Still no good game where you play as a fox

>still no good game where you play as a fox

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sonic 3 and knuckles


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Indeed, it is good.


You can play as Carmelita Fox in Sly Cooper Thieves in Time

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Crash Bandicoot, you fucking idiot.

If you don't like SF64 I'm going to go ahead and ask you to see yourself out please sir.

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tunic llooks good

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I'm pretty sure you play as a tasmanian devil

Does Okami count?



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Was this a case of true autism in the animal kingdom?

>No Items
>Fox Only
>Final Destination

Star Fox Assault

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Star Fox
Never Alone

Sonic 2, Sonic 3 + Knuckles

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This is so wrong though.
A far better question is why are foxes so common as game characters?

Literally in the name

>what is sonic the hedgedog

Stay thineself from consorting with beasts

It's not good, it's phenominal


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There was that one Flash platformer game where you played as a fox, I don't remember what it's called, but I remember it being fun enough. i think you were helping a wizard or something?

SSB is a game mad for babies

He's a bandicoot you retarded fuck.

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Because they hit the perfect range between cute and sexy.

You can play a Lynx in Shelter 2. Closest I ever got to playing actual animals. Tokyo Jungle was a weird game, but you do get to play as a fox.


I hope it goes to Steam instead of getting that exclusive deal from Epic

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Okami is a wolf though.

So what does the fox say again?


but crash is a bandicoot

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fucking kek

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Le ebin cumbak

you suck shutup

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Ewww stinky

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Anime noises.

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Does Fox not appeal to your bestiality? Good, kys animal fucker.

Put me in the screencap. Please.

Based retard post.

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Fennec Fox a cute.

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why is fennec so smug?

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Never alone.

That's a generic human female with animal ears

>generic human female
it's an anime child

Get a team full of Vulpix/Ninetale/Fennekin Line/Zorua

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cats are cute

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You are wrong.

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Don't they smell?

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No. That's a Fennec Fox.

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You can recruit Alef in Shining Force, but that near the end of the game, sadly.

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its insaneposters like this user that make v great

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>mfw I thought these posts were all ironic and just now found out that a bandicoot is actually an animal

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It's an older meme, but it checks out

Raki from Vangaurd. Too bad the mmo is killed.

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I bet you didn't know hedgehogs, spyros, and tazmanian tigers were real animals either


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You smell but your Mom still lets you live with her

Never change Yea Forums

The youngest & dumbest board by far.

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I'm not the guy that suggested Crash was a fox, but I'm 30 and have legit never heard anyone ever mention this animal or speak of its existence. I guess it's because they're from Australia.

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Why do people respond to posts like this as if the guy is an idiot and not just making a joke?

No, that's a Friend.

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Were the Tails Game Gear games any good?

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Stories: Path of Destinies was pretty fun.
Foxes are fairly smelly, yes. Fennec foxes are also rather excitable and shrill, but frankly, they're too goddamn cute regardless.


You'd be surprised what things people don't know are real.
I've had to explain to multiple people that echidnas aren't just a made-up thing from sonic games.

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This adventure game

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I saw this giant fox walking in broad daylight the other day. The thing was seriously as big as a large dog. It scared the hell out of me.

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Me on the left

Foxes are canines you fucking imbeciles.


This PS 1 game

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That's true.

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Then why doesn't that bitch let a fox live with us too smartass?

This. You can tell by looking in their mouths. They have canine teeth.

Games that allows you to mod foxes, like Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, 4, New Vegas, Garry Mod, etc.

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That's adorable

This is a cat

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okami is japanese for wolf user

Wait, Linkle is a girl? I thought they leaned hard into shota for the game. I guess I should play the translation.

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>Release delphox in the first mainline 3d pokemon game
>Looks like shit in 3d
>Has shit tier abilities as well with a mediocre stat distribution
Why did they do this.

Inu is dog
neko is cat
kitsune is fox
hebi is snake
saru is monkey
tora is tiger
kuma is bear
taka is hawk

All these years of japanese subs and games have actually taught me stuff yay!

Cat software running on dog hardware,


You're both right. Foxes are cat software installed on dog hardware.

Go to hell Inari.

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cat software is cute

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