>muh kids

>muh kids

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The best part about war of ravinca is Sorin and Nahiri not giving a fuck about anything else and having an anime battle all over RAvinca.

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When's Garruk gonna kick Nicol's ass and choke the shit out of the entire Jacetice League? I'm tired of these faggy fucking planeswalkers already.

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Anybody know when New Phyexia's coming back?

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I miss him.

>Getting a boner every time you see Elesh Norn thanks to /tg/s fapfics

>uses black mana, the mana centered around being selfish
>randomly stops being selfish

Don't worry, the YASS QUEEN retread of his hunter backstory is here to stay. Garruk is far to sexist and toxic for modern Hasbro.

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A man of based taste.

>She killed millions...

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Karn specifically said he can't join the Jacetice League as he is too busy prepping the Golgothian Sylex to nuke New Phyrexia off the the face of the multiverse

>muh kids
She sees herself in the sister trying to save herself and her younger brother. She couldn't save her brother Josu and now it looks like she won't be able to save herself from Bolas.

Sorin did nothing wrong

>Sorin can't help because he didn't receive the text message
>Nahiri gets so pissed she sends the Eldrazi to Innistrad and kills Sorin's angel daughterfu's
>Nahiri also ignores the elf suppremacist that unleashed the Eldrazi

fuck her, hope Sorin drains her or better yet puts her into another rock to be raped by demons for all eternity again

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nissa being an elf supremacist got retconned

unironically her desing was good from the start

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Liliana needs a good dicking. I hope Bolas use his massive dragon cock on her before killing her.

>every other card featuring Sorin
>he is regal, reserved and stoic
>War of the Spark Sorin card
>he's gone full NUCLEAR
>battlefield is a city that spans the entire plane, filled with people full of blood
>Nahiri is just a regular Kor with lithomancy
>Sorin is a centuries old vampire and sangromancer

I think its safe to say Nahiri is dead

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did you know bolas means in spanish balls?

Oh Liliana....

Hes coming back soon

To be honest he was very toxic and had to go.

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we are talking about nu-wizards probably shes going to get exile to other plain or some shit duno droped the game in pirexya and play casually whit friends

reminder that Liliana was the aggressor in this situation, Garruk simply attacked in self defense and got cursed for it

and that this card was part of a 2 card set where the other one was literally the roles reversed