This may happened in our lifetime

This may happened in our lifetime.

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so we already know that MK11 will most likely be dead by the next EVO, so what fighting game will take its place(not melee, obviously)


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Ultimate’s already dead isn’t it? Just think, in a couple of years there won’t be any sort of Smash presence at EVO.


it's just fraud top players getting mad that they aren't the best anymore.

>ultimate's already dead isnt it?
Oooh boy you better buckle in hommie

Day of Soap

No it's literally just smash 4 players trying to downplay the game a but after release because they aren't as good in ultimate in comparison to 4

>there won’t be any sort of Smash presence at EVO.
except melee

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I really hope UNIST is at next EVO. BBTAG seems like its dead in the water and DBFZ numbers are dwindling.

Half these games won't be at main stage next year

Guranteed to show up next year:
>tekken 7

Everything else will be different probably UNLESS they cave and add another day to Evo

>guaranteed to show up next year

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Unist will come back purely for its numbers, SamSho has a chance to come back if it actually stays alive, MK11 and SCVI are basically already on their way out despite not even being out for a year. SFV and Tekken 7 have a chance of not being there only if we somehow get new games by next year

there will always be an NRS game at evo

SFV, ultimate, T7, and MK11 are guaranteed spots next year

>only fighting game I ever got good at was DBFZ
>everyone makes fun of it for being a button-mashing combo fuckup
hold me bros

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Uniel, SamSho, and BBTG are the ones leaving, NRS games stick around for 2-3 years

Unless a good tag game comes out that isn't bbtag, it will stay. I heard there was gonna be a new marvel game but no clue when it will release

There's actually people that prefer 4 over Ultimate?

Ultimate is the #1 game at Evo and has been since the very first entrants numbers were released, retard.

not definite, you can't guarantee it. If by some crazy stroke of luck we get a new MvC or Darkstalkers by next year, no doubt Wiz would pick those over MK like how SamSho got in over Melee.

what makes you come to that conclussion? what gameplay mechanics are not sittiing well with the pro scene?

NRS games typically have short lifespans

Why do Melee players like Ultimate more than Smash 4 players?

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Dbfz is cool dude, it just has a bad reputation at the beginner and intermediate levels of play because it's too much of a wash one way or the other. Games with very little neutral naturally have a lot of jokes made of it but they are still fun.

take a guess at the people who prefer 4... I'll give you a hint... they were actually winning tournaments in Smash 4

We just had one MvC that never made it to Evo.

change da world
my final message. Goodbye

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because its competitive scene died in a month.

It's hard to tell, there are players saying this or at least suggesting this on twitter. The problem comes in deciphering whether they are being disingenuous for likes and retweets or if they actually had more fun in smash 4

Games that will be cut from this next year
Under Night In-Birth for being old as fuck and no new updates because French Bread are poorfags
FighterZ because it's already circling the drain and didn't chance shit
Crosstag because not only did it take too fucking long to update it's not fun losing to Ruby/Gordeau all the time
Samurai Shodown because nobody will play it
Mortal Kombat 11 because fuck leftists

Ultimate already payed for it's spot next year

Now explain how that means it won't be at an Evo which takes place during its lifespan.

Yes, bayo shitters.

>Samurai Shodown because nobody will play it

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>make fun of games with very little neutral
>SamSho is all about neutral
Sometimes I hate this community, but I’m glad it’s at least getting some exposure

If by that you mean mad lads are sad because theyre getting rekt by melee players then youd be right.

Because a lot Ultimate is Melee pandering with it's content and attention to gameplay mechanics to add more depth. Ultimate has a way more aggressive setting where as Sm4sh was super defensive, in Sm4sh you could shield where ever unlike Ultimate where you can't just sit their holding it anymore

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I honestly think Samurai Showdown and tekken 7 are the only games worth a watch desu.

Samsho has more entrants than Soul Calibur.

Is this the weekly UNIST thread?

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ITT: games that WILL be at EVO next year

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I’m only interested in watching Samurai Shodown, SSBU, UNIST, and DBFZ. L

Who's ready for an all Japanese UNIST top 8?

>smash is still here
>kusoge that shouldn't have gotten as big as it did
>kusoge that threw in the towel and is on it's way out
>game that hasn't released
>game that hasn't released
>mortal kombat

UNIEST gets its 15 minutes of fame, T7 and SFV are here for reasons. No one won.

divekick baybee

Samsho has a good shot at a run at Evo if boomers grow the scene after release. From the fans that have played it, it's been basically all good stuff and it's a rather easy kind of game for the spectator even if you're unfamiliar with it

The reason is “I’m the most recent Tekken” and “I’m the most recent SF” respectively

I’d kill to just say fuck it and have USF4

The only one I intend to watch right now is Under Night. I like Tekken well enough, but I don't really like watching it, I might watch SamSho, I've always been familiar with the series but never cared to actually play it, and I'm still undecided on whether or not I'll play the new one, but if I do I'll watch it at EVO, otherwise I won't. I'll probably watch at least part of the GG side tournament as well, but there'll be another, bigger GG tournament shortly afterwards anyway, so I'm not too attached too invested in the idea of watching it at EVO.

As someone who loved smash 4 as a single player game, and had a lot of fun playing it multiplayer, it sucked competitively, and the updates made it even worse.

Smash U is much more aggressive and fast paced, while Smash 4 is an improved brawl and everyone knows how bad brawl was.

I just worry about how they'll choose to balance the game, SU was better balanced and more fun at launch compared to now.

top sm4sh players are salty that Ultimate actually takes more skill and it's more aggressive instead of being campy like Sm4sh is

They're mad because they actually have to git gud at the game.

I'm ready for the merkava vs merkava mirrors

Oh yes, I love being completely safe after hitting an opponent's shield with my unreactable aerials

>Sm4shbabbies upset that they can't just run up and grab out of shield anymore

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Melee faggotry is the worst thing to happen to Smash.

>here's every fucking stage and character from past games
>here's a fuckton of options to adjust the maps, rules, and stats to your liking
>and fuck it every stage has a FD and Battlefield form
>compfags continue to do Smashville 24/7 and still complain about it

I seriously hope Sakurai never caters to competitivefags ever again.

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Smashville wasn't in Melee

Goodbye melee, forever

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Smash keeps winning.

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t. smasher
i bet you don't even know what samsho even is you fucking secondary

Samsho is gonna die. It's literally discord life-support tier. Jojo HftF has more players.

Keep dreaming.

None of that garbage can make up for a neutered engine. You'd know that if you actually played melee, zoomer.

>as good as 4
>that input lag

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Imagine being this retarded

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imagine being this in denial

Are people defending Flo4t unironically or?

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>neutered engine
>in a children's party game


>so we already know that MK11 will most likely be dead by the next EVO
It'll, at the last place, like always, but thanks to NRS paying the spot

No, just Meleefags pretending to be 4fags to try and convince Ultfags their game sucks.

I remember this ms paint comic. Pains me that we can't make OC anymore.

Japs don't play fightcade. Most of em don't even know fightcade exist

UNIST is literally getting DLC this year idk what you are on about. BBTAG is being force by ASW and prob be replaced by granblue versus or if they release their new GG mainline in time. MK11 is the most SJW fighting game again idk what you are on about.

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Except most people complaining about Ultimate are 4 players

figured that out on your own? nice

reminder that smeleefags got btfo and cried on twitter while gg players were thankful for their time at evo and congratulated the newcomers

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next year

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I haven't played much of the story in UNIST. What characters are likely to become playable?

>implying the average age of melee player>18

So far
>Londrekia: Ice Mage
>Kaguya: Magic Gun Nun
>Joker: Not-Gambit
>Uzuki: Necromancer?
The first two more than the last two.

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Power Rangers

I can't remember his name off the top of my head, but the Licht Kreis guy with the staff and ice powers already has data in the game so he's next for sure, and there's a gun nun who isn't in the story mode, unless she's in someone's arcade mode that I'm not aware of, and she also has data in the game I believe. Aside from that there's Zohar who has Doppelganger powers, Uzuki is another Amnesia member and there's a character named Joker who hasn't shown up at all but was mentioned and one of the developer's discussed him in a little article and how he might play should he ever be added.

There's a few others in the story mode that I can see being playable eventually, like a guy who's the leader of a school club that deals with stuff to do with the Night that Phonon had some interaction with, but I think those four are the most likely to come in next.

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>tfw could've had french bread for the west
>the devs go full on deviantart snowflakes and waste money and time on shitty rpgs with their oc donut steels

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>SamSho has a chance to come back if it actually stays alive
assuming kofxv doesn't come out the first half of next year

Mario Kart 11 is not a fighting game

never ever mate

the worst part is that they could have made an excellent metroid vania but the gameplay is just awful and the hits have no weight to them. it feels like recycled skullgirl light punch hit sounds.


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>so we already know that MK11 will most likely be dead by the next EVO

how so. legit curious since i odnt follow mortal kombat at all but i always see NRS games having at least 2 evos.

other than Soul Calibur 6 i'd say this is probably one of the most balanced rosters EVO has ever had
i mean there is something there for everyone
SC6 fanbase and style of game crosses over with T7 fanbase to much though. not sure what i'd repleace it with though

Some of the Indivisible characters are great though. I wish Ahad had come up with Razmi or Naga Rider back during Skullgirls.
I think the game will be fine.

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Good. Maybe sMellee folks will stay home.

The inevitable SMT fighting ludo

i fucking wish

Catherine evolves from a side tourney and becomes a full event after Full Body comes out

NRS will shove MK11 in unless they manage to rush IJ3 out by the time of EVO 2020. SCVI is most likely to be dropped.

meleefags were a mistake
good riddance to the stinky fatties

didn't Uneil actually have pretty big entry numbers?
SamSho might stay if the game goes well
but BBTG probably will go
you're right on MK11. even Injustice 2 lasted a 2nd year

I miss ms paint comics so much.

>Doesn't realize that those who used to enjoy oc should have evolved to make the oc

>it feels like recycled skullgirl light punch hit sounds.
It doesn't feel like it, it is like it.

Then why some of the campiest, safest, most defensive Smash 4 players (Dabuz, Salem) are thriving in Ultimate?

>mcribs literally blocked mikez
not happening m8

did they even change the sound effect?

I mean, if you're talking about a mental standpoint than you're correct