Why do people pretend to like WRPGs? besides fallout they are really just no good

why do people pretend to like WRPGs? besides fallout they are really just no good

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Other urls found in this thread:


A: They grew up with them & have nostalgia
B: Brand loyalty due to being a PC Gamer, and since they never get AAA exclusives they have to leach onto any mediocre game they get their hands on3
C: Contrarianism & Jealousy due to JRPGs being vastly more popular & critically acclaimed

What a newfag

my video games ARE better than your video games!


>Contrarianism & Jealousy due to JRPGs being vastly more popular & critically acclaimed
Skyrim and Fallout are way more acclaimed than any JRPG.

Fallout's shit, phoneposter.

are we really gonna have this thread again?
both are good and there are great games on each side, when you nitpick and compare all that does is make you biased.

Imagine being this wrong

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>Zelda on this list

Comparing the witcher 3 to a JRPG is dumb. it's an action game. People stop making WRPGs for awhile, now you get kickstarter games, which are hit or miss. just like jrpgs

>wind waker
I know it technically counts but come on, really?

imagine picking some literal who site.

Yes, they consider Zelda ARPGs

JRPGs are not even for role playing its just a boring turn based grindfest.
JRPGs only even matter to you weebs if it has waifus any JRPG without waifus are almost immediately forgotten while classic WRPGs can be played and enjoyed for decades.


>Pushing the boundaries of the medium
Besides shinier graphics what boundary did they push again?

Seething, cope, cry more

>genre loyalty

Ooof, yikes and cringepilled

Personally, I think sure it counts as an RPG and it's also a good game, but it's a shit RPG. It's like taking bioshock: Infinite and selling it as a puzzle game, decent shooter but the puzzles are trash and thus should not be considered a good puzzle game.

Most of those JRPGs are forgotten while people still play those other WRPGs

Yep all the people playing western RPGs are "pretending" that's totally what people do.

and JRPs are not RPGs at all

really who cares. if you want the true rpg experience, you do it at a table, not a videogame.

weebs are cancer

>the future are all shit

Based Fa/tg/uy

Geralt isn't edgy he's just a liberal without a cause


How many hours have you spent running in circles on the overworld map in JRPGs fighting the same repetitive battles over and over again to gain levels? That tedium isn't an issue in WRPGs. You gain levels naturally by just using your skills and completing missions.

JRPGs are the most boring shit in the world.

Going into an encounter and killing a piss weak pokemon in one hit is fun and rewarding.....
10/10 game play....

Do weebs ever get tired of playing the same game over and over?

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why would even bother grinding in JRPGs? Rarely needed and just makes the game less fun.

The only Zelda game that comes close to being a JRPG is AoL, and even then it's questionable.

who's the time traveler and dreamlike manifestation?

Why are these posts always cherry picking? JRPG's aren't real "RPGs". Running around as some flamboyant character that I have no involvement in developing killing random enemies to level up isn't immersive.

JRPGs are shiiiiiiit at gameplay, story, etc. The only thing I can respect about them is that sometimes the enemy design looks more interesting or the environments are cool in extra rare cases. The biggest confusion to me is why people (especially in the West) are into JRPGs so much when they're 10x dumber than and CoD game and basically never do fantasy in an authentic or good way.

If you play on anything above normal you need to grind levels in most JRPGs

>Same game
>Final fantasy
WRPG-kun, why are you so angry?

>Maniac Mansion (WRPG)

unless it's some new game plus nonsense, this is not true. It's almost never true.

Railroaded game where you play as a twink and beat the game by mashing the best attack you have until you get to the end of the railroad.
Complex dialog allowing the player to experience an immersive tabletop-like role playing experience in a variety of beautiful environments and world's.

but it's made by a filthy gaijin.

Always one prick who says this.
Fuck off, tabletop is restricted by mechanics wherea's vidya is restricted by player options.

>Fuck off, tabletop is restricted by mechanics wherea's vidya is restricted by player options.
No actually both of those things are problems for vidya. Tabletop is restricted by imagination.

99% of tabletop mechanics is rolling a dice, there's only so much "imagination" can keep that fun for.
Stop glorifying it as some epic step up from vidya, it isn't.
True patrician is LARP.


I'm not gloryfying it but what you said is wrong, your idea of mechanics is wrong, I could say that 99% of vidya is button pushing wish is easily less engaging than rolling dice. But that's not the type of mechanic that people refer to when talking about games. The kind that matter are the way systems interact with each other in the game world, and in tabletop that can be adapted on the fly where as games require updates, mods, or new releases. And yeah LARP is king but I'm not subjecting myself to that embarrassment.

All video games suck.

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>vidya is button pushing
But that's exactly what it is. And tabletop is just rolling a dice.
VR and LARP are infinity superior role playing experiences because the mechanical connection between you and the game incorporates you entire body. LARP even more so with your sense's.
Tabletop is the least connected and least involved form of role playing. Stop hyping it up, it's shit. Even when you incorporate mini games etc to broaden the game play the crux of it is still just saying your doing something and rolling a dice.
Actually beating some bastard down during a melee at a LARP is something you cannot replicate with tabletop.
And vidya lies in the middle naturally.


But you can actually hold a conversation with an NPC in tabletop. That's just about one of the most important parts of role playing. I'm not elevating it above LARP, but video games only allow you to play a roll in a world where the script is predefined for every character and you can't stick your finger in a girls belly button because the dev didn't think of it.

>Reiterating my original point


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Because I grew up playing western games,dungeons and dragons 3e (5e is best though), and reading wheel of time

I dont mind jrpgs but honestly characters design is for the most part awful but I like turn based combat and a good story with cozy music

Kingdom hearts is fucking gay though and if I could cure cancer or delete kingdom hearts I'd probably cure cancer but I would definitely have to think about it.

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>Pretending that Squareshit has ever been tactical or engaging
I mean shit, you could've picked JRPGs that have some semblance to a video game. Christ.
As it stands the RPG genre as a whole is just ass and always was. There are a handful of genuinely great games.
Fuck your "experiences" you faggotniggers. Lost Odyssey is a terrible VIDEO GAME, same goes for Dragon Age, despite the purported tactical element.
You're just a buzzword throwin' faggot, OP. You wouldn't know a video game if Sakaguchi's encrusted limpdick cockslapped you with it.
Not like that shit for brains could develop a video game if he tried.

>tabletop is restricted by mechanics wherea's vidya is restricted by player options
This is your original point, the first half is not true and in fact, is another restriction of vidya.
In a tabletop rpg you can dynamically add mechanics - Game mechanics are constructs of rules or methods designed for interaction with the game state, thus providing gameplay. All games use mechanics; however, theories and styles differ as to their ultimate importance to the game. - such as enchanting, player housing, follower modification, etc... Vidya not only limits if your character has the ability to choose what he has for dinner as you pointed out, but also limits weather they can get pregnant or ride a bike.

>definition semantics
There are 2 sides to role playing. The capability of making decisions and carrying out tasks. And how you as a player will actually carry out those actions.
It a tabletop game, you have freedom of choice, but ultimately your interaction is limited to rolling a dice bar a dm doing some extra stuff once a blue moon for fun.
In vidya you choose an action within the constraints of the game, and then need to corectly navigate the scenario by manipulating your avatar using a series of inputs.
In LARP you decide to do something, then actually go do it irl.

Both being able to immerse yourself through interaction with the medium is as important if not more so than within the medium.

What is a more immersive space trucker roleplaying experience, playing a sci-fi rpg like starfinder or playing elite dangerous with a full flight rig and vr headset. See how they both immerse you in different ways? Vidya is better at one, tabletop at the other.

>besides fallout they are really just no good
I was going to agree with you but Fallout is fucking garbage for the most part. I haven't played New Vegas but 1-3 and 4 suck balls and only have some good moments very far between each other, the minute to minute gameplay is just dogshit.

Well an argument of semantics is important if you use the wrong word. If you said tabletop was limited by input I would have agreed. Mechanics is a different beat entirely. As for immersion winch is apparently your top priority in an RPG(I could whole heatedly understand this), I don't find input to be that import in bringing be that immersion, it ruins a game far easier for me when my character needs a weapon but the game won't let me pick up a rock or some other improvised weapon. When I run a D&D campaign I let my characters do what they want including voicing NPCs when they aren't in a scene or even committing suicide if they really want to be that guy. After a full 3hr non encounter session my players said that was the best Role Playing experience they have had. I love vidya man, why else would I be on Yea Forums, but if I want a deep RPG experience I'm playing it with pen and paper.

Well you're not wrong. But neither is OP.
Honestly both of you guys are just cherry picking protagonists which ones are bad and which ones are bad.


As someone who plays roles for a living, I always have to laugh at people like you who actually don't understand what the term means. JRPGs are by far more RPG than their Western counterparts.

JRPG's are for higher IQ people.

Sounds like you're the one who's familiar with reddit, I think you'd like it better than I would.

Some day you guys might grow up and realize how terrible these JRPGs really are.
The dialogues were written by an otaku and translated by a weeb. The "tactical" gameplay is a fucking joke, 80% of the time you just need to grind more the other 20% of the time there is a specific ability or trick you need to use. Most have unskippable anime cut scenes...

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>It's another Region War thread
Fucking hell. It only gets worse the more people post cherry picked pictures. I can find 4 JRPGs that have generic shonen main characters and slap that on a picture too.
>inb4 Westcuck
Nigger, I don't give a shit where a game is from, if I play it and enjoy it that's all that matters. I don't know why the faggots on this board can't accept that enjoyment varies by person and shit games, and good games come out of a wide variety or sources. Why would you kill a thread just to shit post and get (You)s when you could make a thread about a game you enjoy, and have an actual discussion with other people who also enjoy that game? This board was supposed to be a place for everyone to come and talk about the things they like without shame or scrutiny. Instead it turned into a fucking shit hole where no one is allowed to have fun, western games suck, eastern games suck, my game is better than your game and all kinds of other bullshit.

>3 hour non encounter d&d sessions
>So epic my friends all said I was the super best DM of all time!
>complaining about not being able to poke belly buttons and pick up rocks.
>Haha suicide haha that guy haha
>arguing semantics and strawmaning instead of ever addressing the point
You're fucking gay mate

>literally not knowing the difference between mechanics and input
>claims he's a gamer
>thinks insulting a game system I have no stake in bothers me
>thinks limitations in games are a good thing
>not understanding how to convey a semantic meaning or even read a follow up response
At least I'm not a child

The protag section of this image is so horrendously bad that I can't even be bothered to look at the rest.

>no stake in, plays the game
>false projection
My original point still stands true and you have done nothing but point at a strawman and tell anecdotes of your super best friends having epic LOL moments in d&d games.
Just admit you were retarded and fuck off nigger.

Interaction with the medium is as important as within the medium. Tabletop is shit at with, vidya at within.
Prove that wrong or suck a fat cock.

>Prove to me that my unproven claim is wrong
That's not how debate works there amigo. If you make a claim you need to be able to back it up. You're one of those guys who thinks you're smarter than you actually are, aren't you?

I did prove it with the elite dangerous analogy and you agreed with me.
It's decided then, you're a cock sucking nigger monkey retard.

I've already addressed your concern see >If you said tabletop was limited by input I would have agreed
It was in the second sentence, user. Did you even read it?
It's not a strawman or an argument of semantics if you rely on the other to understand your far from accurate terms.

Just for clarification i have no stake in D&D as a game system, I play it once a month and I play CoC once a week, if D&D died tomorrow I'd just replace it with EotE or Pathfinder.

Sorry you had a bad day, I hope taking your frustration out on me made you feel better.

that's not me btw, in case you couldn't tell, I wouldn't have said that since as you said I agreed. Not sure why you want me to argue if you are aware that I agreed though.

So your entire point was a semantics over a definition as I have stated multiple times and you are acutally just agreeing with me in the end, thanks dude.
Keep up nigger and refute the point or fuck off.

why do weebs get so uppity when you leave them alone? its almost like they enjoy being overpowered and slapped around.

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Can't see SHIT. Post a higher res version newfag

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Reminder that WRPG and JRPG are not genres. WRPG was invented by weebs exclusively for shitposting purposes and JRPG is a marketing term for selling garbage.

>Keep up nigger and refute the point or fuck off.
Not even subtle about the troll anymore.
You really need to understand the principle behind semantics, I'll leave that to you though. I will clarify for you though that your statement was wrong and if anyone other than that one guy read this(and god I'm sorry for all of you if you did) they all think you are retarded. If you argue that 1 and truck are numbers, and later say "oh I meant 2 and 4, but you know what i meant" then you are a dumbass.

Enjoy life man, I'm gonna head out.

>Still didn't refute the point in his closing statement
This was too easy. Why even try to argue if you aren't going to refute the point?
Duck off back to whatever shithole hugbox you came from you nigger.

Games with RPG elements used to have things in common. It's not like that anymore, where even action shooters will take from RPGs. The line between RPG and non-RPG is so blurred, it's almost a meaningless term.

This. Really, the country doesn't matter. Just give me good fucking RPGs. Only faggots (like OP) care about which country it's from.

RPG is a sub-genre of strategy. Spending 0.000000000000000001% of your time played customizing a character does not make a game a RPG. Pro Tip: Diablo isn't a RPG.

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You don't want to play good RPGs. You want to play "comfy" storyfag VNs that require zero effort.

I don't know what world you're living in where Diablo isn't an RPG.

truth is you were trolled from the start
good shit though it was fun to follow

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The world where we don't live in a consumerist hellscape where categorizations are nothing more than trendy marketing terms with no actual meaning behind them.

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If the Witcher 3 is an action game it is unironically the worst video game of all time

>thinks I'm trolling
Refute the point or you're a nigger

Shit RPG companies
>Every Japanese company ever
Good RPG companies
>New World Computing
>Spiderweb Software

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>it is unironically the worst video game of all time
it kind of is lol

pfft I'm not new bro find some other chump

fbi here, adding you to our list

>plays EO
>dialogue? plot? barebones as fuck.
>grind more wastes hours of your life
>instead LOSE levels and rethink your party is faster
>fighting isn't the core gameplay
>cutscenes are what?

I mean if your goal is to look for shit games then that's what you'll get no matter what the genre.

EO sucks pretty bad compared to its western counterparts. Not a very good example.

Post modern western first person crawlers. I need an itch scratch.

I'm not fishing (you)'s. Just sick to death of nigger faggot /tg/ elitist who's only idea of role playing is rolling a dice and are entirely incapable of conceiving the idea that video games can be better at role playing aspects than tabletop.
Every single rpg thread there is one of those niggers.

>first person crawlers
what does this even mean in this context

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Russian RPG's are Better

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>DDS2 being first

hmmm yeah it's a good game but it's nothing revolutionary or special compared to lots of PS1 era JRPGs

I mean post 2010-ish. Like legend of grimrock and beyond.
>first person crawlers
It's a genre?

>el ogro de las americanos
dios mio....

I agree with this 100%

I like them much more than JRPGs. I simply ejoy the freedom. RPGs are supposed to let you choose what kind of character you want to be. JRPG's stories tend to be on rails and the characters are predefined..

>I mean post 2010-ish.
So you played every game made before 2010? I don't understand.

He's just giving you a taste of your own cherry flavored medicine.

>I don't understand
A perfect summary of how retarded you are.
Don't bother, he's too busy up his ass trying to move goalposts for no reason.

you seem upset

Oh look. Another jrpg faggot so far up his own ass he doesn’t understand that people can enjoy stuff that he doesn’t. I personally hate JRPGs (with a few exceptions such as persona 5) but you don’t see me coming into this board every 5 seconds trying to tell everyone how much they suck.

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when i say the "n-word" it isnt ironic

Damn, that is some pristine taste. Especially in comparison to the mouth breathers on Yea Forums.