2020 is gonna be fun, can't wait

2020 is gonna be fun, can't wait

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I hope that one user comes back and continues to say how he was right and that he proved everyone wrong without saying how

Between this, MS-13, and Hillary's hate for Russia, I am actually kind of terrified at the prospect of a liberal president. On the other hand, I hope Trump doesn't win again.


Meanwhile, the hot ticket item for 2019 is coming this Saturday, April 13th, to an internet near you.

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You can bet on it, it’s how these types work. They are slaves.

I miss the good ol’ days of 2016. Yea Forums was never more fun. Raiding Reddit, pwning libcucks, electing the greatest leader in American history, solidifying Pepe as the true Yea Forums mascot. 2020 is going to be like being a kid again.

> I hope Trump doesn't win again.

if we can't have a round 2 of trump, i'd like to get $1k a month economy crashing neet bux courtesy of yang.


This is the theme that plays when me and my kekistani brothers PWN a libtard epic style

He did a good job, but he's just such a dumb whiny bitch.

This but unironically

You act like you can't support another conservative

Ultra cuck.

Based, but only if you were completely unironic.

I think what these threads prove is that people don't want to admit they were duped into falling to the /pol/ memes and just double down even though /pol/ bait is built around people doubling down.

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No, that's my point. I want better options this time around.

Trump is by a wide margin the most talented and electable conservative alive.


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I think that just shows how bad all the conservatives are then

agreed. the guy is a total buffoon and only became a billionaire and the president of the united states and accomplished everything he did by complete luck. anyone could have done it.

Everyone vote for universal basic income man, please. I would like autism dollars instead of the wall.

He’s a self made billionaire and the president of the United States of America. Yes, he is talented.

Even the daily stormer supports Yang


Trump has no chance of getting reelected

The wall is a literal waste of money and I want mattis back. Besides that Trump hasnt done that bad.

>The wall is a literal waste of money
based spic

>self made

This is the most cucked talking point to bring up and I don't evn mind Trump

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Mattis was a buffoon and The Wall will create millions of jobs and savings from no longer having to deal with immigration. It’ll pay for itself in a month once complete.

I could if we actually got one that was competent and didn't bitch on twitter all day about stupid shit.

Trump is Obama 2.0 who was bush 2.0 who was Clinton 2.0 who was Bush 2.0

The last real president was Kennedy, and they killed him for it.

They should pay me to tell them every morning that this ok symbol meme was at least 8 memes ago, and there's no rhyme or reason for what becomes a meme short of "it gets you to reply." Because goddamn, these fruitcakes have no idea how the internet works and I am glad to take their money.

Even though I want Trump to win let's be honest here he won't. So much news and journalism and whatever put him down.

Besides. We still have stupid shit like
Happening years after he got elected. Turns out that there's no point in fighting against Dems/left. They're winning. Just have to wait for the inevitable end.

just when I thought this company couldn't get any worse

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Mattis was very talented and was a made leader unlike Trump. Shanahan is inexperienced and is actively attempting to geld our Navy. Also border enforcement can be done with increased funding to the border Patrol and national guard.
>millions of jobs
What, are you going to go build it? Doubtful.

Of course I won’t build it. I have a degree. Construction work is for lesser people.

>Homestuck was kicked off of Yea Forums and isn't even allowed on /trash/ of all places; faces threat of deletion and banning at any moment after making it's presence known
>Any bad faith /pol/ poster who wants to can find purchase on just about any board, and has ample time to smear his shit on the floor, walls, and ceiling before a janitor comes by to slap him on the wrist

The moderation apparatus on this website needs to get some fucking priorities in check.

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Twitter is a bigger influencer now than ever, and I see a lot of people actually getting sick of the fake news being shoved down their throats. Right now it's all about how the news is twisting Trump calling MS-13 animals

Based mods are MAGApedes.

>they're winning

gtfo homostuck

this world is biased, get used to it

I remark that you don't actually refute the self-made claim, libtard

They are. Look at the news you idiot. In fucking college I have teachers trying to shove politics into everything from minorities to gays and other shit. It's always so annoying.
What's wrong with that. Ms13 are trash gang members.

>Twitterboomers actually trust twitter when you can pay indians to shitpost anything you want for pennies on the dollar

Maybe you should stop advertising what makes you mad like I've been telling you queers for so long. Nobody can moderate these things when so many people read "grr i mad" and post it again to spite you.

>he did a good job but I dont want someone continuing to do a good job
>I'm a whiny bitch but I'll say hes the whiny bitch to look good

>Bernie or whoever else the DNC establishment decides to make their puppet wins the 2020 elections due to conservatives being held to busy getting angry at Blizzard banning the OK sign and other shit like this
A terrifying thought, who else thinks this might happen?

They overwhelmingly said Trump was going to lose. Even based Fox News thought he was going to lose until a few months before the election.
>liberal professors
This is not a new thing. Did you just start college or something?

MIGA. The biggest jew prez. There are literal boomers ITT right bow.

>given money
>probably had his way bribed into Wharton
>already has tons of ready-made connections, and a steady hand to guide him through the process of business

Anyone can do what he did with the resources he was given. You could do it, I could do it, anyone with half a brain could do it.

>burger election propaganda will be in full swing at this time next year
There can be no hope in this hell, no hope at all

How many suicides do you think will happen nationwide once Trump wins the 2020 election?

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There won’t be a 2020 election

Reminder: ignore posts like this. He is a liberal trying to split the Trump vote. We did this same tactic to great success with Hilary/Bernie and liberals are taking our idea. Don’t fall for it. MAGA.



based, homosuckfags deserve the rope

>given money
Not anymore than the average socialite, and they're not all billionaires.
>probably had his way bribed into Wharton
No proof, therefore not an argument.
>already has tons of ready-made connections, and a steady hand to guide him through the process of business
He still maintained them and created enough to become one of the richest men on Earth.

Lmao okay. Remember two terms bernout.

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>I grew up and went to college and started seeing all of these politics everywhere and everyone I see in daily life is super liberal!
wow thanks for letting us know you just turned 19

I’m more worried about the mass shootings that will happen if he loses. I’ve never worn a MAGA hat, but I’ll make sure to do so in the month after the election just so the shooter spares me.

Just reported you, thanks for the reminder

>ok sign is White Power
Humanity becomes a bigger embarrassment with each passing second

Then it'll be the tons of lazy blacks and lazy white trash building it right? Ideally the mexicans wouldn't be here. Cant have them building it.

Just lol

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Why are you worrying about something that woll never happen? Like Obongo Trump is going to have two terms because Liberals are too lazy to vote.

I didn't want to believe you because everything I've found says "reportedly" and "claims" and that usually points to sensationalism, but when this is the result from looking at the Blizzard forums, I become more inclined to believe that.

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Mexicans are the best builders, so of course they’ll build the wall. Trump is smart, though. The final phase of construction is painting the side of the wall that faces Mexico. Wall is complete, Mexicans back in Mexico, all problems solved.

Not a yank and I don't like Trump or his policy but I can't see how people can be stupid enough to think he's stupid. You don't have that much success in life with just luck

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Hello fbinigger

Israel and jews are unironically based

I know /pol/ loves to meme about jews and stuff, but if you're an adult it'd be foolish to take any of that seriously, there's a difference between memes and reality

Can you be anymore obvious libkek?

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AI take over when? All politicians deserve the rope.

I like memes.

See? This faggot is probably 60 something.

This faggot is a lefty trying to compromat Conservatives, don't get fooled

I'd take 60 year old based boomers over resetera faggots any day

I remember being able to chuckle over some contents here that other sites wouldn't dwell into or bother covering, but so much of the writing is sloppy there
I wonder if they just feel another domain ban is bound to happen and wont bother too much with the quality since it will get erased

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We did it, /pol/.