MK11 and Denuvo

Still buying it huh?

Attached: 4sd1.jpg (1096x517, 122K)

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Yes because I want to support the devs

>implying I'm touching MK11
I'm not funding sell outs.

Nah, I'll wait for the crack

who cares




This is how you spot a literal retard who has no idea about denuvo. It's more of a placebo effect than anything, but least its a form of protection against piracy, whether it works or not.

To violent for my taste

based denuvo shill

I already wasn't going to bother with it, this just gives me justification to pirate it.

Were you born retarded?

Too much DLC as usual. Don't care about Denuvo. Press X to Goro turned me off from the series. By the time a GOTY edition is out, the hype will be gone.

it will be dead in a week on PC

>buying NRShit on PC
I mean, you are already wasting your money by buying an already shitty fighting game but buying the PC version is just adding salt to injury for your money

are you THAT ashamed of your country?

but there is an evidence that DMCV runs better without it you enormous faggotlord

> states no counter argument
> says if I was born retarded
are you sure you weren't?

why would i buy a fighting game its 2019

how does this genre even exist

im excited to watch "mortal kombat 11: the movie" on youtube though, been doing that for several games now

>Implying I buy Denuvo'd PC games

No I'm not buying Muslim Kombat 11

>preordering MK on PC after the shitshow that was MKX was
>$40 for 6 characters which doesn't even include Shao Kahn
>fag approved costume designs
No thanks.

Lets actually have a look at that evidence shall we?

So it seems the impact denuvo has isn't as dramatic as people put it out to be. More comes down to peoples specs vs what resolution and graphics they're running in.

>any impact whatsoever being acceptable

If its a 1-3% increase, than yes, it is acceptable.

why does it matter? pirates cant play online matches.

probably pirate it and delete it after a few hours

Yes, why?

>MK of all fucking franchises now trying to be "mature and respectful"
>Denuvo ontop of it
unfucking believable, what the fuck is this industry coming to

Attached: disgusted yukari.png (750x749, 395K)

>they're offering a premium edition again
oh no, you won't get me this time.
I learned my lesson HARD last time. Fuck you guys

>testing on Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti and 4GHz Intel i7-6800K processor

try using normal machine denuvo defence force faglord, kill; youerself

>doesn't actually read why they use such specs in the article.

Not very smart are you?

kill yourself nigger faggot

hahhaa, you first bud.

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 45K)

kill yourself nigger faglord

Does it really matter when people are buying the game for netplay? Can you even play with the actual fanbase on a pirated copy?

>when you start repeating yourself
Think theres something wrong with your code there.

You take this scientific evidence of Denuvo being responsible for dropping your average framerate from 175 FPS to a soul-crushing 170 FPS outta here! We're in the middle of a Reddit-tier circlejerk over bullshit we create out of thin air and I won't have that disturbed!

kill yourself nigger tranny

Damn, you really proved that guy who questioned your intelligence wrong by calling him a nigger.

why would you waste money on denuvo for a multiplayer only game?

Attached: 1530057289299.png (636x548, 242K)

Whoops, I forgot. Living in your mothers basement on benefits doesn't really provide much income to purchase video games. So when it comes to denuvo against piracy you hate it, because you pirate all your games. You're really showing your true colors here.

Attached: 765.png (880x429, 312K)

kill yourself nigger

Where does it say why they use a 2080?

Nah, waiting for SamSho

This. Who the fuck cares if MK11 is pirated. There's literally nothing to do after slogging through the story if you can't play online.

Why would I buy some shitty fighting game?

second chapter of the article. First couple of paragraphs.