Wagie wagie on a sunday night

wagie wagie on a sunday night
sees this thread and screams in fright

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Jokes on you I'm at work already

I'll have you know I've got today off.

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I'm off vacation the whole week.

So this............ is the power........... of a Yea Forums pass....................

W-What's going on in this thread

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Give this post 6 replies.

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seething wagie

>tfw my workbro got fired friday

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>his schedule doesn't rotate
>he actually works a job he hates
tonights my friday nigger

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cool story bro

cool story bro

>when wagie gets out of cagie to ragie
enjoy that $20 wagie

This thread is epic

ok fren

Jokes on you, I get paid to sit in a comfy college library and play Dwarf Fortress/Rimworld while I help qts print papers and troubleshoot basic MS Office issues.

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ITT: triggered wagies


ok fren

>been a wagie for the last 3 weeks after 4 years of being a neet
>no longer depressed
>regularly talk to cute girl at work who looks like pic related

god it feels good to break the cycle

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>Tfw i worked at amazon and was in this exact situation working night shifts
It was awful, the black people used to call it the cotton fields. They work you like a dog and whip you to go faster or you can get reprimanded and fired.

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more like triggered janis, wagies actually get pay at least