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Other urls found in this thread:


don't repost this again

Does she die?

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dude, we just had this thread, let's not test our luck. Also, there is a translated version, you know.

Fug u

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ok, This time I will post the full scene in english.
Zinnia just knocked out fabulous faggot and his wild girlfriend out of FUG...

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And everyone jumped in joy. Yes, even japan hates Zinnia, how else you explain her lack of fanart and doujins?

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based fug, hyper beam that b-word

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>awww, shit bro.

Why the fuck is fugg so mad here? Is Ziina evil or something? I never played the remakes.

Some humans came to you and asked you to help them to save the world, that is pretty cool and you allow them to ride you. Then some bitch appears and knock away the humans and DEMANDS you to join her instead. As fucking FUG, ruler of the sky, wouldn't you be offended by this bitch acting like she was hot shit?

Can we just talk about how smug fug is

Here you have Black sending all his mons to protect White...

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And two years later in universe (and real life), you have White sending all her mons to protect (rock) Black. Kusaka, when this nightmare is over, if you don't make them a couple after literal years of bullshit...

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Not evil, just an asshole, the only difference is that in the manga she is punished for it, unlike in the games.

Also, in case you are wondering why Tepig and Serperior aren't facing N is because they already know he doesn't carry evil intentions.

Too cute

I have to wonder what GF was thinking when they made her??

They weren't thinking...

"How can we make a character as hated as physically possible?"

Fug already made a pact with Ruby and Sapphire. Zinnia being the huge cunt she is kicked them off of him and asked to make a pact with her instead.
Fug ain't having any of that so he blasted her.
She's also a pretty big cunt in general and everything was her fault to begin with.

Her dialogue and actions throughout make her more of a massive bitch despite wanting to achieve the exact same goal. Icing on the cake being FUG rejects her and allows you to ride it instead. Manga took it an extra step by at least making her confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

>YWN have a girl searching for you without stopping for 2 years.
why to live?

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She seems cute.
Why people don't like her or don't hate her enough to hatefuck her?

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Play ORAS and you will know.

I remember really liking this manga like 8 years ago, then stopped reading for no particular reason. Started back up in the Sinnoh arc and it kinda sucks so far imo.

Should I just look for the non-localized translation or is this just not a great part? Or have my standards just changed that much? I happen to have a tremendous bias in favor of anything Sinnoh so I'm surprised.

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Because she is such an insufferable cunt that nobody wants to draw or have anything to do with her. There is nothing remotely likable about her.

I feel like another aspect this could've gone is have White find the stone very early after it leaves, but be unable to open it for those two years, and she's fallen into despair due to it, committing herself to her job until she can find how to open the stone.

Looks like a Naruto character. What a mess.

>There is nothing remotely likable about her.
Not ENTIRELY true. She has a cool battle theme. But that's it. Everything else about her is awful.

She already commited herself to the pokestar studio besides looking for the stone in order to not fall in despair.



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Look at the responses to . That'll give you all the information you need to know. Her rack is the only redeeming thing about her, everything else is the exact opposite you'd want in a person, even for hate fucking.

I wish.

>sinnoh arc
Squid, you are my enemy now.

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The worst part is that she gets away with this shitty behavior in the games.

Maybe I'm petty but I feel the theme is ruined on virtue of it being her's. That and I hate her spastic movement when the battle starts and she throws out her ball.

I found her entertaining.

Did she died?

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Also, Black somehow managed to overpower Reshiram and fly to White instead of Kyurem.

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Unfortunately not

What how does someone survive that

I'm not making that claim decisively, it's just that I'm at the Old Chateau part now and it hasn't really been very interesting yet. I am reading the localized version though as I can't find the other translation, which I always stated away from in the past.

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Also, one thing not mentioned by the others is that in Pokespe, Ruby got his scars and both he and Sapphire switched personalities as a result of Ruby fighting off a Salamence that was running wild. That Salamence was Zinnia's, and she let it rampage on purpose to free the sleeping, captured Fug. So both Ruby and Sapphire have a personal reason to hate her too, because she alone caused the despair that they experienced in their lives.

No, but she is crippled for life.

Here everything up to the current BW2 chapter, as that one is not over yet, XY, ORAS and SM get separate pages

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who told you that? She'll recover but she ain't gonna be using her legs for a good while.

I love the manga, Lysandre got the best death ever and the kids who killed him were about to actually start going edgy as well til AZ snapped them out of it

I mean wouldn't you start agreeing with the genocidal maniac that the world is shit when the people you saved immediately start blaming you for the damage he caused and actually run you out of your own town?

Her battle theme is just fine, butoverrated as fuck. It needed a Smash remix to be fixed.

>that blush

Reminder that Sun literally causes disasters with his words and actions, look what he just did.

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ORAS and (U)SM's director is a hardcore waifu fag.

Is literally the second time he causes someone a PTSD attack with his words.

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Why does the art just keep getting worse?

Then how did he fuck up so badly in making her likable?

>splats on the ground with his main bitch
How edgy is Sun and Moon with Guzma in comparison?

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But this time, unlike with Lillie, this won't be easy to fix...

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Guzma is currenly MIA in the ultra space, thanks to the idiot Sun moither beast was unleashed and the plots of SM and USUM were fused.

Why is this meme page always the first thing to be posted about the pokemon manga?

Most waifu fags only think with their dick so he stopped thinking post design.

What happens next user?

I'm gonna blame this one on Lusamine instead of Sun. Literally anything could've and likely would've set her off. Bitch is nuts.

follow the reply chain.

Pokemon universe has very good healthcare.

Nah, she was pretty stable with her idea of helping the ultra metropolis to defeat necrozma, then Sun had to use a very specific word (take) which set her nuts because "her husband was taken from her". It also happened with lillie, he called her "pretty doll", the word "doll" caused lillie a heavy PTSD because that is how crazy lusamine calls her.

>Zinnia is proof that even Japanese female made characters are prone to being hated to hell here.

>Gengar watching Lysandre die with a smile

Marlava survived this then went on the news blaming the kids for how fucked up Kalos got in the ensuing battle leading to the kids to be public enemies run off from their own homes and them starting to become as nihilistic and edgy "Fuck humanity" as Lysandre did until AZ came and set things right for them.

Meanwhile Cyrus actually starts to learn to love again in the manga instead of getting killed by a pissed off Girantina like in the games and anime. Yet Maxie and Archie actually die because of their stupid actions and Giovanni becomes cool as hell after losing Team Rocket

I really need to get to reading that manga.
The anime had some moments of Pokemon violence but nowhere near that level.

Is the Pokemon manga worth it for someone who doesn't care about Pokemon too much and preferred Digimon as a kid?

Except Japan also hates her.

Hey righteous, thanks a bunch my dude

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Thats a keeper

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>Marlava survived this then went on the news blaming the kids for how fucked up Kalos got in the ensuing battle leading to the kids to be public enemies run off from their own homes and them starting to become as nihilistic and edgy "Fuck humanity" as Lysandre did until AZ came and set things right for them.
this again? this never happened, the normalfags didn't know about the final battle and because the kids were so dirty after it they thought they were thiefs or something.

I would say the first series definitely is

No, at best there's the odd bit of violence and tits but there's no point in reading it just for that.

Considering what Lysandre did to X absolutely none of them feel any sympathy for him at that moment. Yvonne and Shuna especially didn't give a single fuck about him

As for Guzma he's fucking nuts in the manga, he based his own head in when he lost to sun and drew blood, then went mad with power over having ultra beasts at his command til they started attacking even team skull


Does Lusamine ever reach the same level of batshit in the anime?

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From what I've been told she's just a wacky hot mom.

cute dorks

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Well, she just went mother beast and that is the last chapter for now.

It's fun if you like the pokimans, but I wouldn't bother with it if you don't care for the franchise.

It got one. Look it up.

Apparently that isn't entirely true in Zinnia's case.

>I should you my Fug. Answer me.

Zinnia isn't bad because she's female. Zinnia is bad because she's a shitty character who is retroactively made the Mastermind behind both Team Magma and Team Aqua (or at least the Primal Reversion thing), winds up stealing from multiple people and assaulting them with no comeuppance, and also is part of a secret club of super special snowflakes that never get mentioned until they postgame. And that's just what I remember off the top of my head.

Pokemon has much better waifu's so that didn't save Zinnia.

Look how smug he is. He knows he did good.

gonna need a soucerino there friend

why does she have fangs

50% people who hate Zinnia
50% ryona fetishists

>it ain't goinf to FUG itself.

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Take this cringe to /vp/ or Yea Forums already.

It also helps they have something likable about them besides their looks.

Tomboy thing in anime.
It's supposed to signify that they are a bit of a wildchild or brass.

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She's feral

>anything I don't like is cringe

Zinnia is deluded and believes herself to be the protagonist and the hero who will save the world at any means. She steals Z-rings and sabotages a plan that would kill a shitload of people to save our dimension because she thinks she and Fug can stop the meteor. But Fug doesn't answer to her and it nearly mindbreaks her.

Zinnia's hatebase has grown out-of-control autistic.

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comics in all forms are Yea Forums territory, due to Yea Forums being a blasted hellscape

I didn't word it properly, I meant the song needed a Smash remix so it could be good, which is superior in every single way.

didn't maxie and archie come back after death because of oras?

As kids they used to be friends, until a Salamence attacked them and the guy got beat up pretty bad fending it off, which made the girl cry. The guy interpreted this as her finding his battle lust scary, so he stopped batting and devoted himself to contests instead. She on the other hand cried because she was scared and felt helpless, so she devoted herself to becoming stronger and more bloodthirsty so she could fight alongside him when they met again. She has fangs because she grew up to be a "wild girl" this way.

So naturally when the two meet again they don't recognize each other at all, and still don't realize they are each other's missing childhood friend until most of the way through the arc.

No, she still sucked as a mom but now she actually tries to save Lillie from Nihilego at cost to herself, it drags her to ultra sea, she was turned into motherbeast and her mentality was reduced to that of a child, Ash and Pikachu beat her, she turns back and now her role is to help ultra beasts go back to their worlds and to do that she turned ash's group into a super sentai team with ride pokemon, she's still goofy as shit and deeply misses Mohn who has yet to make an appearance in the present but he had a Margearna that is now passed down to Lillie but it's missing it's Soul Heart so it's inactive right now but promo material shows it alive and playing with the group so I guess Lillie will find it later

That's IT?
Go me excited for nothing

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>Zinnia's hatebase has grown out-of-control autistic.

More like she's forgotten except when these kind of threads pop out here and there, this being I think the second today. Pokemon has way too many cute and better pokegirls for people to give a shit about Zinnia.

How did Maxie come back to life? I haven't read the manga since BW because that one took forever to progress and later I just got turned off by the massive amount of drama and edge, but the author really needs to stop killing off characters. He got incredibly lucky with Salamence being Zinnia's main Pokemon.

yes, and they die again.

Man, Pokemon Special/Adventures/Whatever is fucking stupid.
At least it gave us Yellow.

you seem to have saved a thumbnail

>More like she's forgotten
You have niggers every gen 3 thread whining about how she "gets away with it" when no such thing occurs. I didn't she was a particularly great character but goddamn does she make autists mad.

Archie and Maxie got trapped in an energy state due to the power of the Blue and Red Orbs, and were offered an enchanted suit of armor by Galactic Admin Sird to escape. THe catch is that only one could escape, and she'd only give it to the person who killed the other. So Archie killed Maxie to take the armor and try again. Gold destroyed the armor in the Emerald arc, damning Archie to death as well. They were returned by lingering energy calling to them, swapping their personalities so they could stop the meteorite using Primal Groudon and Kyogre. After that they faded away again, this time presumably for good.

to be honest something fucky happened and I accidentally saved a bunch of thumbnails and one photo from a Baba Is You thread think I might have highlighted the entire page or something

Yellow is a miracle.

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this sounds just as stupid as the time Ruby had celebi for the whole arc with no build up or foreshadowing and used it just to undo the deaths of everybody by going back a couple of moments in the past and once that was done Celebi just fucked off

apparently they come back to life due to the distortion world, didn't read the whole thing either, sorry. i like how he gave them memorable "deaths" (because of gamefreak doing new games, they are going to return someday), pryce being lost in time, archie and maxie killing each other in a car, cyrus not being dead, etc etc

Zinnia wrecks expensive machinery and steals from others yet the harshest thing that happens is FUG saying no. Her actions leading up to FUG are worthy of prison time yet she just fucks off somewhere. That's what people mean when they say she 'gets away with it'.

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Blame GF, kusaka despites remakes for a reason.

>Zinnia wrecks expensive machinery and steals from others yet the harshest thing that happens is FUG saying no.
Yeah you don't sound biased at all. She saved another dimension from getting meteor'd, retard. Devon was in the wrong.

Sun has to have the worst luck ever, both lillie and lusamine get triggered by specific words and he said them on their first encounters.

So if anons were secretly there when she got fugged, what would they do?

>do a good writting with kids game characters
>kill them at some point with a good reason behin
>you can't kill them kusaka
>damn, i gotta use that gs ball again

it isn't a ex deus if he always had the ball tho

I'll take it over the anime.

Not his fault he has to deal with a mentally unstable family.

At most, call someone to take care of her just to be as humanly possible. She brought it all to herself and that was her punishment.

yellow it's probably one of my favorites characters in existence

>She saved another dimension from getting meteor'd, retard.
The other dimension would've been fine. A Deoxys meteorite impacting was the plot of the first Mystery Dungeon game, and they survived that without the need for Mega Fug and Dragon Ascent And Birth Island in RSE was created by a Deoxys meteorite long ago, and the region is fine.

>because you saved a world not relevant to us and cost us millions in damage we're going to handwave all the shit you did and not sentence you to prison
Oh yeah, Zinnia deserves a medal alright.

was thinking of replaying emerald recently in any case but i don't think i'm gonna go with ORAS since everyone is saying how bad it is
who is zinnia and why does she exist in any case?

>At least it gave us Yellow.
Blegh. I would've preferred if Kusaka actually made a believable character instead of a Mary Sue archetype.

No bitch, you can't escape from me.

No she just got put in a wheelchair
damn dragonbreathe with its chance to paralyze

The solgaleo thing was completely his fault.
>Solgaleo needs me to fight the ultra beasts!
>nah! i gonna ditch him so i can pay that faggot for the island of my granpa!
>what? the aether base was built on it already?
>what? solgaleo cannot fight?
And Alola had ultra beast on rampage for 6 months, all because some idiot had an "honor beforre reason" episode.

>The other dimension would've been fine.

I notice you aren't whining about Magma/Aqua not going to jail.

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The manga has some fucking bullshit like X mega evolving his entire team Red having Deoxy's blood in him, Lack2 being so mentally scarred he doesn't actually understand with empathy means and Clores killing people with a smile on his face such as using Kyreum to freeze the entire reigion and flash freezing Lack2 and Whi2 and throwing their bodies in the river to their deaths if lack2 didn't have the presence of mind to give Kelado that berry that cancels frozen status right before

oh and sabrina and lance along with the rest of the elite four being team rocket members and sympathizers and everything with Pyrce

why'd they take chickens hat away
what the fuck

Also, because she saved Nebbie, Lillie is fixiated to Moon instead of him.

All the Team leaders deserve to go to prison just as bad as Zinnia, stop being stupid.

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Black2 is so sociopath that even pokemons notice it, Keldeo was shocked but his masters told him to suck it until the crisis was over, sociopath or not black2 was on their side and they need all the help they can.

>Mary Sue
I knew nothing about Yellow other than she has a cute design. I guess it was too much to hope for anything salvageable from this mess.

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Don't mind me, I'm just the best character in Special who was part of the best arc ending in the history of the manga (GSC)

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She got stuck in Ultra Deep Space with Sun for six months and had to keep changing clothes

>stop being stupid.
If I was being stupid I'd be whining about Zinnia breaking the dimensional warp.

I swear you retards actually act like she's meant to be portrayed as being in the right for her actions.

Mary sue means nothing now.

>literally the joseth joestar of pokemon.

I'm still mad that gold and silver were on a cliffhanger for like 40 chapters while crystal had her shitty braindead adventures.
I found the manga really cool as a kid but now I can't tolerate the episodic nature of the red arc

>X evolving his entire team
You can argue that because he took the four other keystones from Blue and co. that he was able to do it
>Red having Deoxys blood
Other way around. Deoxys had Red's blood and thought of Red as a relative or descendant or something cause it's the DNA pokemon
He's a legit sociopath. As for why, the manga keeps going on hiatus so we may never know
He was always a science first, people second kinda guy

Not a mary sue per se (that faggot obviously has no idea what that means) but she has her share of special abilities, like being able to heal Pokemon with her own hands. Her quirk is that she dislikes evolved Pokemon as she considers them ugly but eventually warms to them when all of her team starts evolving in order to be strong enough to fight for her.

don't forget he single-handedly saved the Emerald arc

Does this actually happen in the manga or is this fan stuff?

ITT: Poeople who didn’t finish Delta Episode.
Zinnia’s entire purpose in life, as she saw it, was to summon FUG and save the world. Same time, she was depressed and clearly unhinged from the death of Aster. Botch probably planned to either be the hero or die trying which would both be A-OK for her.
Instead she gets neither, her thunder is stolen, and she says she regrets what she did before ducking off to parts unknown, probably to die.
Finish the games you complain about.

>like X mega evolving his entire team
And he ended up catatonic from it, basically channeling his consciousness through the bonds of the Key Stones, unable to actually hear the others or respond.
>Red having Deoxy's blood in him
Other way around. Deoxys absorbed a sample of Red's blood taken from one of Giovanni's labs and thought Red was its kin.
>Lack2 being so mentally scarred he doesn't actually understand with empathy means
I think he's just a sociopath.

Read the thread, dummy

How dod that littke shit Emerald win this tournament?
Missing name is Red by the way.

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Read harder as you are missing many details and getting wrong others.

>there's people in this thread, in this board, in this internet, who defend Zinnia

Please continue user, make my day.

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Were do Kanto people fit into this. Is this manga over arching in its narrative or no?

>but she has her share of special abilities

>New OC trainer immediately going up against the Elite Four that defeated Red, and actually stands a chance
>Has Red's Pikachu, then her Pikachu mated with Red's Pikachu to produce Gold's Pichu
>Fights with unevolved mons cause evolving turns them ugly and scary
>Has magic healing powers and a magnetic fishing line
>Has the Gold and Silver Wings as feathers in her cap
>Is a cute girl the entire time !!!! and has a crush on Red !!!!
>Is given powerful Pokemon by the Gym Leaders and Blue and Green instead of having to catch her own and form bonds and surpass her own limitations and all that jazz
>Defeats Lance
>Implied red string of fate with Red
It's really goddamn blatant with the shit she pulls in Yellow. Only Emerald comes this close, and he got better once he stopped being an arrogant, asshole clown.


>We didn't get to see the tournament

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Do you have this saved in a notepad? I'm sure I saw exactly this in the last thread.

Because I wrote it up and copied it over from the last thread. It's not pasta.

>She saved another dimension from getting meteor'd
She didn't do shit. She said that "hypothetically" the meteor might be sent to a dimension that might not have mega evolutions and therefore would be destroyed. As if the fact that she was doing this based on a hunch about how the multiverse works wasn't bad enough, she was stupid to think that mega evolution was needed to stop that meteor. She was a bratty mary sue that did whatever the hell she felt like and risked destroying her own dimension with her idiocy.

>She didn't do shit.
She literally did. Play Delta episode sometime.

Dude, were you not paying attention, Zinnia at the end calmed the hell down after you and Rayquaza save the world, she fucks off to find a new purpose in life since she just has her pokemon and that Whismer that once belonged to Aster now where the hell did you get her going off to commit suicide from?

And as for why peole rail on her for not getting punished compared to Maxie and Archie its because what Zinnia did in the game and manga is alot more personal, she went abd beat down your rival and your sick friend, embolded those two idiots into nearly destroying the world by waking up Groudon and Kyogre and on top of that, she nearly ruines your attempts to fix things while acting like a self righteous bitch. that earns people's scorn alot more than a generic bastard like Ghetsis or others so of fucking course people wanted the haughty bitch humbled that's why we constantly see that page of her getting blasted and stabbed by Rayquaza, in that moment, Rayquaza was embodying the rage everyone who played the game and sat through that arc felt towards Zinnia and she deserved it wholesell.

Just be happy Rayquaza spared her life despite being so pissed at her and take the loss it's not like the author was under order not to kill her, the dude wasted Archie and Maxie years before this and killed Lysandre and made Lusamine as villainous as she was in the original games instead of hte anti hero she is in the anime and the ultra games so clearly even he felt she didnt deserve to die for what she did

If you're asking whether or not the Kanto trio crossover into other region stories then yes, but to my knowledge they're not involved with any current stories right now.

Oh she did shit, but to fit her own retarded narrative.


Reminder that White (and Hilda by default) is more cute with her hair down.

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>destroys Devon's machine without proof of what she's saying
>summons Rayquaza
>can't even get it to Mega Evolve

She would've killed everyone if the PC hadn't still been carrying that meteor.

>She would've killed everyone if the PC hadn't still been carrying that meteor.
No shit retard, the game doesn't shy away from this. You save the day, not her.

And yet you dipshits still call her a Mary Sue. Learn what words mean.

I hate Zinnia too and even I think this is autistic.

you again? you just hate yellow.

What? nobody here has been calling her a mary sue, just shit. The only one using the (now meanless) mary sue word here is the faggot that hates Yellow.

>What? nobody here has been calling her a mary sue, just shit
>She was a bratty mary sue

all characters with tied up hair look cuter with it down, that's the rule

Wrong, I dislike poorly-written characters. I thought Platina's growth and skillset was handled rather well, going from a naive ojou to someone with lots of battle experience, able to take on the Battle Frontier after going through Team Galactic. It's believable what she did to become that strong, we see it happen. Not have it happen because the character is magic.

Then shut up, I just explained what happened and why it happened and why what idiots want will never happen so they need to get the fuck over it

He's not wrong, Yellow and Emerald are not game characters so they do not deserve to do the bullshit the game characters do. It's not right and even then people don't like Ruby for that Celebi asspull nor Lack2 for his team of legendary pokemon or even Dia for being allowed to keep Regigigas but they let it slide because Regigigas is a shitmon thanks to that ability of his or X being an expert battler from the todder ages or Yvonne having Ash-Greninja

well, i missed that user. Still, he is using a word that means nothing now.

Kusaka couldn't do that Chapter or the latest one right. Hard to not expect him to fuck it up.

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>Yellow and Emerald are not game characters so they do not deserve to do the bullshit the game characters do.
I knew it, that is the basics of why you dislike them, so fucking typical.

Literally endangers humanity yet she's allowed to disappear and seek a new purpose in life. Yet somehow you're willing to defend this bitch's stupid decisions.


Its fucking Pokemon dude, that shit happens all the time.

Oh yeah, she totally did:

>Almost condemn Hoenn's hundreds of citizens and Pokemon to either die drowned or from isolation.
>She totally did physically assault and stole Key Stones from several people, including Wally (which is still a frail of health kid), your rival and Archie/Maxie, but no Steven, ain't dealing with the ex-Champion who she still has the nerve to make fun of it.
>She did totally steal and broke the only method a group of scientists had made using the technology of warp tiles to save their world from potential extintion, all while telling them that they "lack imagination" while boasting about a POSSIBLE other dimention with POSSIBLE other people where POSSIBLY they MIGHT not have a way to stop a meteor, which in the end is proven it would have safely landed anyway.
>She totally did knock the MC out for absolutely no reason at all and for who knows how many hours, because that's sure the best thing to do when there's the looming threat of a meteor about to fall on their heads
>She totally had absolutely no second plan and was only relying on a deity who had been asleep for who knows how long, which didn't have enough power to mega evolve which killed her entire plan and had to rely on you and a literal deus ex machina in the form of a meteorite piece you were supposed to return back so it could recover and mega evolve
>And yet she still totally has the nerve of challenging you into a battle to prove you're worthy enough, like we aren't wasting enough time already.

Fuck you.

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>She totally did knock the MC out for absolutely no reason at all
She had a reason. How else was she supposed to milk his dick?

>So specific screencap.
Is that you? Crt?

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>ever talking trash about Shitventures
He'd be the first in line to white-knight shit like the one in the post chain.

>It's not right and even then people don't like Ruby for that Celebi asspull
This was dumb but it seemed obvious that they'd come back in some way. I wish that Celebi was alluded to before this, like have Ruby talk to a mystery Pokeball sometimes or whatnot. And maybe still show him traumatized at having seen everyone die horribly despite changing their fates so they're still alive.
>nor Lack2 for his team of legendary pokemon
This is going to bite him in the ass. Hard.
>or even Dia for being allowed to keep Regigigas
I like this one, because Regigigas chooses its owner and it fits Dia's team of tanky Pokemon, and most of all the kid goddamn earned it throughout the arc.
>or X being an expert battler from the todder ages
This is fucking stupid.
>or Yvonne having Ash-Greninja
I think this is funny and would've liked to see it be elaborated just because of the implications of traces of Ash existing in Pokespe.

She's not evil in the anime, just an overly-loving mother that doesn't pay as much attention to what her kids say and feel as she should.

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He always has said shit of the parts he doesn't like. The only thing he white knights like no tomorrow is the XY arc.

i need a fug "no way fag" edit

There's three completely different Lusamines between SM/USUM and the anime and its fucking hysterical

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>This post again
Stop insulting the pokeloli.

I also feel like you could apply this to half the characters in this manga.

Is not, is something simple calling "self contained continuities", something /vp/ doesn't understand.

>Is not
Is fucking so dude.

>sabotages a plan that would kill a shitload of people to save our dimension
Or it could have killed absolutely noone for all the proof Zinnia puts forward of her hypothesis being right. She spews all that bullshit at the player character, Steven and the Mossdeep scientists and the only reason you the player would even have of believing her is that maaaybe we could construe the original RSE games as alternate dimensions that exist *somewhere*. But Zinnia insists that is certainly where the meteor would end up, somehow. And we, the player, have to agree with her for the plot to move forward. It's stupid when a much more sympathetic reason for wanting nothing to do with the Devon corp's rocket already exists within ORAS' script, and that is Infinity Energy, but they do pretty much nothing with it.

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Yes, but i can imagine that his answer will be: they aren't OCs.
All his hatred against yellow comes from the fact she is a OC.

Look at Lusamines hips, Mohn was chad no wonder she went nuts without him around.

And now he is fat, she won't take it well.

dumb phone poster

I love how you can tell Fug is thinking "is this bitch for real?"

>And we, the player, have to agree with her for the plot to move forward.
No you don't you fucking retard, you have to get FUG for the plot to move forward.

Than you for once again demonstrating how retarded the Zinnia hatebase is.


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>I also feel like you could apply this to half the characters in this manga.
While you're correct and there are a lot of characters that are insufferable, it's not to the same extent as Yellow and Emerald, less so with Emerald now because he dropped a lot of his bad aspects and got a lot better in the ORAS arc.

You are both a faggot and incorrect. I said before, I just dislike poorly-written characters.

You should finish USUM, she was clearly still into him although willing to give him space to remember rather than just going I'M YOUR WIFE FUCK ME PLEASE

>young wicke

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And those two "badly written" Characters happen to be OCs, yeah user.

>that dumbass face Fug is making
I love that giant green snek so goddamn much.

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user did you not see this scene?

I don’t get it, Mary Sue is not, she’s far from insufferable. She’s basically just a cute OC at worst.

>Playing USUM.
You mean that piece of shit that made the faggot hau the final boss instead of based kukui? Or removed lillie cave scene? Or Anabel role? Or the lame rainbow rocket shit? Or what you just said about lusamine and moth? HELL NO! USMU can rot with XY, fuck it.

You think I don't know about this bullshit?
>Finds him
>Does nothing
It fucking pisses me off!

>based kukui
You mean that dumb shit where he formed his own league and then fought the first weakened challenger to make himself champ because he was too pussy to take on Kanto? Yeah, because that's how SM went down. Also way to out yourself as a faggot, because Kukui can still be a title challenger along with Gladion, meaning that USUM has a better final boss.

USUM blows the fuck out of SM, only retards would think otherwise.

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>Yeah you don't sound biased at all.
I'm sorry no one likes your waifu m8.
>She saved another dimension from getting meteor'd, retard. Devon was in the wrong.
Oh no, he's retarded. nvm then.

But they do. After her spiel you have to choose the dialogue option of 'believing in another, better way to save Hoenn', even though she has done nothing to convince you there is another way and that Devon's method was in any way lacking. You explicitly cannot do the sensible thing and tell Zinnia to fuck off.

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Gladion can also be fought in SM.

user, it's character development, Lusamine learned that even if she loves something she can't just bind it to her, Mohn has made a new life for himself, snatching him up would be selfish at this stage so even if it hurts she has to let him go. That's why Gladion asked that question, post character development just seeing Mohn smile again is enough for her.

Not that user, but USUM completely sidestepping the Nihilego plot was kinda disappointing. Necrozma was cooler, but Punished Mommy was the most unique fight in the series (even though the fight itself really fucking sucked)

Jokes on you, nobody in the thread mentioned my waifu.

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I do agree, I think it would have been great if Mother Beast was a random boss fight that could be found while roaming the warp ride. Just cutting it was a shame, even if it was a garbage fight in SM.

Based kusaka is fusing both plots in the manga.

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>Devon's method was in any way lacking
>Potentially kill an entire planet
>or try Zinnia's method that doesn't kill anyone

I'm afraid I'm not following

Zinnia's method could kill everyone in Hoenn if it failed, but that's besides the point since you and fug don't let it happen.

>Zinnia's method that doesn't kill anyone
yea until rayj told zinnia to go fuck herself...

post the ORAS version.

>The other dimension would've been fine.
The "other dimension" is R/S/E. If they let it go through, you wouldn't have your beloved battle frontier to begin with retard.

But that's just the thing, Zinnia is the only person claiming that Devon's method is somehow bad, but doesn't actually have any proof to support her claim that it would lead to calamity for other people. She also does not tell you of her 'better method' before you have already agreed to do things her way. And then you have to follow this literal terrorist who was responsible for the Primal Groudon/Kyogre crisis the region was just in and who mugs and steals from people, only to find out that her method doesn't work the way she imagined it to. Things only turn out well because the player character happens to be carrying what is needed by chance.
Do you have problems following events in chronological order, user?

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You post it, because I didn't even know one existed for ORAS.

>The great part about being FUG isn't blasting bitches, it's telling everyone in Hoenn that I did.

>but doesn't actually have any proof to support her claim that it would lead to calamity for other people.
Everything in the game points to Devon being shifty as fuck and dropping a meteor into another dimension sounds like a terrible fucking idea for that dimension.

Cute how you ignored the other half of my post where it talks about Birth Island already existing, so a Deoxys meteorite already touched down.

>That pokemon generations episode about primal Kyogre
Holy shit archie is retarded. Eng Courtney's insanity was hot too.

In fact why didn't they make a series out of that? It felt way more like what the games tone are

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What kind of flanderization is this?

>"as long as I have this orb its all gonna be great"
>immediately throws the orb at Kyorgre

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Genuinely hilarious, being slow helped based WOW ITS FUCKING NOTHING really compete.

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I've been collecting manga up to the 3rd gen, and gonna need a bigger shelf if I am gonna continue with that path. Like goddamn it'll never ever end, and in a year new series starts too no doubt

He's a retard, but I still love him

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Shitty edit coming through

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>Everything in the game points to Devon being shifty as fuck
That was just zinnia being an asshat. But seriously, what was gamefreak thinking in trying to turn someone like Steven in the bad guy?
Because nintendo hates money.

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Devon being shady doesn't make Steven a bad guy you retard, and yes, Devon wanting to dump the meteor into another dimension without a care for that dimension WAS a bad idea. There is shitloads of evidence pointing to Devon originally having goals that were not in the planet's best interests.

Mine is better.

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Yea I’m gonna save this one. I have no editor on my pho...computer

>That episode where AZ's story is told
>That episode where Brycan beats the shit out of Team plasma members with his own fists while he lets his pokemon handle itself


In fact, I think in pokemon special everyone is far more willing to scrap on their own than and to send their pokemon out against unarmed people, even Team Skull had their Sandlit use it's stale to slap the hell out of Moon for talking back to them

>Everything in the game points to Devon being shifty as fuck
The only thing that puts a blemish on their reputation is finding out that they used Infinity Energy sometime in the past to outdo their competition and achieve the position they are currently in. Otherwise they have been nothing but a positive influence on they player character's adventure (they make Poke Balls, PokeNavs and other useful tech), and their president and his son are on friendly terms with the player.
>dropping a meteor into another dimension sounds like a terrible fucking idea
The idea behind the rocket is to warp the meteor elsewhere in spacetime (akin to the warp panels that have appeared in various Pokemon games), it's never even suggested by anyone else besides Zinnia that it would go on to another dimension entirely to cause trouble there. And she does not attempt to prove it to be true, no; she just smashes the tech required for it to operate, and that's that.

Been collecting the box sets here. They take up so much space, it's ludicrous.

>that episode where Deoxys and Fug have a space fight while Brendan hangs out on a satellite
Generations was fun as fuck.

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Ethan doesn't do shit in his episode
Nate doesn't appear at all
Lucas doesn't appear at all
Calum off screen battles AZ

Did the manga ever tell us what the connection between Lysandre and Diantha was? He seemed to really want her in his new world but she pretty much said in the nicest way she wasn't interested in eternal beauty.

A-are those her nipples?

He just thought she was hot.

As a celeb she had influence and as a beautiful caring person he thought she would share his vision. It was egotism on his own part - Lysandre has a martyr complex and wanted validation from Diantha.

>Fug is smug
>Giratina is autistically pissed off

I'd be lying if I said that manga wasn't stupid at times, but I'll take that in order to get some of the fun depictions of legendaries we do.

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hey, is those two, i still can't believe how competent they are and how all the platinum arc was about rescuing them.

>gengar smiling

What the fuck is that? Super Dialga?

Autism, pretty much, something the pokemon fanbase if full of. Nothing much about her character other than she is impulsive in certain scenes, which i guess manchildren have a problem with.

It's the manga's attempt at making the statue in Eterna City look like Dialga and Palkia at the same time.

Attached: Dialkia_statue.png (887x1101, 589K)

A mix of Palkia and Dialga, because the people forgot what the Space/Time legendaries looked like.

is the statue in eternia city.

How is BW still not over yet?

My favorite part is that people are trying to push the idea that Japan hates her when she has a boatload of porn on pixiv. If she was hated, there would be much more rape or revenge works.

BW is over, BW2 is not over.

Author planned the sequel with his ass instead of his brain.

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What? in comparation with the other pokegirls, she has way below the average, hell, Hex Maniax has more stuff than her.

Giratina is the chad legendary. Reminder that he saves the day in Platinum while looking scary as fuck.

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>/vp/tard opinion
Into the trash it goes.

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Cowtits hexmaniac has more than most girls.

>Agencyfag talking about retarded opinions
Oh, the irony.

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You know what I meant

Only /vp/tards use the term "edgeventures", even thought Special is your average shonen in terms of "edge". /vp/tards only watch the ashnime and nothing more.

Oh, it's you.

You want to know why that term is even used in the first place? Because you assholes are the ones who kiss ass for the overly pretentious stuff like OP's pic, think being edgy means its good and keep calling the writing top notch when it's not.

It's because of you why stuff like the post chain about BW2 here exists in the first place.

>ever watching the pokemon anime
Why? Even as a kid I hated it and loved the games.

Tell that to them.

A lot of people got into it with XY I guess.

Because unlike what you guys think, there's actually good shit in the anime.

Attached: pokemon-power-of-us-1280a-1543617098244_1280w.jpg (1280x720, 191K)

Crystal was the best part of GSC though.

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She is fully clothed, user.

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Giratina is that weird autistic brother who stays in his NEET pocket dimension unless his rowdy more popular chad vlbrothers start a ruckus again.
Then he will cone out if his NEET dimension to REEE at them

Hey look, is the movie that failed to make an impression. The girl of it has next to none fanart, even less than Zinnia.

His "CHAD" brothers got chained up by dorky red bondage gear. Cyrus was literally, LITERALLY buttfucking them on Arceus's doorstep and Giratina had the grace to put a stop to it.

>trashing literally any piece of media while defending the anime

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>posts a movie that isn't part of the tv series
Ok I believe you.

He hates B2W2, ORAS and HGSS and screches on twitter. I don't think he's actually into Pokespe anymore and does it out of obligation. Now it's all fucking weird Power ranger shit

>hey dude remember kanto?

Reminder the time loop HGSS caused.
>Rocket shits fuck around with Arceus.
>Arceus creates the origin trio in the place.
>At the end they fuck off...to the fucking past where they created the world and end up in Sinnoh, thus closing the loop.

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Nice joke.

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>And as for why peole rail on her for not getting punished compared to Maxie and Archie its because what Zinnia did in the game and manga is alot more personal, she went abd beat down your rival and your sick friend
Says you. I applauded her shit the whole way through. Fuck ALL those fuckers she mowed over. She really just caught my sloppy seconds cause I already fucked em over thoroughly. I was actually glad to see someone not be a cookie cutter run of the mill basic bitch for once. The fact that she triggers fags like you is a plus.

Also Japan has shit taste cause they go gaga over Lillie, the most blandest as basic of all bitches ever created. I thought anime Serena was shit, but they somehow managed to one up that!

Yes, i remember it having Misty and Brock, not these fags

>Having your head so far up your ass to think not liking the anime makes everything else looks less shitty

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>official merch means success
Are you retarded? you have to see the fandom material to gauge that and Risa (the girl) only has 131 pieces in pixiv, which is pathetic for a pokegirl.

I don't know why you're so bad at this

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>you have to see the fandom material to gauge
All that stuff from that pic is fan-made. Hence why there's no SM merch in there.

>official merch
duuuuuuuuuumb as fuck

The pokemon anime is pretty much a textbook example of a cashgrab kids show.
Literally nothing happens, it's just the same formulaic episode rinse and repeat.
Anytime you think something might happen, it's right back status quo.
Literally anything that it tries to build up to amounts to absolutely nothing.

ok, i got that one wrong, but she still has next to nothing compared to the others.

How is she even alive lol

Fug did not wish for her to die. That's literally the reason.

to compare, Zinnia, with all the hatred she gets, has 826 pixiv pics, which is still very low for the average. Hex maniac rapes zinnia and vaporizes Risa with 1571 pixiv pics.

Sauce me my ninja, cause we're not gonna talk about the dumb shit google just pulled up

killing humans directly in pokemon is a no-no, which is why Hunter J or whatever in the anime had to have her ship crash into a lake and blow up with her inside, or Lysandre had to fall from a building in the manga to die

>Again with this shit
And even when the anime operates like a comic-book, it still manages to be the prime target for Game Freak, Nintendo and TPC's interest, not to mention all the fans that cared about their characters.

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Don't forget that the ashnime literally had lyzandre vaporized in screen.

Lysandre in the anime is killed directly.


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yellow a cute

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i forgot about that, but then i tried to forget a lot of things with the ending of that season

>killing humans directly in pokemon is a no-no
Pretty sure Lysandre dies in all three canons, with the anime being the worst as he's just straight up vaporized by Perfect Zygarde's Core Enforcer

That doesn't mean it's good, only that it's popular.
>inb4 its good because its popular

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>Special is your average shonen in terms of "edge"
Which is funny, since that's precisely why Specialfags praise it so much, because it's Pokemon but "for mature people such as myself".

Maybe, but even fans can still accept when the series fucks it up, while you keep giving Kusaka a free pass for all of his messes. Pretty hypocritical for a fandom with so-called "higher standards".

So, how many of you have shiny pokemon? I caught a shiny Jigglypuff today and Its cutee how it keeps up with you by floating.

Not really. It's just not as brain dead as the anime and actually manages to be engaging.

>people actually expected a shit trainer to win
Never ever ashy boy

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I have never seen a Shiny Pokemon of a random circumstance in my entire career. Granted, I only really played Gen 1 and 3 heavily, invested a bit into 4, and then a small bit into 6, so I don't have a wide pool of opportunity there.

All Zinnia did was BTFO all the people whose asses I already kicked. Why should I give a damn about them? The fact that I had to clean up her mess is of no consequence cause _I'M_ the protagonist and not her, so she was destined to drop the ball (and hot damn did she ever). I got a broken ass mega and a kickass space battle out of it, so I'm good.

BTW, FUCK Wally and his Gale Wings Talonflane using ass.

>actually manages to be engaging.
Yeah right. That's why there's barely people talking about it and praising all the characters while Serena gets constant talks everywhere.

>playing LGPE
gross, but nice shiny. Wigglytuff is cute.

What's that gotta do with the quality of either, though?

I'm sorry but waifufagging isn't "talking" or "discussion", its just a bunch of faggots waifufagging.

If that's what you think. I'm not here to change your mindset.

I don't get it, what is the point of showing me this?

Wally was a fucking chad, making bitches at the resort wet from /ss/ fantasies.

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Ironically enough, this had more of an impact than anything the manga could come up with.

Besides Black, tell me the last time anyone cared about any of PokeSpe's characters.

my brother bought it because he's a huge pokefag so I figured since he's not here most of the time and I am, might as well make use of it, melmetal is way bigger than I thought it was, thankfully someone traded me a mew for a shiny and it's cute as hell flying ahead of you like that

I don't get Gamefreak, following pokemon add a lot more flavor to the experience why don't they make that a staple of their games? Don't they have the models?

Sinnoh arc.

They have all the models. If its not a thing in SS I'll be completely fucking confused.

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Since people are whining about the manga. Here's the up to date Viz translations since they were ripped recently.
I honestly doubt most people have even read the manga.

Nice joke. People keep praising Sinnoh, yet they never explain why unlike their anime homologues.

Most of the people cared about the RS characters...until ORAS came out and Ruby reverted to do the bullshit he did before (trying to solve shit by himself and keeping his loved ones in the dark) which pissed off everyone and now he is maybe the most hatred dex holder.

I wanna see that White birthday sketch

artist is Nyonn24, seems to not have a pixiv account anymore, might help to look up the character's Japanese name on gelbooru or something. Before you ask, Higana.

Loads, N.E.E.T dom + shiny charm = lots of shinies.

The relationship betweet the trio, they even cry when they are separated, is heartwarming. sinnoh is basically a big vanilla threesome.

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I have no clue why you're so stuck on defending the anime as if it's a masterpiece or something. You're equally as bad as the people who claim Adventures is high quality. Both are rather subpar, but if I had to pick between the two I'd go with Adventures for the sole reason that we aren't stuck dealing with Ash's autism.

Again, popularity doesn't mean something is better.

That's because the Sinnoh arc more closely resembled the game's storyline instead of having horseshit like people going into fucking balls or introducing shitty characters that replaced the games'.

You're the real MVP.

Dia, Pearl and Platina (deal with it, Crt) are the main appeal of the sinnoh arc. Their develop together (their starters literally evolve at the same time, twice) and are generally heartwarming seeing them together. By the end, they basically become the adoptive parents of that water legendary and it's baby.


>Talon Flame
>Life Orb
>Brave Birld
I am getting vietnam flashbacks

You're right, except that Special has had a long time to build a decent fanbase, which it hasn't. If it was really that good, it would have become popular years ago.

>Again, popularity doesn't mean something is better.
Here, it does. A good character should always have people who care for them. And that's where things go south here, interest in PokeSpe's characters isn't big for a so-called "superior product".

>I have no clue why you're so stuck on defending the anime as if it's a masterpiece or something.
And your greatest mistake is to think that I find the anime to be a masterpiece. I'm just sick and tired of this hypocritical thing to just attack the anime when the manga fucks it up as if it meant something. At least the anime community can defend itself without recurring to cheap fallacies like those.

I don't remember the games having two bodyguards, a massive battle between ALL the sinnoh legendaries or the "battle towers parthers" taking active part in the plot.

Yeah, because good shit is always super popular, right?
I guess Lillie really is the best pokemon character ever created.

Are we going off of its Western fanbase or Japan? If we're talking about the West, the volumes have just started getting translations steadily. I don't know how it's doing in Japan, but I assume the sales are good. Otherwise it would have ended a long time ago.

come on, don't bring lillie into this shit. Lillie is great! since SM game she is, the ashnime is irrelvant in this.

I haven't read past GSC yet, so I cannot speak for the later arcs in any detail, but I honestly found myself liking the one-off chapters more than the concluding plots. Would have gladly taken more Yellow, Gold, Silver, or Crystal messing around.

"You all save the world, Imma find a nice riverbank and nap."

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Yeah, that's why I specifically mentioned the other unbelievable crap that goes on in the other arcs.
For the manga, Sinnoh is as close as they'll get to the games' storyline, even with all the things you said.

Yeah it sounds like you're stuck on the anime bud. Get some rest.

I'm sorry, but Lillie is so popular and G O O D that she needs to be praised in every thread!

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Lillie has been hated for the entire generation already. Plus, it's not just about being popular, it's that there's barely if any proof to show that people care about Special's characters, which is a red flag if we're going to talk about quality.

You say this like opinions actually mean a damn on 4ch and have an impact, they don't. Defending the anime here is doing nothing for you when people are going to continue to bash it regardless. Let go and breathe.

Hey, I think I recognize you. I figured you would have read farther by now.

And it sounds like you've never seen Pokémon talks anywhere except for this place. Lurk more.

yeah but this theme is great

>MFW Kusaka is gonna make Sword the main dex holder of the next arc instead of Shield.
He did with the faggot Sun and he is gonna do it again.

Attached: Cucked Girl.png (497x407, 174K)

Again, Special has been around for a long time, and it can't even hold a candle to the anime's fanbase.
Even with the autistic fans making threads like these throughout the years, Special still can't build up any following.

>Implying Pokemon fans aren't autistic in general

She's hated here, of all places.
Who fucking cares about Yea Forums's opinion.

And somehow, Specialfags actually believe they're less autistic than the anime fans.

what the hell is this and where can I read more

>Lurk more
>He has to resort to implying people are new to cope with someone else's distaste of the ashnime
Here's your last (you), this is pitiful.

Who said this exactly?

>Lillie has been hated for the entire generation already.
Oh right, you fags hate on Zinnia but love Lillie.

This guy has a serious inferiority complex when it comes to Pokemon Special, even though the anime is one of the most popular cartoons in the whole world.


>Thinking this is about coping
'Kay idiot. Thanks for being another proof of Specialfags not being able to argue.

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Do people enjoy the anime for anything more than the girls anymore? I stopped watching after Gen IV.

The ones in this thread saying:
>"Well, the ashnime is just a cashgrab, unlike Special which is ackchyually interesting and superior in every way."

It is

Case in point.

The very same, that's what you get when you repeat yourself. I was using the Aerial Ace tumblr uploads which only went up to Volume 15 I think, so after going through the first 14 fairly quickly I took a break. That torrent above looks nice.

Only if you lose all your standards to not be able to see bad writing where it is.

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You mean just like with the anime?

I can't speak for everyone, but if you seriously believe the anime is anything more than a cash grab I don't know what to tell you. The manga isn't any better considering its generic shonen at its finest. It really feels like you have an insecurity complex with anyone who finds one more interesting than the other when the anime has a wider fan base and more acclaim to its name. Which is honestly kind of sad, but you do you my man.

Yes, but at least I can still tell bad writing in both.

Shield a shit

Mystery Dungeon > Mainline
PokeSpe > Anime

Objective fact

>edgy=top quality

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At least the hate sex would be legendary.

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>Case in point
>One opinion
>This somehow equates to everyone

Doesn't really matter anyway since the anime is just a cashgrab

Neither of them is what I'd call good, but the anime is one of the biggest cashgrabs in the industry, meanwhile Special is just a shonen manga no one really gives a shit about.
It's pretty retarded comparing both of them to be fucking honest with you my familia.


You say that as if the manga wasn't a cash grab as well.

>Implying it's about the edge

God damn look at that rack. Bless Japan and their horny art designers

>not popular=good

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You seem to be under the impression that I'm defending the anime. I'm simply saying that they're both cashgrabs and Specialfags are desperately trying to convince everyone that the manga somehow isn't.


It isn't, it has no official merch and isn't even promoted by TPC

I've seen artbook being sold tho

Well you're not wrong. Literally every piece of modern media ever produced is designed as a cashgrab first.

No matter what people feel about her as a character, I think we can all agree that she's a contender for biggest rack.

>It isn't, it has no official merch and isn't even promoted by TPC
And it's still a licensed product from a big-ass franchise. That alone should make it a cash-grab.

Artbooks aren't merch


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You sound rather defensive over the anime judging by your previous comments, but whatever you say. Both are subpar cash grabs at the end of the day and the only thing that matters in the grand scheme of things are the games, end of story. Some people just find the manga more pleasing to read compared to watching the anime. This debate is pointless.

Would you?

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Really makes you want to wrestle her down and have your way with her, guilt free.

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Why not?

She also made fuck eyes in the manga which I'd say are legal grounds for "asking for it".

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Way ahead of you

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Because it's just a book, that's like saying the manga itself is merch. Real merch would be figures, keychains, toys, etc like the anime has

>books aren't merchandise
Unless an IP starts as a book, they're also merchandise. Otherwise, we shouldn't consider the Marvel movie books to be merchandise, even though there's no reason to not call them that.

Well, yeah, Manga itself is the merch indeed. Merch for the Pokemon inc.

Seh is certainly enjoying that foot position

I'm sick and tired of you mangafags talking shit. It's virtually on life support right now and you claim it's better than the anime? No matter how trash the anime is, it'll still be running years from now and making more money.

I agree with both of you. I don't mind at all that people like Special. That isn't the problem. It's just another piece of Pokemon media after all.
My problem was always the few autists that believe that one is better than the other, and the most vocal ones are the Special autists, hence me calling them Specialfags.

So now you're just saying the manga is merch? That's stupid, how is merch supposed to have it's own merch?

Yeah because it's a cashgrab

itt:children fighting over their toys

pokemon special

>That's stupid, how is merch supposed to have it's own merch?
Because the manga itself is merch, so there's no need for more. It's the TWEWY or Mega Man mangas. A licensed product using a video game IP.

So? So what if anime runs longer? See Simpsons, that shit has ran for 30 deasons and over half of those were shit.
Running successfully for years does not mean it's quality is good, just that it brings the enough money to justify it's run.
In a sense Manga keeps running despite not being as popular because it still brings the money, but happens to be better than the anime just by implementing new concepts and experimenting in within boundaries of pokemon.
Anime does that in this season too however, but to lesser extent, and far too late in the game.
There's a real good reason why people mostly remember the first years of anime over other years, while the manga readers have more constintent amount of memorable momenta in a good way

>not popular=good

Two different people, buddy'o

So then if it has no merch I guess it can't be a cashgrab like some morons in this thread are saying

>There's a real good reason why people mostly remember the first years of anime over other years, while the manga readers have more constintent amount of memorable momenta in a good way
Most anime fans have many things to say about later generations, while manga fans can't even talk about their own stuff at all.

I'd actually agree with this statement. I just dislike when people pretend that the manga has outstanding writing or something. It's literally basic shonen.

>happens to be better than the anime
That's subjective, since they're both for children.
Don't try to convince yourself that they aren't on the same tier.

A cashgrab exists to get money. By that fucking logic, stuff like Capcom's Ducktales game can't be a cashgrab because it didn't have merch of its own.

they aren't, one is better.

At this point as long as it reciprocated love I'd marry a sentient spoon

>they aren't, one is better.
Not if we play by your logic, pseudo-objectivist.

>arguing over which part of a children's franchise is better

what is the appeal of Pokemon? i watched when i was younger but then i dropped it after watching power rangers and masters of the universe for some fucking reason.

>what is the appeal of Pokemon?
It's a JRPG where you catch the enemies and can add them to your party. The anime is still airing and reflects the current Gen's setting/pokemon. There are also spin-off games and a few mangas.

They are in same tier in a sense that they are two properties of a giant powerhouse that's Pokemon.
I strictly speaking about the two in a scale of pokemon itself and what they do, and what they do not do.
Of course they are for children, or rather for whole families, but they deal with different things and do different things in varying success.
Manga has a continuous story with multiple different branches and more in line what Satoshi Tajiri intended pokemon to be, even if it has jumped the shark multiple times in it's history. It has allowed to branch out in themes as well, ironically because of it's lesser popularity. It does not have as tight leash on the neck.
Anime is episodic in nature and had been neutered in many ways, causing it become formulatic. It took 7 generations before it changed to something different from it's staleness that had lasted for literal years and nigh thousand episodes.
I've personally been enjoying the Sun & Moon anime, but got burned out before it all the way in 4th gen due staleness.

>more in line what Satoshi Tajiri intended pokemon to be
You mean that ancient quote he made back when the manga was still in its infancy?

Why is ruby cheating on sapph?

>more in line what Satoshi Tajiri intended pokemon to be,
That shit's from around the RBG arc. No offense, but I doubt he would've liked garbage like the Light Stone bullshit. It's as meaningful to its quality as Stephen King's hatred for Kubrick's Shining.

The first non-fixed shiny I saw was a Tangela in Crystal version. Since then I've seen a handful across the games I've played, rarest was probably a shiny Trapinch in White 2. But I don't really care for shinies that much more than regular mons so I traded it away. I also fished up a number of shiny Luvdiscs with the chain fishing trick in Y and traded them away on GTS for things I wanted on my Pokedex, like Xerneas.

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anime does serious moments better than special without being edgy

I kind of wish we know what would have happened if Ray accepted Zinnia's offer.

All that buildup for nothing?

I did mention how it jumped the shark afterwards

You did, which is why mentioning Tajiri was kinda pointless. He probably just read the first few chapters and then told the interviewer that. He hasn't said anything since.

Reminder that this has yet to be debunked

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Well, he got the names and region right, but it could have been a lucky guess. We won't know until we see the version legendaries.

why did this thread get so many replies

Yea Forums likes Pokemon

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should i post manga chapters to Yea Forums when the scanlators finish it?
/vp/ always cries the same shit over and over while Yea Forums actually had 2 competent discussion thread and fluff and love and understood it's not a fucking masterpiece.
and there were no falseflagging autists claiming shit no real spefag would say.

Point was there that it still was the closest, and I stand by it until that autistic jap says otherwise.

But I do correct that not by any mean I think Manga is some flawless magnum opus despite it's qualities. Those shark jumps were absolutely retarded, and Manga lost it's steam for quite some years, only being pushed forward by every new generation and remake.
How the hell author hasn't had a complete burnout is a mystery, and even then the potential for the manga is untapped imo

Anime with the Generations and now the rebooted movies showed that it is willing to experiment even more, but to what extent it is left to be seen. Next being CGI might be an awful sign though if it's successful enough. Because Pokemon with new Berserk tier animation? That'd bury whole shit.
I just want both to flourish more

My last Pokemon game was Gold, stopped watching the series like 10-15 years ago, and never read the manga.

Since when the manga was so brutal.

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You say that like its a bad thing

There was just one good pokespec thread today, this one was ruined by an animefag and the idiots that can't just ignore it. Also, not good idea, unironically try Yea Forums for chapter dumps instead, they sorta respect that.

The fuck? I never intended that as something bad!

Sure, go for it. There's to hoping the thread wont die under the twitter screencap of the day scandal then

>this one was ruined by an animefag and the idiots that can't just ignore it.
Please forgive us for not being hive-minded.

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She would have died. Her plan was a suicide mission because the ozone that Rayquaza emits plus the vacuum of space would have killed her, since she lacked Aster's super powers.

In essence, based Fug was telling her to not throw her life away

Stick to the manga and shittalk the stuff you don't like about the manga. But don't bring the anime.

The problem is that the post that derailed the topic into a "manga vs anime" discussion was brought by a Specialfag: These people can't defend their manga without using the anime as a scapegoat as if it were the bane of their existence.

So how's Burst guys?

Just closest thing to compare to, even if it can be discussed in it's own merits.
Other is games, but well, those come first

Digimon Frontier of Pokemon.
Fortunately short so you can quickly check it

Should I read the manga again? I stopped back when Diamond and Pearl were still ongoing, I haven't played any game past Black 2 though.

Waste potential, the manga. "Pokemon dragon ball" (Diamond Adventure) is better.

are any of the pokemon manga worth reading? this thread makes we wanna pick up one up


Who keeps naming kids in the manga universe and how do we get them to stop?

Did you really bring up hex maniac as an example lol

I would say all them but the Clefairy one are worth reading.

X and Y are codenames

Just make it a love story like RS

Sword uses a fucking suitcase as a backpack. Also he is the less popular pokemon MC ever, ever since May/sapphire the female MC has overshadowed the male, but this time is on a unprecedent scale.

what were they thinking naming their characters black-two and white-two?

Maybe could work, but then ORAS ruined Ruby and turned his main power (actually in a relationship) into shit. I guess all Kusaka had to do is make another Black and White personality wise.

>teenage Wicke in that outfit
>her hair
I need cute and/or lewd art of this and I need it NOW.

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The clefairy one was pretty gud mate. Back when I was a kid though

someone explain how regice is a meme now?

Answer me this: Do you like Tingle?

Had to google that. Never played a zelda game before actually.

Whoa, well, usually people that like the Clefairy manga like tingle as both use the same kind of humour (creepy person).

Tingle is based, do not try to convince me otherwise

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Rakutsu and Faitsu. It sounds less weird in japanese.

>"I got your FUG right here if you want a fucking dragon so bad"
>pin Zinnia down and hatefuck the everloving shit out of her
>leave bitemarks everywhere

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Holy shit I'm playing emerald and had no idea this was a character in the game at the end.

In the games does she get btfo?

>situation is so shit that you have to endure working with a sociopath.
I hope someone punch him later when the crisis is over. How you cure a sociopath?

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There's a reason /vp/ exists

What? Are you fucking drunk?

She's only in ORAS, in the games she goes "oopsie sowwy!" and basically gets off scot-free

Thank god for based FUG

I remember Crt losing his shit over this because he thought it means the legendary said Black2 was right. I still don't understand how he came to that conclusion, he himself translated that page.

There's adventures which is primarily what this thread is, treat it as a mix of shonen and pokemon.

There are a few Ash-focused manga, like the I Choose You manga and then an I Choose You remix which is just four chapters and done by a different artist.

Then there's the Clefairy manga.

Post the Clefairy manga

He literally said he didn't like the focus of the chapter being on Lack. Don't grasp, retard.

Pokémon special in Japan, Pokémon adventures in English. It’s good, one of my favorites

I think everyone lost their collective shit at the chapter. A whole year hiatus and that's what they gave people. Hugh's part in the chapter was kino though

>taking a random retard screeching seriously

Hell no, have a good manga instead.
When people said this is pokemon dragon ball (as the original arc with kid goku) they aren't kidding.

They're names are actually Blake and Whitley
Honest to goodness only the gen 1 and 2 and 4 protagonists are any good personality wise, gens 3 were ruined by the remake nonsense, gen 5 only has their shitty love story that makes people like them gen 5;2 are garbage through and through, gen 6 were annoying and gen 7 is just snotty girl and big mouthed idiot, Moon is even from Shinnoh here instead of Kanto like Sun.

He's right though.
The three Masters are telling Fai that her stance is irrelevant and it's painting Rakutsu as the one with the correct mindset.
That's Kusaka's shit writing to paint him as the hero since he's the main character, not her.

I saw his tweets, he was going full "REEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Complaining that the very first thing they do is "saying lack2 is right" which wasn't the case.

>Pokespe thread reaching bump limit again

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At least team rocket is actually a threat instead of a joke villain

No you too, they aren't saying he is right, just that the situation is critical and they need a sociopath clear mind help. They noted that they can deal with his bullshit later.

I love to hate her.

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Ok, lesson learned: whatever you do, never ever bring up the anime and ignored anybody that does it.

What is wrong with Moon being from Sinnoh?

Fuck you, Moon is great!

I looked at Crt's twitter around the time the chapter came out. He apparently redid the translation for the chapter because he had to keep himself in check.
I'm curious what the original script was since you say he was autistically screeching over it could be possible it was the original script he wrote.

Blake is definitely releasing all of his pokemon once this is over, he truly has nothing after this, he's been fired from his job and all his other pokemon including genosect are to immediately be confiscated by teh international police once they find him and that includes the suit he wears.

Whitley is also to be arrested as she's now been found out as a former Team Plasma member

Thread Theme


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Hehe, you need a better computer, friend

Have you played SM?

The gen 6 crew was comfy

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That doesn't explain his autism for manga gen 6.
XY arc was so shit. Even if he's a Serena/Y-fag, there's no way that arc is anything but hot trash.

That was the exact page he was going REEEEEEEEEEE over, the translation didn't change.

gen 6 manga was bad.
i bet the xyposters in here is actually Crt.

I don't know how anyone can defend the anime, other than pure nostalgia
>every episode follows the same formula
>ash never ages and is never allowed to have any character development
>he can't even win any leagues
>old team members get discarded and forgotten for the new game he has to shill
>same with his old pokemon
>Pikachu still loses to low level pokemon
>team rocket is only ever the same old joke

No, it wasn't.

do you have a screenshot to compare

Fuck off mate don't bring your retarded boogeyman shit here

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He deleted the tweet! But I remember that the dialogue was the same.

When will black be free

That "boogieman" and hisbteam are the only ones translating pokespec.

why is shauna so cute bros

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Yes, and? This "every x poster is y" shit is still retarded regardless.

>underestimating autismos
The anime is for kids and newcomers, too, not the long time fans. Also good advertisement for the games.

>Get a romantic scene with her
>NPC gives you the TM for protect afterwards

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But is true Crt defends XY like no tomorrow.