Why is there no good MMOs anymore?

Why is there no good MMOs anymore?

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The one's you have pay a subscription for are run by retards, and free mmo's are vacuous trash. MMO's are a tired genre that you just can't make work anymore.

They're skinnerboxes that relied on communities to hide the fact they're shit games. You can get a social experience from any video game now. There's no point in playing MMO's anymore.

there were no good mmos in the first place

you just finally woke up and faced the music

anymore? there never were.

There was never-

hard to belive Wow was massive back in the day. What killed the genre?

Because NCSoft are dicks and shut down City of Heroes. Why no one is willing to give superhero mmos another shot when capeshit cinematic universes are basically king of Burgerland, I'll never know.

The mystique of being in an always online game is no more. You're always connected online now, with every way imaginable to connect/talk to people.

Add that to the fact that you can't release an 'undiscovered world' waiting for people to explore and learn what's in a game; because as soon as its' released, you have every mongoloid datamining the secrets.


Specfically, this.

Mostly the greed of companies. Nowadays every gameplay feature they implement is to attract normies or make players spend cash. Back in the day it was more experimental, companies didn't know what to expect so they catered to their actual audiences and made sure to make a fun game.

MMO's didn't die they evolved into looter shooters

This brings up a good point. But now why do they only make looter shooters with a max party of 4 people?

Just play Runescape

Runescape was never good.

t. ROSEfag

The Old Republic is still going on strong, even as a free-to-play player, they're still coming out with new content and the game is old as fuck. It's especially good if you hook up with a good RP guild and you'll have basically limitless fun.

The only MMO I go back to is vindictus, the combat you cant find anywhere else. It's all about the boss battle. Fucking delia, what a god teir character, you can stack buffs off contact with charge moves but they're hard to pull off without meter, everytime you get hit you lose some of the stack. learning the swing time windows to dodge and setup for big damage. You're all missing out.

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>Hurra duur theut wuz nevur any good mmo.

I wish you niggerss would fuck off


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DDON has some pretty good combat, too bad it's exclusive to Gook Land and requires a VPN to play.

There must be at least one you like, user. But if there isn't, one of the guys who made Dark Age of Camelot is working on a second one. And some of the SOE/Daybreak guys are working on a game called Pantheon. And Crowfall looks like it could be fun.

On a side note. Vindictus runs like shit and is really picky on what CPU's it likes.

How active is the community for that game? I tried getting in to it again a couple years ago and it seemed kind of dead to me.

I feel like looter shooters have taken the place of MMO's, they're basically the same thing minus the useless overworld and mundane quests.

This but I'd say to a greater extent just how much they feel like single player focused experiences now. I didn't play MMO's much around that time and was late to the craze but the biggest difference between what I've heard and played is there is no huge emphasis on interaction with other players. Yes, there are features such as trading and guilds. However, there seem to be features missing that I used to hear so much about. If I recall, you couldn't queue for dungeons like you can today? You actually had to get a group of random people you met and actually travel to the dungeon? Today, I see players run by me but I never see them interacting with each other.

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Final Fantasy XIV is a good MMO
You can ERP as a vulnerable little catboy being made into a cock slave by daddy

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>it runs like shit
Turn off the HUD and watch it turn and watch it run like butter. Was never meant to be played with the display, and thats what causes 80% of the lag. It gets CUHRAZY

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Can someone please revive Huxley? Or make an MMOFPS that doesn't suck?

Agreed, I'm also waiting on Lost Ark for the same reasons, I hope its good.

mmo pvefags went on to looter shooters/open world games

mmo pvpfags went on to mobas/ASSFAGGOTS

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It's not a hard game to setup since people have the game files on Discord, which you can download in an hour if your internet is good.

And the only time you'd need the VPN is for going through the launcher, once you're ingame you can turn it off and play VPN Free.

We also have an English Patch.

Market saturation and people aging out of the target demographic.

Simple: the gameplay was largely bad, but the exploration, socializing, and sense of achievement was good, and unseen previously

Or maybe using the source engine was a horrible fucking mistake and instead would of been better to make their own. They can't even be bothered to optimize the game.

Gives me phantasy star online 2 vibes, how complete is the English Patch?

Main Quest isn't translated for shit, but all gameplay aspects are.

Let me know if you want a link or something.

I remember that game. I did enjoy the combat, but I disliked pretty much every other part of it so much that every moment I spent doing something other than killing felt like a pain in the backside.

Way back when MMOs were special because you could play AND socialize. The gameplay was never that good but the community existed like no other. Nowadays you can socialize on discord while playing any game, especially games with equal or better gameplay.


People played MMO trash because it had faction chat and faction drama where you could even meet your future gf.

When facebook, steam or discord exists, there is 0 reason to ever bother with the trash called MMORPG. These games were really terrible, unfun grindfests.

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Yeah, the combat and boss fights were super fun, but the grinding aspects were RNG bullshit and tedious. Fucking Korean's love their RNG.

Vindictus still has the best feeling combat of any MMO. It really feels more like Monster Hunter rather than some tab-targetting snnozefest or pseudo action style like Tera. Unfortunately it runs like shit no matter what on most computers and the dye system is inexcusably bad. I'll never play the game again until they fix those issues.

I got back into SWL because I never finished the vanilla content in TSW and all the DLC issues are free, been having a lot of fun desu
Gonna be very sad when the game closes down for real, whenever that may be

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MMOs are very expensive to make. This does not give much freedom of creativity, because the risk is too high. The current design philosophy is garbage but guarantees financial return, so it's copy pasted ad nauseum.

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AAA MMOs intended for global release are very expensive to make. But keep it to one region and lower the scale and it's much cheaper.

Datamining really ruined a lot of games for me. Facing mysteries and figuring things out as a community as the game releases is (was) a huge part of the appeal of a MMO for me.
Then there's these things mainly introduced by nu-WoW that really ruined it, in no particular order:
>lfr/lfg tools
>cross realm/channels
>making raid all that matters
>making everything accessible to everyone
>making everything too convenient, portals, TPs and whatnot
>creating an overarching narrative instead of focusing on pure worldbuilding, the players should create their stories, not the fucking devs

I'm still looking forward to playing Classic. I also believe are wrong, and that the genre can experience a revival.

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Outside of Memerlands what looter shooters out there are even relevant? Destiny 2 is a shitshow and Anthem was dead on arrival.

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Furthermore, there are many flaws impurity to the design. Money inflation, item saturation, botting, RMT, skill macros, difficult to balance, prevalence of the DPS/Tank/Support trifecta, etc.

Also what this thread said, the always online aspect is no longer novel. The only appeal of MMOs now is for people that want to commit to a game where you have a long term commitment to a character. Most youths these days want instant gratification, so the public for MMOs is rather reduced.

You can get your fix of MMOs nowdays on certain games like E.V.E. but even that game is devolving into more and more of a casual fest.

That also lowers the number of people you play. This presents two challenges.

>if your MMO is local, you have much less people to play
>MMOs are most popular in South America, South East Asia and Russia
>ping is a major factor and it's impossible to please all your crowds at the same time
>if you isolate them into their own servers, you are back to problem #1 but without any of the benefits

t. user that was admin to a MMO game before

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Genuinely some of the best questing ever to grace the MMO genre. Really really unique game that deserved so much better.

>Facing mysteries and figuring things out as a community as the game releases is (was) a huge part of the appeal of a MMO for me.
I remember all the jumping puzzles and unique quests in Guild Wars 2 I'd never heard of right when my group encountered them, honestly made exploration and just traveling feel adventurous. MMO's are 10xbetter with close friends going through the story like you see in those cringe gameplay reveals.

There are a multitude of reasons.
>Expensive as shit to make
>on top of being expensive they have to be maintained with new content constantly, making it even more expensive
>WoW pretty much caused eternal stagnation within the genre
>A lot of the social aspects in MMOs are made pointless by things like Steam and Discord

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Those are all symptoms of an MMO that is past its peak and is losing players

>daily chores for keeping the player count artificially high
>there aren't as many low-level players so you need to boost them up to the higher parts of the game forcibly by making it all accessible
>the above also leads to power creeping
>quality-of-life "improvements" that kill any necessity for talking to strangers, like making parties
>endgame is all that matters

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also outside of america nobody wants to work on MMOs. take Japan for example, Sega and SE are constantly looking for new dev team members on their job recruitment page for their MMOs but the spots take forever to fill or never does. Why make MMOs when you can make Gacha Mobages for 10x more profit for 100x less work involved?

In a perfect world, we'd get a singleplayer remake. Though I'd settle for a private server down the line.

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Earth Eternal Classic when. Pretty solid list of complaints, though, apparently devs for upcoming MMO projects are largely trying to address that sort of thing.

What game were you an admin for, user?

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is it that difficult for you to stay away from wikis? datamining has existed since forever, the only difference now is its easier to find information

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Has Crowfall gotten anywhere?

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How comes every MMO runs like hot dogshit when 50 players are on screen except for FFXIV and Runescape

Still plugging away at it. I get newsletters now and again, but I don't think they'll be releasing any time soon.

Carter a cute

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Well I guess the fact that it's not cancelled is good

I was an admin on a certain Ragnarok Online server. We were small and unnoticeable from the big crowd of countless pservers but we were the longest running server. Our timeline went back to the first RO servers, from around the time the source code leaked.

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pretty sure its in development hell now

Of course user, but the thing is, you can't discover things as a community if the community knows everything there's to know already. You get what I mean? There's no eagerness in the air when a new patch releases, this sense of adventure and mystery are gone. People are competitive and don't mind spoiling themselves the fun of discovering if it means being the first to get their hands on whatever pointless reward a new patch has to offer, and quick to share information.

because they aren't optimized for multicores

Well, I get that you ideally want the game to run on a variety of machines so as to avoid leaving the toaster crowd out in the cold, but I feel like there comes a point when you're better off just trying to make it run well instead of running on everything.

Because it's the Koreans making these games. Also it explains the awful netcodes, they are made for people using SEA -tier internet with 10 ping max.

>new content patch
>story quest hints at dragons being founds in the depths of XYZ dungeon and you can tame one if you have the lost artefact of the dragoon
>takes weeks to months for the community to solve the puzzle and those who do keep it secret
>day 2 everyone has their new super-duper-secret dragon mount, talking about it in every chat channel, offering runs in LFG, etc

But sure I can totally get the same experience as before by not reading the wiki.

This has more to do with the games being easier rather than how players face the game.

Because there are no good MMO players.


running well means running on everything or at the very least have support for more than 2 threads. FFXIV can address up to 8 threads but a game like Tera is stuck using 1.