting and trying not to die.

When your brain is accustomed to 24/30fps it's surprised by all the extra data coming through and gives the illusion of speed.

about as important it is to not be drunk/high while driving

I guess some people want to own the games they put money into and that really isn't a thing on PC anymore.

and not every human is brought up on slideshows

It depends on the game but if it runs at anything below 30 fps it's unplayable garbage and anything above 60-70 is just unnecessary

>proved by a higher smoother framerate, but I can toler

Partly this. When I got my first job at 16, I built my own computer and put a gtx 7800 in it. 1280 x 1024 and 60fps was nice, but within a year some game wear already overtaxing my system. I got a 360 in 07 to play halo with my friends. It was jarring going back to unstable 30fps, but withing a few hours I had adjusted. Let my PC gather dust and even go a ps3 when the prices dropped.

fast forward to 2010, and I build another computer. The whole "oooooooooOOO 60FPS 1080p" was great for a month, but it wasnt worth it for the drm, unoptimization, bad ports, not getting some really great console games, general fuckery that comes from PC gaming, etc. I just have a ps4 now and am perfectly content.

PC will always have far better hardware than console, but consoles are still the best platform for gaming, for the developer and user.

I miss Shootmania. Really fun game.

If it's not stable, its severely distracting for me and throws me off. I can absuolutely tell the difference with my normal, healthy eyesight.

Stable framerate at 45+ minimum, 300 stable is ideal in old school FPS games. 144 or whatever you monitor can put out is god tier though.

Because it's all they know.

Stable framerate > fluctuating framerate.
I would rather play a stable 30 fps game over a game that fluctuates between 45-60 fps.

At our current technology, anything under 60 fps should not be allowed. Too bad console devs don't give a shit about framerate and would rather make things look pretty and horribly attempt to run at 4k resolution instead.

A true connoisseur.

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this. i don't give a shit how photorealistic your game looks if the framerate isnt stable

30 FPS games on console are fucking garbage 90% of the time. They literally had to add aimbot in RDR2

Why do these things always make it look like you move faster in 60fps?

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>no option for game dependent

My man

Depends. If it's a fighting game, or a shooter, or a curayzee, where timing down to the second matters, then 60fps is basically essential to playing the game as intended. If it's an RPG or a choose your adventure movie game or something like that where quick timing and reflex isn't a factor then 60fps certainly looks better but isn't necessary to get the most out of the game.

higher the better

just like me



I remember first switching from vhs to dvd, "oh this is a nice, minor improvement". Tried watching some vhs' shortly after, the sound was absolute shit and the video all grainy.

There's no going back so make sure you aren't restricting yourself to the super niche when you adopt.

depends on the game

yea but u can still tell the difference u dumb fuck

cause it is glitching your nigger brain

From 2013 onward, games have had no excuse to be anything but 60fps minimum.

The chase for resolution is one of the worst things to happen to videogames in the last 10 years. The amount of people who own both a 4K tv AND a ps4 pro / XboneX is microscopic, yet that is the target of every developer. It just goes to show that most devs, the ones who put out "cinematic" titles anyway, truly do not care about gameplay at all.

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>I'm an idiot

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It wont make you better, but it enhances the experience. Same with mechanical keyboards.

I played TF2 and monhun at 30 for years. You get used to it, but making the jump to 60 sure looks nice. For competitive games having less FPS than your opponents feels like a disadvantage.

Oh and I guess its important to note that FPS needs to be consistent. If your game is 20fps but bounces between 5 and 20 its going to look real bad. Same as 30 and 45 etc. Locked FPS is the way

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>high fps doesnt make you better

I legitimately can't tell the difference unless its below 20 or they're side by side


30 is perfectly fine except for very specific games like competitive fps.

God, just seeing the 30fps segments makes me feel like a headache is coming on. I don't see how you guys do it. I don't begrudge you if that's your thing. I just couldn't do it.

60 is standard thats why consoles are starting to finally implement it

60, even old ass games like melee run in 60

You know that meme about human eyesight only being able to handle 23fps or some shit? There is a basis in reality behind it. Everyone's eyes are different. Some people really do cap out at 23fps, while some can see as high as 180. There's a lot of fun facts involved. Such as people that can only see

More than graphics, less than story.

60 feels like garbage after 144, like with sekiro the game feels like crap because of this

Essential. 30FPS is unplayable.

30 is 'just fine' for many games, for sure. But going to 60 has never made a game worse. Where as going down to 30 has caused a lot of REEEEEE. 60 is always betters -- but not strictly necessary.

Is 120 patrician?

Attached: 120FPS.webm (853x480, 2.87M)

>Unimportant in single player.
Bull shit. Pretty much any game is significantly improved by 60fps. Recently I've been playing Hitman 2. For various reasons, I tried it at 30fps and it made squint and want to look away because it was hard to watch. It felt like non-stop stutter.

144 is

>TFW beat Sekiro on console at 30 FPS

I can't play games at 30 fps, they are nauseating
I'd already grown used to the 60-144fps for a while when I bought Spore on sale and it was locked 30
jesus fucking christ, I'll never understand how slowly your brain has to compute things if you think 30 is acceptable / playable

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the only correct answer

60 should be the standard on all platforms.

Show me one example where someone became a top tier pro csgo player simply by buying a nicer monitor.

>I could be an Olympic sprinter if I only had the most expensibe shoes!

You can unlock framerate in sekiro
Go nuts

>either full esports or nothing

>they might not be retarded. They might be biologically unequipped to be able to.
Sounds pretty retarded to me, homie.

actually a good post for once

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Just upgraded to 165hz 1440p with my new 2080 and by good playing games never felt so good.

30 FPS locked is basically the developer admitting it isn't a real game.

I prefer 30 FPS, things just look too weird in 60 FPS. It just looks so fake.

Eyesight doesn't have frames.

The real question is, how low will you tune the graphics to achieve better framerate?

I can't tell the difference above 60fps, no shit.

Higher is better, but you can get used to 30.

ive never played at this framerate, is it as noticeable as the difference between 30 fps and 60 because that shit is night and day to me

>god forbid you tie the physics to it like a fucking retard

I honestly suspect that part of the reason why Japanese games often feel so much more 'dynamically reactive' and full of unique mechanics tailored to specific situations, is that they are willing to tie everything to the framerate instead of programming everything generically.

not too much visibly, but the feeling is so fucking smooth, it just makes pointing the cursor at something a billion times easier. I dont even use my second monitor because 60hz feels like shit after using 144hz

I would say after recently upgrading that it's a noticable and welcome improvement. I found it funny how my 60 fps monitor started to look laggy to me because I got used to 144 in Titanfall

what good is a high frame rate if you're only playing on shitty 1080p

wish i was dead

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Its more about feeling the difference, it's much more responsive, and it tends to be clearer, blurbusters is your guide should you need to actually test it

Resolution is a meme, framerate is a real difference maker. Don't fall for TV and monitor propaganda, everything past 1440p is meme tier.

Consistent framerate >>> High framerate
I'd rather play at 30 if it means staying at 30 over 60 with dips even to 50. That said I've been spoiled by 160 fps and now even 60 looks "slow" to me.

Consistent high frame rate >

>Some people really do cap out at 23fps, while some can see as high as 180.
Eyes are analog, retard.

Most people havent even seen a display that goes over 60hz, they literally dont know what theyre missing out on.

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Unimportant unless you're a pleb that only plays shitty shootan and battle royale. Even then ping is more important than framerates.

>Consistent framerate
implying this meme exists

30 fps hurts my eyes, no joke.

It does on PC.

>I would rather play a stable 30 fps game over a game that fluctuates between 45-60 fps.
the mental gymnastics console peasants come up with are amazing

Do console plebs simply not know any better?

Attached: 60 FPS vs 30 FPS.webm (640x360, 2.62M)

Question from a gaming n00b how do I increase my frames?

What is this level of cope? Frame pacing?

Attached: body is ready.gif (446x251, 721K)

Read that post again and consider suicide.

Im poor and I still saved for 5 months and bought a high end of. That guy is just a faggot

30 fps is playable on a controller but it's unbearable with a mouse.

if it did no one would buy goysync

Good god, imagine playing a fast paced game like mirrors edge in slide show mode. Console peasants truly are pathetic.

don't you break the game with that? like with dark souls and the physics attached to framerate

Not important

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60 at least is always preferred but 30 can be tolerable so long as the framerate remains consistent. No jumps or drops. If suddenly the framerate goes up for a short time or specific scene and then goes back down to the usual 30 it breaks the illusion and you realize how much better it could be. If the framerate drops down below 30 then it starts to look like a fucking slideshow.

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This website is only for Chinese.

please shower

I genuinely don't understand how people just cannot notice a difference between 30fps and 60
it's like night and day to me and presumably anyone with functioning eyes
even more bewildering are the ones who CAN notice a difference but still prefer 30fps
it blows my mind

>on pc 60

sometimes higher than that still feels sluggish

on console 30 is acceptable and feels good.

30 fps is preferable

Attached: order 1886 dev defends silky smooth 24 fps.png (1153x1083, 322K)

> right idea completely wrong numbers
>hope a troll. Fps per second in terms of the human eye can be translated into a system of measurement to calculate how much stimulai can be read and interpreted by the brain.

Inb4 Fps per second. I dun goofed.

It depends on the type of game, the quick twitch it is the higher the framerate has to be, turn based, puzzle or other such slower paced games obviously don't need blazing fast speeds.
Competitve games though should always aim for 60 instead of 30 and on PC as high as you can go.

>missed out on some great console games in 2010
No you didn't.

He means perceive the difference between framerates below that, not literally intake information at that rate.

This guy has issues

Resolution depends entirely on your monitor size. At 17-17.3 I would say 1080p is salvageable, but it's easier to get higher resolution at that those sizes these days. FPS is always preferable, in my opinion.

>Want to use 144hz monitor
>Anything higher than 80fps and my graphics card coil whines like a fucking banshee
Nvidia are a bunch of fucking hacks. My 970 did this shit at like 300fps which is whatever but my 2070 is currently the worst of any graphics card I've ever had in my entire fucking life. If it didn't fucking explode I'd be back to using my goddamn 970.

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>i-it's frame timing!!!1!

Way to break the mold...

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