At what point did Big Boss become the bad guy? Why did he go bad?

At what point did Big Boss become the bad guy? Why did he go bad?

Attached: big boss.jpg (1280x720, 304K)

He had a big breakup with his girlfriend.

He didn't. Spend some time on the Metal Gear wiki. the "bad guys" are Hideo Kojima's version of the Illuminati basically.

Big Boss is a founding member of MGS' Illuminati.

then "goes bad" trying to rebel against them

After Peace Walker

yes, then he left, then they spent like 4 games trying to kill him, his clone finally succeeded, but not really, then his son defeated the patriots, then BB gave that killer hour long monologue featured in OP's pic.

When he set up the medic to be Venom.

After 3. It should have stayed that way too.

He didnt do it and he did Venom a favor. Venom liked it and would have agreed with the plan


Why was Ocelot one of Big Boss's most trusted people if he's the one that killed Big Boss's eyes?

it's not like he commited several war crimes or anything

when he killed plot device at the end of MGS3

At the end of Peace Walker when the save icon goes from yellow (good) to red (evil).

One thing I'm always confused about is was the real Ocelot on board with the Liquid persona's plan to make a world of total chaos by destroying the Patriots or did he basically just want to save Big Boss and everything else was secondary

I guess it would make sense that Ocelot still has that agenda in 2014 since that was basically Big Boss' final message to the world before he went into a coma

I don't care what anyone says, I fucking love the plot of MGSV.

At Peace Walker he loses his respect for the Boss because he doesn't understand why she stopped fighting. She saved the world but in his mind she just continued the tradition of governments exploiting soldiers for their own gain

The biggest problem is how thematically scattered it was. Was it about weapons of mass destruction? Racism? Imperialism? Then it wraps up with a theme of identity by the end. Plus Chapter 3 was cut and Skull Face is a terrible antagonist.

what's so bad about skull face


Attached: gabe+kojima.jpg (1024x684, 80K)

Who knows. That's what mgsv was supposed to be about but instead it turned out to be 6 million years of crawling around a hospital, then running through an empty wasteland doing copy paste missions, and then 6 million more years of crawling around a hospital again. I don't know if anything in a game has ever disappointed me more than doing that last mission expecting it to go differently than it did the first time, only for it to literally be the exact same mission again just with an extra 60 second cutscene afterwards. Very shamefur dispray kojima.

Fuck you and venom. Big Boss didnt deserve what he got.

I just finished it today and it was kino. I was expecting zero story and was initially very disappointed that it seemed like a Peace Walker repeat with better graphics. In the end? Kino.

The story is complete.

He’s another villain when the fans wanted a clear Zero vs Boss story that explained how outlaw BiBo became the leader of an American special ops group. Which was NEVER answered.

What end? Lmao

0/10 it dragged out too long

You can get Legacy for 15 bucks, holy shit.

>At what point did Big Boss become the bad guy?

You wouldn’t like Nier, then.

Guess we will find out when they release the last chapter of MGSV, you know the game about BB going "bad".

Sorry, but I don’t accept this meme premise. They rebuild, take down Skull Face, fight a Metal Gear, expose Emmerich, resolve the Quiet subplot, throw in some meta “You are the player character shit,” and bridge everything to Metal Gear 1. It’s complete, if not what you wanted. Bet you anything you consider 4 fan service, too.

Won’t matter if you’re playing as Venom.