What's a good game with good gameplay, but an out of nowhere fantastic final boss fight?
What's a good game with good gameplay, but an out of nowhere fantastic final boss fight?
Define "Out of nowhere" fantastic boss. Like the entire game has no bosses but there's there's a big fight at the end?
Metal Gear Rising
Us has a great soundtrack. Anthem was a perfect way to start off the movie.
Armond White summed this movie up pretty well. "le haves vs have-nots xD"
she's fucking ugly
FEAR sorta is a concept like this, well clone army versus clone of each person in the world or whatever. still though.
>out of nowhere fantastic final boss fight
That makes absolutely zero fucking sense, you filthy mouthbreather.
I enjoyed it but a lot of the stuff makes 0 sense when you think about it. Like why Adelaide didn't just fucking leave the underground.
The twist was so fucking stupid. I guessed it after the very first scene in the hall of mirrors but dismiss it as too obvious to be the real twist
Damn near everyone did. I wouldn't even call it a twist because the thought crossed everyone's mind
I just don't get why she did the creepy smile at the end. She wasn't a double agent.
niggas larpy uh
>there are at least 12 people on Yea Forums who watched this film and possibly even paid real currency for it
The idea is that singing the song before she killed her woke her up
She finally fucking remembered
The idea was that’s she suppressed the memory after the switch
>The obvious twist was actually the twist
>The movie made conditions that would you think the twist couldn’t happen
I actually liked that
A plot that cared more about MUH MESSAGE than making sense. Even the kid suddenly being distrustful makes no sense, even if she is a clone she is the same mother the gave birth to and raised him so why would he give a fuck?
The switch forced them to replace each other
The tethering never ended
So did the clones fuck and just so happen to have the exact same kids as their real copies or did they clone the kids too
>people watching kike funded propaganda
have sex
monkey face lol
I don't get it, so they have no free will and are just slaves to what their real counterpart are doing at the time. Until they decide to revolt and have the freedom to leave and do what they want?
I watched this with my girlfriend, it was fun and had a great OST.
Take you meds schizoid
This coming from the people who play a new WW2 game every 3 months and have LGBTQA lead characters in every single major release THAT GETS UNDUE REWARDS(i'm looking at you Gone Home)in the last 20 years?
The plot of the movie was very bad, the acting and soundtrack were godly.
It's a 5 out of 10 that is being treated like a 10 out of 10.
i really wanna understand your busted mentality, why you hate it so much, i really wanna understand.
How can such a great film have great music too?
You ok?
The movie is Jordan Peele trying to make black people appear the same as white people
Sekiro final boss fight is kino af
This one was more along the lines of class, not race
>Nioh hiding behind the tree
What was stopping the real Adeline from walking out of the underground tunnel like her tethered did?
Huge plothole. Also, if the government shut down the project, how were the rabbits getting fed?
>L1 spam the game
Who's your main Yea Forums?
Craw Daddy
>finicky but comes in clutch
>always pulls to the left
>has flare gun
>adds +10 dmg to baseball bats
Never mind why the fuck the government would leave millions of people hanging out underground after abandoning the project instead of terminating them all.
Peele seemed to focus on the presentation and message more than the actual plot. There are a lot of things that don't make sense that are just there for symbolism
Git gud
Needs to be more woke.
And where did a bunch of a people living in a tunnel get the resources to mass produce thousands of red jumpsuits and fingerless gloves and golden scissors?
She's supposed to be a horror villain and symbol of poverty. Why would she be attractive?
The entire fucking movie I thought the dad was Jordan himself but it was another actor entirely
What the fuck
Don’t know why this baffled so many people. The movie is largely metaphorical. But if we’re speaking from strictly story POV, the kid was in the locker and saw his mom fucking giggle to himself and make a weird clicking noise when she murdered her double. You’d look at your mom a little weird too if you saw her do that.
anyone would initially be put off by that discovery, but the kid literally just decides to just roll with it so what the fuck are you talking about.
The only thing I didn’t understand was how and why they decided to suddenly not get tethered.
Supposedly the whole disconnect was Red’s idea, but her circumstance was the only sense, everybody else couldn’t
Us has good music, great boss fights, atmospheric levels, a nonsensical plot and setting that is there just to serve the message.
It's literally a fromsoft game
>Being distrustful
Your mom just said everything’s going to be back to normal when it obviously wasn’t, she was speaking about her specific point of view, the Kid noticed something was wrong
I won't deny that Peele is a good filmmaker but I hate how he sees himself as some kind of messiah for black people like Spike Lee does, his ego isn't as bad as Lee's bad it's still there
>all blacks look the same
He looks literally nothing like him aside from having glasses. He’s an entirely different complexion.
Red was apparently tethered too, she just knew there was a world outside and could communicate outside of grunts
I deal with it by only enjoying his work.
I don’t actually care about what his personal self thinks or says, just that “Yeah I enjoyed it a lot”
>bloodborne in the back moving with caution
>nioh hiding behind a tree
>demon souls watching bloodbornes flank.
>dark souls 2 and 3 fall almost simultaneously
wut moovee
It’s not that at all, at specific angles and the fact that he sounds almost exact as him in this movie
I agree with you, but that kind of mindset that Peele has is the exact same mindset that led Spike Lee ruining the ending to BlackKklansman
This thread shows how bad the Jannys are. This thread has nothing to do with video games, mostly people talking about a movie, and they still won't do shit.
This is the quality of Yea Forums now
>This is the quality of Yea Forums now
Revisionist faggot.
I know right, this is taking up space from DMC thread #12 or Sekiro thread #7
Peele is one of those fags that are probably hated by the people they try to cater to.
The movie is a lot like a game. Stop being a bitch
There's a million plotholes in the film, it didn't take away from it for me though. The themes, the symbolism and the pacing were enough for me to enjoy it. The plot mostly serves as a vehicle for the imagery imo
I would have been totally cool with that if they didn't try to give an explanation for everything in that expositional monologue towards the end. I'd have rather it be a "this shit's happening and nobody knows why"
Understandable, didn’t mean to call you out.
I guess it’s because I instantly recognized him from Black Panther
The threads topic is video game related so it passes
who was in the wrong here
They were definitely just doing her bidding. I doubt she cared what happens to them afterwards
>NYC is all of America
you for reposting "white separatist" propaganda. you're either a faggot COINTEL spook or a giant retard.
how are statistics white separatist propaganda? baby need a safe space from reality?
this..is accurate
you for posting this gay tripe
christ the movie was sword of doom
looks like i need to rewatch it
>"New York Police Department" as a "source"
everything in that image is almost certainly 100% made up because it is propaganda you fucking spook and/or retard
oh also
>New Century Foundation
literally self describes as "white separatist" and btw the quotes are for irony, because that was their response to being labeled "white supremacist." fuckin learn your own propaganda shit stain
tick tock
The amount of people I see ass blasted becuase they think this movie is about race amazes me.
I really don't get why they advertised it as being about race like Get Out.
why arent brown people diverse?
user, black people don't real. the reptilians fabricated them to scare whitey. don't believe anyone not even yourself.
>the absolute state of newfags
even if anyone knew for sure, i wouldn't be able to explain it to you because you still think magnets are miracles. get the fuck off my board you retard.
What twist? The family were a bunch of psychos but their doppelgangers weren't?
sorry but this is a white male board
white males choose how the world goes sweaty
Cause she knew that she would not be accepted, and she knew that Red would probably try to kill her if she ascended to the surface.
Red is the one who doesn't really have free will. The reason Red danced is because Addy wanted to dance. The reason Red stopped dancing is because Addy stopped dancing. The beginning of the film has a lot of dialogue where Red does not give a reason for why she does what she does, or feels the way she feels. Thats because Red are beholden to Addy's decisions.
No, genuine spoilers here.
As a child the clone mom actually took the place of the real mom and then buried it in her memory. The clone kills the real one who wanted to seek revenge on her and all of humanity in general for making them live in such shit conditions for basically no reason.
They are the most diverse lmao, Nigeria alone has hundreds of ethnic groups native to the country while inbred Europoors the "white race" their entire fucking continent has only 8 ethnic groups total. Whites are the albinic inbred offspring of a single middle eastern tribe that went north, lmao you're pathetic.
Everyone so far has been wrong.
She couldn’t leave because she didn’t know the way out. She passed out and woke up shackled to the bed with no clue how she got there or how to get out.
seethe and cope
Most of humanity didn't know though. This violent takeover is petty. She should've gone only after her clone.
Bruh use your fucking brain for one second. She swiped up the kid and told him the truth that whole time she was taking her time to get down there. She explained that she was the surface lady and the shadow lady was a fake hedgehog.
Fuck you. your race was still in the stone age when white people reached the industrial age.
Someone already answered this. MGR.
>horror movies
Why are they so consistently bad?
Even more than videogames.
The Forest
He has talent, Spike Lee doesn't, too bad they are both "woke"
Get out is overrated anyway, in spite of it's few decent moments.
It was 30 years.
Pretty sure she had time to figure it out.
Spike Lee early movies were pretty good.