It's the most disappointing piece of shit ever made. Prove me wrong

It's the most disappointing piece of shit ever made. Prove me wrong

Attached: BreathoftheWild.jpg (250x350, 137K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You exist

I haven't played it but it looks fun


clearly you haven't played enough games

Two years and it hasn't paid a cent in rent yet.


Cry more, go back to playing outdated pieces of shit like Doom or Deus Ex that haven't been relevant among actual gamers in 19 years

Attached: Best in Gaming according to Normies.jpg (945x944, 682K)

It was disappointing but there have been way bigger disappointments.
Who in their right mind would make an image like this? jesus looking for validation much?


Nah, the most disappointing piece of shit is the one that has had your shithole clogged for like two days and you finally squeeze it out and it’s a tiny little deer pebble.

Excellent first post

Attached: BET HE DOESNT KISS YA MWAAAH.gif (400x225, 1.96M)

>Doom or Deus Ex
Literally more fun than Botw.

consider the following

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I was wondering when the next salty BotW thread would show up today.

RDO is gonna be great on kbm and epic launcher :)

Jesus christ, lol

If you dive in expecting too much of course anything would be disappointing.

Driv3r and Enter the Matrix.

BOTW isn't disappointing, it's in the same tier as other Zeldas like TP or SS, 7/10 game.

Never fucking forget

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> OOT is literally #1 on every single list, including the one for stories
How does this make you feel Yea Forums?

Its not enough that you love this game, EVERYONE needs to acknowledge your game.
Back when I was gay I used to play Overwatch only. When I saw someone criticize it I accepted it.
But no, BOTW is FLAWLESS right guys? You cannot accept anyone talk shit. Any calid criticisms of this are purely subjective

Someone obviously hasn't played a real piece of shit. Like Left Alive

>Anything beyond a 4


At least the gameplay was fun. Right?

>best storyline
>Ocarina of Time

is this the power of Nintendo Bonus?


Attached: Rival_Devs_In_Awe_of_BotW.png (1861x1080, 420K)

there really is no difference between Yea Forums and reddit

Yeah, but the VR update will fix it.
Can't wait.

No, it's objectively a great game & the story is simple but told extremely well like TLOU. Nintendo bonus has only ever applied to Twilight Princess

You mean SS

one and done

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SS was better then Twilight Princess, it was only held back by two major flaws (Controls & Game Structure) the pacing was utterly horrible & constantly having to back track to the same 4 levels was insufferable. However the story, characters, dungeons, music & bosses were all 10/10 by Zelda standards

"We are going to release this video card that is almost as fast as the 3Dfx Voodoo video card, but it will be at half the price!"

Attached: incofsopdkvb.png (640x480, 440K)

It doesn't really matter how good or bad Nintendo games turn out, we always get good stuff in the end.

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>We will never have this Zelda

Why Nintendo dick tease us so much then release trash like BOTW?

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except the story literally copies TP?
>Bad guy keeps fucking with you the whole game
>But he wasnt the bad guy actually, it was just the actual bad guy's servant
Fi was a fucking joke of a character, the only character that had any kind of development was groose

This was a concept for the Twilight Princess sequel that was originally cancelled for the Wii, the failure of the Wii U & mixed reception to TP is probably what lead them to scrapping it again

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

TFW when we didn't get this instead.

Attached: Nintendo-Wii-U-Will-Get-HD-Legend-of-Zelda-Game-2.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

Link's carpet doesn't match his drapes.

And WW. You just know those reviewer fuckheads never got to the Triforce Hunt.

It would have been exactly like twilight Princess, generic and forgotten outside of waifus

>mixed reception to TP is probably what lead them to scrapping it again
What? No TP got great reception. The 2011 demo was just a showcase. In reality it was Miyamoto being an idiot and scraping TP's MM in favor of Crossbow Training that killed TP2.

Wrong if they didn't play Wind Waker to the Triforce Hunt then it would have a 98 on Metacritic as opposed to the 96 it currently has

In Skyward Sword, Fi was a bad character, but a lot of the rest of the game was decent. In Twilight Princess, Midna was the only decent part of the game. Skyward Sword is a better trade off, though still not as good as Zelda should be.

If BotW had traditional dungeons instead of shrines, fixed the music and fixed the weapon system, it would have been the best Zelda by far. As of now, that award goes to Zelda 1 and OoT tied.

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I mean TP wasnt the best game of the world, but I much rather play it than trash like SS

>generic and forgotten outside of waifus
I still remember the music, the atmosphere and the fantastic design of the dungeon/world.

this Link looks so much better than BotW Link it's not even funny

if you're going to make a girly Link, make him a full-blown trap, so at least my pp would be pleased

Attached: Ideal Link & Linkle.jpg (1416x1556, 388K)

>but a lot of the rest of the game was decent
You mean backtracking to through the same 4 areas and boring flying segments? Not to mention like 3 battles with the imprisoned? The dungeons were the only good part of the game

Still better than what we ended up getting.

Attached: legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild.jpg (760x428, 52K)

>96 it currently has
I'll never get that. The game is inferior to what was already done in OoT/MM. The Cell shading meme really paid off because the only strength of WW.

Completely agree, since Nintendo said they aren't going to make him a girl, they might as well just make him a gender neutral Trap so that everyone can view him as a girl which would allow more people to self insert as him. You can still keep him a guy, while designing him mostly as a girl

>but a lot of the rest of the game was decent
The game sucked ass down to the gameplay, characters, story, design and overworld. Dungeons were descent.

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It was a masterpiece, for a 2003 game it was just as mindblowing as OOT was for people in 1998. Triforce shards were & continue to be the only fucking flaw, which was due to Miyamoto being a fucking faggot

Maybe not "ever" but given expectations relative to reality I suppose it does rank among my biggest personal disappointments.

I said decent, not good. SS also had better items and characters than TP did. And while people hate the bright designs, it was a lot better decision since the Wii only had 480i resolution. TP on the GC or Wii looked like blurry brown crap, which made it hard just to tell what was a wall or a hole.

>Completely agree, since Nintendo said they aren't going to make him a girl, they might as well just make him a gender neutral

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In all honesty MGSV had a better story than I was expecting.

>It was a masterpiece,
>Triforce shards were & continue to be the only fucking flaw
>not the subpar dungeons
>or the overworld where special events equal more basic enemies (ghost ship)
>the side quests
>the awful pace (the biggest issue of WW, TP and SS)

What were you expecting?

Fuck the great sea, fags shit on BoTW because of the crappy empty overworld while praising WW for its crappy empty overworld

A heavy-handed story that rubbed the audience's nose in Big Boss's douchebaggery. There's still plenty of douchebaggery in the game, but it's a little more subdued. The story is still a mess, of course. But it's better than what I was expecting and all the awful "He's Solidus!"-esque fan theories.

To its merit WW did manage to render a seamless openly explorable sea, an impressive technical feat for 2002. That aside, I don't really know what else people see in the game other than artstyle, story, and comfiness factor. It's honestly a pretty shoddy excuse for a Zelda whenever it does get down to brass tacks and I just assume that a game with dungeons this mediocre and pacing this questionable got a pass on the momentum and goodwill of the N64 titles. Granted, that can be said of all the subsequent 3D Zeldas as well but I think WW got the biggest boon despite being the weakest one.

At least with TP it gets the pacing on point after the first third. I dunno what's up with WW and SS, though.

Well coming from the absolute mess of a story MGS4 had cant really blame you, in hindsight I have to wonder how I fell into the hype

Attached: MGS4-Old-Snake-Shadow.jpg (800x450, 76K)

Nobody complained about any of those, except a vocal minority of contrarians. People loved the Dungeons, Sailing & everything else about the game. Just accept that nobody shares your opinion on the game except for the vocal minority of Yea Forumsedditors

Link has a simple personality, it doesn't make much of a difference to include Linkle as a playable option (similar to Pokemon games).

But I agree, if they're nothing willing to make Linkle playable, nor making Link more masculine, stop doing a half-assed job like BotW and make him a trap instead. Girls will like it, dudes will like it.

Attached: link2.jpg (450x1000, 66K)

>I just assume that a game with dungeons this mediocre and pacing this questionable got a pass on the momentum and goodwill of the N64 titles.
It was the first console for a lot of people, and its main competition was the fucking PS2, and the style of the WW gave it some underdog vibes.

Don't make him a girl since that's stupid, just make him a Trap like Astolfo or Bridget. Everyone would be happy

Adventure Time: explore the dungeon because I don't know was the most disapointing
Botw comes a close second though.

>It was a masterpiece, for a 2003 game it was just as mindblowing as OOT was for people in 1998.
No. It was just Ocarina of Time's combat and design with a couple extra added things (sneaking, wall crawling and parry moves). The parry moves made the game even easier than the already easy Ocarina of Time. And in many ways, the stuff that was the same from Ocarina of Time were worse in Wind Waker. Nothing about this blew people away. Most people complained at the time it released. It only got popular over time.

>Triforce shards were & continue to be the only fucking flaw,
Not the weak dungeons, the picture quest, boring towns and music? And before people go crazy, yes, a few songs were good. But a lot of the OST is forgettable, just like BotW.

>At least with TP it gets the pacing on point after the first third.
No doubt, but the first act is what really filters the audience. Had they done a better job of impleenting the wolf and the bug hunts, I'm sure it would've been better.

The first 2 points are equally true of the N64 and PS1 respectively, and WW definitely was an underdog but not to its benefit as few people truly responded warmly to Toon Link. The artistic direction has aged well but was a hell of a risk at ground zero.

>critiquing my favorite game is bad and makes you reddit
WWfags are the Johtofags of Zelda.

>BotW shitpost thread delves into actual Zelda discussion

i want them to give players both options (an obviously male Link and Linkle), similar to Red and Leaf from Pokemon, similar looking characters, but distinctly male and female

but if that's not an option, I just want them to stop being cowards and make him a full-blown trap instead of that half-assed job in BotW

Attached: 10 out of 10 Link.jpg (712x1200, 647K)

Because it was a very low effort shitpost.


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Wasnt Aonuma insistent that should they want to implement a female protagonist in a Zelda game there's no need for female link since they can use Princess Zelda?
Still the best intro and main theme


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TP's little things are underappreciated. I always loved stuff like its sunrises and sunsets, or how you can play fetch with a dog or pick up cats, or Agitha's subtly threatening tone when you leave her place without giving her all your bugs. People say the game has no soul but I don't see it, it has plenty of things it didn't need but has anyways and fuck it, they're neat.

People saying there should be a female Link are stupid. There's a half dozen mecahnics and plot points in BotW that wouldn't work if he was a girl.

The bigger problem is that Link is right handed in both TP and BotW.

> Music
No, it's factually listed as one of the 10 best soundtracks of all time
> Boring Towns
No, most normies don't care about that or parrot literal who E-Celeb opinions
> Picture Quest
Normies also loved it
> All of this revisionist history bullshit
Pathetic, it was universally considered a masterpiece by gamers & critics alike. Majora's Mask was the one that nobody gave a shit about. See that Release date? That was one month after it came out worldwide

Attached: People loved WW.png (822x375, 25K)

>The bigger problem is that Link is right handed in both TP
He's only right handed on the Wii version and on hero mode on the HD version

>gamers & critics
So it’s because of those people that I should hate MM? Fuck off faggot.

He's left handed in TP but the Wii version is world flipped. got me on that one.

>Link is right handed in both TP
Dude, TP should only be played on the NGC for MAXIMUM COMFY.

>No, it's factually listed as one of the 10 best soundtracks of all time
>it was universally considered a masterpiece by gamers & critics alike.
Citing journalists and critics killed your point entirely.

No because everyone loves Majora's Mask now
COPE, nobody cares about how pathetically you cry & prove how much of a contrarian you are. Their opinions will always carry more weight in what people believe then you. If it's universally beloved by critics & gamers then obviously it factually succeeded in being a good game. Shoving your meaningless opinion down people's throat won't stop everyone except you from Loving Wind Waker

If you hate this Zelda you don't like games
TP's soundtrack is underrated


it's pretty interesting to see zeldafags actually criticize these games, instead it all comes down to how popular or loved these games are as a metric to quality
truly pathetic

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> it all comes down to how popular or loved these games are as a metric to quality
Doesnt matter the franchise, there's always retards that think popularity=quality

Except this cuck .



based based based based based based based based based

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It’s TP Link’s dick.

>COPE, nobody cares about how pathetically you cry & prove how much of a contrarian you are. Their opinions will always carry more weight in what people believe then you. If it's universally beloved by critics & gamers then obviously it factually succeeded in being a good game. Shoving your meaningless opinion down people's throat won't stop everyone except you from Loving Wind Waker
where's the critique?

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Soul that’s doesn’t flaunt.

Not that user but there's nothing to critique because that statement says exactly nothing of value.


Nowhere, the WWfag is literally using ad populum.

That's mochi's artstyle. Really recognizable.

>I suck critic dick so therefore your opinion is invalid!

Attached: 373.jpg (675x114, 11K)

Diablo 3.

Nah, OP isn't that disappointing.
You don't unironically wish you had a 3d gf, do you OP?
You aren't honestly attracted to pathetic weak anxious screwups with 0 confidence and a speech impediment (""traps"""), are you?
Then he's not THAT disappointing. He may be plenty disappointing in other ways but BotW still beats him.

Attached: this.png (318x304, 2K)

I see further confirmation that normalfags and nincels are dumbasses.

Your comment makes me laugh, because I've played thousands of games over the last 30+ years, and BOTW sits at number 2 on my list of greatest games. Doom 2 is at number 1. Doom will never stop being relevant, the design still holds up today, maybe you should actually play it? Also Deus Ex is still hugely relevant, though I think it's overrated as an actual game. It's clunky.

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I just started playing this game and so far I’m not enjoying it. The world seems really vast but barren, I am trying to find stuff to do and it takes forever to get from place to place. I feel really lonely playing it because the world is not lively at all

Get a horse, fast travel between shrines, take breaks between expeditions in a village cooking and doing side-quests for people.

Ultimately is is a game focused on exploring a vast wilderness, and feeling free so you also need to approach it with that mindset. Experimentation and exploration are great, I suggest avoiding guides like the plague.

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But that's not a picture of RDR2 or BF3.

You can't walk ten steps without walking into animals to hunt, koroks, enemies, ore, world bosses, mountains to climb, riding horses, puzzles, etc. Now, if you think those things aren't interesting, then the game won't really be for you. But if you do like those things, then I don't know why you'd be bored. Because BotW does them more than any other open world game I've ever played.

This isn't really a game where you can just rush to the next story event and clear it quickly. 95% of the game is running around in the overworld so you gotta like that.

I will however add one opinion. As much as I love this game and can just explore for 100 hours no problem, the music becomes super repetative and annoying. I've actually had to take breaks not because I dislike the overworld, but because I get tired of hearing the same few songs. And I subconsciously start avoiding certain areas like Hyrule Plains or Stables because I want to avoid those songs. This is the major flaw of the game in my opinion. Don't know if its affecting you.

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