[People who play RPGs are] "depressed gamers who like to sit alone in their dark rooms and play slow games."

>[People who play RPGs are] "depressed gamers who like to sit alone in their dark rooms and play slow games."
Was he right, Yea Forums?

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I thought depressed gamers were only a recent thing

Oh no. Nonononono. No.

He was stating this in regards to the explosion of JRPGs and how they were starting to become a powerhouse on Sony hardware.
It was pure business.

Hiroshi Yamauchi didn't give a single flying fuck about video games, he barely even played one.
He was a rutheless, iron willed businessman that had strong ties with the Yakuza.

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He was right, but his arrogance cost Nintendo JRPGs for the next ten years, with most former fans never wanting to return.

No, most of the hardcore Chrono Trigger fans were shut-ins.

back when RPGs were good this was the target demographic yes

He was just salty that Square and Enix jumped ship to PS1.

Bill Gates is Yakuza? Damn.

He was absolutely right and fucking based as hell. JRPGs are trash and the subhumans who indulge in them and flaunt them should all get sent to firing squads like the mindless bugmen that they are.

Okay let's look at the legacy of the PS1... Uhh... 3rd party shovelware, endless Square and Enix RPG schlock, mor3 JRPG schlock... Oh FF7? You mean that overrated as fuck game no one pretends to like anymore? Yeah real riveting, that static turn based combat and watching 30 seconds visual effects amidst a bumfucking retarded story.

Meanwhile the N64 revolutinized 3D gaming with SM64, had OoT with Z targeting and hell a better ADVENTURE than most JRPGs, Star Fox 64 with an epic space opera, prioritizing fun couch multiplayer sessions with Smash, Mario Retardy, Mario Kart and FUCKING GOLDENEYE. Its no contest.

So that meme about how friendless losers had their parents buy them a Sony PlayStation, but parents who bought their kid an N64 loved their child is 100% true and it is what Yamauchi was getting at. While the otaku virgin in Hokkaido was glued to his crappy Panasonic CTR screen playing garbage like FF7 in the dead of the night in his shithole apartment wrapped in greasy anime blankets, the Western american chads were having fun in the living room playing Mario Party 2 and getting drunk and blasted with their friends.

>Hiroshi Yamauchi didn't give a single flying fuck about video games, he barely even played one.
>He was a rutheless, iron willed businessman that had strong ties with the Yakuza.

he was also upper class and given everything he could ever want and need in life at birth, unlike the lower class, often physically or mentally disadvantaged people who play RPGs.

Bill gates is Iron Man? Damn.

This is something he said after Squaresoft left to join Sony, so..

You have deep, deep seated unresolved mental issues going all the way back to your childhood.
I unironically recommend putting you on a watchlist and scheduling you for regular mandatory ECT sessions.

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Old man cope.

>making a rpg right now in unity
>tfw hes right

what can i do? do i just lie and make a faux saccharine story?

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Oh no, they weren't

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>Was he right, Yea Forums?
The N64 and Gamecube were massive failures, I guess that speaks volumes about his statement and business acumen.
Not to mention, Yamauchi then swallowed his pride and had to personally beg Square to put a Final Fantasy game on the Gamecube, which resulted into Square telling Kawazu to whip something up and call it Final Fantasy, which gave use FFCC, arguably one of the handful of games that weren't forgotten in an already extremely limited library.

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ps1 is better

he was buttblasted nintendo got raped with the ps1

He was what Nintendo needed. Iwata was spineless and focused too much on gimmicks

You know one of the biggest and best selling Nintendo franchise, Pokemone, is a JRPG right?

The JRPGs of his era were really damn slow games and weren't that interesting strategy wise. Very few games like Tactics Ogre, most were simply menu-driven affairs like DQ with 99% of the game requiring no strategy until you got to a boss battle and weren't overleveled. And when you're a kid, the stories in these games seem amazing but when you grow up you realize it's predictably derivative of previous works of fiction, usually a ragtag team of misfits overcoming an all powerful evil wizard. From his perspective, he was right, though he was wrong in forgetting that kids play games too

>The N64 and Gamecube were massive failures

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pokemon and earthbound are NOT jrpg's

they take place in kanto and eagleland so they are Krpgs and Erpg's

get it together retard

he's right and it should have stayed that way, modern rpg's are a joke because they want to sell them to normies

Change it up. Make the heroes be revealed as the real bad guys and the villain was right all along

Nigga he didn't play video games.
At all.
Wouldn't have made any differences if they were fast or slow, he didn't play them.
He didn't even -like- video games, in general.

He's kind of right yeah. I failed the main quest in real life and it's not like you can just go back to an earlier save.

Eagleland is obviously America. Earthbound is an ARPG.

He said this after both Square and Enix defected to the Sony Playstation over Nintendo's policies. His ire over it kept them away from the N64 aside from token efforts and nobody remembers aside from Enix's Wonder Project J2.

Ok that's kinda funny.

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He must have had some basis for his opinion, considering how accurate he was. Even if he didn't directly play them, he must have known how they play or even watched one played.

He was a shitty head who didn't understand much about the business and royally screwed nintendo for a gen or two.

Dude, both the N64 and Gamecube were outsold by a factor of 5:1, the Gamecube had it even worse and sold even less than the OG Xbox, the only thing that performed worse than those consoles were SEGA's own stuff, Nintendo was in its worst shape ever during the fifth and sixth generation.

Bill Gates could buy the Yakuza.

>yamauchi fucked up with third parties by being a bitch with licenses and fear of piracy
>iwata fucked up with third parties with shit hardware and online
how will furukawa fuck up?

Ironically, it applies more to WRPGs which have always had a much, much higher degree of self-insert pandering such as sex cutaways(everything from hiring whores in ultima to fucking on stuffed animals in witcher).
Those and old-school not-quite-softcore shit like leisure suit larry are pretty much the exact audience he was describing.

Yamauchi was old and quickly losing touch with the industry. As gimmicky as Iwata's time may have been, he also elevated the company's success to the likes that they had never seen before he became president. There may have still been some flops along the way like the 3DS' launch and the Wii U, but he still played a significant role in helping to design the Switch before he died, which is currently a huge success.

I can't agree, but I do agree with his business methods. Iwata was too soft and Furukawa is too young.

He was talking shit.

That doesn't make them financial failures. Both the N64 and Gamecube turned a profit.

>the exact audience he was describing.
He was describing hikikos who do nothing but play video games

ps1 is so much better than n64 lol theres a reason it sold 100m units bud

>some right some wrong

the problem is that you can do everything with depression and say that this cause the problem. Like watching tv or exercise its more than that, are from the relationships that you have with people

Iwata was out of touch too. He thought specs were irrelevant in an era of smart phone progression. His bomb with the 3ds/wiiu was wore than anything under yamauchi.

>huge success
considering it has a monopoly on the handheld market, it should be selling more than it is. Of course shit hardware is holding it back. Hopefully Furukawa can incorporate yamauchi's decent hardware practices with Iwata's openess

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Furukawa seems astoundingly competent so far, so who knows, since he manages to sell the Switch despite all of its problems I don't think he has to fear much as long as he keeps on making massive, aimed ad campaigns.
>Both the N64 and Gamecube turned a profit.
So did things like the Wonderswan, the Wii U or the PSVITA, they were still commercial failures that sorely missed the mark.

Yamauchi and Howard Lincoln were the best things to ever happen to Nintendo.

this is the same nintendhoe who probably thinks anything less than a 97 on metacritic is a failure. RICH

>He must have had some basis for his opinion
He was talking shit because Square was booking deals with Sony.
That's it.

>"depressed gamers who like to sit alone in their dark rooms and play slow games."
Own it. Don't run away like that, user, it's sad.

No, it's always been a thing for those of us over the age of 25 and have never had friends, or normal experiences, I'm 30 and Im still depressed and gaming even if they're starting to abandon people like me for more multiplayer things.

I just like medieval fantasy worlds and traditional jrpg combat
They tend to have interesting designs and pretty good music

The Wii and DS were basically accidents that occurred by capturing a casual gaming market before the rise of smart phones and mobile games. They weren't even TRYING to target that market, in their mind they were just making video game consoles as they always had, it just had huge appeal outside of the typical gamer that they were expecting

3DS and Wii U mostly failed because by the time they launched, that crowd moved on to mobile and didn't come back.

As for the Switch, while it's making big headlines, notice how all of them are qualified "in the US"? Switch is barely on par with where the 3DS was at the same time globally because it's not doing as well outside of the US. The DS and Wii had nearly hit 50 million at this point in their life, each, a combine total of some 96 million, and the Switch's current position is barely a third of that. You have to remember that Nintendo used to have 2 platforms. Switch, as Nintendo's only remaining platform, has twice the shoes to fill and it's barely filling one pair at the moment, so calling it a huge success seems to be ignoring the bigger picture

Literally who?

Sitting in the dark strains my eyes but two out of three isn't bad.

The PS1 library shits all over that of the N64. The Saturn also has a vastly superior library. Eat shit you massive nintendie fagot.

>tired: playing shitty "RPGs" on your computer
>wired: playing tabletop RPGs with friends

But that would mean gen 2 is a JRPG

He was out of touch in the end, but at least he managed to turn it around with the 3DS despite how depressing its launch was. The Wii U is the only platform that truly bombed under his leadership, and it bombed so hard that I'm pretty sure Nintendo is trying to erase whatever legacy it had and pretend it never existed.

Hopefully Nintendo will start to place more of a priority in hardware in the future so that more AAA developers will flock towards them, but as far as first party titles go they still haven't lost their touch.

>life entirely consists of working, working out, eating, sleeping, playing vidya, reading, and listening to music
>tfw perfectly content with being alone and happy with my life
>tfw never been depressed
Anyone else with this kind of feel here? It's nice not having to spend time with people who don't really care about you.

>turn it around
3ds is the lowest selling nintendo handheld despite vita shitting itself and providing 0 competition

good for you most people need other people in their lives but if you're content without it then you are lucky

>They weren't even TRYING to target that market
If magazine articles that I read way back as far as 2003 were any indication, I'm pretty sure they were trying to cater towards that market. I think games like Nintendogs and Wii Sports/Play should've been an indication for what their focus was at the time, especially since their other first party titles were getting noticeably easier and more hand-holdy compared to previous iterations.

It was still a success in the end, which is more than what could be said for the slow and painful death that the Vita had to endure.

then everything yamauchi did was a success sans the virtual boy

No handheld is ever going to equal what came before as phones have eaten the market up.

and why has that happened? because nintendo keeps pumping out shit hardware. Switch recently got paired with mobile devices instead of xbox/ps4 for fortnite, so why would normies bother if they can just use their phones?

That's true, but ultimately he also started losing out to the competition same as Iwata did when it came to moving on from the 7th generation of consoles.

the absolute bias on this post

>CTR is better than MK64 even though it sold less
>Who the fuck cares about DKR being better than CTR, it barely sold at all

rinse and repeat for the entire psx library

>Reads post
>"This has got to be copypasta for replies"
>Fireden only shows this one post

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its the path I'm venturing into right now. It's pretty curious considering I've struggled to have any social contacts at all in the past. Right now, I'm basically telling my group of friends to piss off, for I don't really care to hang out with them anymore. And I'm pretty content with it oddly enough

you tell'em bro! fuck snoy!

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bruh, i'm not reading all that

>full of emo and silent types where the rest of the characters just don't understand them
sounds about right

soon they will sega themselves
screencap this

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I wish

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I used to chill with a small group of friends, but ever since we started drifting apart (different hobbies, different jobs) its honestly been kind of liberating for me. Being alone used to depress me, but nowadays I can appreciate it more since it feels like I don't need to obligate my own spare time for anyone else and just have the freedom to do whatever I want instead.

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daily reminder he was a murderer and a mafioso.