What makes a good vidya antagonist, Yea Forums?

What makes a good vidya antagonist, Yea Forums?

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one who's goal is right even if you personally think it's wrong

Name 3,74186 games that do this

These above all else

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Sometimes a good antagonist can be as simple as someone that is completely insane, if his gimmick is memorable enough, or there's something about his personality that is fun to observe, and his interactions are amusing.
Or, it can be someone that has solid motivations that just happen to be opposite to your goals.

I don't think there's a formula for making someone considered universally a good antagonist.
It's more about context and good execution.

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large breasts

dey have to actually be the good guy lol

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A personal attachment. I don't care if it's just some prick that stole your skateboarding footage or a vampire trying to take over the world, the protagonist (and preferably the viewer/player) needs to have a connection to the antagonist that goes beyond simple good/evil dichotomy.

Make them memorable

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"i can understand your point of view" doesn't mean "you're a good guy".
There's more than just good guys and bad guys.

i can name 2
toukiden 2 and tales of berseria


Someone who's goals you can see eye to eye with, even if you don't always agree with their methods.

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Persistence, cleverness, presentation. Any two of those work and you've got a good one.

An autistic fanbase that loves him for no fucking reason.

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wrong pic

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My fav FF is 9 but Kefka destroyed the goddamn world. What did Seph do? Kill a prostitute?


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Even shitty villains like these two can be memorable if they have the right amount of charisma

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a haram

What made Jack a good villain? That his character was written by Anthony Burch?

Logistically he doesn't do as much. But FF7 builds the things he does do up by getting you familiar with the characters first. Imagine if the game had been about Cyan up to the point where Kefka killed the Domans.

His voice actor

Kefka took advantage of a force-field to kill his boss, then did some redecorating and the world destroyed itself in response. After that he just spent a year making natural disasters because he was bored.
Sephiroth was nearly killed by a random grunt, and then psychically manipulated him and a bunch of other extras into bringing the nuclear button to him while he was in a coma at the North Pole, but never realized he was being manipulated from the start by the father he never knew.
So really, kind of a push.


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Hojo and Jenova were just along for the wild ride.

Wow Sephiroth did fucking nothing. Low body count as well.

Someone who creates engaging conflict.

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Real talk, Vergil is one of the most well developed antagonists in modern vidya.

How is Virgil an antagonist and not just a dude with daddy issues?