Look like someone was wrong again
Look like someone was wrong again
Other urls found in this thread:
>released before BotW
>hit 10mil five months AFTER BotW
Apologize to Aloy.
Selling copies doesn't make the main character any less ugly, so no, I'm not wrong.
stop watching so much anime weeb
well yeah its sold with every console.
>retard is shocked that a new IP didn't outsell one of the most popular video game franchises of all time
>still hits 10mil
Now watch the sequel not involve aloy or Ashley Burch cause she got fucking dropped during that Videogame Voice Actors Union debacle
this damage control. LOLL, as a pc player I love watching you console pl3bs tussle.
This post better be ironic, fuckboi
Im proud of my ugly dorky perfect Aloy daughter
Is this that space game thats a bit shit?
I'm trying to get into this game but all I see is endless crafting bullshit and check-boxes.
Aloy is really fucking boring so far but I guess she gets better judging how everybody holds her up as one of the best characters.
>AAA heavily hyped major release sells 10 million copies
>Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing sells nearly 20 million
I'm glad that sales means a game is good and it's the only thing we should care about.
I do too. It's quite nice, being the best
>All Stars Racing.
Fuck you user. Now I have to go play that.
Makes sense. After about a year in the game was basically discounted and put in the bargain bin in most stores I seen. Even the definitive edition or whatever it was called got binned not too soon after it was released too.
The final boss is shit
I would have gotten it if they didn't make Aloy so intentionally ugly, if you want to shoehorn a female MC because muh politics at least make her look as good as Lara Croft.
Also the sales comparison seems a bit unfair considering that the PS4 has like 4 times the install base of the Switch.
What is special about this game? Seriously, what? BotW has climbing and gliding, RDR2 has super-uber realism, Witcher 3 is a book in game form, MGSV has the best stealth-action gameplay ever, what does this open-world game offer to deserve its forced marketing here?
It does a lot of things other games do, but not as well.
>Spiderman sold more in 3 months than BoW sold in 1.5 years
>Horizon lagging behind even Sony's other exclusives
That doesn't even make any sense..
zero dawn has a more niche audience and is on one system versus botw which appeals to kids and adults and is on two systems - it's hard to sell people on a new ip as well when people can buy a zelda game and get a by the numbers zelda experience with some variation from title to title but the bulk remaining the same
To be fair, it was bundled with the PS4 this Black Friday for so cheap Sony basically gave it away.
still very impressive for a fucking spiderman game AFTER a god of war return.
shows how much weight the IP has, it literally sold the console to multiple people.
great, instragram faggots are on Yea Forums now
This game was being sold for $20 after 1 month.
Can I have some ryona and lewd contents?
tl:dr - wow that's a lot of effort someone put into that i guess
HZD story was amazing, fuck this guy.
And everyone forgot it existed until this thread.
>but I guess she gets better judging how everybody holds her up as one of the best characters.
the fuck? literally nobody has ever said that
I did
Don't forget
>game dropped to $20 6 months after launch
Wasn't your typical "western civilization destroyed the world due to pollution" liberal garbage?
It's amazing seeing Yea Forums continue to seethe over this game. Ironic considering people insist its Botw that people seethe over.
RE2 is discounted right now as well. Are people going to say it is an act of desperation to hide it is a secret flop?
The plot was that a megacorp made war robots that were autonomous, self replicating and could live off biomatter. One cluster of them malfunctioned and started spreading, replicating and eating all life in the planet. It only stopped when the surface was devoid of all life. Nothing to do with pollution.
The story is basically a huge warning against making autonomous war machines.
I bought it but I hated it.
I'm probably not the only one
Aloy has a cute forehead!
>10 million sold
>literally no one ever talks about it
sony is lying.
2019 and it is forgotten, didn't this game have LGBTQFLOP quests?
>5 months
It's way longer than that
>The story is basically a huge warning against making autonomous war machines.
What's so great about it?. We've seen that same story premise a million other times already
This includes the free PS+ copies
Spiderman doesn't really count unfortunately because it came in a system bundle. I wish it did though because that would shut those smug Nintendo faggots up for good.
That's like trying to say Wii Sports sold better than any AAA game ever could
The presentation and the environments are 10/10 and the combat is the best I've ever played. I think Bloodborne is the best PS4 exclusive but HDZ is the definitive PS4 experience.
>10 million people wasted their money on a shit game
These people are literally killing the quality of games
Don't use 2b to shitpost, nigger.
Ok, the webms look great I guess, but weren't we talking about the story?
>and the combat is the best I've ever played
Try to stop me, white boy
It was never on ps+ "free". It probably will be soon though
It's hard to explain without spoiler the other half of the plot but basically everything connects and the end game feels very whole as a narrative. Everything happens for a reason.
So much of the story is told from audio and text recording you find in the field. Several dozens of them, stories of people just living their lives and talking about stuff.
>the two girls that worked alone in a power plant and had nothing to do all day because robots did everything
>the guy that was an ex-junky and found out about the robots before everyone else
>people fighting the war against the never ending robot swarm
>the narratives become more and more desperate as even the atmosphere is being sucked away by robots
>memories of people regretting not having done better with their lives
Is that actual transactions wherein a person unaffiliated with your company loses some money from their bank account and in return is allowed access to your videogame, or is it like Apex Legend's "30 million :^) :^) :^)" where the number is inflated to all fuck and back?
stop posting on this anime website, normalfaggot
Gatcha smartphones also print money. What's your point?
>So much of the story is told from audio and text recording you find in the field
That sounds like shit, almost like MGS5 and I hated the way it told it's story.
Also, all that shit you mentioned sounds straight out of every dystopian piece of media I ever consumed.
There's nothing original in this game besides mecha dinosaurs
Man aren't you a jaded gaming. The art and presentation look good, the gameplay is great and I'm telling you I liked the story. That's all I can do, play it if you care. Might not win any awards for originality but it'd a great video game.
Spiderman is also one of the most popular superheroes out there, so his game would of sold well whether it was bundled or not.
You know, for a brand new IP?
This is actually a very VERY impressive result, especially considering the amount of Nintentards that were shitting on it by comparing it to BOTW.
I beat that Zelda game on fucking Master Mode on my first run and I wish I didn't. I'm more pumped up thinking what this game brings to the table with its fresh takes compared to that shitshow.
and before anyone calls me a Snoy shill, cuck, sjw, incel or some other buzzterm
i actually fucking hate my ps4. this one of the very few games that has caught my attention so far, and it looks less pedantic compared to botw. and i like the idea of hunting machinery with a bow. it sounds original, compared to BOTW jerking itself over its own rotting image.
I guess I'l give it a go if I ever get my hands on a ps4. Not spending a dime on it tho
when was the last time a new IP from nintendo sold over 10 million? Oh 15 years ago? hmm
I hope your image isn't implying Nier A had good combat. It has the shittiest combat of any of the main platinum games. The human and melee fights suck in HZD but the ranged/robots are better than anything in Nier A. Not to mention you can fucking pause and heal with items that cost almost nothing in nier a
You can't even post 2B without someone sperging on you about nier's gameplay nowadays?
well that's the impression I got after he compared robots overthrowing the world with an automata image
>boards original names are japanese words and the mascot is from manga
>t-this is not an anime website
>I wish it did though because that would shut those smug Nintendo faggots up for good.
Not really, Spiderman is a super mediocre game and sales mean nothing. Lots of people on Yea Forums love Bloodborne but it has pretty pathetic sales numbers.
system bundles are only ever used to discredit sony and never brought up for nintendo/microsoft despite applying to many of their top selling games. Wonder why
>and never brought up for nintendo/microsoft
He said, faggotly.
it's true, I've never seen mario odyssey's sale be contested despite it being part of a bundle, a bundle that I got myself
hi, polygon! now gtfo
Nigga what are you smoking?
Nine is less than ten.
Go back to school, stupid snoy ape.
>as of november 25
Yes, 3 months, like user claimed right here Do try to keep up.
This game still managed to outsell your "masterpiece" Bloodborne.
All while being a Wii U exclusive. Ouch.
don't change the subject kid, why can't nintendo recapture the wii series?
>don't change the subject
huh? we're talking about the sales of new IPs, are we not?
how is that changing the subject? could it be because you got BTFO?
so you agree horizon sold more than any new IP from nintendo? great
I’ve never seen anyone brag about Odyssey’s sales though. Meanwhile I see threads like this all the time about Sony shit.
>Breath of the Wild
>Wii U, complete flop
>Nintendo Switch, literally brand new
>PS4, 5 Years Old, one of the best selling consoles of all time
yeah dude, it's just a shame that games that deserve the sales more such as bloodborne didn't do as well
that's the ps4 userbase I guess
This game was also part of a system bundle tho
Not to be a shitter but how many times was Breath of the Wild $20?
Fucking never.
HZD has been on perpetual sale since this time last year dude
Carry on console faggots for PC gamers' amusement
>sony spends $100 million+ on making an epic open world game
>can't even sell half of what Terraria did
How pathetic is that?
So, anyone going to post more Aloy?
>sales make a game good
Being a Sonyfaggot must be awful, literally the only thing you can fall back on is ad populum
can't wait until rdr2 is an epic games exclusive. :)
Imagine how much more Nintendo games would sell if they had $50, $40, or even $30 sales.
Hasn't Horizon Zero Dawn been $20 for the past year or two anyways?
it makes sense it would sell its a flagship title made to attract a new audience to the ps4 and is sold with dlc for like 18 dollars. why wouldnt you buy a game like that if you where a normie trying to get into sony.
Gravity Rush 2 is the better game
Gana need some sauce on the numbers. I literaly dont know anyone that bought or played it.
Am i suppose to believe people actally watched Captain Marvel too, nah bro
Name 3 games
still this mad lmao
kys bingbing faggots
Never on the ps+
>eat shit, 10 million flies can't be wrong!
>tfw didn't like Horizon or Breath of the Wild too much for having SJW shit in them
Imagine putting so much effort into something that's so fucking wrong.
I'm sorry that you only consume media that concerns robots devouring all life on earth and that deal with tribalism because I consume a ton of dystopian media and I haven't encountered something like this. Maybe you should expand your H O R I Z O N S
>To be fair, it was bundled with the PS4
So does Zelda with Switch. This argument is very retarded.
>bundled and shilled to death
>only 10 m
The HZD vs BotW comparison was always 90% shills for the HZD publishers. BotW was one of the most hyped games of the decade. Imagine the marketing potential of having people compare your game, argue about your game, in relation to BotW. It's insane.
HZD is successful BECAUSE BotW was so anticipated and successful. Marketing your game as "the PS4's Breath of the Wild" means you get to piggyback on Nintendo's marketing. It's literally the reason why there are so many console war threads these days. It's not just shitposters trying to get a laugh. Do you have any idea how much fucking money devs make because they compare GoW to Mario Odyssey or whatever? Mario's a fucking gaming icon, they used him to advertise the fucking Olympics. Kratos is nothing in comparison. And so when you create that discussion, when you post the side-by-side metacritic scores and make the argument, you're temporarily elevating Kratos to the level of Mario. By creating that narrative, you've already succeeded.
One is a new ip.
The other is a sequel to a almost 30 year old series.
Spiderman is also exclusive to one console.
BOTW sold that with two consoles combined. Mind you it sold over 3 million on the Wiiu alone.
No it wasn't. Those were individual stores choosing to sell them that way, and they asked full price for both game and console. Horizon was given away for free with a new PS4.
>over half the world's population is female
>having a female MC is "shoehorning"
You clearly have issues you need to work out.
HZD is fucking garbage
> conversations are pointless boring ineffectual shit that only serve as exposition for shit you don’t care about
> gameplay is basically a far cry clone/ open world clone in general as it straight just lifts mechanics from other games
> pointless rpg mechanics just to shove numbers in objects so you can get s hard knob for the biggest number
> ally’s hair looks decking retarded, it doesn’t fit her face at all and makes her head look unnecessarily tall
> her expressions make me believe she has downs
> robot dinosaurs aren’t the focus of the game, instead it’s some shitty science thing no one actually gives a fuck about
> emphasis placed on gay vanilla boring humans
I’d rather fucking play Ride to Hell Retribution or some David Cage shit that I can ironically enjoy. It’s a 6/10, which 4-6 is the worst thing you can be in an entertainment medium. Support Bloodborne instead. Or Dragons Dogma. Or Monster Hunter. Or BOTW. Support a game that stands out in a unique way or a game that has created a niche for itself.
The subject was new IPs that sold over 10 million, you dense faggot. Took Splatoon two games to barely reach that mark.
How the fuck does that make any sense in the context of the game, because biodiversity is not only significant, but flora and fauna in the world are equally so.
>story is a huge warning against making autonomous war machines
Uh huh, sure.
I can't play HZD because BOTW spoiled me. Being able to only climb on scripted climbing points in an open world exploration game just sucked the immersion right out of it.
Get rid of the discount Bioware wheel. It adds nothing to the game.
I can see how horizon is sjw but hownis botw sjw?
Jesus I think he's being serious.
It's a pretty awful game, frankly. There's some fun combat stuff but unfortunately almost your entire arsenal is fucking useless forcing you to use the few things that do work and fighting humans is a snoozefest. The world is absolutely empty and the story/writing/characters/voice acting (except for Lance Reddit) are fucking awful, way below AAA game standards. I remember trying it after I'd been playing BotW for a week and I turned it off in disgust after a few hours because it was just so shitty by comparison no matter how much better it looked on a technical level. I didn't go back to it until long after and could just barely stand to finish it.
Horizon is great. Anyone that disagrees is a brainlet manchild
>play BotW
>"Oh that looks cool off in the distance I'm going to explore oh wow it's a whole area with a unique gimmick to it that I could've completely missed!"
>play HZD
>"Woah that giant robot snake thing in the distance looks awesome I'm going to see what's up....oh I'm locked out and can't do anything. Oh nevermind it's part of a story mission."
Its sjw trash wih an fugly protag
>game sends Yea Forums into a vitriolic froth
>sequel/prequel/spinoff all but guaranteed
I'll take it.
Have sex
Looking forward to its sequel on the PS5, in seeing how Zen2 and Navi perform together for it. I just hope it takes the BoTW approach: , as this guy pointed out.
To be honest I thought both were 7/10s, Horizon's robot fighting is fucking fantastic as you can take them apart piece by piece and even use their weapons against them, but everything else is either okay or passable, BotW has good ideas like letting you choose to take on the final boss when you want and climbing everything but the combat is shit due to the badly designed weapon durability
The entire quest with Vah Naboris for starters.
>group of gerudo who hate men
>you can't sneak in or fight them or anything if you want to cleanse Vah Naboris. You have to crossdress, walk on eggshells and practically beg them for their help
>even when you practically save them from Vah Naboris (and rescue one of their own from the Yiga) they continue holding onto their "all voe must die" philosophy for no reason. You get treated like crap too despite helping them
>because biodiversity is not only significant, but flora and fauna in the world are equally so.
here are a list of animals that live in the world of HZD
various insects
That is all.
>Still sold to less than 10% of all PS4 Owners.
Who cares lol, embarrassing.
No, that's an opinion
What's embarrassing is you play games for children
I bought this on a whim for like 15 bucks and I still haven't played it
And the Switch was released with one game
People still call the fucking Switch a BOTW machine
You didnt think your point through at all did you
>No it wasn't.
Yes, it was.
Link the official BotW bundle then.
This should be one of the 5 star reviews on the front of the box
Looks like goalposts switching now.
All of that is biomatter. On top of that, there's HUGE FUCKING FORESTS AND GRASS FIELDS. Which is also biomatter.
If all like on the planet died because of robots, it makes no sense for your list + forests and grasslands to exist. The fact that it exists, contradicts the premise; and is therefore retarded.
That's what a bundle is. Some random guy saying "you gotta buy em both" is not a bundle.
>assumes everyone that doesn't like snoy trash is a nintoddy
you interpreted this in the most neckbeard possible way. The gerudo only disallow men in their town because of tradition.
>all voe must die
they all want to find a husband, so that's just wrong
Yes, it is.
i offer "bundles" of things. its normally just more than one item that is at a somewhat discounted price, and combined it adds up for them. i dont literally wrap them, they say they want that bundle, i get the goods and put them in the same bag, get paid, and move on.
how is that not a bundle?
keep lashing out in infantile rage, snoygger
that's not the normal Switch price, you're paying for both
>a man literally saves their entire race, risking his life against not only Thunderblight Ganon, but the entire Yiga Clan, so that nobody has to get lightning'd to death, and he helps bring home the thunder helm, an heirloom held by Urbosa herself who is respected by the gerudo
>"yeah nah fuck you link, no men allowed"
And BOTW fans will defend this as good writing.
>Still seething
No, Switch cost 469$ as picture said you retarded Nincel. 519$ is Zelda bundle.
Hence not being literally given away like HZD
Thanks for conceding
Zelda cost 60$, not 50$ it was discounted with Switch bundle.
It wasn't given away, it was only discounted just like Zelda with Switch bundle.
You're a fucking moron who is getting mad over something that 'doesnt make sense' because you know nothing of the plot.
>robots kill and eat everything
>plot device terraforming project seeds the wasteland with new life
There, faggot.