There is not a single worse character in smash bros
>hur dur me take damage and get stronger unga
>me reward bad play bunga
FUCK this stupid piece of shit.
There is not a single worse character in smash bros
>hur dur me take damage and get stronger unga
>me reward bad play bunga
FUCK this stupid piece of shit.
Behold his power.
I hope you and your furry ass gets lynched
Furfaggotry detected
Stop spamming this NSFW edit
I want a fluffy Pokemon bf
watch out op, mods literally unironically ban for instigating flame-wars with these threads
Nah, they'll ban for photoshopping balls instead.
Imagine getting this assravaged over a character in a children's game. You need to have a word with yourself mate
I played Lucario in Brawl but only cause they sacrificed mewtwo for him. Fuck Lucario though, would not be missed if he's axed from the roster. I wish we would have gotten Deoxys or Darkrai instead.
Why does lucario have testicles and an anus?
Based as fuck. He can change forms during its attacks or even have a Monado-boy deal.
Cloud and Jigglypuff exist, so OP is a giant cock-gargling faggot
To fuck and shit respectively. Hopefully he dies before doing either.
>unga bunga you at high percentage?
>me insta kill you with smash thing on or counter
It's to get people's attention and then when everyone yells back they can go "I was hurr durr tarded all along"
>he doesn’t want the patrician regis
Lucario is one of my secondaries and I have to agree with aura being a bad mechanic. You have to play a high risk medium reward game where you intentionally take damage to get nice killing moves, so Lucario often struggles on the first stock, not sure how they could rework it, but they don't really need to since he's fine at mid tier.
take a shower
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
Holy based. Hope barneyfag gets lynched
Why would you ruin Guile's hair like that?
>posted this in /vp/
>get banned
oh user