Mortal Kombat 12 is looking great!

Mortal Kombat 12 is looking great!

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go back to /pol/

go back to /fa/

Go dilate somewhere else

lol just play your lolivn's sweetie

I miss Asian Price..


the male form is unironically peak aesthetic, adding women only slows down what could be kino. take a look at most female statues, they're gross.

Attached: Pillarmen.png (654x732, 1.17M)

Thats because artists back then were faggots

Artists now are also faggots.

Very clever. A completely fabricated strawman. No one cares if the people complaining in this manner don't buy the game. I don't think they've discovered porn, or real life girlfriends or even females if they're this buttblasted about how the bitches in mortal kombat look.

Seriously no one cares and to that point why do you even care so much what they look like?

>but wanna look at nude sluts
Why can't you just watch porn?
Ok then, so why can't you just hang yourself now instead of waiting until you've become too old to be jerking it to Mortal Kombat characters and your whole circle of friends, family, coworkers (as if tendie) and acquaintances has found out you're a failure?

aside from memes, anyone played the beta? How was it?

They should program some more responses for these damn NPCs.

Nothing's changed.

Well, except today's artists are gorillion times gayer.

unironically looking forward to 11 though. beta played great


lmao you libtard

/pol/ approves of burkas more than anyboard with white shariah

>actually using libtard unironically

Attached: rule2.gif (400x300, 22K)

t. libtard

autistic libtard is autistic

im stealing this for reddit

Go back to tumblr you leftist cretin

you're responding, you clearly care, also a consumer is not forced to be objective on what he buys, as such not buying a game merely because you don't like the design of the characters is valid

Being a libtard makes you underage, because you outgrow liberalism by high school. That is, unless you're retarded.

only boomers use libtard lmao go back making post about why israel is america lost brother or something
just call them retarded faggots like a normal human being

Based bro is based

How do you "leak" an art direction anyway? That's not even a physical thing.

the new characters suck holy shit

literally anyone who isnt a mk shill ive seen agrees that the faces of the females look like shit they are all basically this scrawny ugly small goblin with no muscle and moon shaped face

>MK12 is going to be jojo characters beating the shit out of muslim women and ugos
going to be great

So shut the fuck up, don't buy it and let me enjoy it in peace instead of shitting up this board/attempts to discuss mk with retarded strawman memes. Good threads die because faggots shitpost for so long until they can only activate dopamine secreting processes in their poor brains upon influx of (you)s. It's not even a clever meme. It's the same tribal propaganda they've used for years: ridicule your enemy and thus undermine on both fronts. What a poor usage of your time and by extension mine due to having to scroll past your memes and explain to you the inherent lack of value this fucking thread has. As well as this whole discussion about the sex-factor of an imaginary character. Just watch porn if you want to look at women.

cringe and yikespilled, my dude

Another thing, i care because this dispute is causing one of my main avenues of entertainment to no longer be entertaining! Fuck i hate sensationalist Yea Forums. The grinch shit, this new 'resetera' website that everyone is accusing everyone else of being part of. Imagine I'm trying to get my fucking kicks talking about games and a couple of retards come in and just start screaming about chinese war crimes, shariah law and little girls cunts.

Tiresome parroting of buzzwords is just not entertaining

ok libtard

>you don't want to fatality those designs on the right

buzzword is a buzzword