Who do I marry
Who do I marry
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Bianca is the objectively correct answer. Debora is fine for a second playthrough. Nera a shit
>Nera a shit
1. She is boring
2. She is the shittiest wife in battle
3. Blue hair is retarded
4. That dialogue in Battenburg with the woman who evaluates your relationship hints that she has regrets, though she denies it.
Bianca fucks horses
Bianca and Deborah are the only actual options, Bianca for normal people and Deborah for enlightened degenerates
nera doesn't even like you, she's sleeping soundly the night you have to decide who to marry
The guy in the back
Marriage is for faggots. Rape 'em all.
But blue hair is the strongest. My kids will be Super Saiyan Blue.
>and Deborah for enlightened degenerates
I headcanon that after all the suffering the protagonist goes through, he has masochistic tendencies and therefore Deborah is the most fulfilling wife for him.
Bianca is the true heavenly bride. Nera is just there to be the girl you don't pick to make it seem all the more meaningful that Hero chooses to be with Bianca. Remember that when he makes the choice, he doesn't know if he'll still get the shield if he picks Bianca. Nevertheless, he picks her, choosing love over everything. That's how it's supposed to be.
Debora is a cunt but she shows an affectionate side on rare instances if you hang on party talk constantly (or perhaps considerate side is more accurate). Also her part chat with Tuppence is amusing. It's not until the very last party chat in the room with the final boss that she finally admits that she has been in love with you since she first saw you. She is ok, but Bianca is a lot better overall.
Who's that blue hottie behind the chest?
Debora, the other two are boring as fuck.
Why is Bianca so fond of horses? I never see Debora or Nera riding side-saddle.
>It's not until the very last party chat in the room with the final boss that she finally admits that she has been in love with you since she first saw you. She is ok, but Bianca is a lot better overall.
To be somewhat fair, it's incredibly obvious that Deborah is in love before that.
men penises were never good enough
So Nera really isn't worth a playthrough? A shame. I was considering her since I've never married her before.
Well I love DQ, and 5 is one of my favorites. So I've done a Nera playthrough even though I rank her way below the other two girls. If you have already played through marrying Bianca and Debora, and are the type to spam party chat all the time, then maybe Nera is worth it for the new dialogue.
Debora for the superior femdom waifu.
Debora is the patrician choice.
>and are the type to spam party chat all the time
It's honestly crazy how much writing it adds. There's comments on almost everything, I think.
debora is just fucking mean, i thought i would like her best until i met her
This is my first time playing
Which monsters are best worth recruiting?
the cute little girl
She even had a sort of fiance at the time too.
You wouldn't marry your daughter, right?
>tfw playing the PS2 version
Am I missing much with no Deborah? Flora(Nera) just seemed so fucking boring, plus I heard the game makes you feel like shit if you choose her instead of Bianca
Slime Knight, OP as fuck and a better "hero" than the actual hero
Deborah's definitely worth a play through. Also, I believe the DS version has the most content overall. The PS2 version has the superior orchestra OST, though. I can't stand the 3D style, however.
golem, slime knight, Mudslough, Messala were my favorites
Eh, I kinda like the 3D graphics, but yeah they're a little too "blocky" for a PS2 game
Bianca ll the way, no regrets. the hick accent only makes her hotter.
No, my Daughter is for my Son
People really hate on the accents for the localization but I quite liked them desu
Orc King starts out with Multiheal and let me kill the super boss at like level 20
frankly the DS sprites look like shit too
really jarring compared to something like 3/6 SFC
the battle sprites look great though
are you emulating by chance? desmume isn't pixel perfect and has issues with sprites in DQ5
Deborah, black hair is always kino.
nera for them blue kids
been playing on a flashcart. 4/5/7 look bad in general, I hate how how walls all look crooked and everything's garish.
5 PS2 looks strange at times, but the battle backgrounds at least are gorgeous, which combined with the premium tier music makes it the best in my book.
Nah, Nera is the best. Plus her dad gives you gifts.
Who's chest is this? Can I open it?
Pretty sure you misread that user.
Opens after marriage.
Deborah is a riot.
>Passes out
>Is Pregnant
>"Why didn't you tell me?"
>Says it's none of your business
Bitch...how the fuck do you thin you got pregnant? Kon ain't here.
Go with Nera if you like sweets
Go with Deborah if you want to go comedy protag.
Screw Bianca. I hate when a game pushes me to go for the default girl.
You guys excited for the movie? You think we have a shot of a Western release?
i wish girls like deborah were actually real.
> I hate when a game pushes me to go for the default girl.
Now now, let's not punish Bianca because of CRIKEY.
Deborah, because she has the best dialogue
Bros she's like your sister man. She may not be blood related but family is family.
My anger it's eternal and my hatred shall burn for a thousand years. Fuck SE
Based Rance
You have literally only met her once when you were a literal baby fresh out the womb, before meeting her again like 18 years later.
Oh well. There's always NTR doujins.
Debora is the only one that would let you facefuck her and let her makeup run all over her face, so I chose her.
Bianca is the only correct choice. Childhood friends deserve to win.
The fat bald guy.
How does it feel literally being a bland vanilla golem?
bianca belongs to the horse
Bianca chicks that fuck animals are hot.
Giddy up!
Feels good, man.
>tfw you'll never have a girl who basically forces you to be the best you that you can be so you can live up to her standards.
What's not to like about Nera? Sweet, cute, with blue hair and kaboom for days to last.
Honestly i prefer Nera. Bianca has an annoying accent in the DS version and Debora doesn't fit the tone of the game. Nera's party chat is also by far the best one, really sweet. She is the prettiest girl too.
Based and redpilled.
Even the fat bald man?
Her party chat also hints that she fucks like an animal (leaves scratches on the protag)
I always liked Nera. People like to meme she isn't into you but if you see all the party chat and the shit she says even outside it she's totally heads over heels for you. Hell she has the whole love at first sight thing when you first meet her as a teen.
>Deborah's late-game party chat where she confesses she'd fallen in love with the hero from the first time she saw him
>only girl that doesn't get married if you don't marry her
Purest and best. Her abrasiveness mellows up super quickly after you marry her, too.
Debroah is nice to people too. From what I remember in party chat she's kinder to children.
> Her abrasiveness mellows up super quickly after you marry her, too.
She has her moments that shows she cares about him, but I don't think she really starts to mellow out until after the kids are born and in the last act.
Debora's sheer bitchyness is a riot, and makes a cute contrast for when she's being honest about how she likes (You)
Martina a shit. Veronica is the true best choice.
it was nice to realize how much she loves you and the kids.
She makes the best mother of the three, honestly. With her around you can be sure your kids will learn to never get taken advantage of by anyone.
Because I'm a basic bitch with basic taste.
Nera > Bianca > Deborah
Considering she grew in a chapel until she became an adult I'm not surprised. I mean imagine all that lust repressed until you appeared to give her the D.
>only girl that doesn't get married if you don't marry her
Are you sure about that? I don't think Bianca gets married to anyone.
Anyway, let's get down to business:
I don't recall that at all user. The only place I saw that mentioned was on Resetera.
>that loli
yeah she just gets hounded by that fat guy at the spa town.
Her name is Tabitha not Loli or Ruri.
Awful joke, but I'll forgive you if you post more Deborah!Tabatha.
That's neither of their names user. What the fuck are you on?
>Biancafag is just a vocal minority that likes to insult Nerabros
She will beat you up
I like to imagine MC bad touching her
I have DQ5 on the DS, should I get 4 and 6?
She needs the XP. Who am I to deny her that?
Does this suffice?
They're great but not better than 5
the mimic
That's cute, but I want more Tabitha.
For 4, consider the mobile version. The DS one doesn't have party chat.
big titty bitch
Why didn't Deborah kept the bowl cut? It looks magnificent on her!
That's hot
Mobile still have the shitty accents?
Family is forever user.
So why doesn't Pankraz ever comment on why you have a fucking Sabertooth cub?
He's a bad father.
3D girls don't do any of those examples
from left to right its
>marry, fuck, kill
Henry cucks you out of Maria. The faggot.
It's true, I just played through a few months ago. I don't have a save from before endgame, so I can't grab a screen, but here's a 10 year old gamefaqs post.
But Nera is pure.
Bianca reminds me of my childhood friend that I would play in the woods with every summer. She died after her hick of a mother decided to drink and drive then plowed straight into a truck on the other side of the intersection. So every play through I pick Bianca.
I came here for shitposts user. Not to feel.
Pure sex.
>Your country:
>Your name for the Hero:
Esto es el fin Señor Ladja
women can't love, in fact I believe they're not even sentient, they're like a dog-amoeba hybrid.
>Alana and her entourage are forever doomed to sound like idiots now in localized games due to that fake Russian accent.
Wonder what actual English speaking Russians think of it.
Debora is the most entertaining by a wide margin. She is also the most fun in combat for me and I married all three wives before. Debora is the best for me.
not to you
The slime.
God damn this artist has been prolific over the last 20 years. I've got art of his saved from the early 2000s that I used as wallpapers. He's probably created over 1000 images of Sakura alone.
All I know about this series is that the middle fucks horse cocks.
>Deborah loved the hero since she first saw him
>You first see Deborah and Nera when your like 4 or so years old
she's a fucking liar, that's how you square that circle
How the fuck can someone be so fucking wrong and stupid at the same time
Any that aren't generic ntr, or is there actually LuminaryXBest Girl doujins
I marathoned DQ1-11, except for 10 of course, and 5 is the best in terms of story and characters. Why did they never replicate it?
I'm actually so fucking hyped for the movie. Too bad we won't be able to see it with subs until 2020 at least.
Uh user. You forget about fan subs?
Ignoring the meh artstyle it seems that's missing the point of the story and now Abel is THE Hero.
user. You do know it takes a while in Japan for cinema movies to go digital. Fansubbers don't usually sub a camrip.
Does anyone know where I can get a pre patched rom for DQV?
You need to fix what you typed. I'm guessing what you mean, but there's not enough information to piece together if they're adapting it fully or not.
I swear playing DQV that early on there were red herring that made you believe you were the hero as well. Either way, MC not being the hero isn't "missing the point".
Did anyone ever fansub the trailer anyway yet?
>TFW You're moving back to Japan in time for the movie
>there are people that don't choose Bianca
I for one embrace the coming Judgement of mankind!
Childhood friend is boring compared to the more passionate and vanilla Deborah.
Vanilla (Bianca) is sweet but sometimes you want some Strawberry (Nera) and on particular days you just need some Rocky road (Deborah)
Me in the back right.
There's only one girl for me
Deborah is supposed to be autistic right? Like, she's coded as a bitch rich girl but she dosen't seem to get along with people to the point where you're the only one who's willing to marry her even though she's hot and rich. Her dad instantly loves you because he was sure she was going to be a spinster living in his attic for the rest of her life.
I'm so sorry you can't make right from left, user.
I really hate the pixar style. Would it really have killed them to at least keep some aspects of Toriyama's style in mind?
>Deborah is supposed to be autistic right?
No she's just a bitch with incredibly high standards. That's why she's alone. Her father is happy because she knows she will never lower her standards. Hero is her standard.
If they bring it to the West this style will help a ton. Hell it may even help it's popularity if Nintendo and Sony port V over to the newer consoles.
none of the townspeople talk fondly about her though and none of the groom canidates are for her either. She basically forces her way into the marriage thing.
Her dad also repeatedly gives you 'are you sure you want to marry her dude?' lines and speeds through things so you can't change your mind.
Well yeah of course dude. She's a huge bitch.
Your daughter.