Baten Kaitos

I don't see this game talked about much. Does it pick up as you go? I'm a few hours in, and the combat seems pretty simple.

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I used to confuse this game with fire emblem back on the day

I believe I owned this long ago. That voice acting was fucking terrible quality. Were they talking through metal tubes? Hope you like it OP I didnt get far into it.

Fuck off Ryan.
No one played this game.

Get off Yea Forums.

Game is fucking wacked.
Its very long, it picks up as you get more party members, but youre going to have to understand the combat system properly to survive later on. That and deckbuilding.
Its nothing amazing, but its fun enough, and the world feels subtly kinda different to most.

Great game ruined by awful voice acting, both of them. And you can't mute the voices.t

It gets way better later as you can use more cards per turn and the difficulty escalates.

I have the undub, which also has the metal tube quality.
Thanks. I intend to go through it slowly along with my other GC/Wii games. I assume it's not too difficult if you read up on how the card shit really works under the hood.

Its not too bad. But theres a lot to think about, keeping a balanced hand of offense and defense, elemental weaknesses and resistances, and the numbers on the corners of each card should be played in certain orders to increase effects.
Definetly look up online how to create some useful cards, i was getting fucked up at certain points of the game because i hadnt figured out how to cook up some current level healing cards, theres hundreds of obscure combinations, and some cards change over time meaning you have to go back and grab the originals again.

Oh this is quite literally my favourite game of all time! It's actually probably the game I've played the most. My last playthrough had 138 hours in it. I love it. I wish Origins was more like it, sadly Origins turned out to be a crock of shit.
Sadly, it's a little boring until you get Gibari, but the game really, REALLY picks up once you get to the Ancient Library of Magic in Anuenue, and only gets better from there.
There's a low period during Capella because the dungeon is so fucking slow moving, but thankfully it's only two screens and then you are done. I always choose to grind there though because the magnus you get are just INSANELY good for literally everybody in your party. Everybody gets a new offensive magnus, and everybody gets a new defensive magnus, and you can finally make Pac-Mans.

Combat is fun as fuck as soon as you get some crazy cards. Just very rewarding.

Definitely one of the best JRPGs there is, for the music alone.

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Finally someone else who realizes Origins is trash in comparison, an insult to it. Literally the worst pacing I've ever seen in a game and just rehashes 99% of the first game. And no idea wtf they were eventhinking with that combat in Origins.

One of my favourite parts about it is that every element, even dark, gets its chance to shine, and some elements are better with certain characters. Granted dark's glory time is pretty short lived during the main dungeon parts, but every element is viable during the last boss fight. Just make sure you don't have conflicting elements in your deck.
And don't fall for the Kalas-wind meme. He gets a total of four wind attacks the entire game (excluding finishing moves). He's much better suited to use chronos.
Also, Mizuti is shit and stays shit throughout the entire game. You can go the entire game without ever using her in a real fight, which I often do because she is just an inferior version of Xelha. I usually replay this game a few times a year. I fucking love it.

The dungeons and lizzle puzzles in it are amazing. Sadly Xenoblade has none of that.

The prerendered backgrounds are gorgeous.
It really surprised me that a GCN game had them (I know about REmake, but still). It makes me wish modern JRPGs would go with 4k prerendered backgrounds.

Origins is such garbage, I was so disappointed. I really wanted to love it because it is the only other Baten Kaitos game but it's just so inferior in almost every way. Being able to use your wings outside of combat to move faster was cool though, but that's like one of the only good things I can say about the game. I guess the whole Greythorne things was cool too. But only three playable characters? What the fuck is that?

Soundtrack is done by Golden Sun/Dark Souls composer Motoi Sakurabai.
I noticed that Nintendo were once more working with Tri Crescendo, and personally I think it would be great if Nintendo doubled down on JRPGs and got a sequel for this rolling, but I know that this could never happen.

Why does the MC wear crocs

The soundtrack has stood out to me. Even if I don't beat the 60 hour (nani!?) main story, I'll seek out the OST.

>Baten Kaitos is older
>did compose a million games
>calls him the "Dark Souls composer"
>when the Dark Souls OST is mostly trash and 1/10 compared to Baten Kaitos

Just stop

Omeaga cringe, my guy. Most people know Beethoven for Symphony 9 regardless of objective quality.

Are you retarded?

The soundtrack has loads of good pieces, a large part of wanting a new Baten Kaitos is to get more of that music.

I know Dark Souls OST is trash, but everyone knows what Dark Souls is, and for some reason a lot of people love it's soundtrack.

IIRC you have to set the audio to mono in order to get rid of the "metal tube" effect. Game does pick up and has one of my favorite twists just because of the way it uses the 4th wall.

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>and for some reason a lot of people love it's soundtrack.
They don't, they just want to rave about how great the game is because they are programmed retards who fell victim to the 'if you don't like this, you are a casual' marketing.

It's secret kino.I would love a revamp of both games on Switch


Dark Souls Sakuraba tracks are great, but contrarian subsapiens absolutely love to play contrarian, so you have to navigate around their blabber.

There was a card battle game for gamecube that i used to play. I cannot for the life of me find it with google searching. Does anyone know of another card battle game for gamecube?

Easily one of Sakuraba's best OSTs. It also has my single favorite vidya song of all time.

>Dark Souls Sakuraba tracks are great

AI constantly proving its existence.

That track was always quite disturbing in the game, especially on that wrid as fuck world map.

Such a crazy game.

Lost Kingdoms

Lost Kingdoms, made by From Software

Was it made by From, by any chance? Lost Kingdom or something?

Dude the DaS soundtrack is just nothing remarkable. Literally nothing about it. No memorable melodies, too much stupid chanting, and obviously non-existent outside of boss fights.

That said, Dark Souls fans are literally the epitome of contrarians.

holy fuck i love these battle themes in particular:
and i think this might be the greatest final area music in the history of video games:

Haha, everyone knows it was Lost Kingdoms.

>Dark Souls fans are literally the epitome of contrarians.
>DS is overwhelmingly considered to be a good series, so no. The contrarians are those who claim it's "shit."

>efinitely one of the best JRPGs there is, for the music alone.
Motoi Sakuraba peaked here, IMO he has yet do do a better ost

the dark souls series is literally what NPCs think are good games though
its legitimately NPC-core

>>DS is overwhelmingly considered to be a good series, so no
By contrarians, yes. And journos who are afraid of said contrarians. Ask yourself why Demon's Souls got 20/40 in Famitsu and trash that's objectively (even) worse like Dark Souls 2 almost 40/40.

Scores mean nothing for From games these days, journos are just afraid of a backlash. And retards like you like Souls because it's shit games but difficult so they can boast with their gamer cred.

>That voice acting was fucking terrible quality

The combat is literally the selling point of this game. If you don’t like it, you have no reason to stick around.

Cept maybe the music.

Feeeelin gaaaaay~

Where did you pick up the undub?

>subhumans actually think their opinions will EVER matter
Sorry "boys."

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thats not an attack in the game fagola

Story is interesting enough, characters are likable, music is 10/10, art is 10/10, nice difficulty spikes, sidequests and optional items. There are some reasons even if you don't like the combat. Though I would recommend Dolphin where you can fast-forward during combat.

Old emuparadise before Nintendo destroyed it, I think.

Reminder to any actual people here to never buy Nintendo products as long as you live.

rent free

Its a shame Savyna was a fucking awful character.

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If you still are in ancient librar y farm for some coins but do not sell them.

Keep those peach Boys until they turn into Wonder MOMOs.

When defending focus on cancelling all the the damage of 1 element. The final damage is always at the end of the turn.

Your stats grow better If you level in chunks instead of one at the time.

>the game plays on the fact that there was a timeskip between you telling the MC your name and him waking up on a completely different island saying he was attacked by wild animals to later reveal that he actually erased your memories so that you couldn't remember what he was really planning.

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the recurring rival dude spams the fuck out of it every single encounter.

this is actually a sage, even if sage with image means nothing

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is it in origins? its definitely not one in eternal wings and the lost ocean

Its still on emuparadise just like the rest of Nintendo games.

ill upload it give me a few minutes. if you want it, try to keep the thread alive

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BK is a fun series but even I can admit they can be a slow burn, the first game doesn't really pick up until close to or at halfway into the game.

actually it was the young giacomo fights in origins, I played those games back to back so they've probably blended in my head over the years.

I like how the game uses the fourth wall straight up from the begining and uses this really well later on.
Clever writing, best OST, fun combat system (after a while), gorgeous backgrounds... I miss those chills

It can't be that good since it's series is dead, I guess the sequel did really poorly considering they cancelled the DS title too.

One of the best battle themes of all time
Game sucks sweaty ass though

>DS title
i will never not be mad about this

A jrpg on the gamecube, it was dead before the first game was even thought up.

As a fan of Baten Kaitos, should I finish origins ?
I tried once but failed.

pic unrelated ?

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Baten Kaitos is one of my favorite games ever. It’s a shame Origins ruined the battle system.

no origins is garbage
as far as im concerned, theres only one baten kaitos game: eternal wings and the lost ocean
origins can go fuck itself

Here's a proper image, Katiocuck.

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>people hating Origins
Shit fucking taste, that game fixed everything wrong with the first game.

Nintendo's fault since they refuse to give their games the marketing they need to garner any success, the success of Ass Creed outright proves that a major marketing campaign will get any game no matter how poor the quality to sell through the roof. Nintendo have partially rectified this with directs, but then they kind of piss that shit away by releasing games in just the most "what the fuck are you even doing kind of way"
>sushi strikers a game perfect for mobile phones launches on switch and 3ds for $40
>ever oasis launches in the middle of switch mania on the fucking 3ds with no switch port in sight
>dillon's rolling western gets it's first full release and removes the stylus rolling but the game only launches on the 3ds and all of this while switch games were selling well because of the switch's major success.
Nintendo at times, they are a fucking joke of a company that has no idea what they have or what do do with what they have.

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*dumbed down everything good about the first game

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I fucked myself the first time I played it by getting stuck on that airship with the Giacomo/Folon/Ayme fight way underleveld with my last save dozens of hours back.

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Imagine preferring a tedious deck swapping system each and every time you needed to change party members, vague as fuck quests that don't tell you anything and have to wait until 50-90% into the game in order to do and are still given to you early in the game, shit tier dub, and a battle system that forces you to never look away from the screen even for a split second. That's some serious brain damage.

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user, i didnt make the album cover

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I've never been able to get far in this game all because the MC wears fucking clogs and i can't stand it.
Am i autistic

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shit i was going to post that one
im out of appropriate viper album covers now. i concede
i guess my recent reluctance to browse Yea Forums finally took its toll

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That's what I thought, bitch

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you got me

I had always assumed this game was a shmup for some reason

its almost the exact opposite

It's great. Be warned, though, managing a competent deck is pretty hard and there are plenty of times where the game locks you into areas with insanely hard boss fights and doesn't tell you about them prior.

Origins is complete shit. Character models, dialog, story, the battle system is just completely ruined and super shallow and arcadey. Fuck it. The, "YOU. WIN." at the end of every single fight made me drop it.


i loved this game, but i dont think ive seeen a game go to shit faster than it did in the last few hours of baten kaitos, everything after the continents start falling was just cringe as fuck and awful, and the final """boss"" was easily the most laughably bad and nonsensical thing ive seen in a jrpg

what? he was an adequate challenge and allowed for viable use of all the elements, even dark, despite its worthlessness during regular dungeons. how can you unironically think this? unless you are talking about geldoblame part 2 in which i agree but that was meant to be an easter egg rather than the final boss

>Character models
Its literally the same game with the same models and the same maps.

The tube-voice isn't even in the stored files. They're just crushed so hard by compression that they do the audio processing when playing it back to hide it.

main character of origins looks like a complete faggot and at least kalas' cape masked the terrible animations


The battle system is totally revamped though. I adored Origins, but I also like Arcade games so I guess it's just me?

Not to diminish the original, I loved that one.

Dark Souls
Eternal Sonata
Tales series
Star Ocean Series

Sakuraba's work on those games were also great as well along with Baten Kaitos and Baten Kaitos Origins.

Geldoblame part 2 was an optional easter egg?

All I remember about the game's combat is some times you're just fucked when it comes to being dealt a recovery card when you absolutely need it to survive the next turn, even if you stuff a ton of them in your deck build.

no, but hes meant to reinforce the guardian spirit finishers because he dies instantly to them. hes intentionally easy but has a decent amount of health because of this

Am I on bizarro world? Forget you dudes Origins was fun, and it had Guilo, that thing was great.

And looking back at that island, I dunno how Kalas dealt with that island since he was from there during his early days? One town was made of food, another was like a pop up book, a dungeon that was an illusion(which has Tower of Druaga in it), and the last town on that island was a normal looking town.

I bet when the devs made the island, they just decide to throw in random stuff for the island and make it weird as fuck.

if you think origins is a good game compared to eternal wings and the lost ocean, then yes you are on bizarro world. origins is a shittier game with literally HALF the playable characters, shittier battle system, and shittier progression system and is legitimately thought of as the game cubes swan song. great job.

The whole game is weird in general. All People dressed like bird-like clothes. Those merchants with the creepy smiles. That "thing" with melodia.

I remembered reading about Baten Kaitos DS. Shame it just disappeared and nothing came to it.

Origins really was the better game but its just some vocal anons who were apparently raped with that game in front of them with their only argument boils down to

as they try to defined tedious menu navigation from the first game as something good.

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Dark Souls has an amazing soundtrack.

how in the FUCK did this turn into a whine about dark souls thread
some yall niggas super insecure

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The workaround always just opens a blank new tab for me and doesn't download anything.

>needing a workaround for emuparadise

ok the viper battle saved it

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>see thread
>know nothing about the game
>boot up on Dolphin on my phone
>impressively animated opening cutscene
>pretty pre-rendered backgrounds
>charming VA
>music establishes a cozy atmosphere already
Still in the first room and I like it already. Thanks for the tip-off, Yea Forums, here's hoping it's as good as you say. Modern graphics were a mistake.

If I remember right just open in new tab instead of clicking
I think there is even a fix for that too though but unnecessary

>audio goes to shit when I step outside


>three characters with actual fucking depth and development instead of the usual JRPG grab bag of thin stereotypes with exactly one character trait
>battle system isn't slow as molasses and lets you chain together cool combos without fucking using healing items on the enemy
>actually good voice acting instead of FIRE...BURST WATCH OUT....I'M NOT THAT INNOCENT
>plot doesn't take 8 years to get past "travel to the next island, kill the next elemental-flavored boss"
look m8 i liked Eternal Wings and all but I do not understand how you can think Origins is worse
if you want to say "I liked EW better than Origins" go right ahead, they've got their strengths and weaknesses both
but this is some shit i do not comprendo

>saw the twist with melodia coming a mile away because for exactly one piece of dialogue she had a creepy/evil facial sprite and my suspicion meter went off the charts
At least I got bamboozled by the big one, that was some good shit.

He probably got stuck on the bird boss and gave up.

I dunno, the bird was hard but it's the first fucking young Glaucoma fight where you get Milly that was the real casul filter for me.

I likes origins more because the combat is faster

[Spoiler] no John, you are the demons [/spoiler] top ten vidya twist easy of all time, easy

Sure but i was refering to the event When they show her first period and malpercio talks that she is gonna take care of her

Is it fair to call this at least somewhat of a spiritual successor to chrono cross?

Never played it but I always viewed it as such and have wanted to play forever because of the connection(CC is one of if not my favorite game ever).

Also got these when Cube prices were low, realized G4's Judgement Day reviewed the first one. Pleasant surprises. I liked Eternal Wing's combat more since I could never become a combo fiend in Origins and really take advantage of why its battles were probably better. Don't remember the story pacing very well, only that Eternal Wings had good twists brought down by the weak voice overs, Origins had mostly abrupt twists basically saved by voice overs. Friggin' Shanelle Gray making JRPG females work in English. Team Origins was fun.

And now I am reminded. Dirty trick, that one.

Also music:

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ONE of the best japan rapg game son gamecube.

Slow but interesting pace

Too bad they punished at the end of the game if you focused only on the protagonist.