3x3 Thread, postem

Is there a version of this image for video games?

What games are Yea Forumscore?

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>talking shit about lain
you clearly don't seem to understand

Is Angel's Egg good? Also Lain, Madoka, Kenshin, Versallies & Paprika are masterpieces

only ones i know from that image

There is somewhere, it's like: Dark Souls, DMC3, New Vegas, SMT III, Deus Ex, and whatever else I'm forgetting.
Also whoever put Gunbuster on there is a punk.

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A shame; he seemed an honest man.

havent seen most of them lol

Meguka is pretty shit, Kenshin is just fun, and Paprika is pretty, but not very worthwhile otherwise.
Haven't see Rose of Versailles.

It's been a few years since I made this. I should probably redo it

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at least 90% of that image is garbage

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>Deus Ex
>New Vegas
>System Shock
>Dwarf Fortress
>Dark Souls
>Planescape Torment

Just want to make a reminder that this needs to be a vidya thread or I'm gonna get banned

>Wonderful 101
I hate this one especially because it looks and plays like shovelware, yet is shilled so much because someone was fucking dumb enough to even try it out of fear of not being part of the "cool club" or some shit, even though in reality this game is as relevant to the topic of "good games" as the fucking Senran Kagura threads are to actual games in general.

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Just make it a mixed thread where people post their favorite games & anime, people have done this multiple times and reached bump limit



it's because matthewmatosis jerks it off and Yea Forums sees him as a god

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I'm going to find the nigger that did this fucking image and I will kill him.

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Oh me? Yeah, I have no personality and try to hide that behind my taste in entertainment media so I seem interesting. It’s tough, but someone’s got to do it.

Paprika was better than that garbage

>takes 40 minutes to explain why wonderful 101 is "good"
>took me 5 to explain why it was the opposite
fuck e-celebs

More rather hide personality because these threads encourage identity.

i got around to watching the project ito movies
empire of corpses was great visually but i had no fucking clue what was going on or what the ending was about
harmony and genocidal organ i thought were good too but genocidal organ in particular i found a little disturbing because of the subject matter
harmony had it's own level of disturbing material even though the start of it was deceptively off-putting but it ended up being worth it

anyone know any video games (anime) similar to those movie in terms of subject matter, which would be brain function and morality?

seems about right

>Is Angel's Egg good?
It's like an arthouse film. Beautiful art and imagery but not a whole lot happens, and the little that doesn't make much sense. It's a nice "it's 5 am and I feel like I hate everything" watch.

why is undertale and to the moon the same space

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found it

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how are you going to talk shit about me having 10 and you post 16

4/4 lsd, quake, earthbound, cave story
why lsd? curious

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>liking things that are good makes you boring

ah that explains why Yea Forums is so interesting

im waiting for my response, friends
only game i remember made me question anything about myself was spec ops the line

unironically undertale

But I don't watch eCelebs and fucking love W101.
Do you really genuinely think people only like it because of buyers remorse and some faggot eceleb and not because it was made by a dev team that has made some of the best action games of all time?

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LSD is just a super fascinating game to me. a lot of the more rare events and just the general randomness to the game gave it a lot of replay value to me and for a long time it had been a nightly routine to play the game for an hour or two just to see what would happen.

>paranorman next to triplets

Yeah ok

serious question
how does one play lsd
i tried it and legit seemed like a walking simulator

>not because it was made by a dev team that has made some of the best action games of all time?
The developers behind Devil May Cry 3, which is the most appraised installment in the series, also made Devil May Cry 2, the most despised installment in the series.
So yes, I think that you like it because of buyers remorse and your dumb fucking logic further cements my beliefs.

Saying it looks and plays like shovelware without any supporting evidence isn't "explaining" anything.

Wanted to put a Laika movie on there and Paranorman is their best one imo

>tfw i only know who 4 of these are, and I didn't even know ruroni kenshin was popular
feels good to not be a fucking ANIME FAGGOT

>So yes, I think that you like it because of buyers remorse and your dumb fucking logic further cements my beliefs.
But I pirated it and beat it before buying it because I liked it so much that I wanted to own a copy

oh fuck you can use topsters for vidya?

I can't fucking wait until RPCS3 can play NieR well
Or a remaster comes out
I just wanna play it
This seems about right
Very nice taste
God Hand and Nocturne don't seem super prominent but I'd still include them in the wider Yea Forumscore I guess
based and entry level hipsterpilled

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>I'm insecure in my own tastes so I spend my time shittalking popular things instead of discussing the things I truly love with like-minded others
You don't need a new image, OP, this image is already quintessentially Yea Forums.


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This image was made by a moeshitter.