Downloading GTA V right now. What am I in for?

Downloading GTA V right now. What am I in for?

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avoid the online

dude america bad lmao

Imagine thinking america isn't a total piece of shit

boring as fuck unless you're gonna spend time modding the singleplayer

San Andreas but with tennis and yoga instead of content

What mods should i get

American culture is built on the idea of America being bad.

A semi-forgettable story woven into a nice looking environment that doesn't utilize enough locations on the map to make it feel like a more robust world. It's worthy of at least one playthrough. I went for 100% completion on Xbox 360 back then, and since have beaten it on PS3 and PC as well. The Online is fun with friends, but if you're a solo player you won't enjoy it.

I hear RP servers are fun.

wanted system rebalance, euphoria physics, simple trainer. theres too many that comes to mind

A downgrade from GTA IV.

Very accurate description.

This game lacks the goofiness of San Andreas while also taking out the stuff that made IV fun (most prominently the ragdoll physics)

you'll probably have fun with the open world for like an hour before you realise how empty it is

install a fuckton of mods, however, and it becomes pretty enjoyable

lot of people thought this game was a godsend. but slowly realized how much of a shitshow it kinda is.

playing this game for the first time is like going on a honeymoon and then eventually getting back and realising how shit your life is now

it's a great game but flawed, i played for hundreds of hours

Mediocre game with the worst characters in the series. I also hated how there was no "big bad guy" like in every other GTA game. I didn't know where the story was leading too until the final mission.

If true then:
Story is alright
Online has so much shit to it now, starting level 1 with not money glitches and everything that is set in place will probably not keep you playing long enough cause it turned into a grind fest

GTA has always been a satire of American culture, hence why almost all the games are situated in the US.

>money glitches

A very unfocused story lacking any kind of clear goal for the protagonists, where it spoils its own twist halfway through and things kinda just happen until it ends on a wet fart


This game doesn't fucking deserve to be the third best selling game of all time

Attached: ari.jpg (851x966, 45K)

There used to be hacks and money drops and other dupe exploits you could use to get tons of cash. But they all get patched quickly because it cuts into Kike-Two's cash flow from Shark Cards.
The closest you can get now is finding a friend to go Bogdan finale repeats with.

In all honesty the worst 3D GTA.

Super flat, lifeless city with a huge surrounding area of nothingness. Cinematic bullshit instead of content. Overacted, unlikable characters. All guns feel the same.


it looked so good bros...

Attached: 1554603803639.png (710x842, 573K)

If you consider hours of mundane, repetitive tasks with no payoff to be fun then yes.

It sums up American culture desu.

Looks great on the outside but there's just no substance behind the front.

And you don't notice until you're in too deep and they've got your money and your time.

Are there any cracked versions that don't crash after 5 minutes? Asking for a friend haha

He's talking about FiveM ya dunce

It's more like America silly, not necessarily bad or good. Of course it caused your dumb yokel shit for brains to go into hypersensitive inbred mode.

A pretty game with forgettable boring cliche of a story, and an online mode with pay to win mechanics so fucked they make EA look good in comparison

Yeah, I play video games, I don't watch them on youtube. There's nothing you or your favorite e-celeb can say that would make me want to replay 4, with its repetitive missions, tepid story and characters and horrible car handling, along with technical issues like map streaming. I'd replay V at some point.

>best scripted sequences and missions of all GTA games
>best visuals of all GTA games and all around great visuals for an open world game
>great soundtrack
>no new game mechanics
>story is forgettable
>world is empty after finishing the story
>multiplayer sucks unless you have a big group of friends to regularly play with and/or hundreds of dollars to blow on dlc

It's okay. The best part is the director mode and editor where you can make your own kino.

FiveM always seemed like more of a grind than vanilla. Last I heard about it you had to spend a billion hours being a fruit farmer just to make enough money to afford a basic car without the RP police rawdogging you. At least in regular GTAO you can go dick off in whatever the 2x event is for easy starter money.

This. I wanted to like it. But it's just boring. There is almost no reason to free roam, and I've never felt that in a GTA game before.

Everthing about GTA 5 is inferior to GTA 4 and san andreas.

ONline is a mess and pay to win

I played it for a good 2 or 3 months with some friends just grinding to get the cool shit and when we did get the cool shit we just stopped playing

the scripted shit is horribly linear

Avoid online at all costs. Single player is quite fun even though the cheats for fooling around are just dumb (You have to refresh invincibility every few minutes)

The heists had a couple of options to them.