What did he mean by this risk of rain thread

what did he mean by this risk of rain thread

Attached: trump.png (584x110, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/DMC thread/deleted/deleted/type/op/

Host when?

chef when?

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Never again.

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>ruining a risk of rain thread by starting this shitty ass political twitter cap

Modded lobby where

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twitter screencap threads dont get fucked by mods

god did he really say this? just when I thought the god emperor could not get any more based!

its camoflauge from the jannies

it was on drizzle so its pointless


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>they're at it again

US Midwest

Never again.

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why are mods deleting these threads but not the daily DMC threads that have been going for like a year now?


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>did he really say this?

Attached: Pepe disappointed.jpg (641x530, 51K)

>DMC threads have been happening for a year
>RoR2 can't have a week without getting moved to /vg/
Mods are gay



literally not allowed to talk about video games on Yea Forums

post images

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>sticky bomb sticky

DMC threads did get deleted today. Why do you still post this meme?

it bork

I wish they'd let you skip the escape pod so certain "survivors" wouldn't get stuck.





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If I go through the celestial portal (the one to obliterate yourself), does it count as a level for the Long Run achievement? And most importantly, can I go back?

modded 16 players


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DMCfags are MOTIVATED so they flood the catalog if a thread gets deleted. That's just what you have to keep doing, keep making endless threads will eventually make the hotpockets realize how useless their """""""""""""job"""""""""""""""" is.

yes and yes

yes you can go back, below the obelisk is a portal. it does increase the difficulty im pretty sure so I think it counts as a stage

>3 dmc threads
>4 sekiro threads
>4 smash threads
any way we can report janny fagotry to the higher ups?

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yes all portals count as levels
if you go near the obelisk then a portal to go back to the main levels appears


also so does the reptilian jew merchant's realm

Thanks frens

huntress is my favorite class i think, what are her top priority items?

>he actually used that image that OP


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>higher ups
Anons, the one deleting the threads are the retarded hotpocket mods like A_BIB. You can try bugging them on the IRC but they'll probably just ignore you since they don't actually care about the quality of this board.

epic game store is better than valve or something i guess

they'll never be able to tell the difference

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Why even DMC tho? I understand Sekiro

DMCfags are fucking based and literally would not let the ruletard mods get away with it. Janitors are fucked in the head and must be beaten into submission.

I really don't think Trump said this because it would be pretty weird for him not only to play a videogame but to post about it, specially for something not mainstream like risk of rain 2

anything really but you NEED backup mag

basically anything that procs on hit (wisp, ukelele, etc.) and some backup magazines so you can spam M2 and delete the whole map

Then get every fucking faggot ass smash thread that constantly plagues this fucking board by autistic manchildren who actually play games designed for 6 year olds, straight to /vg/

Attached: as long as it works.png (492x692, 612K)

DMC bros are based
we just gotta be as based

Why am I needing an entirely separate mod from the original 16 player mod to play the fuckhueg servers now?

The paid tranny nu-mods are behind this shit too.

there are 5 DMC threads at all times

US East vanilla

they just need to make a new containment board for nintendo

what did he mean by this?

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Sekiro came out later than DMC retard and DMC general has been going for a year

Wasnt there like 15 smash threads up at all time for a few weeks like 3 months ago

can I still play vanilla lobbies with the mod installed? I mostly want it for 8-16 player memes

>Sekiro/dmc/notcidya is allowed to spam thirty threads at all times for months on end
>one(single)(solitary) Risk of Rain thread has to go on /vg/ after a week

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no you cant. you can set the max players to 4 though

they get deleted too you niggers. The reason they're still here is because they haven't accepted /vg/
boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/DMC thread/deleted/deleted/type/op/
Smash is your enemy. there are over 10 fucking threads about this.
not a year. It's much longer, newfag.

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dmc only lasted because they were persistent and didn't give a fuck

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Wanting to know this too, I don't want to have to have two entirely separate DLLs just to play with Yea Forums

>mods nuking vidya threads

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Hurry, post your chance of precipitation memes.

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it means that there are newfag mods. they deleted a TGT thread earlier last week too. Yea Forums really is become just video game culture and twitter screencaps. They did the same shit to other indies like Baba is You

I still don't know why even DMC. They're nowhere even spammy compared to fucking Sekiro and smash

>snowflake tripfaggots came to defend their general

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Reminder that on Yea Forums the only way to not be pushed off to /vg/ is to have at least three threads up at all times.

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>Jannies banned everyday until you like it threads
>Jannies banned aniki posting outside of /jp/ when he died
>Jannies DON'T ban the billion political and daily threads here on Yea Forums
>Jannies DON'T ban/contain the billion threads that are made whenever a new soulsborne game is released
But hey atleast they are banning RoR threads

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Is the corpse flower good on Artificer?



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why are you like this? what did they even do to you?

DMC threads do the same thing as RoR threads. discuss the games, make OC, and have fun. why the anger?

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Playing Lizardmen is fucking insanely difficult. And Im bad at games.

i wish they would ban the stupid EPIC and Steam threads the chinks keep making

>at least 5 threads at all times for a year is not general at all, even if we don't discuss the game and only talk about which characters we want to fuck

Corpse flower is generally a bad item because it caps your maximum healing to 10% max hp per second. Rejuvination rack exists and just straight up gives you double healing values with no strings attached.


>mods deleting a thread about video games while consistently leaving porn, /pol/ and games that apparently are only allowed to be discussed in generals
not to mention they let the fucking blogging neet thread up until it archived jesus christ

smash is only accepted because the tranny staff and the ledditors on here suck nintendo's cock

This is cute

Are there any RoR images you guys got of positive reactions

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sorry this isn't the video games board apparently

>snowflake tripfaggots came to defend their general
stop making shit up and stop deflecting retard, you want risk of rain threads? just keep making them

probably a shitposter from the threads trying to take advantage of the whole situation. I don't know, I don't go there

Are any of the relics actually good? Damage one and the gold one seem like you could make them work on certain characters, but others seem bad all the time.

Corpse flower is a pretty bad item since it caps the healing you receive to 10% of your max hp.

This pretty much.
They fucking need to rework some Blue items because most often than not the negatives heavily outweight the benefits

I did it bros, I beat the game.

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>Overloading worm

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with playing on Drizzle. Quit being Rainstorm and Monsoon elitists.

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>already 100 posts in
>janitors actually thought its a twitter screencap thread so they let it go
Holy shit the memes are real

>class: overloading magma worm

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hellfire tincture is excellent on mercenary
that's the only really standout one I can think of.

Ripperdactyls and Salamanders will ease the pain. Praise Sotek!

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>class: overloading magma worm
what in the god damn

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we need someone to make a few more twitter edits

So how the fuck do you guys consistently reach 12+ stages cleared?
I constantly die toward the 7-8 stages cleared mark even when I think I have good RNG/item synergy.

Why don't you go bother the DMC fags then user? They constantly have a thread up here.

go lizzer go

H-Hes fast!

Im a skaven only man.

>Class:Overloading worm



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and they constantly get deleted too


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>i-if I create enough falseflag smash threads then DMC is okay!

Attached: file.png (179x344, 40K)

>Forgetting the constant epic threads chinamen spam that are allowed to stay for 500 replies

Guess the 1 week grace period is over
been nice knowing you all

Reminder NEVER use the challenge statues on the last level, more risk of summoning (or getting additional) overloading worms

they actually do. Stop creating a rivalry for fucks sakes, we're on the same situation too

learn to avoid /vg/.

The only way a thread will get traction these days is if it starts with a twitter screencap

How can you tell diffeculty from this screenshot?

I don't see the problem

Name one time when DMC covered 90% of the board

go ahead. I'll wait

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The one for bullying crabs is pretty good since its 50% cd for use items at the cost of just using them automatically but theres stuff like backup which you'd like on all the time anyway and royal capacitor that only goes off when its targeting something so you can still make use of fuel cell charges.

Like you said the broken crown is good for making money "lategame" when you have enough attack speed to make it profitable so you have infinite money, shaped glass is for when you feel like going hard and fast, everything else is pretty bad. Effigy is useful of you want to manage it and dont have other use items but its pretty meh. Blue meteor needs to be changed somehow because right now its only a danger to you and your team because it barely tickles enemies if it manages to target them at all. Tincture is usable on merc if you have enough sustain to not cripple yourself because it shits damage.

Disguises the illegal video games thread as a legitimate and acceptable twitter screencap thread, so the mods will overlook it.

so what?

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>Make politics thread
>Stays up on Yea Forums for 5 hours
>Make Risk of Rain 2 thread
>Jannies remove it in 5 seconds
What did they mean by this

>Smash is your enemy
>implying smash,ror and dmc aren't all based

Attached: angmad.jpg (431x455, 34K)

DMCfags are shitting up the entirety of this board and then pretend being victims
Their cancer isn't even contained in their generals, they shit up all other threads like this one too

I bet it's the same guy that banned secret lab

Just unlocked artificer. How do I go about successfully playing her?

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>announcement happens
>wow wtf threads filled the entire board
the same shit happened when vergil was leaked retard

Move the mouse cursor over another survivor's icon and click


devil triggered asf lol lmao

By not playing her
Movement speed based items are your bread and butter flamethrower gets stupid strong with attackspeed and proc based itemsSpam your m2 and m1 and try t o use your shift to freeze enemies

Fuck Abib or whatever that niggers name was.

Get Wax Quail and dont stop jumping

I disagree
I judge communities on the amount and quality of OC
DMCfgs shit out an insane amount of good OC, and are thus, based

count how many dmc threads right now

God I wish that were me. Surviving is hard early.

No one's saying that DMC covered the entire board like nintendies, it's just unfair that our 1 (one) thread about a game that just FUCKING came out are getting deleted while your DMC threads have been going on for a year non stop

109775240997869204 USE vanilla

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it gets much better once you beat the first stage, it took me 13 tries to beat the first stage though

Reminder to never give up and keep posting RoR2 threads until people lose interest even if mods are gigantic fags. I refuse to let this game fall to the same fate as SCP:SL

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>DMCfag is a wojak spamming sonyroach
go figure

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what's with the DMC shitposting? what did they do?

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>melee bros can still happen
>shield bros is unlikely
Hopoo why?

>flamethrower gets stupid strong with attackspeed

Hopefully soon

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it also helps to cast your ice wall directly beneath you in case enemies are trying to enter your booty hole


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>DMC thread just got deleted
>people still think they are "accepted"
Christ why does everyone want good threads to die off?

>DMC OC good
>smash OC bad
go cry about smash more

Nothing. DMC is based as fuck. So is RoR. We all need to rise up against Nintendo fags.

it'd be a bit ironic but justifying to the same fate that scp had

Especially since SCP used the argument that ror 1 threads were always up but scp threads got pruned

says invalid.

oh shit bros

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>rare item: Cease and Desist

trying to create animosity between rorfags,smash bros and dmc niggas barry?

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I'm a dumbass

Monster runs are comfy

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what's his moveset bro?

>DMC Thread
>people worried about RoR being moved to /vg/ since they're fun
>RoR thread
I really hope its just one autist

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> the same fate as SCP:SL
don't remind me

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>4 shaped glass

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>unironically propagating console wars
Are you going to spam anal vore wojaks now?

because its my own run, just forgot to mention. 4,5 hour run but i just had to see what happens

it's almost poetic

mobility items are extremely important on her
art and merc are the shitter filters, and you'll often see people wanting them changed, but they're fine as is
at most they could use some QoL like ice wall blocking projectiles

US East
No mods, rainstorm

Attached: huntressss.png (773x1198, 233K)


what monsters are challenging yet also plausible to play as?
i had a pretty good run as a missile drone but not sure if that counts

You think they let this thread stay because they thought it's /pol/? No, they let it to screencap your tears and laugh in their Discord server.

>multiple threads go back up immediately
>aren't deleted in any decent amount of time

Theres a catalog and any of us can just go check how many threads are up with a quick scan of a minute at most. Until today there has only ever been one risk of rain thread at a time and people make it a point to not split up the population so we can stick together and find lobbies for the first game. Deleting a thread does not take a long time and we know finding them doesn't take much effort either. So there is no reason for any of these threads to stay up for very long if the rule is being enforced consistently besides incompetence, laziness, or bias.

it is one autist, I have him IP filtered

Alright you two, Get along.
By the way, Why hasn't anyone tried to cause a ruckus in an attempt to get Abib and the other faggot mods shafted? Making me think.

Attached: 1545529030442.jpg (800x447, 45K)

lobby id: 109775240997874794



>Copy the number above
>Open your game,
>Click "Join Clipboard Lobby"

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you mean the same fate as rimworld

and every other game before it

But is it still up?

>steve fags BTFO
>banjo fags BTFO
>[fire emblem character]what do you think she smells like Yea Forums?
>oh NO NO NO NO NO [smash bros]
>oh NO NO NO NO NO [eceleb]

lol good night on Yea Forums tonight fellow jannies!

>risk of rain 2 thread

wtf is this? they are discussing a video game? deleted.

No, I'm just tired of seeing fans of two series that I love bicker like children.

>I really hope its just one autist
>he hasn't taken the barrypill

Something retarded.

Time to spoonfeed to the others then. His name is XV-kun (Barry IRL)
He always samefags and falseflag to create rivalry between fanbases he hates but always ends up failing. Two threads linked are when all his samefagging got deleted instantly


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Shit I forgot about rimworld, I just said SCP:SL as that hurt me the most and it became the martyr that all of Yea Forums points to when something like this happens.

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sale when?

The daily Touhou netplay threads were deleted by the dumbass j*nnies too years ago so kill yourself, retard.

I did a run as an Imp the other day. You're just a shitty melee class with innate bleed and a teleport that doesn't really do anything.

video games you don't like are still video games user
and they get deleted too, but they get created hourly so jannies can't keep up

How do I git gud at using Commando and MUL-T?

nigga its $20 if you cant afford that you need to rethink your life choices

fresh oc from friend


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can you even get far?

It's okay to run away from things

nice bussy


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Discord tranny mods love twitter screencaps.


unf those abs

Drizzle was a mistake, prove me wrong.

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I looped and obliterated myself so yes. If you're tired of waiting for good item luck on the first level you can just edit their stats in cheat engine to make them more akin to an actual playable character so they're not complete dogshit.

damn, wish i could draw that good

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needs to be holding an infusion

But without the Drizzlets, who would we have to laugh at?

He picked Drizzle?

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ikr? some great shit

>they actually kept this thread up because its a twitter screencap
This was a joke. This was supposed to be a goddamn joke

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>grinding for the golden chest in magma level
>wake of vultures
>loop and get to plains
>big chest
>wake of vultures

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>rethink where you were born
yeah, let me think real hard about that

Commando: hold down M1 and M2 while running and jumping around
That's it. You've now mastered commando and can now infinitely loop on monsoon.


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ps4 when?

what do i even do against blazing titan?
no memes pleas, actual solutions

touhou wasn't new

just wanted to add that Barry has been trying to do this shit to indies for a while now. last time I saw it was in a Baba is You thread


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OP here, I wasn't actually expecting it to work.

Just don't get hit brah

dont get hit because theyre bugged and do a billion times more damage than intended

I know my boy aint in but anyone wanna make an Enforcer edit of this with him manhandling a Lemurian?

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Kill it

Just don't get hit :^)

>what do i even do against blazing titan?
you die

I turned off my VPN to say great post sir.

Never attack it from anywhere that isn't within one seconds reach from cover. The moment you see that laser, you fuck off.

Remember when /vg/ was just for spammed generals like LoL?

Follow thisBut do not forget the fact that if he can't see you he will try and punch you.

or like DMC

fuck off, ugly

stale bait

I wonder if they're gonna add more levels that basically references the ones from the original. Rallypoint Beta is basically the winter map with the broken bridge from RoR1 etc.

I might be wrong on this, but pretty sure he says fuck it and slams that fist into the earth anyway.

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good luck Pr*v

Attached: De-wurming.webm (1080x720, 2.84M)

Was spectating and noticed the ally list changed after tabbing back into the game

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Host when?

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Is there any site with all the oc lewds?

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There's a mega somewhere.

>Re-occurring threads where people share OC, play together and generally fuck about are bad
>Non stop console war shit, pepe, wojacks, openly political stuff, tranny shit is fine

I've been here since 2007 and I still don't understand this rule, especially since Yea Forums has gotten worse and worse, its threads like this that are actually good where people are, ya know PLAYING AND FUCKING TALKING ABOUT GAMES.

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w-where user, where!!

some user posted a mega album and imgur album a few threads back
post it if you find it

Anyone seeing way more turrets and 3d printers in earlier stages since the patch? I swear I'm getting half the items I used to get in the first loop and it really hurts in monsoon

there was a mega link, maybe in one of the archived threads from yesterday night or very early in the morning

Why don't random bosses drop items like in the first one

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And the mods want these threads not to be on Yea Forums. Imagine.

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video game discussion is a bannable offense on Yea Forums
mods will actively delete threads and create a shitposting thread 1 second later in order to justify that they're needed

o shit this is me, yeah this is all i see too. transcendence is fucked on monster survivors

user's mega folder

has a modfag managed to play as the truck yet?

can someone tell me why I should get transcendence? i'm on the cusp of 20 levels and staring it down before I jump in a portal

you don't fuck with DMChads, risk of rain homies need to man up

you shouldnt

or rather why are shields > health or are they not?

You don't. Not unless you have the coins to stack them up.

I want to test this shared item mod. 109775240997921061

US west

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>1 minute apart
barry pls

This thread will unironically make it to 500 posts because of that "political shit". It's faggot mod camo since they love twitter screencaps

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I fuckin' love the engineer

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Hellfire Tincture does 0 damage if you're carrying Transcendence

how do I play as enemies?

This shitposting - his rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.

What makes RoR so good?

Shields naturally regen faster than HP

post benis and then kys yourslef

Shields are generally worse than health when you have any decent set of healing items.
The upside to transcendence is the boost to max shields you get from stacking it.

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play MUL-T and you'll be the enemy of polite society

109775240997884226 US 2/4
>2x transcdence
>14x adrenaline drugs
>4x daggers
>5x stickies
I just R and things just disappeared

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I see. Too bad I'm using the unreal redeemer thing.

use cheat engine to change your character value

It's a VIDEO GAME. You go in, collect items, and shoot shit with your friends. It's soul packed


>tfw you're having your first real godmode run but you have to wake up early tomorrow
Please hopoo give me a save and continue function. I regret not making this monsoon difficulty so much, deicide would have been a joke.

Attached: merc run.png (1920x1080, 2.62M)

What is the easiest boss and why is it Beetle Queen?

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transcendence also makes you immune to fall damage and the wake of vultures bug.

>Screen goes black
>back on main menu
Is this modded

Feels a bit pointless when none of the servers actually get more than ~7 players.

Try again the lobby was bugged

oh fuck what is this blue nigger worm

god i want her to dominate me.

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>twitter screencap
great smokescreen, we all know mods are physically incapable of deleting these threads

Say goodbye to your run user

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pause and leave it running?

>mfw she actually has boobs ingame

Attached: 1533741411965.png (646x634, 350K)

Was my favorite class back in the original. Could easily be implemented like the Merc but could go for some updates to his skills like the merc had.

I don't think he was popular enough to make it in and would end up being too similar to the other melee characters so RIP

What smokescreen? This is a perfectly ordinary Yea Forums culture thread.

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r.i.p. user

>Wow what the fuck why did the mods delete our [videogame] thread where people aren't talking about the latest /r9k/ made wojak or /pol/fag drama
>Hey you know who you should really be angry about? This OTHER video game thread
lmao the faggot mods can go fuck themselves. You too especially for trying to turn people against fucking videogames.
RoR2 threads will run their course once people get bored of it and revive with each content update but retarded autists that include the members of the Yea Forums moderation team want to push it to /vg/ because they hate fucking videogames. Yea Forums doesn't talk about videogames? What a fucking joke, the truth is we do but the faggot mods don't want that for some reason and would much rather us talk about Last of Us jew nose threads. Also RoR threads would be unironically allowed and nobody would be telling us to go to /vg/ if hypothetically the entire Hoopoo team came out for their support for Trump and we made threads all about how based and redpilled they are and talked about triggered leftist reactions.

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ur fukn ded kid

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rip user

Attached: survivor attempts to walk to the teleporter 2.jpg (700x464, 116K)

Any Australian here?

>this isn't in the mega
where the fuck is all the stuff together, we need to archive all this LEWD

Tri-Tip Daggers don't stack after 7 right?

Yes, does the auto matchmaking only give you games with what feels like 300+ ping?

they do, but 7 is the point where sticky bombs overtake them in usefulness

I don't like engineer.

Attached: yore ugleh.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)


lobby id: 109775240997874794



>Copy the number above
>Open your game,
>Click "Join Clipboard Lobby"

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>mfw actually getting the hang of Commando after writing him off as bad once I unlocked everyone
>having more fun with him than MUL-T

They really need to fix that roll and change his gun sounds, but damn, was I wrong.

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>killed by: engineer turret
what did you do user

That like every games my dudes

why are you quoting me?

I don't think the turrets like engineers either

I thought 7 would give you a 105% chance of applying bleed on every attack.

dont work

Hey faggot tranny mod. I'm calling your ass out.
You telling me these threads have a bigger claim to belonging on Yea Forums? The suitpepes were right. Ya'll all some cockgobbling faggots for moderating a videogame forum FOR FREE and completely fucking up your job at that

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mods are pussies and dont have the dick and balls to reply your wasting your fingers typing that


You are on character select right

sometimes you just know a run is going to be fun

Attached: Screenshot (49).png (1921x1077, 2.39M)


try again

Yes, should be good now.

mod to replace all music with this when playing on drizzle: youtube.com/watch?v=gM3kl6qGXLE

>start another engie run to farm hermit crabs for that one challenge
>first chest has a Tesla Coil, followed shortly by an Opinion
Why couldn't this have happened when I was working on Long Road?

>mfw Jannies unironically like and enable modern off-topic Yea Forums culture at the expense of actual video game discussion
Yea Forums is at it's absolute best when talking about cult classics, RoR, Dragon's Dogma and E.Y.E. threads were some fantastic examples of this shit, and mods are actively trying to get rid of the one thing that makes this board decent.
Fuck them.

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>not youtube.com/watch?v=Kc8GNaED3Ok

there is no smash oc. slapping shit on a wojack is not oc.

I think we should start disguising RoR threads as off-topic shitposts like twitter screencaps. It seems to be working

2/4 USE no mods

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The more I play the more I think Monsoon is the only way to go. It feels like the pace is just better than rainstorm.

trying out a 4 player scaled monsoon run solo, need one more user to be present for the round start before leaving
you can exit as soon as the pod drops, just need to force the lobby count higher

are you trying to easy mode shame? what about all those disabled journalists?

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I'm going to join and play with you the entire round.

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Yeah dude. Duck Frump!
Is there anything more fun as Merc than moonlighting as an anime character once you get the afterburner + brainstalks?

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What's the strategy for getting flawless

109775240997884226 US 2/4

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Play Engineer and eventually it'll happen naturally

Play Engie
Play multi and just fuck off to some corner of the map

Do both at the same time and you're still contributing

How do you chase the crabs with engie?

>if you try to turn the music down, the game chastises you further
>difficulties are renamed to accommodate
>every item model is changed to a dildo

Attached: 1435378350866.jpg (720x720, 98K)

Someone reupload the Huntress ass mod I NEED IT

Don't get hit. Engineer is easy. Just get a good run and play like a coward while your turrets do the work. That or do a glass lens run. Or just play multiplayer and let your teammates do all the work.

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What stage are the crabs on anyway? I don't think I've seen them.

He's probably engineer because you can get past wave 4 without trying on engineer

I'm out of the loop since I don't post here regularly

The jannies are really closing actual vidya threads?

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I might

Same brother.

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On the aquaduct I think

>E.Y.E. threads
mah nigga

>e-celeb thread
>"Japanese humor" thread
>gacha bullshit
>steam vs epic bullshit
>Perfectly fine
Also where the hell did Hiroshimoot get these jobbers? I like DMC and Sekiro, but usually those threads get way out of control versus the 1 or 2 RoR threads.

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anybody been taking damage when clipping through terrain with merc's dash? really fucking annoying, i lose half my health and get fucked

it's been like this forever
jannies don't care about rules and everything is based on their whims

when the fuck aren't they

multiple vidya threads are being moved to /vg/ today (Baba is You, RoR, DMC, Sekiro but it was one thread). Someone went nuclear and deleted fun off of Yea Forums

>attack 1 dune strider as merc
>Try not to die and run away
>look up
>see this
I don't even know how this happened or when it happened

Attached: merc.jpg (1920x1080, 215K)

Meh, ror2 is good for one session. Get's boring very fast.

Minor thing I discovered, unsure if it's common knowledge or not. When playing as Engie, you can charge your grenades and immediately hit the sprint button and still sprint while charging the attack button. You have to manually re-do it every time you start charging, but it adds a little bit of mobility.

I just looped and the teleporter is nowhere to be found, i even glitched through the closed door with merc's dash and its not there either. its the roost level. is there a bug that causes this? because I'm gonna be fucking pissed if I have to abandon my current build.

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They've deleted actual on-topic discussion threads for a while now. On Yea Forums some threads legitimately talking about television are deleted within 15 minutes while shit like this >>Yea Forums112564502 goes to the bump limit.

Does anyone have the "Only dumb assholes open this box" image from a couple of threads ago? I forgot to save it

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The Tesla Coil is the most op item in the game.

Play with friends

Oh wait

>Popular game releases
>People have multiple threads about it because they want to talk about the game
>"Wait a minute.... people are making multiple threads on a game that just released....."
>"WAIT MULTIPLE threads? Those need to go to ! You only get (1) thread for a game"
>"I'm such a good mod :), these /pol/ and /r9k/ meme threads are hilarious though! Yea Forums too. I love the joker!"
This is unironically what goes through these waste of brain cells heads. I refuse to let this go down the road of Yea Forumsermin,SCP, and Vermintide 2 threads because faggot ass mods can't comprehend what a flavor of the month, flavor of the week, or the concept of discussing a recently released game is. These retarded fucks would've sent poohball threads to /vg/ if they had their way

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If you play prismatic trial the event ends when the boss dies so you can cheese it a lot easier on those.



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you won the lottery. Don't go spend it all at once

I had this happen to me once on roost, but it was my first level. Thought they patched this shit out

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Nah, there's a lot of replayability due to the random nature of items and how interesting they all are. Your build you get makes each run unique.
For example one game I used a sticky printer to get 30 stickies and just blow everything up as Commando. Next game I used a sticky printer to get 10 stickies and then found a clover and used them to blow everything up as Huntress. Then the game after that I found a sticky printer and printed 20 stickies and used them with 10 syringes to blow everything up as Merc.

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you are just retarded. check the lower area on the island.

Do the mods even browse this goddamn site? vg has been and will always be a fucking shithole circlejerk board

nevermind I found it. it was in the most retarded spot on the planet
yeah its there

Missed an arrow, fuck

They don't. One of our past jannies was just some dude who didn't even moderate on Yea Forums and just shitposted on /int/ instead

Thanks user

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I got ripped but I lost my waist tho

I thought for a while about what this would look like from Commando's pov


post your best monsoon runs. Spent ages trying to get an engie run off the ground to get Deicide. Once I got the skulls on healing item, I knew I could get it done.

Take a wild fucking guess as to what killed me

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fuck abib

that isn't headstompers

Why does Colbert trigger people so hard?

Rule 8 is the worst fucking global rule, especially when we have legitimate qualms about the moderation team itself.

ive had the teleporter be literally invisible before. other dude was standing on top of it and i couldnt see or interact with it. this was on the first patch so idk if it was fixed or not

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hey that's pretty good

I am waiting for the lore updates in the game. I love the retro Sci-fi shit and the small narratives in all the item descriptions.

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How does this game produce so much good OC? Shit is miles above 99% of the rest of Yea Forums.


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This is what happens, I think, but when you're alone there aren't any other players to see it.

someone redpill me on this game. looks interesting

Because soul.

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hello yes the 16 player lobby went down and i am looking for a new one

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Christ that image killed me

Fucking finally.

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Because good Yea Forums OC is made by love of videogames and the jokes within the game. Just look at DMC
The "Yea Forums doesn't make OC!" crowd are the same people who don't count something as a successful meme unless they get the whole website spamming it like wojaks or if they trick the media into thinking doing a fist pump is a white power symbol.

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character designs are both memorable and not too hard to replicate

so funballs when?

Attached: nuke.webm (1024x576, 2.93M)

Better enjoy this game before they ruin it by adding artifacts.

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im actually addicted to making RoR oc as of late

Nigga why didn't you just post the picture on this imageboard

Mmm yeeah I wanna turn my multiplayer session into a interactive powerpoint presentation

What counts as an elite boss? Blazing Titan or something like Blazing Bells just fucking around

Imagine playing any class other than Merc

mods are uppity about pussy

multiplayer shooter looter that lets you horde items (effects stack) and throws massive piles of enemies at you

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I can't wait for monsoon to turn into Touhou when there's no ropes to easily avoid the funballs.

freedom ain't free is a high quality meme

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mods are uppity about RoR threads in "general". Might as well double down since they're going to delete this whole thing regardless

how do I play as enemies and such?
I know its a mod, but I don't know what mod

It has to be the boss that spawns from a teleporter event, and it has to be an actual boss enemy, not an elite horde.

I got blazing vagrants for that one, just seems like it has to be one of the big dudes and not a horde of greater wisps/elder lemurians.

can't be a horde of many, some people report it being bugged unless you hit a shrine of the mountain.

it's has to be a true boss, so stuff like blazing wisp or bells doesn't count, also overloading worm isn't considered an elite boss

Note to self, don't hit the monster challenge shrine after an hour. You get 5 overloaded worms.

Yea, Blazing, Overloading, etc. However elite Giant Whisps don't count, and the boss has to be from a teleporter event.

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Just started playing RoR 1 with my friend, we had three runs so far, haven't progressed past Stage 2.
I can't figure out that fucking worm's hitbox, it seems to hit and miss completely at random.

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So an overloading magma worm should count right?

I killed the worms then summoned more with a mountain, then i got lasered.

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it actually doesnt

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Post yfw glasses 3D printer

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what the fuck? each worm segment is a hitbox. you can even abuse it and hit it through multiple segments with one attack to stack damage.

that UI looks chaotic
i love it

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>RoR thread makes it to 417 posts before mods spaz out
>RoR thread disguised as a Trump twitter screencap thread makes it to at least 424
Thank you for proving that the moderation team is a fucking joke. I'm bringing these two threads up as case studies on why mods need to be shot.

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No, I meant when he attacks me. One time I killed him solo without even losing health, second time he obliterated us both in few attacks.

>entire team comes together to get 10 each

Attached: 1554617865125.png (529x374, 301K)

>get disconnected
>trying to rejoin gives a black screen before being kicked back to the main menu
is there a fix for this? I know that rejoining works (((sometimes)))

Hey guys, easters coming.

Have you found Hoppo's easter egg stash yet?

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OP here, I am genuinely sad that /pol/ camo is effective, and fear the ramifications this discovery will have.

Man, Artificer's damage just drops like a rock once you're a couple cycles in. How do you do this?

hah, wow, how literal

>Get 10
>Dump Ocular HUD for Primordial Cube
>Tips my Predatory Instincts fedora
It's time to game

Attached: 1554661957010.jpg (569x599, 191K)

yes, drizzlet. The easter eggs get posted practically every thread we've had since people figured out how to get into the celestial portal.

if it's the regular worm, just don't touch it. commando's roll has iframes in ror1 so you can use that to pass through it safely.

if it's a BLUE worm, it's constantly shitting electricity that will rape you from a distance. good luck.

I hid the model of the next character in those eggs

Attached: .png (225x225, 42K)

was this game really developed by people from /agdg/?

>can't get past stage 2
You're either taking way too long in levels or just not playing carefully enough. Don't be afraid to run away if there's a horde of enemies stacked around the boss, lure bosses to clearer areas or just hang from a rope and heal up.

you haven't heard? no other game is allowed to compete for attention with smashfags. literally the ONLY game allowed to shit up the catalog on a daily basis for YEARS. god help us if there's a second fighter pass.

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I usually like to get 11 or 12 as insurance for if I find another good printer later. I'm not going to be missing that gasoline and personal shield anyway.

host needs to restart.

Someone from there frequented /agdg/. In ROR1 there's even a menu screen easter egg.

Swap the rarity of 3D printers and Squencers

>no shrooms
>several predatory instincts
>find printer after first loop
>completely turns the run around and start mulching the maps effortlessly

This is the kinda shit that makes ROR so good and gets you coming back for more.

You can see 'AGDG' under special thanks in the credits for the first game.

But then everyone would get disconnected, that can't be right

>274 minutes

Attached: 1546579340552~01.png (459x461, 210K)

Yep, and the fartsucking mods think this isn't vidya

Unless it's people hosting lobbies these threads should probably be in at this point. Death sentence though.
But you're right about the jannies. FUCK JANNIES!

Disguise the next one as a porn dump and see how long it stays up as well.

yeah I do roll

we only played for like an hour before he got busy with something else
also yeah we don't really know when to activate that teleporter, first time we took really long and second stage raped us hard
we also try to play carefully and shoot monsters from where they can't reach us, etc
we died primarily because we didn't notice that health was low due to it dropping really rapidly, note that we don't really play video games much, especially action


>only one person survives the level
>spends 10 minutes searching for items

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you forgot fuck trannies

is Commando actually good for 20 stage runs or are you guy meming?

I tried engie, and despite actually doing well, I could not deal with overloading worms

you mean you disconnected while the game is ongoing? no solution. the server code is fucked up and the host has to restart to unfuck it.

I need to see what a clusterfuck that player model was
How does it feel to be a double autist

The normal worm does damage when it enters and leaves the ground in an explosion. It doesn't hurt you the rest of the time. The blue one is always dangerous.

I'll wait until it's night time in Burgerville, that's when porn threads have the best chance.

>implying that isn't his holy right for living

Attached: 1554520402285.png (512x512, 179K)

every character is good with enough sticky bombs

oh cool, Lethal League too. I love that game.

>tfw you get the long road and then seconds later get 1 shot by a blazing titan

Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_2019-04-07_21-35-12.png (1920x1080, 1.13M)

just delete your save and get to stage 20
absolve yourself


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bet he plays with russians
fucking treasonous piece of shit

i mean so does everyones, you generally need one of those "plays itself" builds that snowballs huge damage off aoe procs to stay ahead of the curve
she just has the particular problem of not having any way to maintain proc rate late game, which makes her probably the worst scaling character

That sucks. I've been able to reconnect before, I wonder if it's just this patch?

Can titans block other titans' lasers?

Commando directly benefits from practically any item in the game. You will want shit like Predatory Instincts unlocked though.

ror1 is more difficult and more dependent on getting good items. Yea Forums servers always played with command because there's just no way to get anywhere with the garbage the game would normally give you.


at least you got it

It's the martyr because it's a game that can only work with its community of specifically Yea Forums for Yea Forums. You can still fuck around on RoR with randos and still discuss it on Yea Forums but SCP just gets shit if you're playing with random weenies

engie is easy mode but he drops off hard as soon as his turrets can't tank the damage anymore. mando is the proc king and seeing how you need procs for half the items in the game he scales way better than other characters.

Blue pill me on this game
What is it about?
What's good about it, and what's bad?

>He doesn't anime dash into a moshpit of 8 titans and use the other titans as cover

its like a quarter of a game
its a good roguelite. reminds me of tower of guns.



>yfw sticky printer

Attached: 1554662296167.png (961x531, 679K)

/vg/ and the dearth of video games on Yea Forums was moot's decree

It's Binding of Isaac with less content and online multiplayer

I've tried reporting /vp/ jans and mods, but no one cares enough to do anything. Reported them for banning for things that weren't even against the rules

>483 replies
>158 images
>click here to reply
You guys weren't joking about it being faggot mod camo.

Attached: 1553284494558.gif (400x225, 1.96M)

They really have to normalize on-hit proc items somehow.

>being this fucking naive

That's gay. I'd rather fuck a beetle queen.
like much rather

tfw have 3d printer irl

Attached: ROR2 - wild h unt.png (636x358, 367K)

>I'm the only player in the party with A and D keys on their keyboard
>Everybody snags all the crowbars/extra mags while I try and be nice and leave mushrooms for the engy
>I have nowhere near enough DPS to solo the boss since I basically have half the items everybody else does
>They all fucking die anyways and get to spectate me kiting four imp overlords by just dash jumping in a circle around them for 10 minutes and throwing a charged up shart ball every 6 seconds until I eventually get chipped away by undodgeable bullshit wisp beams


Attached: Sort.jpg (567x789, 90K)

Is this a mod?

print up some bustling fungus or you're full of shit

How do people get to 200 minute games? Mine always stops spawning enemies around 100 mins. Are people just going from stage to stage really slowly?

i already have all the smegma butter i need right here

Print a sticky bomb and show us, or do what said

the only characters who objectively suck at 20 stages are the ones with shitty/no autoattacks, like artificer, engi somewhat since he relies on turrets, and mercenary since he has to get close

Print huntress and artificier ass. This isn't a joke, this is a serious request.

When do they fuck

Another successful RoR thread making it to bump limit. This time disguised as a shitty twitter thread to prove that mods are a fucking joke. It doesn't even matter if they delete the thread and ban the OP now as they will NEVER recover
Fuck mods and fuck jannies

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i need huntress with goat hoofs on her

for research please


Just look at steveposting, user.

What are the chances we get playable providence in this game?

>legitamate vidya OP gets deleted
>Twitter op reaches bump limit
Fuck mods and fuck jannies
Fucking newfags don't even know why /vg/ exists

Attached: 1304376955947.png (500x375, 299K)

Mod only. I see a good future modding scene for this game though

if you actually want to fuck with mods, you can easily spam 1 thread every ~20 seconds with an iphone by slightly editing an image and using airplane mode. you could easily fill up a slower board at night with no staff noticing. additionally, if you report content as illegal rather than breaking a site rule, then it goes into a global queue rather than board specific which annoys mods, apparently.

He. Is. Ded.

Post yfw 500+ replies over a twitter screencap camo of actual video game discussion

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I unironically like steveposting, specifically that grotesque model


What the chances they make a character cooler than providence?

mods are people too!

FUCK _______

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i think its more that artificer needs a way to scale her fireballs
like backup mags

>user posted OP's picture and suggested a RoR thread under a guise of Twitter shitpost to hide from fag mod
>completely flew under the radar and had a successful thread
We're living forever bros

Roguelite game with spaced dudes and robots sent to recollect items that turn you into a demigod if you get the right combination. By completing achievements you get new characters and items for your next run. The longer you play and the more you teleport to the next stage shit gets harder so you learn how to balance your time on each level collecting items versus going to the next stage.
No run is the same and with other players it gets pretty chaotic/fun. You'll burn 90 minutes on some runs and not realize it until you look at the clock. You'll be a speedy anime character one run then a map exploding glass cannon the next
RoR2 is still in early access so you'll have some road blocks like blazing enemies who can end a run unfairly, though luckily Hopoo has been giving us patches along the way. Also not all the characters, items, and stages are in the game so it can get stale after about 30hrs. Luckily there is RoR1 which is a very solid game and nice to have when you get your RoR2 fix.

Other than that I like the OC and posters in RoR threads. They're pretty chill.

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my experiences on /jp/ say otherwise.

what if her m1 was her m2 and her m2 was her m1

What really pisses me off is the mods don't even bother to say WHAT currently qualifies as a "general"
When /vg/ was created, it was to stop one game's threads filling up the catalog. But that's clearly no longer the case, otherwise smash thread would be deleted
So what the fuck qualifies as a general? Linking to a previous thread on the same topic? Making a certain number of threads about the same game within a certain amount of time?
Unless the mods clearly deliminate between what's a general and what's not, they can go fuck themselves with their arbitrary bullshit

Overloaded worms are fine if you dont get insta 1 shotted as you spawn.

There just needs to be more 'spell' support in the item pool in general. Even Huntress in the late game kills 99% of her targets by holding M1 to lay down on-hit effects.

that would solve some of her problems
shed still have no mobility and a dangerous range limitation but its something

I was thinking that they scale proc chance and damage based on base attack speed. So something incredibly slow like the fireballs or nano bomb gets a higher chance to trigger items and does more damage.

Backup mags and syringes doing useful things would be great too. There just has to be something that keeps burst damage relevant. Or they give her flamethrower as M1 with no cooldown, either way.

Retard mods unironically tried to send Cuphead to /vg/ because it was constantly discussed and refused to let it simply run its course. They probably feel the same way about Sekiro.
What the hell do they want "Yea Forums" to be anyway? Twitter screencaps and greentext anecdotes of nondescript references to videogames?