Why did people like Skyrim?

The more I think about it, the worse it gets.
>the melee combat is extremely basic, uncool, and tedious
>magic combat mostly boils down to making different color balls come out of your hands
>stealth combat is 80% waiting for the eye-icon to close so you can go for another backstab
>every single voice actor is phoning it in because they all play 30+ characters
>there is little actual roleplaying since you can basically do everything and be everything in 1 playthrough
>armor and weapon designs are typical western MMO garbage that is neither stylish nor realistic
>you repeat the same draugr dungeons about seventeen thousand times
>characters are ugly and character creation is highly limited
>the story is predictable, boring trite and the main villain is a weak pussy
>none of the side quests are particularly memorable either
>it's glitchy as hell and none of the fifty re-releases have fixed that
The obvious answer is mods, but people still enjoy the console releases. So outside of mods, what DOES it have going for it?
>getting headshots with bows at long range is pretty satisfying
>the world is pretty and has a couple neat looking areas like the underground cavern
>the ambient music is comfy
>lorefag shit I guess
That's about it

Attached: skyrim.png (1917x1077, 3.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:


They were told to like it.

>popular series
>big open-world RPG before 'open-world' was commonly a derogatory term
>good marketing, good trailers
>all your friends were playing it
it's easy to see why people got into it if you're not dumb

oh and I forgot to add 'modding' -- which fixes 90% of the shit you're complaining about

im looking for a mod that adds stagger on block, similar to oblivion. skyrim's combat feels so close to being decent, but the blocking in that game is so fucking ass, and that seems like a decent way to make it not literally the fucking worst.

anybody else know of any mods or anything that make the combat not half-functional? (no fucking shitty ass dodge mods, every single one of those looks like dog shit and dodge rolls are a plague on videogames)

doesn't apply, or didn't at the time, to consoles and yet people still ate it up.

Not as much as you would think.

The series was already very popular and the graphics/style was a big improvement over Oblivion.

Also it shared a lot in common with Game of Thrones, which was new and really popular.

You can argue either it's greater than just the sum of its parts, or it's a themepark for babies and the only people who played it are babies.

Or you just don't like it.

Skyrim started the trend of open world games being popular, it doesn't matter if it's worse than games that came later because it was one of the first. It's also still better than most open world games which are just collectathon garbage, like Ubisoft titles. Skyrim was far more popular than all of their prior games for whatever reason, so it set off the trend of open world games.

Dude, that's literally not an argument. You just sound predictably lazy like everyone does when they talk about Skyrim, even the console version can download mods and guess what you don't need to pay for them. They're available through Bethesda.net portal for anyone to download.

A figurative potato PC could play Skyrim modded out in 2019 and people still complain that mods don't apply to all circumstances. If you can't see the value that modding brings to Skyrim then we can't help you.

This. Short and sweet but accurate.
People don't like games, they like events. They'll play the most inane shit just to be part of the gang.

>skyrim's combat feels so close to being decent
No it fucking isn't. It has the depths of a puddle.
>can't parry
>can't dodge
>can't counter
>can't thrust
>whack whack whack
>block block block
Even F:NV managed to add a bit of depth to Gamebryo melee combat by letting you sweep the leg or throw sand or do a leaping charge depending on the direction you face during a power attack.

Because it's generic fantasy that got popular with normies so now Todd resells it. Normies love dragons and these politely land so you can kill them. Plus it was still relatively novel for large open worlds at the time and dev's would hype it.

It has always looked to me like a walking simulator with Vikings but my ex played that shit for like 100+ hours and she's normie as fuck

The exploration.

the combat camera is terrible. Its jarring when you do it and its totally unacceptable when an enemy does it to you with an attack that was going to miss you in the first place.

I would prefer morrowinds gameplay to skyrims, literally.

>my ex
I have some bad news for you, normalfag...

Baby's first open world action rpg

Name 2 (two) rpgs that were like Skyrim, but better, at the time it released.

>Not playing it as a loot simulator.
Picking every corpse and every dungeon completely clean is strangely satisfying.
I also tried to to roleplay and headcannon everything, didn't use fast travel and explored every nook and cranny. Sadly the quests and most locations couldn't hold up with Oblivion.

Chad GF syndrome
every TES game has horrible flaws but people invest 1000s of hours into them trying to fix them

Dragons Dogma

Oblivion and myrtlewang

>cant dodge
good, dodging has only ever been good in monster hunter
>cant parry
dont care, go back to dark souls
>cant counter
thats literally what im trying to fix
>cant thrust
literally what? what would thrusting achieve in terms of combat variety?

there is almost an entire skeleton of a combat system, power attacks beats block, bash beats power attack, my issue is that block doesnt beat anything, its completely pointless

Todd was a handsome and charismatic man.

>what DOES it have going for it?
world design, just running around exploring stuff for the first time is pretty engaging
everything else is bad though, it's a piss poor shallow thing that barely qualifies as an rpg

This, I was 11 when I first played Skyrim and loved it.

i too want to know of a good combat mod

I wish they re-release Oblivion for consoles..

For the mods. Infact I'd argue modding the game is even more enjoyable then the game itself.

Skyrim modding is like as shitty cake with 43 layers of frosting, it's all sugary fluff and then you get to remember that bad taste in your mouth.

Its easiy to play and get into.
You can just kill and loot and the only wrong thing you can do is to die.
You dont have to think about how attributes, races bonuses, major/minor skills will affect your build.
Everyone can do everything, all it takes is some time to do quests that never expect more from you than being able to move around and kill enemies.
Its the first "RPG" most of these people have ever played without having to fear any of the costrains from the previous games.
Skyrim is a puddle with the with of a lake and the casuals love it to death since it has them pretend to play a genre they previously would be turned off by.

I can't speak for others but I get enjoyment out of exploring and with mods to enhance the gameplay or add in new elements it helps to add depth to a rather simplistic experience. I'm not one of those guys that says Skyrim is a 10/10 or anything but I don't hate it either.

>Judging it based on 2019
Fuck off newfag
It was considered a normie get then and still it you fucking kid

Those very aspects of mediocrity that you list in detail are the very things that helped secure it is a major financial and cultural success. Skyrim is a visually(for the time) high fidelity AAA virtual scape in which the barrier between you and feeling like a powerful fantasy protagonist is nonexistant. All you need to is wave your sword around and shoot some beams out of your hands at the dipshit AI and the sycophantic world would do the rest by sucking your dick nonstop. With a little bit of suspension of disbelief the mechanical aspects of the game would disappear and you would be left as a fantasy ubermensch in your own private world. The perfect formula. If the game was even slightly more straining or demanding on the user the whole thing would fall apart.

It's so easy to detect zoomers.

I was trying the Beyond Skyrim: Bruma mod earlier

it's well done but I still can't over how horrible the base game is...
>no dialog box, NPCs can't infodump
>no individual gloves and pauldrons, no greaves, just 1 layer of clothing impossible to mix armor sets like in morrowind (for a game that most people play as a dress up simulator, this is important)
>beast races can equip gloves and boots
>no acrobatics, no athletics

if they had left these features instead of removing them it could have easily been the best game in history...

Honestly I think the major appeal of Bethesdas mainline titles (Fallout/Elder Scrolls) is that you are in a world where literally everything is an object you can take or move around. Like you can look into people's inventories and shit and take all their items, while most RPGs don't have as in depth looting systems (a creature dies, there is a certain % chance for a singular item to spawn on their corpse).
I am a huge Elder Scrolls fan and I can definitely see why people don't like Skyrim, it definitely is a bit of a step down from its predecessors. Oblivion had some of the best quests I've ever seen in a game and Morrowind's theme and atmosphere was something else.
You go from that to a generic RPG.
I don't think it's as bad as some people make it out to be though, I think it's popular to hate on Bethesda games so people get on the bandwagon.
They are what they are and they could be a lot better but they could be a lot worse.

It's a shit rpg but going around exploring is comfy

i'm not gonna lie and make something up, it was the mods that let me turn the game into so much more. if there wasn't any modding i wouldn't keep coming back to it year after year and i probably would never even finished it in the first place.

They had bethesda.net mods back in 2011?

ive tried my damnedest to make the melee combat satisfying through mods without turning it into dark souls lite. never again.

Dark Souls.
Dragon's Dogma.
Mass Effect 2.
Witcher 2.

I'll give you the other three are kinda like Skyrim but
>Mass Effect 2
I want an 1/8th of what you're smoking

>b-but mods!
Imagine trying to argue that a game is good because it needs mods to fix it.

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Literal retard post.

I mean, if you go from an OK game to an amazing game with mods I don't see how it is a bad argument. However there's no mods to make skyrim's gameplay anywhere close to even mediocre.

No one is doing that though dumb Vujo. People are outright saying without mods they wouldn't even bother so it speaks volumes about the quality of the base game as well as the quality of the modding scene itself.

>Skyrim started the trend of open world games being popular

Dark Souls is nowhere near the level of Skyrim, open your eyes Fromdrone.

Mods fix quite a few of problems, but the question is outside of mods.
At a point it is less of a problem with Skyrim and more of a problem with the industry.
The observation of
>Skyrim is fucking flawed
Is easy to point out but the sadder question is
>Why isn't there a better version of Skyrim?

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>I don't see how it is a bad argument
Because you're judging the mods and the creators of said mods, not the game itself, dumbo.

>>none of the side quests are particularly memorable either
I thought the Hangover sidequest, the Hircine one where you can ally with the Werefolf dude and the one where you fight a giant ghost crab(along other giant ghost animals) were cool

because it let's normies pretend they're into geeky rpg games whilst avoiding difficulty curves or complicated mechanics.

>Skyrim started the trend of open world games being popular
Spotted the zoomer.

This is unironically the only reason

Because the world and atmostphere it had was the best at the time and still to this day. There's just something about it which makes the world so amazing. No game has really come close to the scale of it.
Other then that its complete dogshit

Skyrim is a role playing game where you roleplay playing an RPG.

>Because the world and atmostphere it had was the best at the time and still to this day. There's just something about it which makes the world so amazing. No game has really come close to the scale of it.
>there are people who seriously believe this

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>b-but mods!
what about them?

Attached: eSkyrimDance.webm (852x480, 2.92M)

Abubu modded Skyrim doujin.zip



Abubu is a GOD

>Skyrim is a role playing game where you roleplay playing an RPG.

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Please tell me why Skyrim is better than Dark Souls. The only thing I can think is better is that the world is larger.

lizard tiddies

way to go super sleuth

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I tend to agree with the side that it was kinda of a babby's first RPG and well to be completely honest it was mine aswell lol.

But then I went and discovered all the old greats so it has that benefit.

Mods and it being part of a good series. The hype train (marketing) did the rest and Todd was able to sell the most mediocre release in the series a million times.

40% of the problems in Skyrim was the lack of bigtitty catgirls. The rest was the lack of bigtitty lizardgirls

>I was 11 when I first played Skyrim
wew I've been in this fucking place for too long.

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>Skyrim is almost a decade old
>there are zoomers in Yea Forums who grew up with this game who will defend it to death due to nostalgia goggles

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There's a lot to do and the engine makes stupid things funny.

They've gotten drunk off of their own success. Shitting on modders was a HUGE mistake. They wouldn't be where they are without them.

I want anyone who honestly believes Skyrim to be an RPG to tell me how they usually roleplay in the game.

>this person could be 19 years old
>I'm 30 and still visiting Yea Forums

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>can't parry

Blocking literally causes the enemy's strike to bounce back on them.

>can't dodge

Um... you can straight up just walk out of the way of an attack.

>can't counter

Attack after you block, while the enemy is stunned.

>can't thrust

Is this a real complaint? Thrusting? First of all, attacks in the game are dependent on which direction you're pressing. Second, the only weapons in the game in which thrusting would even be relevant are the smaller swords or daggers. You certainly wouldn't be thrusting with axes, hammers, or maces, and even in any case, European style combat weapons, including swords, were mostly for bashing, not thrusting.

>mfw I was in my early 20's when Skyrim came out

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I roleplay as epic dragonporn :D and shieet :D
What else?

Its eight years old.

>European style combat weapons, including swords, were mostly for bashing, not thrusting.

unironically go jump off a fucking bridge you absolute cretin.

There is a way to defend skyrim's combat because it is a little more active than people give it credit for, but im not gonna help you with that due to that abomination of a post

>people actually defending combat in this Skyrim
What is their standard for a good combat system exactly? Minecraft? Have they never played a single Platinum, FROM, or Capcom game? Even fucking Hollow Knight has a more engaging combat system, and that has ONE (1) attack button.

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I really liked the game when it came out but I really don't know why. I can't enjoy the game at all at the moment. The combat is shit, the RPG stuff is shit and the world isn't even that interesting to explore (albeit exploration is at least better than the other aspects of the game). I think it might just be because open world was a cool thing back then but now the novelty has worn off. And maybe because I've played better RPGs at this point

>There is a way to defend skyrim's combat because it is a little more active than people give it credit for

Attached: skyrim combat in a shellnut.webm (480x360, 2.33M)

>still enjoy the console releases
people are very dumm

Because it was a good game. Does it get tiring being so stubborn and contrarian all the time?
>hate on skyrim, praise morrowind and oblivion
>most criticisms against Skyrim are applicable to morrowind and oblivion but much worse in those games

name 1 game with a better atmostphere and world

Waifu simulator

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>name one game that beats a generic tundra environment

so you cant, good to know

Very limited exposure to video games

I wonder how much further they can strip the game mechanics in the next game

Generic character to be honest.

now you see that's how i would've defended it. I would've pointed at that each weapon has a specific amount of reach and to add on to that you can interrupt opponent's attacks with a bash.
So knowing this, a skilled player can use his weapon's reach to outspace his opponents and can use the bash to interrupt attacks for a guaranteed punish.
There you go, that's literally dark souls. You can't tell because enemy ai is dirt stupid and you have infinite health, but that is precisely as complicated as dark souls. Add some flowery language then throw in a few "git guds" and user could've had an arguement.

Welcome to like 10 fucking years ago. Or how ever long the game came out.

>each weapon has a specific amount of reach and to add on to that you can interrupt opponent's attacks with a bash
Wow, so deep.

Attached: Skyrim combat.webm (640x360, 2.6M)

Demon's Souls. Metro 2033. Sunless Sea. Darkwood. Hollow Knight. Bloodborne.

>there is little actual roleplaying since you can basically do everything and be everything in 1 playthrough
This is actually the best RPG element. You're not tied to a list of things you can and can't do. Being able to master smithing and then alchemy is just like real life. Just go do it.

>You're not tied to a list of things you can and can't do
You are insted tied to a list of things you will do in the exact same way everyone ever has done but you get to be unique by deciding at what time you do those things.

Demons souls and bloodborne dont come close
metro beats atmostphere but its linear world doesnt
darkwood and sunless sea are literally topdown games
hollow knight is a 2d scroller

fpbp, but on paper, it’s probably also the best open world game. You can go anywhere and you’re so powerful no matter what you do that nothing really stands a chance against you

There aren't many games out there that give the same immersion as Skyrim and Oblivion. The feeling of overall freedom and self insertion in a living world is really good, even if a lot of the systems in place are shit. I honestly think a lot of it has to do with it being in first person, or at least for me it does.

That and the porn mods. For some reason any game that has sex in it immediately feels more "real", even if you never use it.

>Demons souls and bloodborne dont come close

To casuals maybe, anything is a tremendous success if you just look at how much money it made.

How old are you?

You could do small bite-sized tasks in short time interval play segments. Normies don't play games for 10 hours in a row. Also its a braindead easy game. They just come home from being a wage slave, play 30 minutes of skyrim, then go to bed and do it all over again the next day.

>you’re so powerful no matter what you do that nothing really stands a chance against you

How is this a good thing?

>look at botw
As long as the game is fun everything else not really matter much.

I know you're going to say it's a buzzword, but Skyrim is probably the comfiest game there is. It's very simple gameplay, it doesn't challenge you if you don't want it to. You can really make the world "yours" (even more with mods), and it just feels overall like the ultimate escapist Power Fantasy.

The fact you could've been 9 years old when I first started browsing Yea Forums is really putting my life in to perspective

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>Demons souls and bloodborne dont come close
Skyrim has dozens and dozens of generic Draugr dungeons and not a single one of them can come close to places like Valley of Defilement, Tower of Latria, Upper Cathedral Ward, Yahar'gul, or Research Hall. I'll give you that the Soul Cairn is kind of neat.
>darkwood and sunless sea are literally topdown games
>hollow knight is a 2d scroller
You didn't specify genres.

People who play it forthe floppy dongs and waifu mods are a very small part of the fanbase.

to be fair you can block, block-bash to interrupt, counter on the stagger, and you can get better staggers with a charged bash
backpedaling or going to the sides is reasonably useful
there's also the time slow on an enemy strong attack, and stuff like the silly shield charge or sneak invis perk into a roll into a critical
of course this is all invalidated by the fact you can wear armor and chug potions but hey

It's also invalidated by the fact that you're not punished for spamming attacks, and stamina absolutely means nothing. All stamina does is stop you from doing a more powerful attack when the bar is fully depleted, but you can still perform the attack even if there's a pixel of stamina left.

None of these pathetic attempts at making the combat deeper mean anything if you're not punished for trying to take the easy way out.

Attached: Skyrim combat2.webm (640x360, 1.45M)

there's a regen delay when you overexert I'm pretty sure, and enemies can deplete it but yes it has practically no impact if you can facetank everything
I don't really disagree I was just describing the maneuvers that exist outside of m1m1m1

Yeah being a plain warrior is pretty boring, and being mage sucks too cause destruction magic doesn't scale for some reason, but playing a sneak thief character is reasonably fun. It lets you have more freedom in the world both in and out of combat and its just all around the most fun and rewarding

can we bring in mods now? cause it's really not that hard to find a mod which increases the effect of weapons, armor, and perks and also mods which reduce the effectiveness of out of stamina attacks.

ah, was wondering when you would show up

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Being bow thief in Skyrim VR is genuinely fun and intuitive. I don't even use melee weapons, it's faster just to loose off 10 arrows a second at point blank. You can even do cool stuff like firing around corners.

>but mods!
Stop this retarded argument.

Biggest mod scene in gaming.

>getting headshots with bows
Doesn't a shot in the foot and the head do the same damage?

Sneak thieves are the most intuitive use of the game's systems really
your klepto tendencies fuel alchemy(=gold=trainers)/smithing, you can max your stuff without glitches, even most of the ingame enchanted items cater to it
I tried playing the game with 0% magic anything besides what I found and dickass thief was where I ended up

>>Why isn't there a better version of Skyrim?
I ask myself this every day. Fucking Skyrim, man.

It was dumbed down shit for retards then and it's dumbed down shit for retards now. Skyrim was the game for retarded normies and kids who never played a halfway-decent rpg in their life.

>Imagine trying to argue that a game is good because it needs mods to fix it.
Nobody says that, but it's an undeniable fact that modded skyrim is a great game. I find vanilla skyrim boring, but with even a few tweeks to things like combat and camping (plus of course waifus) it adds so much to it. It isn't that good out of the box, but it has a lot of potential, which is why mods carry it so much

Name a open world game with good roleplaying that's actually fun and not a slog.

Here's my say
I hated because on my play station
it would always crash

I got it on pc
and it was beautiful and I could also mod it

>that's actually fun and not a slog
Define "slog". You're pretty much the target casual audience if you can't handle deeper mechanics. You're the reason why people argue that the series was dumbed down even further for impatient retards.

Get ready
I'm gonna blow your fucking mind.
This knowledge might send you into an endless spiral of anger and confusion.
3, 2, 1.
Videogames don't have to be good to be a good videogame.

I mean slog as in the combat and simply moving from place to place is boring as balls like in every fucking rpg that gets recommended on here.

RPGs aren't for you then. Anyway, thanks for proving Skyrim is a game for the brainlets.

Witcher 3? I found that pretty fun.

I don't even like skyrim anymore, I just want to find a game to fill the void it left when I got bored of it.

Have you tried Arx Fatalis?

>western game combat
Jesus christ

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It was pretty cool at the time, but it has aged very poorly

>It was pretty cool at the time, but it has aged very poorly

I can tell you weren't here when it released.

I miss what the previous Elder Scrolls games offer you.

Would not it be great to have everything Pic Related says, but with better gameplay?

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Check this mod.

Try the original Fallouts.

joke's on you, those WERE the better gameplay

personally i think oblivion offered the best compromise between accessibility and amount of features.
unfortunately it was never used as a platform for ambitious projects since we never got an upgraded version of the engine (unlike Skyrim SE, and openMW)

skyrim was my first elder scrolls game and I've purchased it on 5 separate occasions. ama

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>skyrim was my first elder scrolls game
Say no more.

Because not everyone is a nerd that played the others. And people like Vikings more than knights or elves.

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>tfw it's Redfall next which probably means Hammerfell
>People will bitch about not having cool shouts to feel special
>PC will get a soul sword and the Pankrato sword will be a generic power attack

its an rpg that catered to the massive call of duty crowd at the time.

>beat the "install fap uninstall" cycle by mixing a perfect balance of lewd and gameplay mods
The trick is just to not fap until after you're at the end of the play session.

what was that backflip move? i dont remember ever getting that?

I don't get why anyone, at all, likes this game. I've always thought it looked comically bad.

Can someone recommend me some good cunny mods? planning on doing a sex heavy playthrough but I have no idea where to get lewd mods
Tell me the names if you are worried about jannies

Nightjar reversal I think

Nope, I wasn't

Not sure whether the kangzposters or the reseterashitters will be worse.

I can see past all those complaints. It's the lack of enemy variety and copy paste dungeons that I can't stand.

Most people who were hyped for it realized it was shit after 20 hours, and then the "everything is just fucking draugrs" memes began. It enjoys popularity now because it's a bimbo barby dress up dollhouse.

>why was skyrim popular?
because of the beginning of the game and the tutorial part.
the game was just simple enough for literally any idiot to figure out.
because of that and the dragons theme that you experience right out of the gate - ppl played it until the very end.
it was an exceptional playthru but doesnt hold any real replayability
the puzzles were just enough to annoy you to the point where you just had to sort them out
it was really well balanced despite the heavily lacking in game items to choose from.
the story was exceptional and you didnt have to be a elder scrolls fag to understand it.

serious game breaking bugs that are still not even fixed to this day for PC versions
even on legit copies of the game you would have to cheat your way around these game breaking bugs just to be able to finish playing the game
3 huge bugs are still in the game and thats pathetic considering all of the awards the game won.

>dark souls
Pick one retard

it's fun
don't think about it

>Dark Souls.
Stupid nigger.

Play dragon's dogma online

I like how your positives are actually cons.

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2 reasons

Funny you post DMC5. Since I absolutely cannot play that game anymore without the turbo mod which fixes the game pace for me.

>role playing game
>can choose between a dex, strength, magic, miracle, or mixed playstyle
>can choose between between being light and agile or being heavy and tanking blows
>can choose between various covenants, and only fight for one at a time, and gain rewards for serving your covenant
>can make moral choices during NPC sidequests, siding with or against them
>can choose between fighting for frampt and linking the flame, or fighting for kaathe and extinguishing it
>game in which you play roles

I'm 28 and it was my 3rd TES. I still maintain that people who hate Skyrim in this day and mage are just too stupid to mod correctly.

>with good roleplaying


In all honesty. Demon Souls has a great feel and charm to it. The Valley of Defilement, Tower of latria are some of the most memorable places for me. Oh lets not forget that area full of bones and flying manta rays too.

Skyrim on the other hand has its entire vanilla map to immerse in. Traveling by foot/horse to whiterun up to Winterhold is so comfy and less stressful than what Demon souls can offer. Solstheim is definitely a very memorable island with its dractically different landscapes and areas. Plus the Underdark is very new back then and really does beat Demon souls in scale and comfy feeling rather than the depressing backdrop of the valley of defilement.

I dunno man. Both games are memorable to me and being a nostalgia fag made me want to replay it all over again.

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>but mods!
Again with this retarded argument.

Why should you have to mod a game to get enjoyment from it?

You are fucking insane. You think people like a game because they were told to like it? What the fuck is wrong with you. Some people like different games. How many copies has Skyrim sold through it’s different iterations and you think, what, that toddposting did it?

Absolute freedom which is enhanced with mods.

normalfags are easy to please.

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someone plz respond

>Skyrim's entire marketing budget went into toddposting.
Think again.

So don't bother and go play something else?

Despite largely being copy-pasted and linear dungeons, there were more specialized places that had other things to fight besides draugr (dwemer, and falmer ruins come to mind, though admittedly still linear), add to that the dungeons are simple to navigate and get through while also being thematic and giving a participation award at the end, along with a quick way to the exit, means that dungeons were enjoyable to a large group of people that otherwise would have hated the dungeon crawling if they had spent time to make varied layouts. The combat while being simple and unsatisfying, topped off with shitty feedback for melee animations, was also easy to understand and make effective for the player, and you have a game where the casual need not worry about having to relearn anything if he should take an extended break from the game.

The argument is flawed, because a game shouldn't need mods in order for it to be good. That alone says A LOT about the game, and validates all criticism.

You're judging the mods, not the game.

Says nothing about all the people who bought it on console (AKA the vast majority).

makes it easy for a general audience to play through without dying too often. That makes it appealing to many people who just want to win. If you want challenge, you’ll rarely find it.


if it's your first TES game, then you'll probably love it. it was my 3rd TES game and I fucking hated it, dropped it for 4 years, spent countless hours modding it, still couldn't finish the game. it's redundant, boring, terribly written and an obnoxious chore to play. everything you wrote sums it up perfectly. bad combat, bad magic, bad everything.

turning the reticle off and using the bow provided a dozen hours of interesting combat or so, but the AI is just so fucking shit it couldn't save it, nothing can save that game.

thanks user

>Fixes 90%
Hold the fuck up, are you serious? 90% of the problems are 40% shitty rpg mechanics and 60% shitty, glitchy, boring combat. There isn't a single mod that fixes these core issues.

shut up and mod ur game to play like dark souls, virgin

i liked the lore

>Like Skyrim
>Dragons dogma
>Demons souls
>Dark souls
WOW, that was hard! I even managed to give you 4 instead of 2

>souls being like skyrim
i fell for this meme when dark souls came out, but they have barely anything in common.

why is the modding scene so strong for bethesda games? despite being a bad engine, does it simply suit mods well?

There's something that makes the game disgustingly playable and I absolutely hate myself for putting in so many hours into such a shit game.

jesus, it plays like a phone game

How easy it is to approach

It's sandbox nature

Roleplaying - yes you can do everything but you don't have to, that's the point of roleplaying. You can learn any skill in real life with enough practice, but what you choose to learn is your choice.

Although graphically the game looks like a potato peal with a 10x zoom on it most of the scenery, even in the vanilla game looks absolutely stellar.

Skyrim put down the groundwork for most of the modern day RPGs/ action RPGs we have today.

>Roleplaying - yes you can do everything but you don't have to, that's the point of roleplaying. You can learn any skill in real life with enough practice, but what you choose to learn is your choice.

i think what he means is that there is absolutely no consequences to any of your roleplaying choices. factions do not care about your affiliations and there are no requirements for joining any of them, which prevents characterization considerably

>what you choose to learn is your choic
there's no choice when you can just get everything. Morrowind was better since you couldn't become head of every guild and house on a single character

Anyone tried that dark souls combat modlist? is it any good?

in case you're serious, there's a plethora of mods that alter combat and the rpg mechanics

Waiting till DServant updates Unlocked Grip in the coming week

bro just turn your brain off haha

I said that I wanted it fixed, not changed into something different but still the same. Every time someone brings up combat/stat mods, the mods just add another layer of glitchy shit on an already shitfilled pie that is skyrims core mechanics.

So how many hours have you played?

I just picked it up again 2 weeks ago to finally 100% the achievements in it. It's extremely underrated by contrarian faggots everywhere. It's got fun exploration, decent tombs, loads of enemies, etc.
>b-b-but it's shallow!
No it isn't. Every facet of the game has depth to it -- often more depth than any other game you're trying to compare it to.
>b-b-but there's nothing to do!
Nothing to do? Fuck you. You can join the mage's guild. You can join the werewolf fighter's guild. You can join the vampires. You can join the thieves' guild. You can join either side of a civil war. You can become a master smith. You can become a master enchanter. You can join the bard's college. You can become champion for multiple gods. You can cook food. You can decorate your house. You can read books. You can run fetch quests. You can join the assassin's guild and assassinate the emperor.
>b-b-b-but muh empty world
Multiple, unique towns filled with npcs who interact with eachother on a regular basis. NPCs that have enough unique/interesting dialogue that you could fill an entire "you hear it, you lose" thread to bump limit.
>resht of the "great warriors"
>can't find a sweetroll in this skeeverhole of a city
>another warrior to lick my father's boots. Good job
And that's in one building.
The only thing shallow about the game is your mindless criticism of it.

I love this copypasta.

>Do everything and be everything in one playthrough

I actually likes this and don't really see how it inhibits roleplay.

Retards like OP don't understand that with the leveled content, if you try to spread your growth too much, you can get raped by draugr overlords in the midlevels. Maxing out a tree or two gets you the broken perks you need to really handle some of those assholes.

>the main villain is a weak pussy
>dragon who is the god of destruction

Attached: 40918813.jpg (218x290, 16K)

Theres no roleplaying involved in any part of this game, every character you make will eventually do the same exact things but with slightly different items and stats that only affect how quickly you kill things.

sounds like you don't understand what RP is lole

Give me an example of roleplaying in Skyrim.

>there's no roleplaying involved if you refuse to roleplay!

It was hilariously broken which made it insanely fun to do stuff in and the amount to do was nearly limitless even without mods

You really think social pressure doesn't exist? Lol.

>weaker than other dragons in the game
God of my ass maybe.

roleplaying is something that you do, it's not something that is specifically programmed into video games

And what exactly are you doing while playing?
Making up the dialogue and actions of your character in your head and pretend thats what happening?

Jesus fucking Christ.

So your doing this?

How does your ass worship a dragon ?

Play as a nord that hates magic, refuses to join the mage's guild or wear any enchanted armor except his trusted medallion of Talos. He only eats food for recovery and never, EVER sneaks.


Play as a redguard runaway that steals everything nailed down and takes any job promising a bit of coin without requiring manual labor. First to join the thieves' guild and dark brotherhood. Refuses to craft or enchant their own things, but steals/wears what they find in tombs.


Play as a Breton that's come to Skyrim to show Nords just how strong magic can be. No weapons but summoned weapons. Mage's robe and Mage's hat required, but can wear whatever boots/gloves (to keep warm)

NV was your favorite, right?

Do you know what roleplaying is, or are we talking to a literal retard here?

>What is bad dragon

Open world RPG is probably the worst AAA genre

Play through the game following a role. It's not rocket science.

What are you talking about? I want it.


Because it's Elder Scrolls and Todd got that genre on fucking lock.

>opinion i don't like
>newest buzzword for bad

Attached: wojak (2).png (362x376, 25K)

>Oblivion can be fixed with 3-5 mods
>Skyrim has people install hundreds and it's still not fixed

How can the general public like THIS and then complain about 'jank' in other games?

No mods will ever fix the awful quests, repetitive dungeons, and animations.

>You are fucking insane. You think people like a game because they were told to like it?

Absolutely. But I think you're too dumb to understand how it works.

It's not someone pointing at you going, "YOU! LIKE THIS GAME!"

It's marketers trying to instill hype for the product, convincing people it's better than it actually is, talking the game up constantly, and then you get one person saying "heh yeah skyrim is awesome" just because his other friends think skyrim is awesome and he doesn't care enough to say otherwise, and it's self-reinforcing from there on. People want to fit in, and skyrim became one of those 'fit in' games where the actual story and gameplay didn't matter for shit. What mattered to the normie was being part of the group who played it and had fun and if you ever questioned him on it, he'd just fall back to "BECAUSE ITS FUN" without actually being able to articulate any further than that.

For literally years anyone with a slightly critical eye has been ripping apart bethesda. They haven't made a genuinely good gameplay/combat system, EVER.

Both Oblivion and Skyrim are absolute dogshit trash, and Morrowind only barely skates by at all thanks to at least having halfway decent world-building and lore, but is in most ways even worse than its successors.

Just overall bethesda is a garbage company that makes garbage games.

the very first point is also missing that it also had under and over armour slots in tes3

>Why did people like Skyrim?
it is a open world FPS RPG, there is nothing like it

FPS is my fetish and RPG is a bonus

>the melee combat is extremely basic
fuck melee combat
>stealth combat
fuck stealth combat
>characters are ugly
not with mods

>there is nothing like it

I think this hits the nail on the head. There's nothing like it lore-wise or gameplay-wise. I'm not one to defend Skyrim's gameplay but the combat has been shit all through the series in my opinion.

Any mods that remove literally all quests in the game and replace it with good ones? Guild quests were worst quests in vidya since Daggerfall, literally every single one of them sends you to some boring dungeon. In mage's guild you become arch mage after only a few dungeon quests and I knew only one or two spells. Thieve's guild is most repetitive and boring shit ever and ends in a dungeon (that at the time was even bugged). There are mods that fix combat but open world is useless if the game makes you spend 99% of your playthrough below that open world in boring dungeons.

>it's always been bad so it's okay
You'd think they learn, but after Fallout 4, I lost all hope for them.

I'm not saying it's okay. I'm just saying that it's not my main focus when i play TES. But i sure as hell would be a lot happier if they improved and made combat engaging.

There are much better games lore-wise and almost every other game is better gameplay wise. "Go to dungeon X to retrieve item Y" 1000 times is a boring gameplay, especially when it lacks challenge like some old school dungeoncrawlers.

>There are much better games lore-wise
I feel like that is subjective.

>Go to dungeon X to retrieve item Y
This is one of the worst parts about Skyrim and i actually think Oblivion had the best quests in the series so far. I know it's very standard in it's typical fantasy-land setting but it's quests were varying, sometimes had twists or several options. I quite enjoyed them.

Not only is the combat incredible shallow, it's also incredibly abusable. Dual wielding swords simply outdamages everything by far. This webm is played on Legendary.

Attached: good_death.webm (960x540, 2.51M)

Dual wielding is stupid and will always be stupid.


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>it was really well balanced despite the heavily lacking in game items to choose from.

>magic is essentially useless due to no scaling
>blacksmith + enchanting is extremely OP, easily allowing you to get one-handed swords with 1300+ damage
>blacksmithing also allows you to reach the armor cap with light armor, making heavy armor completely useless
>almost every shrine has a completely useless effect to the point where I don't understand why anyone would ever use anything except the skill increase ones, or the Steed
>most magic trees are completely useless because their level scales are off
>higher difficulties of the game only adds more HP and damage, effectively making enemies one-shot you at an early level, and making Destruction useless as it's not designed to handle such HP pools

Real fuckin balanced


>no requirements for joining any of them
This is legitimately terrible. You can join the mage's guild and become the fucking Archmage and the only spell you need to cast is one or two seconds of Flames and Shield for the beginner tutorial quests.

Because you're being contrarian on purpose.

None of these have the amount of freedom Bethesda games offer and of course modability.
No other developer have tried to challenge them in their own game and this is why they keep succeeding. I'm sorry but this is the truth, what you have listed are all great games but they're very different from Bethesda titles.
If people can't even understand something so simple after all these years they should not post here at all.


every experienced gamer will see the simplistic combat and magic as somethin negative or boring

however, that simplicity is exactly what appeals to casuals, which are a way larger market

Skyrim VR would be the best game ever, stopped by two things. Namely no weapon collision, and bloated enemy hp

Funny, because Yea Forums told me to hate it, so I did

None of that shit even matters after you hit lvl ~30 with decent armor. Surrounded by 10 niggers you can just mash m1 until you win and you'll barely notice your health bar.

Seething retard

Modded Skyrim is the ONLY RPG actually worth playing.

Fight me lads!

It's a meme, nobody cares about this shit and it aged poorly.

Which mod actually makes it an RPG?

Someone was too stupid to get the mods working LMFAO

Because dodge-a-ton combat like Witcher 3 was good?

Skyrims gameplay has no depth, you cant get better or git gud at it
In Dark Souls games you start out bad and improve as a player. It's got the depth to allow players to develop their skills

You play the same way 5 years later as you did in the first week the game came out, there's no personal skill progression.

It was at least better than Skyrim.

Requiem. It basically makes the game like a mix between Icewind Dale + Dork Souls + open world.

As an open world to explore? Sure.
But I'd take Dragons Dogma for the gameplay. Capcom better be working on it with the RE Engine.

rape mods

Anyone picking Oblivion over Skyrim is a contrarian.

The real pick would be Morrowind

ultima 7
betrayal at krondor

>But I'd take Dragons Dogma for the gameplay
Open world is a part of the gameplay. The thing which makes elder scrolls games so good is the huge freedom you have in them. Like Todd says, you can be anything you want in there, which is fun gameplay.

Nope. They're both shitty but with different flavour of shit.
Hell both had hp bloat. And both was mindnumbingly easy.
>stealth shoot a fag and mash button
>throw quen, mash button, press space, repeat





Fuck skyrim and fuck these hacks

>ridiculous end game meme build as if it's perfectly normal to have this

>a walking simulator with VN elements
The combat was the trashiest I've ever seen. Why can't games use Die by the Sword melee gameplay?

Sex mods.

>muh skillz
This is why souls fans are such a laughing stock. Pretending that series is hard is hilarious.

i like requiem but the early game really needs more to do other than exploit alchemy or power leveling alteration.
but then again i guess there are mods that give you a variety of repeatable non-dungeon crawl quests anyways and it's my fault for not using them.

I see Skyrim rather as a base structure for mods. And it's really good at this.

If Morrowind isnt good then no TES game made by bethesda is good

it's kind of funny how people say that oblivion character creation was "bad" and skyrim one is good although it's much easier to create unique and attractive character in oblivion than in skyrim if you know what you're fucking doing and not just playing with skin colour RGB slider like a retard youtuber

They both share the same issue of being western games. Almost any japanese-made hack n slash has better combat. You'd think they'd AT LEAST be able to match DS2.

Now you're starting to get it

>i like requiem but the early game really needs more to do other than exploit alchemy or power leveling alteration
Yea, the early in it is really harsh to the point you can barely do anything. But yea, you could use the mod which adds bounty letters on boards in towns, like in the witcher, for example.

I hate when I just get Valtheim Towers as a bounty job in whiterun, because that shit is insane at low levels

I mean aside from the handful of European thrusting weapons not featured in the game he's right.
Do you know what happens to a sword when you try and thrust at some dude wearing a breastplate?

This is at like level 7, user. You just need a few perks in One-handed and the Elemental Fury shout.

you see that's the real failure of skyrim as an rpg. a level seven fresh faced adventure shouldn't stand a chance against a dragon, which means he shouldn't have access to shouts until he proves he's worthy of them. either because he doesn't have good equipment, or he hasn't progressed far enough down a combat oriented perk tree or illusion to buff his companion to do all the work for him or stealth to one shot the poor bastard.
A low level shmuck with basic perks and shitty equipment should get steamrolled by a dragon, but nope, thanks to level scaling every dragon you fight will be appropriately leveled to you and will drop level appropriate loot.

criticising skyrims combat when oblivion and morrowind exists ohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohnooho

>you need to be on Yea Forums to play skyrim

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I'm 90% sure most people liked skyrim because they were under the age of 16 when they played it and only like 4 other open world games existed then. Looking back it's probably one of the shittiest games ever made

Honestly a completely mediocre game, i recently added a bunch of mods but they can't fix and ultimately broken game.
I made it as hardcore as possible, no map no compas, no music, frostfall, campfire, ineed, larger trees(this mod makes the biggest difference i shit you not, you can actually get lost), wildcat, better weapons, civil war overhaul, live another life.... 79 mods total

it makes the game much much better but it still can't make it into a great game.

Let's be honest, how many open world RPGs have genuinely good combat?

It's fun

literally what

there's like 4 open world rpgs

Skyrim is a good video game if you've never played a video game
You can roam around a realistic looking fantasy world and do whatever you want
The fact that the story is shit is irrelevant and the bad, shallow gameplay doesn't bother you because its your first game

It's a game in popular franchise so the bar for failure is significantly higher than most games. A mediocre game in a popular franchise is going to be well received. It would have to truly be shit like Fallout 76 to cross that high failure bar. And even as a failure 76 has a bigger player base and better reviews than if it weren't a Fallout. Name alone can carry your games once the series is popular enough, look no further than Nintendo yo see this in full effect.

Also, Skyrim was quite big and impressive at the time. People forget it's a decade old. No ES game other than Daggerfall holds up. Oblivion and Morrowind have their fans but for most people they are dated. Though during their release were impressive.

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It's an open world first person rpg with a large comfy map. It may have terrible combat, writing, dungeons and pretty much everything else but you have to admit that Bethesda is pretty much the only company that makes this kind of huge sandboxes to have your little adventures in.
Massive modding community helps too.

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Skinner box man. Clear dungeon, get reward good boy. Smith something get lvl up good boy. Complete quest geat a shit weapon "user you are a hero" good boy

>30 still comes to 4channel

>Why did people like Skyrim?


I was told to call this poster retarded.

1 or 2. Dragon's Dogma probably being the best of the bunch.

Anyone who uses «normie», can go right back to Facebook you absolute trite nigger

>carefully crafted open world that puts Skyrim and Skyrim clones to shame
>breathtaking landmarks you can actually interact with in some way everywhere
>perfect, immersive world building
>fun combat system
Why does Yea Forums hate Xenoblade Chronicles 2 again?

The people were too casual for Dark Souls so they bought Skyrim instead.
Both are 2011 releases.

I'm not sure if Yea Forums hates it but it has one of the worst MCs in history of videogames (literally would be better if he was a silent protagonist, that's how bad he is) and combat was pretty bad compared to Xenoblade X (fixed in that DLC though). Also it had too many anime harem tropes and feels way too childish at times, plus speed of light doesn't work the way developers think it does. Much better than Skyrim in every way though, except for music.

That one webm. You know the one.

Speaking as someone who's never played an MMO, but loved platform RPGs, I could see WoW being even MORE tedious..


it's engaging in a simple way, you can pick it up and play and 3 hours will pass quickly. it could be better but it's by no means bad at all.

>Why did people like Skyrim?
I just came to terms that the game's appeal is the exact opposite of what I look for in an RPG. The stripping of mechanics and what Bethesda did to compensate wasn't to the game's favor. Honestly it just feels like there's too much wasted potential across the board. Like the game could've been among the best, but it stops short on every front and as a result it's subpar from start to finish.

>Posting clips of someone playing on novice

its literally 0.5x dmg taken while dealing 2x dmg, the combat is dumb for sure but these webms are dishonest as fuck. Kinda makes you look like a gaming journo

Gonna catch some flak for this but kingdoms of amalur.

>Dovakhiin memes
>promised best graphics ever
>promised that you will be able to influence economy with side quests and general gameplay (lel)
>10/10 reviews from everyone

Game had perfect marketing and starts out really well with some great music and action. The more you play it the more you see how shit it is (becoming arch mage with knowing one spell, every quest sending you to a dungeon) but there are mods to keep it more interesting, some weird vampire mods, combat mods, porn mods etc. Overall it's a terrible and complete trash of a game except for it's music and moddability plus some people like having something so simple to play with 0 stress, it's basically impossible to die in the game.

>>getting headshots with bows at long range is pretty satisfying
>>the world is pretty and has a couple neat looking areas like the underground cavern
>>the ambient music is comfy
>>lorefag shit I guess

It's this stuff, plus the low barrier of entry it has for being a rather straight-forward and simple game without too many advanced systems to bog things down. It really appeals to when you want to play a casual game.

If I want to just relax and explore a pretty and intereseting world, I play Skyrim

if I want to do something more engaging, I play a more challenging game.

when skyrim gets difficult (usually with mods), it gets tedius and boring

Same reason people like Crash Bandicoot, Golden Eye, Final Fantasy VII and other ancient garbage. Babby's first game.

I know this is a bait thread, but skyrim only takes a few base mods to make it an extremely fun experience:
immersive movement, citizens, patrols
realistic dialogue overhaul
ordinator for new perks
apocalypse magic of skyrim for 100s of new spells
immersive armors and weapons for 100s of new armor and weapons including weapin types
wildcat combat of skyrim for Timed block and limb mechanics (damage their leg to knock them over, also affects your player character) and fixes the AI of the enemys to actually block and use potions.
And guess what? All of these mods are available on the console version (except the armor sets because they take some witcher ones which is trademarked) and can be downloaded by any literal retard in the world.

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>armor and weapon designs are typical western MMO garbage that is neither stylish nor realistic
This is a point that I've never given enough consideration, but it's true. Most Western RPGs use pseudo-realistic weapons and armor which typically gives it a dull and bland aesthetic. Conversely, JRPGs typically veer too close to the opposite and the weapons are so flamboyant that they appear too ridiculous. I'd like a happy medium, similar to the less extreme World of Warcraft weapons.

You bought Skyrim. You bought it because people praised it. You are a Skyrim sheep. I know you bought it multiple times, Todd sheered your wool. He fleeced you. Again and again and again.

>He doesn't play with Requiem and sexlab defeat installed along with 500+ animations involving both humans and creatures

Attached: terra.jpg (597x597, 26K)

Don't forget this

To stop all the autoaiming bullshit

>and Morrowind only barely skates by at all thanks to at least having halfway decent world-building and lore, but is in most ways even worse than its successors.
Is that even your own idea? or something Yea Forums told you.

But it's a single player experience. Why would it matter?

If we're talking about today, it's the fact that Skyrim's moddability has a near infinite potential. Sadly, that doesn't equate to Skyrim actually being a good game. Skyrim has a lot of flaws, but the modding community alleviated most of the flaws the vanilla game has. As for on release, it was innovative at the time, boasting extremely good graphics and flexibility in character expression and the such. Sadly, it aged like milk and fine wine. Skyrim doesn't have anything going for it that you can really praise it for in the future like "I wish this game's STORY was a good as Skyrim", it was just good at the time and that's it.

Attached: cat.jpg (450x338, 26K)

I don't know mang, the DLC's had some fun fights such as the toad, iris' greatest fear and Dettlaff.

I was told to call this poster based and redpilled

Good for escapism

wow every game ever isnt made for you specifially wowwwwwwwww

its fun for some people whats so hard to get

>yeah! Skyrim sucks cause my character cant jump up in the air to do ballerina spins mid flight while simultaneously shooting fire and lighting from my eyes and shooting a bow and arrow. This game is shit.

>Look guys I'm one of you now!!! Hehe xD

>Yea Forums still going nuclear over the fact that Skyrim is successful 10 years after the release
Just let it go guys.
It's a good game.

You just called us all stupid for not modding a dull, inept and soulless chunk of lowest-common-denominator mass-media garbage until it somehow becomes good

I am perfectly happy not playing Skyrim at all. The only thing that would improve the situation is not being constantly told how ebin it is by r/gaming refugees

Goddamn I hate Bethesda

>chronicles 2
you mean x?


Unironically this.

You now remember that the release gap between Oblivion and Skyrim is shorter than what we have now with Skyrim and now. Fuck I feel old

>>the world is pretty and has a couple neat looking areas like the underground cavern
>>the ambient music is comfy
These alone are so good that the problems I have with it aren't bad enough to dislike it

Fallout 4 was almost as long ago now as Oblivion was when Skyrim came out.

>the melee combat is extremely basic, uncool, and tedious
Yeah, but it is still the best of the series.

>magic combat mostly boils down to making different color balls come out of your hands
Let me guess, you want to summon lighting from the sky.

>stealth combat is 80% waiting for the eye-icon to close so you can go for another backstab
Turn off cursor and max out stab perk.

>every single voice actor is phoning it in because they all play 30+ characters
Turn down voice volume and turn on subtitles.

>there is little actual roleplaying since you can basically do everything and be everything in 1 playthrough
Be a man and create your own headcanon ingame mechanics that you follow.

>armor and weapon designs are typical western MMO garbage that is neither stylish nor realistic
I don't give a shit.

>you repeat the same draugr dungeons about seventeen thousand times
I still don't give a shit.

>characters are ugly and character creation is highly limited
Best of the series.

>the story is predictable, boring trite and the main villain is a weak pussy
You're player character is NEVER the Dovahkin.

>none of the side quests are particularly memorable either
For the third time, I don't give a shit.

>it's glitchy as hell and none of the fifty re-releases have fixed that
Clearly best of the series.

same reason people like dmc5 and remake2
they're advertised and they're idiots

Not even gonna read your greentext. People liked it because
>it's fun
>there aren't many games like it - open world sandbox
>lets you play as a demigod, lorewise. Everyone likes power fantasy games
>it had a great trailer
>it especially attracted redditors, so much that they still make the same stupid Skyrim posts today

Attached: 1545414297855.png (334x346, 109K)

>advertising doesn't effect me, also i hate things because they're popular
based retard

how does this kind of thinking make you any less of a dunce? You're still reacting to something because it's being advertised, you're just being a contrarian about it.

Skyrim is the Game of Thrones of Video games. So Yes I do think it is believable.

Not at the time. Elder Scrolls was a B-list franchise before Skyrim.

>Daggerfall holds up?
It is timeless in a sense.
It is considered just as shitty today as the day it was launched.
Daggerfall may not be the worst video game ever but it is in the discussion.


there wasnt anything better back then to play

>skyrim was unique
Just because it was your first open world game doesnt mean it was unique

>Make game for lowest common denominator
>Millions of braindead retards eat it up

It was made for people who had absolutely zero standards for RPG's coming in, i.e. the intended audience Skyrim was going for.

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Do you really believe the RPG thing matters?
There is a metric shit ton of studios that went broke making proper RPGs.
You can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

Replace the big brain guys with hipsters. That is the only group that still claims to like those games.

not even the market disagrees with this. all current popular franchises are built off of old IPs and brands, including Skyrim. you most certainly consume such media if you're a zoomer in this consolidated age.

which you're not... right?

Because it came out at the right time, at the right place and had a great marketing campaign.

It's basically normie's first RPG and so people were willing to forgive it's faults since they'd never played anything like it. Most people familiar with the series saw it as Oblivion with a fresh coat of paint.

what's the relation to acting like old games are not shit?
the only playable TES game is Online and even that sucks major ass.

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Daggerfall 250k lifetime sales
Skyrim 28 million lifetime sales.

You are correct. The market has spoken.

To be fair Daggerfall was a bad game so the sales aren't a surprise.

Arena fucking sucks, it's almost unplayable with how buggy it is. Daggerfall is better but suffers from being copy paste the game and also is a buggy mess.

Basically there arent many games like it (outside some eurojunk Piranha bytes crap)
If there were better options in the market people wouldnt give Todd the time of the day

I'm actually surprised no studio tried to make their own skyrim after it's success. While RPG lite design has sort of taken over the industry atm, it didn't become a thing until the last couple of years and even then no one has attempted to make a "bethesda style" RPG.

Witcher 3 was the closest thing
Story (while worse than W2) is light years ahead of anything from Bethesda and no matter how much you hate its combat, its better than anything from Bethesda too


Spoken like a true zoomer, who only cares about culture association rather than actual quality.

Attached: a6wOQAq_700b[1].jpg (700x467, 72K)

>it has soords and ets a funhtasy and you roide horses so it's besikally skairem

Its an open world fantasy RPG, you dimwit.
So yeah, like Skyrim

Nice buzzwords.

I know it is hard for autists to understand, but it was unironically comfy

No, he's right. You're a soulless zoomer nigger.

Oh noes there are two cranky old timers.

entry level games are liked by entry level gamers.
You(and me) are experienced and know good games so we see the flaws.

It's like anything that you do the first time as a young person, even shitty ice cream tastes good even though a nice gelato is sooo much better. Yet, shitty ice cream sells.

you can only stagger on block with timed blocks. I use SkyRE that has support to timed blocks. check it out.

The game had misty mountains, grottos, dark and vast caverns, pinewood forests, and more. You could at least try to pretend that you played the game.

>Um... you can straight up just walk out of the way of an attack.
No you cannot since the enemies are magnetized. Even if you strafe they'll perform homing attacks on you.
This is an old video but it shows this issue nicely youtube.com/watch?v=8M56N0tD0lU

Why let facts stand in the way of a good argument?

The same reason people like any post-Morrowind Bethesda game, they're frontloaded to fuck. It's almost to the point of parody in Fallout 4 as you get power armor, a minigun and the dog companion in the first 30 minutes of the game. Normalfags who play these games for maybe 20 hours tops will never hit the point where the game becomes dull and the glaring issues appear.

no joke; it's fun :^)

Is there still no way to mod on Xbox 360? :(

The story was stupid and shitty. The open world is great. Kind of like Grand Theft Auto.


how hard is it to not touch a game ever?

>Normalfags who play these games for maybe 20 hours tops will never hit the point where the game becomes dull and the glaring issues appear.
You say this but it makes no sense since people are still to this day playing Skyrim with hundreds of hours of playtime. Youtubers still to this day making videos saying "Why Skyrim is a classic" and getting hundreds of thousands of views.

I mean, Witcher 3, a game that's been dicksucked here as a "Skyrim killer", has 17,058 24-hour peak players. Skyrim has 37,231 24-hour peak players. And Skyrim is 4 years older than Witcher.

>Normalfags who play these games for maybe 20 hours tops will never hit the point where the game becomes dull and the glaring issues appear.
That's not the case, though, people have hundreds, even thousands of hours on that garbage, either because they don't know better or because mommy couldn't keep away from the bottle during pregnancy

Attached: I Have Over 500 Hours Clocked in Skyrim and I Still Keep Finding New Stuff.gif (200x194, 272K)

Headshots actually deal the same damage as bodyshots

Yeah sure one of the most influential, beloved, and critically acclaimed games ever is actually one of the worst games ever whatever you say buddy

>20 hours tops
if you have over 20h in a game, you usually keep playing because it's too late to stop.
noone ever dropped a game after 15~30h. Only exceptions are games that are played through in that amount of time and have literally no other content

Mods are shit

it felt like a real persistent world you could freely explore. it's actually shallow but the open world fools you

I initially was excited for it because I don’t like MMOs yet I still like the idea of a pretty lived in fantasy world to roam around in and explore and stuff, and at that point in my life it satisfied the desire for that. I got like 100 hours in it unmodded off of just that exploration and roleplaying alone.
The remaining 600 hours were with mods that let me play a sexy ass lithe thief, a sexy busty vampire Mage, and a sexy hulking musclebabe barbarian. All with mods that vastly shit all over the base mechanics, Magic, combat, survivalism, quests etc.

>Yea Forums likes Skyrim now
What's next? Do you pretend that Bioshock Infinite is good too?
Fucking newfags ruined the board.

It's very chill and I like modding

Headcanon rp is a big reason too.

I enjoy playing Skyrim, and it has nothing to do with nostalgia or marketing because I picked it up several years after release knowing almost nothing about it.

I like fantasy settings, I like RPG's, I like open world games. And modding makes up for some of the game's shortfalls and keeps it interesting. There's nothing more to it than that.

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Have you noticed, for all its proclamations about protecting the rights of property amd preserving law and order, the Imperial legion does little enough to capture and prosecute abolitionists? That's a bit hypocritical, don't you think?

People pretend Bioshock 1 was good. Think about that for a second.

This. Did the same with Oblivion with better results. Sounds like everyone is getting too meta about the combat to get immersed in the game at all. Do you guys really think video game combat is ever actually *that* good? Dodge rolls don't give you iframes in realistic combat.

No, Yea Forums is the ultimate contrarian when it comes to Bioshock. Seeing how everybody is dicksucking Bioshock 2.

>Normies like Skyrim because it's usually the first game of the sort they've played, only played it because of marketing
>Pop-culture fanatics like Skyrim because it's the thing to love
You hate Skyrim and other entry-level games that are hugely popular because you have a frame of reference and have played better games before, most people didn't
It's the same thing with people flocking to watch capeshit

Literally nothing you said is true.
It wasn't influential on TES as they moved away from damn near everything Daggerfall did.
If by critical acclaim you mean people gave them credit for their ambition sure but it was universally panned for being a buggy mess.
Beloved by whom?

It is a shitty TES game.
It is a shitty video game.

If anyone cares to see it is free and the download will take longer than the playtime needed to see it is complete shit.

no one in this thread has ever played on the hardest difficulty using sword and shield .

pure block, smash and dodge mechanics with extremely high risk, epic fights all over skyrim.

Sword and board with Spellbreaker is OP.

its fun

>noone ever dropped a game after 15~30h
What in the fucking hell is this thread?

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I used to hate Skyrim like you then I took an arrow to the knee

Skyrim gaining in popularity on Yea Forums.
Witcher 3 largely forgotten on Yea Forums.
Truly the best timeline.

Because it's a casual RPG with a huge open world, great lore and generally pleasant characters, designs, etc. That's literally all there is to it.

>Taking fuckall damage
This is your own fault for playing on baby difficulty.

>Dragons dogma
I'm sorry, user but Dragon's Dogma is overhyped. The game is unappealing outside of game design. It just doesn't attract a casual crowd.
You mean Skyrim but with shitty potato faces, bland as fuck fantasy world and worse dungeon design.

Sure, it's better than Skyrim mechanically but normies don't give a shit about mechanics.
>Demons souls/Dark souls
How the fuck are the Souls games even remotely like the Elder Scrolls games?

imagine all the negatives, but since you have nothing to compare it, you think it's good
it was the first rpg for many people
just like oblivion was for me

None of them are in first person, retard.

>Old ass Orc way past his prime
>vs Level 7 character wearing...Ebony(?) using a Shout, a canonically overpowered ability, to increase his attack speed a fuckton combined with duel-wielding swords with the specific perks that upgrade that shit
I mean, you have a point in-regards to how easy it is to break the game but your example is pretty shitty.

The bad AI and broken sneak made sneaking around really entertaining. The game also worked well as a mindless hack & slash where you go around caves and dungeons killing shit to sell it for stronger weapons.

Not an excuse. Dishonored was a 1st person western game, and the melee combat felt much more lethal and fluid, rewarding well timed blocks and not feeling like slapping people with a wooden plank.