Why couldn't they make any good games past the n64 days?

Why couldn't they make any good games past the n64 days?

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because everyone fucking quit halfways through Perfect Dark's development

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I still find it funny that ghoulies references DKC on a couple occasions, and as an Xbox game on top of that

Their studio culture was based around having lots of small autonomous teams working on multiple games simultaneously. Transitioning to large-scale projects with huge teams in the HD era was too big a change for them + Microsoft corporate meddling disrupting their natural workflow + staff departures due to harsh working conditions + Stamper brothers leaving.

Bought out by Microsoft.

They bled all of their talent out and their sub-divided structure couldn't sustain itself.

In the early days you could make a game with 20-30 people and have it be cutting edge, you can't really do that now unless it's an incredibly short game and you use a ton of cost cutting measures like Ninja Theory did with Hellblade. They have two other new IPs in the works right now and have been hiring a fuckton of people so who knows. Viva Pinata is easily one of their best games though.

Grabbed By The Ghoulies is pretty cool

Well, with Nintendo getting involved more with projects in the late 90’s is when they started to get screwed.
>Oi, look at these projects were making, Miyamoto. This game is about exploring a planet of dinosaurs
>Wait a bloody sec, what do you mean make it Star Fox?
>umm, ok, but wait....what do you mean you hate this haunted house game we’re making? Why can’t the GC have 2? Yours has more ghosts, while ours has a variety of monsters
>alright fine, but can you at least give us more money, so we can keep making games? The price is increasing and we can’t bloody keep u-NO?! Oi, fuck off, then.
>thanks for buying us, Microsoft, ow what?
>.........what do you mean make avatars?

Why do people even think this? The logic of it makes no sense.
>Buy out studio known for making platformers and shooters
>"now that we own you we're going to force you to make soulless cash grabs in genres that make tons of money, like third person beat em' ups, gardening games, and a car builder!"

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History. It's what always happens when Microsoft buys out a studio.

Viva Pinata 2 exists, so they clearly still had it in them, they just couldn't be assed most of the time I guess.

Sure, but why on earth would they force them to make a gardening game or a car creator? Shit makes no sense, those genres pretty much always bomb unless they are on portables.

Wasn’t N&B all Rare’s idea

No one forced them to make Nuts and Bolts into a building game, that was entirely Rare's idea.

>once upon a time, Nintendo and Rare were the bestest of buddies
>until one day the evil Microsoft came and swooped rare away
Why do people push this

It's not clear, but it would make more sense than Microsoft wanting them to make a fucking car builder though. The people at Rare have been pretty clear they don't want to touch any old IPs and would rather have other people make it instead, which worked out pretty damned well for KI. Hopefully Battletoads is actually good.

Looking at it from the outside that's all people can see. They made great games, then they went to Microsoft and started making only shit games. The truth is more complicated but it's not like Microsoft had a positive effect on the company either.

Because half the studio left after their forced takeover?

Hey, VP was good, Ghoulies was okay, about on par with some of their worse games, but ok. Now PD:Z was utter shit.

>After their forced takeover
Blame Nintendo for that, they could have bought them for chump change but they didn't for some reason. It could have been worse than Microsoft, Activision was next in line to buy them out.

Microsoft recognized rare as a major part of nintendo's success and was trying to use a soft hand, but when nuts & bolts flopped microsoft removed all of their autonomy.

Imagine what it would be like if Sega was still as good now as they were in their glory days, making new consoles, Rare was still working for Nintendo, and Gamefreak got completely consumed by Nintendo so that they would stop making shitshows of games

Star Fox Adventures and Kameo - The Elements of Power were great games even if SFA had its issues (and it would be a much better as Dinosaur Planet) and Kameo was too short.

sega was never good

Don't sleep on Viva Pinata.

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Why would Nintendo waste so much money for keeping a mere company instead of closing deal with other companies for Gamecube exclusives?

While Microsoft is responsible for ruining Rare, Rare is also at blame for going greedy and leaving Nintendo's security just to make more money by seeing a company that would offer them the most money to fully buy them.

Why couldn't they make any good games past the n64 da-

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While not as good as their N64 stuff Rare still made great games and only stopped when Kinect was forced onto them.

>Ghoulies is a fun beatemup game
>Conker Live and Reloaded unironically is better than the N64 version because it actually has good controls (Censorship be damned it felt better to play)
>Kameo was fun, not perfect but fun
>Perfect Dark Zero I'll give you, no one liked that.
>Viva Pinata 1 and 2 are both comfy sim games that everyone loved
>Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts was shit on endlessly for not being Banjo-Three and ended up being a cult classic and an underrated masterpiece (honestly I might like it more than the first game, not more than Tooie but Nuts and Bolts is really something special)
>Sea of Thieves while barren at start keeps getting meaningful content updates based on fan input

Rare still makes good games but they lack the audience to appreciate them. Had they stayed with Nintendo and released the exact same titles up to Nuts and Bolts they'd be praised for continuing to make great games, the Microsoft audience is just not right for Rare and both Rare and Microsoft know that. With all the rumors from insiders and leakers Rare Replay might be coming to Switch and you can guarantee all these games will be given new love and appreciation from Nintendo fans.

All the current and ex Rare staff I've talked to all seem to agree with me that it just isn't the right audience for Rare's style of game, even Sea of Thieves which catered more to Xbox's core fans didn't do what they hoped.

It wasn’t really greed; video games were getting expensive to make, and Rare didn’t want to have to try and keep up with prices and listen to a company bitch at them to turn their games into Nintendo sequels while not giving them the necessary funds

The fact that they are going as far as using hand drawn graphics gives me some hopes for the game. Can't wait to call gamestop for a copy

Source for your claims? Or you must make shitty assumptions to defend Rare's shitty choice?

Aren't you forgetting their BEST game??

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>Activsion was next in line to buy them out.
Considering how well Crash is doing right now, that might actually have been better.

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After being bought by Activision, the only Crash game that did great was a fucking remake of the original trilogy.

Maybe they would have let Rare make the Banjo X remake they planned for the OG Xbox

Crash has had the best comeback of any franchise I've seen recently, 10 million copies on one remaster vs not even 2 million from Sonic's most critically acclaimed game to date. I wonder if CTR is going to get that same level of sucess. Imagine future Crash games with AAA budget and resources.

All of this and with all this success, I'd bet money on Activision giving Vicarious Visions permission to make their own original Crash game next to keep the money train rolling. As a fan of Banjo, I'd take a slice of that pie in a heart-beat. If I'm going to be shackled to a soulless corporation, I'll pick the one that might actually make a new game eventually.

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Are the only OGs left at current Rare Robin Beanland and Gregg Mayles?

It's not like they were perfect in the n64 days, people only remember a few gems they put out

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>>Viva Pinata 1 and 2 are both comfy sim games that everyone loved
They were trash
>>Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts was shit on endlessly for not being Banjo-Three and ended up being a cult classic and an underrated masterpiece
This was trash

Nintendo at the time owned 49% shares in the company while Rare owned the other 51% and yet Nintendo never bought them for good reason.
Nintendo doesn't buy studios because they have to or cause they can. Nintendo wants studios to make their own decisions and grow on their own and fall on their own. That is why so many indie devs like going to Nintendo. Thats also why many indie devs say they are treated with royalty at Nintendo.
>Think about why hasn't Nintendo opted in to buy platinum games yet

>Pointing out their only N64 game which was meh
>"See? Rare wasn't that good!"

Maybe those games they made were only popular and weren't good in the first place.

This is as close as we get to old Rare

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>Retro is good
Can we stop this meme?

They've been with Nintendo for 17 years and have made fewers games than Rare made for the n64 alone.

Can we stop this meme?

The original levels they made as DLC exhibited a great degree of competence

No. Metroid is shit and DKCR is nsmb trash.

First time I've ever heard this. Story?

Rare had an insane work ethic back in the day and basically worked everyone to death.

Everyone ITT should watch this video before blaming Microsoft.

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>Nintendo doesn't buy studios because they have to or cause they can. Nintendo wants studios to make their own decisions and grow on their own and fall on their own. That is why so many indie devs like going to Nintendo. Thats also why many indie devs say they are treated with royalty at Nintendo.
That's not always the case, or else how would you explain them buying Retro Studios early on its existence?

Rare having an insane work ethic is well-known fact. Even Wikepedia's article about Rare mentions it.

Based and Rarepilled. Retro is overrated AF and have yet to prove they can make their own succesful IP, mainly because Nintendo hasn't given them the space to.

It's alright but it definitely could be more fleshed out.

Sea of thieves was always good just released one year too soon.

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Been having a blast with it for the longest time.

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Best thing to happen thus far was the addition of these fuckers

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I think Beanland still works there, unlike Grant Kirkhope. The only people left from Banjo 1 are Gregg and Leigh Loveday who contributes to the Rare twitter like he used run Scribes. Louise Ridgeway (O'Connor) still works there. Not many others.

Martin Hollis who directed and programmed Goldeneye quit halfway through directing Perfect Dark. I think David Doak left around that time to make Timesplitters too.

Why would they buy shares in Rare at all then? With Nintendo owning half of them Rare was virtually completely dependent on Nintendo for funding. Rare was already working hard enough that people would quit because the work environment was so intense. They needed more money to keep expanding and pushing their games further as technology got more advanced. What were they supposed to do? I don't get this angle of trying to make Nintendo out as completely innocent.

The assertion that Nintendo doesn't buy studios is fucking false anyway because they bought out Retro Studios in 2002 and Monolith Soft in 2007.

I made fun of Crash in the mid-00s for grasping at relevance like most people did. Of course the series was dead after 2008 just like Banjo. But I also love that Crash made a successful comeback so I wish Banjo would get the same. Unfortunately Gregg is in the way of that.

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>hates N&B
Only nories hate N&B, therefore get out reee

Viva Piñata is amazing, you faggot

I mean, would you want him to make a Banjo sequel with no passion put into it? I would rather see a good series be "completed" (see: Earthbound) than ran into the ground (see: Sonic the Hedgehog).

Not really. Maybe handing it off to another studio would lose the vibe people want so it's a lose-lose.

I dont see why you haters love to place all the blame at Nintendo but i'll humor you.

Nintendo owning 49% is not half of its shares do some maths. Because rare owned 51% Nintendo had no talk in what rare could do. Yes they could suggest it but Rare didnt have to follow it.
SO since its false you explain to all of us why Nintendo doesnt fully buy a company.....

Creatures and game freak are not owned by Nintendo they just own shares in them. Nintendo owns the IP of Pokemon nothing more. Even Microsoft could buy creatures and game freak if they wanted to.

Viva Pinata is Rare's swan song.
Grant literally talks about writing the OST while watching old friends leave the company.

They basically pumped out VP and took another year to make the sequel, then bailed.

And is B-K really completed? I don't remember if I finished Nuts & Bolts but even if there was a resolution it's still a pretty sour note for the series to end on.

Because the Stamper brothers were getting old, and so they retired without doing anything to ensure the change of management would go well. It's understandable, but it does suck that Rare basically went from world's best -> dead so quickly.