What the FUCK happened....
What the FUCK happened
Don't give a shit about either game but you type like an immense faggot.
The battlepass was worse than anyone could have imagined.
what were they thinking?
The inflation balloon from paid streamers popped.
There's a lot of potential but it seems respawn is straight up retarded and is completely incapable of actually listening to their fan base. I think they let the initial success go to their heads, I can't think of any other reason they'd be so deaf to what everyone wants and do the opposite of what people want.
Also I don't play either but beyond that why in the fuck would you play apex where everyone is ugly and wearing repurposed garbage when you can play fortnite and be a banana or an edgelord? It makes no sense.
people only liked apex legends because it wasnt fortnite
then stopped playing because it was a bad game
the fun stuff, what the company also gets payed for, is absolutely abysmal
the characters themselves look like shit
and what are we going to play this game for anyhow? people pointing to where you find your GAMEPLAY? are you serious?
>this was their battlepass
>a f2p game
>this is how much effort they put into the only way they'll get a cent from people
Is it physically possible to be this stupid?
I don't care why just so long as it stops bringing in money for EA.
They released it to overwhelming positivity then just left it there, hoping they could coast without needing to update.
> Fortnite's weakest battlepass still destroyed them
They stood no fucking chance. someone mentioned the titanfall dudes had a problem with content after launch.
If it took 5 ish years for Minecraft to be remembered fondly, does this mean that in 5 years Fortnite will be looked upon the same way?
Yeah probably. not many other games allow you to manhunt stalk people and kids to death.
Humans are naturally hardwired attracted to aesthetics, Overwatch nearly carried it self for years because of it's aesthetics.
It's a great contrarian indicator for SJW based artists and designers to fail. Apex is such a solid game though I can't imagine the sliding mechanic not being in other FPS's I guess this is how fast Quake, Tribe etc gamers felt I finally understand.
>World's smallest map
>Not even 100 people drop
>Barely any guns
>Everyone plays the same OP legends
steam niggers thought EA throwing money at things would kill zoomernite
Notch used spam his POS game in Yea Forums. Walked away with billions of autistic children's money. Fuck minecraft.
If they had a ranked mode or other game modes everything would be fine though.
>Overwatch nearly carried it self for years because of it's aesthetics.
eh, would say that was more do to the ignorance and spammed marketing
blizzard was already quite a famous company to boot
There are much better versions of team based fps
There is nothing more zoomer than measuring a game’s success by its viewers on twitch. Maybe people are actually playing the game instead of watching someone else play? Zoomer faggot.
I guess not even knowing what a battlepass is must be the sign of being a boomer
How does such a massive assblasting greed machine EA games manage to not use Sex to sell but still fall into the liberal Paradigm? How the fuck are you a blatant money grubbing fucking super Jew but still manage not to make characters appealing in regards to political bullshit?
Video game companies really need to invest anaylists into marketing to create bimbo like Overwatch characters but use esoteric meaning to explain it where no one can get mad. It's like japanese hentai making loli characters age 2000000 years old.
>t. EA drone still playing anthem
Apex is a great game but EA shit the bed with rewards. The fucking rewards made a goldmine and Didn't make good cosmetics.
For fuck sake there is a banana suit in fortnite now. Apex has nothing.
I can't tell what I'm bout to do
i'm just mad no one ever points out that paladins has actual champion customization in 3 different ways that can in some cases completely change how a champion's play style.
Healers and Tanks can be made into effect damage dealers or crowd controllers.
plus in match decisions so that the player can adapt to certain match ups.
Yes, Currently there is a lot of overlap and some obvious choices that you'll always go for. But just the fact that you can adds way more depth than fucking overwatch.
I feel like the Hi Rez engine it uses for it's games was created and prioritized for pumping out game content and mainly for monitization.
You're comparing development cycles and live service deadline in reference to Paragon vs League, if both games released content at the same frequency things would be a lot different. But paragon doesn't allow that due to it being more complicated compared to *gif* animation.
Never had any intention of playing anthem. Titanfall 2 and apex legends are the only EA games I’ve played in a long time.
A battlepass is paying $10 to unlock a bunch of cosmetic progression while you play. When you buy the apex battlepass you immediately get those first 3 face paint recolors. When you buy the fortnite pass you immediately get the pirate and the ninja which both evolve as you grind account experience. Then you level up the battlepass for more skins and other rewards, In both games if you level the pass up high enough you will get enough currency to afford the next battlepass so buying one battlepass will give you infinite battlepasses.
Yea but the games maps and mods are dogshit, I get more mechanical stress and fatigue in mobile games then Paladins.
Smite played at the highest level were lane clear shove rotate into jungle then shove lane again which was dogshit and utilized jackshit for it's novelty.
What's going on with GTA IV? I mean It was always popular but not THAT popular
>pay popular streamer to play game
>millions sign up because of that
>turns out it's a shit game, streamers stop playing it when they aren't being paid to and most of those millions drop it
>it's free to play so it barely made any money
Role players
A resurgence due to role-playing. No im not joking
summit1g started playing on a custom roleplaying server and then everyone saw it was awesome and copied him.
Based Titanfall 2
EA paid streamers to play their game for advertising. They also paid people to post about their game on Yea Forums's Yea Forums board, and probably other gaming websites too.
But they only paid for 2 weeks of advertising, so when that ran out, the numbers dropped.
You can tell they're paid marketers too, because one will respond to this post calling me an idiot but addressing none of my points. That is the classic bot/shill reply.
They made at least a little money because of all the whales that spent $500 to get a knife for Wraith who is coincidentally the best character in the game. At least fortnite doesn't have fucking lootboxes.
>we live in an era where the popularity of a video game is measured by how many people are watching someone play it instead of playing it themselves
>twitch viewer count thread
>could have had masked pilot waifus
>instead everyone is ugly and bloodhounds outfit looks like shit
Even Fortnite has a few fully masked skintight bodysuit girls
i really gotta know what's going on in the GTAV community that keeps it so alive. like i know its the go to game for normies when they buy a new console but this is ridiculous
it must be its own world
100 million sold. My beef is nothing from the multiplayer side transferred to the singleplayer game.
They probably didn't believe in it's success or even wanted it to fail so they can so Titanfall 3 instead of this joke of a game
At least we have Titanfall 3 to look out for.
apex is still slow cpmpared to it's parent game titanfall which is much speedier and in like with arena shooters - if you aren't glued to the ground that is.
GTARP is extremely popular with all the "big" streamers right now and they all play on the same server
After BFV, Anthem and Andromeda, I'm just convinced EA's sadomasochism evolved from "milk devs into oblivion" to "fuck it, just burn it all".
>One shitty map that everyone knows like the back of their hand
>Shitty characters with zero personality, except for maybe Gibraltar and Pathfinder
>Unbalanced weapons
>Atrocious netcode
>20 tick servers
>Constant stutter and lag despite far surpassing the recommended system specs
>No footsteps
>Shitty Battlepass, absolutely not worth it
>No solo mode
>No duo mode
>No crossplay (yet)
>Unbalanced Legends
>Blatantly unbalanced hitboxes, literally zero reason to use the bigger Legends unless you want to gimp yourself
Even Shroud, who was paid to shill this game and even playtested it before its release said they would have to implement major changes fast to keep the audience's interest or else it would die, and look where we are now: the game is dying and everyone is flocking back to Fortnite.
>blizzard was already quite a famous company to boot
Dude, are you fucking kidding? I had literally never heard of Blizzard until Overwatch became popular.
Jesus christ do these dumb fucking companies realize diversity is way less important than making cute or appealing cool characters and designs? It's like the unskilled fucks respawn hired to do art direction have no concept of this
>i really gotta know what's going on in the GTAV community that keeps it so alive
Well, it's one of the best-selling and most popular video game in the whole history.
So yeah, that's a thing
There's footsteps they just don't work half of the time
>fotm BR is in decline
who knew
also GTA RP came out of nowhere and absolutely took away all the big casual apex streamers, people like lirik don't play apex anymore and that's an easy 20k-30k viewers gone right there
an epic competition on who could create the most god awful and disgusting looking characters to bring eternal shame to all of video games and humanity in the process.
>Ranked mode in a RNG reliant game
There was something called World of Warcraft and Diablo, user.
>hirez game
no one cares
hirez is a shitty shitty dogshit company
ya mad about tribes arent ya
How fucking young are you?
the streamer shill money ran out
They probably have SOME modicum of awareness, but it doesn’t matter to them. Shoving terribly designed diversity characters in a game is now free publicity when the usual sources chimp out (or praise it), and it’s a great shield against criticism. Not to mention when EA pays streamers to shill their game, none of them are going to dare say anything bad about the designs or else risk being outed as “racist” in front of their whole audiences.
>Those skins
Even lizard ass is better
But overwatch isn't even as popular as World of Warcraft
You have to be over 18 to browse this site
not him but he's not wrong, hirez is a western company that acts like a chineese one, all they ever do is create shitty looking rip off games based on whatever genre is being crazily successful
>overwatch is successful and making money?
>lets make paladins to leech of the team class shooter craze
>pubg and fortnite are successful and making money?
>Makes realm royal to leech off the battleroyale craze
>Mobas are becoming big after dota 2 and LoL released?
>Let's make smite to leech off the moba craze
They gave up the idea of making anything original ever since global agenda and tribes crashed and burned to the ground.
To be fair people had the same insults when fortnite came out and it was mainly a PvE game and look where it is now.
Anyway EA seems to not understand the cosmetics meta in gaming because every single recent EA game has been aesthetically disappointing. They have star wars which is fucking easy mode to monetize they failed at because they didn't understand that wanted all the skins/models from different eras and then they have Anthem, a game where you can customize flying suits of armor but the cash shop is fucking empty so every player ends up looking basically the same.
If I was a jew I would physically feel pain when I see how EA monetizes their games because they're leaving billions of dollars on the table, they'd rather try to make their games P2W and piss everyone off.
Mostly true. The gameplay is hands-down better than the competition, but the lack of other modes (for absolutely zero good reasons) is destroying it. Respawn and EA are literally throwing money away over a desire to protect their pure trio-squad design.
I laughed
You must be 18+ for ALL Yea Forums boards, kiddo.
You're Goddamn right it is.
Yes and they killed global agenda. They're the one company I truly boycott because I know if I buy or play a hirez game they'll kill it before the playerbase dies.
Fucking this,
the Pilot design was amazing. We could've had a customization system like Halo Reach. Instead we got some goblina skin fanfare where everything is underwhelming and mediocre. I sure as hell would play more to grind for helmets and chestplates etc.
well recently they made some eh... supposed shitty decisions right before Easter so I could relate
>her other 2 legendaries make her bald
>comparing Apex to incelnite
Fuck off.
Wait, that's a chick?
B-but this game was built around team play! It's impossible to implement a solo mode!
It's only fair considering Apex/anti-Epic shills were pointing out how Fortnite was dead.
>caring about cosmetics in apex
the irony in this post
I prefer wolf tang
Well if you play Titanfall glued to the ground you deserve to go as fast as a turtle on land
Why the fuck does Yea Forums rate popularity by the number of people NOT playing a fucking game and just watching it on stream?
>people don't play the games they like watching
imagine thinking this
fortnite is better. any questions faggots
That stupid banana is more appealing than anyone in apex
really gets the noggin nogging
A problem that a lot of these skins and a lot of devs fuck up where fortnite succeeds ZERO FUCKING CONTRAST ON THESE DESIGNS. Everything is a muddy unintelligible mess.
The banana is amazing because it ripens the longer you survive in a match.
Are you just in every thread, Epicfag?
u mad bro?
The biggest titles are competing over cosmetics instead of gameplay and actual content, and zoomers are all the more content.
Half impressed, half curious what your life is like at this point. Shitposting on the internet seems to be your everyday.
its my job
i say bad things about donald drumpf and my mom gives me good boy points
There are way better girls in fortnite.
well video games already had all of the seven deadly sins tapped, had to reach for vanity next yknow?
Steam cringeoids backed the wrong horse like always
are you retarded
Fortnite dare I say it has SOUL.
Honestly the shitty looking characters make me not even wanna play this game I now thats a retarded reason but aesthetics and art direction are big deal for me when getting immersed in stuff.
t. steam cringeoid
Mainly a bunch of streamers playing on the same private RP server.
Did you pre-order an apartment yet?
you could only play as niggers
Wish this game had a non-BR deathmatch mode I legit like the skins alot.
i'm pretty sure the game got boring after.
then how do we determine who joins Fortnite tournaments?
yea but content = more development when more funds are acquired
Higher player base = you can test more modes out for the game with consistent que times
There's a Team Rumble that's 20v20 with respawns
>Tribe etc gamers felt I finally understand.
Nah, this one is a dagger that keeps twisting. From tribes vengeance, ass-end and now midair.
>Titanfall 3
Um no, they're gonna make Apex Legends 2 instead :)
Apex had no identity, people just played because it was "alternative" except they realized it had nothing unique going for it they switched back.
Theres enough dick to go around, user
I haven't seen that image for years.
Fuck, all that Cuckpex shilling by butthurt Steamdrones really was embarrassing.
>To be fair people had the same insults when fortnite came out and it was mainly a PvE game and look where it is now.
Impressive how Fortnite started "woke" but now their best characters are fat-assed girls and white men.
how do you think they were supposed to make money with their f2p game?
when did the tits get nerf'd
Fortnite killer
no building, ADS and the gun covers half the screen and gun recoil and muzzle flash is annoying, shotguns are pretty underwhelming. map is boring, characters are boring, weapons and items are boring. i think that about covers it
>apex could of just put Titanfalls 2 character creator in
honestly it was the dumbest move. i would gladly grind out the helmets, chest pieces, armors etc.
>no building
Literally the only reason I played Apex
apex was always equally as bad as fortnite
Have sex
Stop giving a shit about battle royale
Stop watching people play video games
My god what happened to some of you to care about streaming views? You must not like video games anymore.
Who single player master race here?
I was really hoping apex would win so that Epic Games would feel less confident with their buyout exclusives
>master race
obviously not you
Steam niggers desperate and BTFO
whoa amazing looking characters wow so this is what gaming in 2019 is all about
>have to download another launcher to play apex
ummmm no thanks
if its not on epic store launcher it must not be good
If they didn't went so hard to pander SJW with their shitty characters and actually made cute and good looking ones with good and sexy skins, would the game retained lots more players that way?
having sex regularly makes you care less about how a female character looks
just saying
but i think it will have less SJW bullshit(hopefully) since burch left
Hand those back Tyrone
getting into a gunfight against a Wraith or Lifeline makes me really annoyed and irritated because I like to play Caustic
enemies having abilities that are always useful and with a great hitbox makes it hard for me to have fun
Their key to success is giving people exactly what they wanted, they did the opposite of all these dumbass devs who think they know better than their customers.
"feminists" shaming a women's body and/or wanting women to look like men is the pinnacle of sad irony
poetic how it's almost always some landwhale or puppet that spews that shit though
>having sex regularly makes you care less about how a female character looks
also sjw autism spills over irl too you know, kind of the point actually. vidya actually comes second after women start getting breast reduction surgery and let their bodies go, expecting men to roll out the red carpet for them, and kill each other, anyway
either not enough staff or they didnt have all this content cooked up and ready weeks in advance.
shadowed at a successful game studio once. they have stockpiles of skins. they take a long time to make but you can just multitask
what reality you living in? over political people get shamed if the people around them know them well enough to tell them when they are being annoying. its kids nowadays that are doing that. both the maga hat wearers and the sjws. normal people hate them both
And that's why photorealism will always be trash. Hopefully Fortnite can teach zoomers this
all things fall eventually
>one small map
>select few OP champions you are forced to play to do good
>OP guns that you have to find to do well.
>absolutely no reward system, get a loot crate every other level or so which takes forever to level up. contains absolutely nothing
>can't even buy the cosmetics that are available and they are shit
>no balancing passes
>no big updates
>new shit every week
>dare I say it. "fun" cosmetics
>map is always changing and updating
>battle pass is actually worth $5 unstead of 1 cent
apex is kinda a racist and sexist game
all the minority and female characters are portrayed as super competent and good while the only 2 white men are both evil and insane.
also the new white male character is half naked while the female once are all covered up from head to toe
Battlepass sucked, skins sucked, map got boring, forced squads,
as somebody who never bothered with overwatch but played a lot of paladins I can agree
if you like the fortine skins you are gonna love the paladin once
Wouldnt your first 2 points kinda contradict themself? The map is smaller but less people drop. Isn't that good tho?
More action immediately. And with a smaller map, you dont have to run around for days without shooting someone.
Everything about both images are absolutely hideous.
apex was never good. just flavor of the month with thousands of payed streamers to bump up the twitch numbers.
nu/v/ only defended it because it had minority and female characters and called anybody who didn´t like it /pol/
When will western devs realize cute anime girls will make them MILLIONS!
apex was only popular because EA paid the biggest streamers to play it
then the money ran out and the streamers went back to fortnite and other games
Don't know but just logged off my xbox after a Fortnite win with the bros.
Feels good anons.
>just chatting is #4
Holy fuck twitch is pathetic.
Imagine if EA actually paid all the faggots screeching about muh incels in those fucking Apex threads.
Not enough updates; not enough incentives
The game got jackshit in 2 months, the battle pass is retarded cancer, people who get to level 100 don't recieve apex packs anymore, so main account are stuck with RNG cosmetics instead of encouraging them to keep playing/farming. I have a very dedicated friend who got to 100 without a single legendary skin, specifically for wraith. I play maybe half the time and got a sick one for bloodhound. She's forever butthurt
But yeah, incompetence killed the game, which is a shame because it's a great alternative to fortnite, especially after all of their retarded decisions like taking siphon hostage in a ranked mode where mobile and controller players are matched against KBM players at 300fps
Honestly I hated every single multiplayer fps game that got released the last 5 years, including every br. This one was an exception: the two reasons for that were the movement and caustic; gassing people and seeing them walk around getting murdered because they cant see shit it's truly an amazing experience. Other than that, like everyone else said, the characters designs are shit, there are very few guns and a lot of them suck, the map got old quick and at the end of the day, it's a br: the game becomes boring as soon as you start winning
>reddit retard who wants to act smug despite being retarded
it had like a 10k viewer average until the roleplay thing blew up despite first coming out years ago
>mfw that stupid developer bitch was so confident
Serves her right.
Anyone who thought Apex Legends was going to last with EA at helm are stupidly retarded.
No new content, shitty cosmetics, cheaters galore, a single map, a single game mode, broken as shit characters, broken as shit guns, and a network that crashes and lags way too much.
Hype train died, as usual
Are there panties in Fortnite?
they just refuse to acknowledge that wraith and lifeline are the best characters in the game purely because of their hitboxes
Wokeness doesn't actually sell games. You need actual content of some minimal standard of content in order to get people pay money, especially if you're talking about microtransactions, which is what FTP games live or die based off of.
I mean seriously, look at this shit. Whatever you might say about Fortnite, they know how to make appealing character designs.
Epic will eventually run out of money at this rate even with the fortnite cash.
Anyone have a source for this? So far no one has provided any evidence they actual paid for exclusivity for any game. They just offer a better cut and free update "fees" that other companies charge.
Can't believe EA fucked something up.
>Be asian
>Be asia server
>Apex releases in Feb
>Had a lot of fun streamrolling noobs
>Wins half the game solo
>Average 15 kills per game
>Fast forward to March
>Ads bot ruining squads by dcing at the start of game
>Last squad final boss aimbot guaranteed
>Fast forward to April
>Journalist shill wrote bunch of article saying EA fixed their cheaters problem with hardware ban etc
>Decided to give Apex another try
>Literally ran into an aimbot 3 minutes into my first game, 2 shotting everything with wingman
>Spectate aimbot and chill
>Aimbot dies to someone midgame
>That someone is also a r99 aimbot
>R99 made it to final boss
>Loses to final boss who is a full squad of 3 aimbot
It was a fun ride
The battle pass is the most pathetic thing ive ever seen, apex drones like to justify it by saying that they're new and fortnite didn't have a good BP until later seasons. Except Apex isn't competing against a season one fortnite.
Also all gameplay/character issues aside just take a peep at the store, it currently has reskins for the worst gun in the game, and the worst character in the game, and that's all that is available for 7 whole days. The absolute state of this fucking team was peaked and should go back to writing tranny fanfic for their characters
Have sex
>whole thread is about cosmetics which doesnt matter when the real main reason is because playing solo/random in this game feels really terrible and also the learning curve is very steep for new players
it also doesnt help that aimbotting is still an issue
The devs are 'investigating' why many games end up with fucking 3 squads left after the first 2 minutes
>no real incentive to win games
>reward is exp to level your battle pass
>the battle pass offers nothing but badges
honestly doesn't take a retard to understand why people prefer to hotdrop and die. If there was even a smaller crafting material reward for a win you would fuck all people dropping hot
Imlying respawn dont get closed by EA
>pay people to play and advertise your game on twitch
>droves of people come to try it out simply because it's something new
>leave because it's either exactly the same or worse than the competitor they're already comfortable with
Name 1 major multiplayer game this hasn't happened with
official game quality ranking
I fucking told you respawn can't maintain a business model based on monthly updates. I told you this the first day this game exploded.
This is the same studio that took about half a year or more to nerf Devotion and Tone in Titanfall 2 in any reasonable way despite them being so obviously broken it wasn't even fucking funny.
Post your fortnite mane i am Lynx because of her big butt lol
no solo mode
no updates
Making a Battle Royale game is easy.
Fortnite BR was made by a handful of Unreal Tournament devs a couple of weekends time, yet they have to sacrifice at least both Paragon and UT teams to work on its updates to keep it afloat.
Respawn clearly didn't have that kind of resource.
9 year old children don't watch the apex legends stream? good. great, even.
looks like Lawbreakers characters
wtf i love fortnite now
aren't fortnite supposed to be the kiddy game
what did you look for when you were kids?
>ninja back to playing fortnite almost exclusively
Yeah they're done
unironically replying to bait or dead serious
Does Fortnite even have characters? Is every new one I see really just a costume but they all play the same?
Throughout ~14 months, this is the content Titanfall 2 received throughout its time of active support:
>one entirely new map added and four ported over from the first game
>3 MP game modes, one of which had four tiny maps unique to it
>one ~tower defense coop game mode, playable on three of the MP maps
>two guns, one used the model of an existing gun, the other used a model from the first game and reused stats from another gun
>one new MP titan chassis that used the titan model already existant in the campaign
>a bunch of pilot execution animations
>paid cosmetic camo patterns for pilots and titans that looked slightly more interesting than the freely unlockable ones
>paid images and icons to display as your profile card (showed up in and after games) on top of the dozens of freely unlockable ones
>one alternate skin with an alternate execution animation for each of the 6 original titans
>paid weapon skins, one for each of about 2/3rds of all the primary weapons
While it wasn't completely terrible, it's hard to say that any update truly blew anyone away and usually there were 3 months between updates. The highlights were basically ported old maps and the new modes. The paid cosmetics were kind of meh. I feel like Respawn is great at tacticool base designs, but they fail at selling you upgrades to those.
Considering Apex can't really toy with its map and mode, I was sure from the beginning that it would lose its appeal quickly.
Also balance took ages for them to get right, but that's another story.
How does one headshot the banana?
This is nothing new. Titanfall 2 had the Devotion available to everyone and it was a two shot that you could fire while sprinting plus it was laser accurate at range. It took at least half a year for them to finally nerf it to a place where it didn't completely rule the game. And the titan Tone was the same shit and took just as long.
They kept saying they wanted to slowly adjust things until they were just right and they kept toying with all kinds of stupid values every fucking patch when all they really had to do for starters was to just cut the raw damage values in half for the Devotion and titan abilities like salvo core and rocket salvo.
Respawn is just bad at supporting their games intelligently post-launch.
I'd love to see a cheaters league in any game. Just people competing with the best h4x. We'd probably see some guy winning the entire shit with a 0,5x button press, warping all opponents into the dark dimension.
>overdesigned characters(stop doing this soulless shit devs)
>characters uglier than your own self
They deserved it.
lol no it is basically a millenial's first fap
Why is OW still hanging at 10-20k? Is it Blizzard bots?
>why do people watch the world's top esport
Gee I don't know
I have a 30something year old gamerdad guy at my workplace who refuses to play Fortnite because it looks 'too childish', but instead plays a lot of Apex. He also bought the latest BF on day 1.
the OWL is literally bots, even the audience seats are empty
Chadnite has dedicated ass men in their character design team
Nearly every chick has a delicious butt