these are fundamentally broken
therefore the game is broken
therefore the game is shit
if you disagree you’re actually retarded
its basic math
Armor abilities
Have you tried waiting for the armor lock to wear off before emptying your gun into the invincible crouching man, OP?
>ability makes you invincible
>but causes you to lock into place so you cant aim or move
>your opponent has time to get behind you
>and line up a good shot
>its literally the worst armor ability
and yet here you are OP, being such a faggot that you cannot comprehend how bad you are at a video game that literally gives you a flashing warning to not shoot your opponent.
Fucking go back to playing QTE games.
thats not why armor lock is broken retard. have you ever fought against armor lock melees?
>he doesnt know how to abuse armor lock
holy shit try playing the game
Armor lock ruins CQC
holy shit try not cuddling the fucker with the armor lock retards
Lol I use to only play halo when I was 12 and never had this issue always just waited for it to be over and hit them with literally anything
>bro just never get in melee range
stop user
dont try to run over some fucker with armor lock retard
Fuck melee lmao
How would you redesign it to make it beatable?
>he only plays big team
>oh no he actually called me out on being a terrible halo player
>ill just tell him to stop, that'll protect my virginity
here's hoping they release a new viva pinata game for you user.
>armor lock
>armor lock
unironically I wish for more viva pinata
>staying in melee range of armor lock
all you did was admit its broken and makes close range unplayable
>calls me terrible halo player
>says armor lock is fine just dont get close
have you ever played anything besides big team and living dead ?
just stop man
Yes, I've played 1 on 1, Koth, CTF, SWAT... I've played fucking Halo 1 for fucks sake.
You clearly don't know what you are talking about and are grasping at straws to win an internet argument that you've already lost by crying about a broken feature of a game that is easily circumvented by not standing right next to the enemy player.
Yeah, Armor lock is busted. Wanna know something funny? All armor abilities are dumb, but i dont hear anybody else complaining about that. Wanna know what else is dumb? Sprint! People are starting to PRAISE halo for adding sprint. Why dont we talk about how the BR is essentially a crutch for retards that don't know how to play halo? Hey, how about we discuss duel wielding...
But no, be a big baby. Cry because the guy you were fighting enabled armor lock and instead of using that as your hint to walk away from him and put some distance between you and he, you decided to be a cheap cunt and try to melee him instead by cuddling him and stroking his dick.
holy shit thats not how you use armor lock you fucking moron, its not like they turn it on at first sight and then just wait for you walk away. youve actually never played this game if you believe that.
>br is a crutch
why would you come in here and act like you know what you’re talking about when you clearly dont?
>brags about playing halo 1
zoom zoom
>have you have tried standing around not having fun, not going for splatters
yes every time that's why armor lock sucks
fuck off Viva Pinata and Halo are brothers, they gave us Grunt Birthday Party sfx
lol git gud armer lock armer lock armer lock armer lock armer lock armer lock armer lock armer lock armer lock armer lock armer lock armer lock
>there are people that didn't play reach for custom games