Are you gonna hate Scheherazade as much as Japan once Agartha arrives on NA?
Are you gonna hate Scheherazade as much as Japan once Agartha arrives on NA?
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How can someone with even basic knowledge of the human anatomy find this attractive?
BeCaUsE iT dOeSnT HaVe To Be ReAlIsTiC
what the fuck are those proportions
Sure, but it should also not look like shit. Which it does.
I already hate it because I'm not a disgusting NAcuck.
God, I love Raita.
I actually couldn't tell if her hips were supposed to either be side views of her hips or just her ass. Who drew this garbage?
Because who gives a shit you faggot.
Are they on the same rate up?
nevermind i just remembered Salem was were the Queen of Sheba was introduced
I play both versions and I've hated her since she was introduced. Raita should only draw petite girls like Shuten.
I guarrantee Raita knows more about human anatomy than you do.
she looks like she fucks white boys
god i love these chocosluts
Does Agartha come out before CCC? Cause if so that's fucking annoying, I wanna dump some quartz on Kiara or Melt.
CCC event first
Agartha comes in mid-June iirc
Nope, CCC next month.
Blessed. I hear it's actually a fun event too
Wait, people hate her? Why?
Because she said shit about Roman. And Gooks practically worship him.
Agartha is a shit show of a story chapter and she bad mouths Roman.
Some dumbass nip reason.
>new event not only features Schez again but it is gonna buff her NP too
I think someone at their HQ must like her a lot
Turned Chaldea members into sluts that killed people (like Drake) and trash-talked Roman, all of that because she's a coward that's afraid of battle and death.
Agartha was also a pretty shit singularity overall.
Things i would make to her...
>That waistline
Yeah no
Eugh, reminds me of yaoi fangirls when a female lead character so much as exists in their "ship"s general direction.
I like Roman and all, but that's a bit much. Thanks for filling me in, though.
It wasn't because Drake, it was mostly due Roman.
Otherwise she didn't would got a huge ass interlude apologizing for that.
Raita does that fucked up anatomy on purpose. I'm not saying it's a good idea, I'm not saying it's sexy, but it's not caused by lack of anatomical knowledge or artistic skills. Raita is a weird guy but hey, he's a porn artist that graduated to working on vidya so I guess he's successful enough.
Who is best fate-brown and why is it rule 63/gender swapped Arjuna?
God bless that autistic that drew so many pictures of her
i was reffering to some of the characters Schez brainwashed.
I know it's mostly because of the whole Roman thing though.
>whole interlude thing
i wonder if they're gonna kill schez in the new event, just like they killed Nero in America because of Septem.
New event is over. And shit was mostly centered around Wormslut Kama than other servants.
Goddamn, Raita's art is an offense on all that is sacred.
he's more obsessed with female geronimo tho
I never once gave a shit about her. I prefer Sheba and Nito over her.
EoR 3 is where it's at with ninja tiddies and flat ninja tiddies
It is because of drake though, even with muh Roman being a bigger deal
The reason you see close to zero dahut (Drake Alter) art is because it’s “disrespectful”
>Shadanese Japman
I don't hate her because I don't play gacha shit, I just jack off to her pictures.
People care about Drake?
there are like 7 Drakefags that exist
>Shonagon's boobs disappear when she's wearing her kimono
welp, was expecting a bigger shitfest
I'm loving this thread boys, post more of Scheherazade
Something is wrong with her left leg
He does.
Real people are anatomically correct but they look like shit too
big brown butt
Agarhta is a shit chapter.
Her character is shit.
Her ingame art is shit.
I don't give a shit about anatomy. I see big titties and a fat ass and my brain goes into caveman impregnate mode and my imagination fills in the blanks.
stop being fat
FGO is shit in general except for the fanart so who cares?
Absolutely based thread
Is her kit and stats garbage or something? I don't see why else japan would've hated her.
Is it because she isn't a loli?
I haven't played in a while but doesn't literally everybody shit on Roman
This and a not-garbage skill set would've made Geronimo actually worth leveling and using
I've heard she's a bad 5* overall but dunno about that.
And nips only hate her because of agartha being ass.
All in good fun, though.
How the fuck is it disrespectful? By that logic any art of the characters is "disrespectful"
I can't believe we have to hate the protagonists now
She got a massive buff, any kind of servant with king trait get nuked hard also good skills.
She is shit on release. And takes few months to get interlude.
>"playing" FGO NA
Are you a retard?
I want to bleach this bitch
The story, canon wise, is that the player has every single servant so it just isn't a random Drake that gets her saint graph fucked with so Dahut can take over, but it's actually the protagonist's Drake who gets kidnapped and taken over by Dahut. It's a weird NTR thing.
whats the closest type of women IRL that look like her? I must know
Melt is more useful
CCC is the grindiest event though
>still no pc port
no thanks
>Hating on Schez/claiming Japan hates her still
No, most people don't mind her now. She has redeemed herself as a character especially in the last event release. Then again what do you expect from NA players.
huehue indeed, I really should book a trip to Brazil some day
People actually play FGO? I thought everyone just fapped to the porn.
Explain why everyone and their mother use emulator?
i love my chocogoddess scheherazade
>t.500 lbs
more like it's because nobody cares about Drake in Japan
Why is raita so fucking terrible at drawing tits? Nearly all the fanart in this thread is far superior.
delicious chocogoddess
But the story also shows there "different" servants that don't even kniw beyond maybe "Oh, that's the master of chaldea", evennif you've summoned them.
This particular Drake that she corrupts is the one from your Chaldea tho
>People confusing Ratia's fanart with the official Namaniku art of her
It's just elevens being retarded.
Except that Drake is your Drake not some random NPC.
Looks like she's wiping her ass
You ruined the fun user
How does she function?
I imagine just walking around would be an issue with her ass slapping around.
>Implying I'm even going to read Agartha
The only thing worthwhile that came out of it is Pent's character design.
Raita didn't draw this character in the first place you retard
tastiest chocolate ever
Source please
Berserker of El Dorado is cute! CUTE!
I wish she had even more muscle definition in her official art. But then that also applies to pretty much every girl in TM.
Yup, I think you just posted the hottest girl in this thread
Alright, that's retarded. Any reason it just happens to be your Drake?
I probably shouldn't but here you go
>135 posts
>55 posters
>People actually liking Ciel
Seems unlikely, but good for you.
it's the hair and body type, I just really like it
Fair enough.
I want to lick that tummy.
he definitely deserves the title of japanese shadman more than asanagi
I never really cared about Drake that much, but I always figured she's mounted her share of dicks in her day so whatever. I mean, she IS a pirate. Men, women, young, old, she's probably fucked 'em all.
Then he should draw like it. His knowledge is worthless if he doesn’t fucking use it
He does what he wants. What are you gonna do, tell him to stop?
Fate Drake isn't really Drake but queen Elizabeth.
t. Jealous failed artist
this artist can draw some amazing little girls but insists on drawing these abominations
Nigga she still ran a pirate crew, sailed the seas and pillaged ships. Whether she was a queen or not, she probably had all sorts of shit in her holes.
had to stop playing because the game kept raping my phone.
Why did they hate Scheherazade?
You have to give context motherfucker, no one here plays the japanese version.
I agree Raita anatomy is stupid and unnatractive but that character and the demon loli I forgot the name are the only decent characters he has.
Because they're not gay?
Fujos hated Schez because she talked about how jealous she was that a certain character was able to erase themselves from the throne of heroes, and they got asspained because it's apparently disrespectful. She's not that bad of a character if you don't have some irrational hatred of a survivalist trope.
The Drake thing was an actual fuck up. The roman thing is blown out of proportion. No wonder there aren't any drakefags around anymore. People only like her now because she embodies the older female figure archetype.
>doujin hentai artist
>draw men body better than women's
The fuck is up with Raita
Did you even see Asanagi?
He can actually draws well if he wants. It's really common some artist stick with some artstyle just because it likes it.
I'm unconvinced, I think Asanagi is just better at drawing guys. There's no real excuse for his rubber sameface shit with the girls.
Enjoy bros.
I might roll for Schehazade, but when is she coming to NA?
I might spent all my rolls for Passion Lips by then.
I'm sorry. I can only see a pile of shit.
Samefag 12+ years ago.
In Okeanos, Drake asks if (you)'re down to fuck like 5 minutes after meeting (you). She's about as innocent as a Mizuryu Kei heroine.
>Are you gonna hate Scheherazade as much as Japan once Agartha arrives on NA?
Wait what? does japan hate her?
I dont get why you replied to me, I was talking about Raita.
Asanagi draw both men and women body just fine.
I hope Dahut gets released.
I'm not sure what that pic is supposed to imply. It's still not very good.
Theres very few Fate servants that I actually care enough to roll for in FGO but something about Scheherazade is doing it for me.
Her sad face and dark skin pleases my dick.
Kill yourselves gacha insectoids.
Stop shillings your gambling sims. Back to your shitty generals on
mid-june or july
Blessed user
Just refund lol
yeah, like various anons have posted, Schez was disliked a lot when Agartha released, it was so much they had to unfuck her with an long-ass interlude to make her more likeable and viable.
Dunno if they still hate her, but I've seen some really angry anons in some fgo threads sperging over her.
I fucking LOVE hating things! There's nothing I enjoy more in the whole world than not liking things!
... but I'm not seeing the problem. Is this character mechanically bad? A crutch for casuals? Full of fake difficulty and skinnerbox mechanics?
If you had a basic knowledge of human anatomy you'd see all the flaws and imperfections in your own wife, daughter and female co-workers. Best you stay ignorant.
He got worse.
I'll do some light Schez rolling, but that's mostly because I also want Wu and Penth. Either way I'm sure I'll be drained after CCC.
>wHaT dO yOu MeAn Go BaCk To TwItTeR????
It's a heterosexual thing. You discordfags wouldn't understand.
Aside face, it's actually better.
He did again on a different angle tho.
They are just going to censor everything that offended Japan
What was her interlude actually about?
i like how they got the chaika ass artist to draw servants but he doesnt give a single fuck about fate or the characters he drew.
That art don't come for free mate.
Good thread
Best girl confirmed.
>tfw scheherazade will never belly dance for you
Main thing is that she tries to be forgotten for what she did during agartha, hell, she even asks Drake to forgive her.
I'm rolling for Summer Nito and Nero and don't want to ruin my shot, so sadly Scheherazade will have to come to me by pure luck.
rolled for her in JP, gonna roll for her again in NA
>check her VA
>Kikuko Inoue
oh fuck my dick
what in the fuck is that anatomy
it's from raita, some people unironically think the guy is the best FGO artist
>every artist should draw realistic!
god damn you are one stupid nigger.
>like character
>gonna roll for her
>probably not get her
FGO sucks.
This one gacha bitch looks exactly like that other one?! What the hell is going on gachafags?
Raita design 101
going to reroll for gil or the other 5 star bb
I have the utmost urge to mating press deeply and impregnate.
Chaika ass artist is doing the art for Taimanin Asagi now
that's what she wants
>Thicc brown girls with blonde hair
>Thicc brown girls with black hair
god-tier chocolate
Altera best brown.
>newfags trying to shit on RAITA again
You must be over 25 years old to appreciate torpedo tits
Not even as bad as his older designs. Fat skeleton days were the true days.
sexy sexy skeleton
What did they do to Altera?
You plebeian faggots should fucking kill yourself you piece of shit
For me its KAGAMI
By bad, I meant bad anatomy, not bad images. I still shot nut to Alicia art
>I meant bad anatomy
That's just his style, dumbass. He can drawn normally just fine
Fucking shit taste plebs. Raita is a great artist. What's wrong with drawing what you love, huh? He can easily reign in his extremes when he wants. I love his vehicle and weapon design and a lot of his male character designs are amazing. If he wants torpedo tits in his porn than let him!
Based Raita
It's still incorrect anatomy, dipshit. I have no issues with artists drawing their own styles, but incorrect anatomy is incorrect anatomy.
>mfw wife is smol hed, narrow shoulders, long legs, and d cups
cope harder fat womanlets chesslets
>one of the sexist female servants in the game
>is a 1-star shitter in the free gacha
What were they thinking?
>incorrect anatomy
Its 2d, fuckface. And take your " incorrect anatomy" to these plastic tornado tits surgery people or some damn fucking dwarf, cunt
Something about Kagami art is so unbelievable fucking hot, like holy shit, damn it i bust a nut everytime i seen his art, the other artists can never do that for me
Are you autistic? You're literally going berserk because I said it's incorrect anatomy. I don't give a fuck what dimension it is, different is different. Doesn't make it bad, just different. She's based off a human. Humans are not built like that. That's a fact and not a detriment. Also, you're retarded
I’m going for Pent and Wu, so its possible I’ll get her, despite not really caring for her.
>started playing 10 days ago
>single rolls as soon as I get 3 sq
>have a 5 star and four 4 stars
>don't care which servants I pull
>She's based off a human
No she based off anime bullshit, fuck you nigger
No its not okay, you are not okay, fuck you stupid bitch nigger
>that fat pinch
skindentation is the tag you are looking for.
That does make it the only term to describe it.
>muh bad anatomy fags recently got chased out of danbooru like dogs
>They were the kind of autist that actually coordinated or had multiple accounts just to flag images they didn't like en masse
>Only thing they achieved is making moderation more loose
The day of the rope is near, anatomy fags.
Looking at the Servant list, it looks like they haven't really introduced a new non-gold Servant in a while. Why is that?
to be fair, her anatomy isnt that great; same with raikou. fan art usually looks a lot better than their official art
I actually have that exact set-up for my third support team, except Kid Gil instead of Hassan. I don't actually use it, though, since I believe I should use my best units for support.
>grindiest event
Are you fucking serious. Because im currently pissed about fucking DUDE LOL NOBU EVENT BUT WITH TWO THINGS YOU HAVE TO GET
That's the point, retardo. Raita's girls are always supposed to look like exaggerated anime girls. It's literally mentioned in one of his doujins.
Yeah, but releasing a few more commons shouldn't be so bad. The last UC they released was Eric Bloodaxe at the very beginning, while the last C they released was Bunyan, who's an Event Servant so really shouldn't count. As far as actual, legitimate Cs go, the last one was Asterios.
just because its the point doesnt mean it doesnt look like shit
>There are people out there that hate Raita and love cutesexyrobutts
All I want to know is what time machine did these cavemen use.
I just rolled her in jp
CSR is a hit or miss
>Hassan instead of Gil on All
Good man.
Well too bad, faggot. He is the one designing some of the franchise's most popular characters. Maybe that'll clue you in: Who is wrong? The guy that keeps getting hired to draw hot bangers or your dumb ass.
Well, I don't like it. What now, faggot?
Presumably you cry a bunch because he is and will continue making girls for the franchise you are posting images from.
>left tit is just a flesh cylinder
>Actually playing FGO
Thanks for funding my doujins
Or, I'll just be here, happy with my cute, anatomically CORRECT waifu
He’s only one of a whole bunch, so it’s not like it’s that big of a deal one way or another
Dont bully
With those supports, I doubt he's supporting anyone.
What the fuck is wrong with her hips
As usual, Sakura's the biggest slut.
But I'm more interested in Kama than Parvati. God, they really screwed the pooch with Parvati. She's boring, she's a shit Servant and her art is bland as fuck.
I don't know why everyone always gangs up on Raita specifically when there's plenty of other bad or at least mediocre artists in FGO. Even Koyama has gotten fucking lazy, his faces are really awful sometimes.
>elf ears
>big af animu eyes
>anatomically correct
it’s her outfit that needs work
His sameface is almost as bad as Takeuchi's these days.
The outfit is bad, but the actual artwork itself is very lazy and bland. Not an anatomical disaster but still plain mediocre regardless.
gay tumblr sjw meme speak
nigger speak is more redeemable than this
It's a dumb meme first created by edgefags asshurt people shat on shadman all the time. It was then adopted by the typical (you) seeking virgin that couldn't even explain their dislike in anything more coherent than "it's bad muh anatomy is bad."
Boudica looks much better when ascended, which is kinda funny since she looks less slutty.
Also the artist got bullied pretty hard by a lot of people (it made him quit drawing for years iirc), so i wouldn't say he didn't got shat on.
nigga wat?
Imagine being such a basic bitch you don't know shadman rose to infamy as an edgy faggot.
That art is terrible but it still makes me rock hard
but what does not liking raita’s anatomy have to do with being an edgelord?
he's conflating
Go and masturbate to a biology text book
Your low test is showing dude
Because we are not gays.
What does it mean?
Funnily enough, his Fuji-nee isn't too bad. You can kinda really tell he put more effort on her than he did on Boudica or Parvati.
it means check out this eight
His main problem is that he's completely unimaginative when it comes to designs and poses.
Even Takeuchi, in spite of his average technical skill, is very good at designing memorable and relatively appealing designs, and he always tries to put his characters in distinctive, yet fitting poses. He's not great, but his aesthetic sense is pretty decent
What's the appeal of brown skin? It looks disgusting.
I disagree.
how many dudes does Wu and Pent rape?
Raita is a fucking joke. Might as well tie water balloons to a literal skeleton at this point
And you're even worse than a fucking joke
>Also the artist got bullied pretty hard by a lot of people (it made him quit drawing for years iirc)
That was the Japanese fanbase, no? No one here seems particularly bothered by it in comparison.
it looks exotic.
but shit nipples is gross
>character designer for 3 video game
>million of fans in Japan
>most people love his FGO servant
>can drawn anatomy correct just fine
>b-b-but he suck l-l-lock at my deviantart fan art
>only one of a whole bunch
He's better than most of them, only fews are actually equal or better than him
>he’s successful therefore he can do no wrong
why do you guys keep sucking Raita’s cock so much?
>fan art usually looks a lot better than their official art
Fucking hell no, The reason Raita is popular and he has a lot of fan art because of his drawn skill and character design
>muh Japanese Shadman
No fucking faggots has ever make a single Shadman fanart, Shadman is not even popular at all, get that shit out of here
FGO's artist pool is pretty fucking uneven, but its biggest issue is the style contrast in itself. Danganronpa designs next to Takuechi, Koyama, Wada, etc. designs are really jarring.
Show me some example then, dipshit?
Is this nigger serious?
Much better than that shitshow of boatshit, guncrap, gook grinder etc...
>No fucking faggots has ever make a single Shadman fanart, Shadman is not even popular at all, get that shit out of here
are you a schizophrenic, user?nah?
>can drawn anatomy correct just fine
Funny how you haven't posted an example, probably because you're bullshitting. Also, even if I did play along to your strawman, I don't need to draw well to criticize Raita; I can literally just point out the other artists in FGO that draw better than him. Takeuchi, Wada, and Koyama can draw sexy girls WITHOUT resorting to monstrous tits and asses
Dunno which you mean apart from Kancolle, but GBF at least only has a few artists which don't clash as poorly as FGO's do.
Honkai and the various FF mobage also don't have that problem.
What the fuck are you even trying to say?
Honkai is just typical forgettable generic anime girl
None of them are exactly bastions of perfect anatomy, though. Takeuchi's neck and arm lengths have always been a problem and Koyama's faces have been disastrous at times. Wada genuinely seems to have improved over time, but even she isn't perfect.
one user brings up a rebuttal to an argument that was not made, snd the other needs to chill
Redditors hate Raita because "skinny big-tittied girls bad", so retards here take the completely opposite stance purely to spite them. Ironic, considering that Raita's sexiest servant, Shuten, is totally flat, and sells her sex appeal purely on her facial expressions.
Yeah, but the designs are decent and the models have good combat animations, so it evens out. And ultimately the style is consistent, if not particularly distinct.
Raita is the Japanese Rob Liefield but people like him because he draws anime sluts.
I wonder why Raita shit triggered autists this hard, because Raita is more popular and successful than your favorite obscured artists?
Here's another thing Rob doesn't draw.
>one is design by one weeaboo chinkroach
>the other is design by a shit lot of artists
Guess which one is much more popular? and talking about consistent, GBF blow the shit out of that generic weeaboo chinkshit
>appeal to popularity
if it didnt work the first 5 times you made that argument, what makes you think itll work this time?
Popularity wasn't the issue and I already acknowledged GBF, but okay. Your hatred of chinkshit has been noted, thank you for your contribution.
>he is watching 2d anime and playing anime video games with tits bigger than head, long legs, long thighs and other bullshit
>b-b-b-ut this particular porn artist anatomy is incorrect its not realism, suddenly i need realism in my anime bullshit otherwise i will die REEEEEEEEEE
What's your opinion on Twilight and Transformers?
Twilight and Transformers aren't erotic anime girl, why should i care?
suspension of disbelief always has its limits
Doesn't matter. They're popular, so you HAVE to like them. Isn't that how this works?
Also, Chris-chan is more popular than Raita, so that means he's an even better artist.
This one obviously look much worse than Raita body and its western, it isn't anime, what are you even trying to show?
>Chris-chan is more popular than Raita
In what universe?
>Doesn't matter. They're popular, so you HAVE to like them. Isn't that how this works?
No, i'm not into gay western show
you can do better than that user
again: suspension of disbelief has its limits
>*cracks open a bottle of soilent with a mechanical bottle opener*
>*glug glug*
you gay bro?
but theyre popular, even more than your doujin artist, that means they must be better
What video games are you playing?
>but theyre popular, even more than your doujin artist
Care to show me show proof about your Chris-chan art is popular than raita?
some weird one where I argue with an autist online
stop sperging over Raita and post more chocogirls
>No, i'm not into gay western show
And I'm not into watermelon tits and stick-thin waists; it has fuck-all to do with realism, I just find it ugly. Yet I can't say that I don't like Raita because he's popular? Where's the logic behind that?
twilight and transformers, bro
No seriously, what video game are you playing or what anime are you watching? Just so i can have a taste of that suspension of disbelief?
Why does Raita trigger people so fucking bad? Why does it anger people that other people get their dicks off to stuff they don't like the look of?
>muh chrischan
>suddenly transformer and twilight
You can't read or something? and we are still talking about anime artist right?
You can suck off your mom all you want, just don't be a spewing hateful weeb autist lmao
you’re the one who can’t read
>mfw I found out Raita drew the original concept art that inspired Katawa Shoujo
Goes back to the good old "stop liking what I don't like" mentality.
resident evil and seitikai yakuindomo.
but I guess because one of those is a sci fi game I have to get a hard on for Raita’s anatomy or else I’m a hypocrite?
...that explains everything!
How did they react to finding out that a bunch of gaijin actually turned it into a game?
C'mon, dude. I just wanna have a peaceful conversation about how bigger isn't always better when it comes to tits and asses, and your rude ad hominems are completely uncalled for. I don't even think Raita's all bad. His men look cool and his lolis look sexy, but when it comes to his bustier women (which are most of the characters he draws) he turns them into deformed aliens with massive frontal egg sacks.
Can't we just talk like normal civil people about this, instead of spending yet another thread spewing insults and twisting each other's words against each other? Can't we just be friends?
Ugly, Fate is such a shitty joke of a franchise.
>WITHOUT resorting to monstrous tits and asses
Yeah summer Scat isn't a monstrous of tits and asses
its all or nothing with these autists
>chinkniggers, nintensois and Grancucks seething once again at Fate chad threads
>because Raita is more popular and successful than your favorite obscured artists
Hello, we are currently talking about artist, why are you bring twillight and transformer here? are you alright brainlet?
Because his art sucks.
seehello, you keep trying to appeal to popularity, you can’t just backtrack and pretend that logic only works for your doujin artist.
also, work on that english, pedro
>resident evil
>realistic human suddenly turning into anatomy incorrect monster with balloon shoulders, looong skeleton legs and torpedo head
>Seitokai Yakuindomo
>skinny skeleton, long ass fuck head and chicken legs
Yeah suspension of disbelief
What the fuck? its is the popularity between doujin/porn/anime artists like i'm saying here
why the hell are you bring movies in?
If things are popular, then they're good, according to you. By this logic, Raita is popular, therefore he is good. Also by this logic, Twilight and Transformers are popular therefore they are also good, correct?
If you say "no", then you are admitting that your logic is flawed, and that popularity does NOT equal quality, meaning that Raita is NOT good just because he's popular.
If you say "yes", they you are admitting to having diarrhea-level taste. But you'd never say "yes", because you know it'll prove you wrong the second you do. That's why you're feigning ignorance right now instead of answering the question that will completely destroy your argument the second you do.
>has million of fans
>other artist keep drawing fan art of his characters
>also a video game character designer
Cry moar
>appeal to popularity only counts for Nip artists
>any other context then it’s an illogical argument
unironically, have sex
I'm only talking about the popularity between anime artist, and Raita is good so he's popular, what's the problem?
If it isn't Nips then it isn't anime, bootleg is even worse than 13 years old deviantart
then you’d have to consider anything popular to be good, even outside of anime
>appeal to popularity only counts for Nip artists
Then show me some weeaboo SEAnigger, chink gook artist better than Raita then boohoo
>nooo raita cant draw realistic women delete this!!
So you believe that "popularity = quality", but only for anime artists? Why doesn't it apply to movies?
50 shades of gray is more popular than your nip artist, therefore it’s better, according to your logic. boohoo
Don't put words into my fucking mouth okay, FGO is a fucking anime game and Raita is a fucking anime artist and why are discussing anime artist, why the fuck are you keep bringing some off topic shit here?
Hell yeah, why aren't we discussing movie in a video game board? why aren't we discussing 3D woman in a anime mobile thread?
because your logic wouldn’t be limited to anime artists. if you can’t continue to make that same claim for everything then even you don’t believe your own argument
Take your 50 shades of gayasspigshit and put it in your daughter ass, fucking pedo
this thread sucks
Well, I suppose I stand corrected on that part. You deserve a (you) for that, at the very least. He CAN draw realistic women, if he wants to. Still, I'm not obligated to find his "unrealistic women" attractive in any way.
no u
>Hell yeah, why aren't we discussing movie in a video game board?
We do that all the time, and the discussion ends up way better than it would be on Yea Forums, because off-topic threads ALWAYS have less shitposting than on-topic ones. Especially /an/ threads. Those are the comfiest.
No, my argument is the same, stay on topic or fuck off, molester
Your childporn is over here
Its still against the rules and you should kill yourself, you fucking redneck
ok, fortnite is more popular than raita, as is naruto and sword art online. therefore, they must be better.
>if you watch/know anything about movies then you’re a pedo
fortnite isn't anime artist, naruto isn't anime artist and sword art online isn't anime artist
Get fucked you filthy child molester, you can try but you can't hide, stop being so fucking disgusting
Fun fact: if someone is needlessly aggressive and immediately resorts to insults, then they're probably not giving sincere arguments, and are instead just baiting people for (You)s by being assholes
>"Umm, everyone on this site talks like that, retard"
Exactly. We live in the age of post-irony. Nobody speaks sincerely anymore, it's just a bunch of baiters baiting other baiters, with literally no discussion to be had whatsoever.
backtracking won’t erase your logical fallacy
i can't
I'm gonna miss Okita
artists are entertainers
supply and demand forces and controls the market
the market demands more raita work
thus raita gets to draw more sexy sexy anime girls
nothing you say or do will change this
doesn’t mean its good
Why does that affect whether or not I'm allowed to dislike his art?
good is subjective
there is no demand for your bitching
She's not going anywhere, you did roll her, didn't you?
>good is subjective
you finally get it, good lord
>there is no demand for your bitching
But I'll keep doing it anyway. What are ya gonna do, stop me?
>Its popular!
So? Doesn't change the fact the game is shit.
god i want to fuck shuten
not buy your product
i always got it, you simply are wasting your time bitching
nah, I was just wasting time pointing out a logical fallacy to a retard who can’t even write properly in English
>being this new
same literally all fucking day
Raita triggers Yea Forumseddit hard. Holy shit.
problem is here the anatomy is actually bad, the muscle don't connect in proper places and dont have correct forms, raita plays around with proportions a lot (because proportions are something that vary a lot in nature) but actually undertands where everything connects and ends, anyone with basic anatomy knowledge could tell you this and only retards compare liefeld to raita
Reminder Boudica is for (Me).
So can we talk about other Agartha things now, before the bump limit? Maybe about Pent's amazing body or something, if nothing else?
almost as pathetic as "same face" cucks
>Even spending money on Donut Steel Jeanne
what's this servant?
Benienma. New 5* Saber from the New years Banner on JP. She's a good boid.
Because you are either a disgusting basedboi or a grill that needs to go back.
would she be kind to her master?
her design's pretty nice
>Shez taller than Raiko
>Shez standing up to Raiko
Yep, this guy never played the game.
>post once
>can't post anymore
>muh anatomy
it's a cartoon retards
He was very happy about it.
>nip is shorter than non nip
seems realistic to me