Why does this only happen to Nintendo fans?

Why does this only happen to Nintendo fans?

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Kirby's Dreamland came out in 1992.

>Those ogre hands


Normal People
CeRaTiVe People

>unintentional faint mustache stubble on bottom pic

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Because no one else has been playing the vidya for over 30 years. Original sony fans picked up the hobby in the mid 90s at the possible earliest (and if you were a PSX early adopter I pity you), and sega->sony fans are fueled only by envy of nintendo.

why did it had to be kirby

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Trannies BTFO

he'll be dead soon
who gives a fuck about a trannies life
theyre worthless

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Has anyone considered that's a girl in the first panel too? Short hair =/= boy.

Just post that pradera already

>20 years later and still plays the exact same game

Yep, only happens with Nintendo fans

What's the evolution of Mircosoft and Sony fans?

Well they do love Splatoon 2 from the posts I see on there so it's pretty obvious. I mean I'm gay and love Nintendo too

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Women dont need to hide their facial structure under giant glasses

A fucking tranny ahahahah

>can see his 5 oclock shadow

"fake girl gamers"

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Short hair = Little boy


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Childish games for people who grew up with single mothers.

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we already know he's autistic

>Go to meet up with friends
>One of the girls I wanna hook up with brings her ugly huge tranny friend.
>Trying to talk to girl while playing smash.
>Tranny literally keeps interrupting me and making me play against him, lose on purpose.
>Cringeyly starts making a pass at me.
>Awkward laugh until I have to leave, he tries to give me his switch friendpass, girl I was trying to hook up with make sure I stay there to add it.
>Haven't turned on my switch since
>My friend keeps telling me that girl's been trying to call me, pretty sure she'll try hooking me up with 5'0 clock shadow patty.

I thought trannies hated niggers man, fuck me.


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>and sega->sony fans are fueled only by envy of nintendo.
Where are you getting your opinions from? I was a Sega kid, and most of my gaming outside of PC was on the GameBoy Color, GameCube, and DS. I remember getting mocked by Halo kids because I had a GC and not the Halo machine.

give it receding hair

did that webm of the drag parade that Sony endorsed effect people this badly?

>Why does this only happen to Nintendo fans?

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Playstation controllers don't change.

I noticed that too. At least he is being honest about himself.

>this is what a 40 year old tranny thinks it looks like
And they say they aren't mentally ill

Have sex you fucking shitlord. If that is how she remembers her childhood who's to say that she's wrong? It's her memories, not yours. Stop trying to police other peoples thoughts and have sex you filthy incel.

>Empty Panel

there, i fixed the date you BIGots!

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Must be 20 year old.
40 year old trannies look like this.

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It's so sad seeing people desperately try and go


for shit like this, this is an actual problem with sony and the autismos here actually think this is about console wars when it's really not, when sony makes choices like this they're literally so betrayed and hurt that the have to try and attack Nintendo of all things.

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I have a cousin who genuinely thinks like this.
He refuses to play games that are older than the current generation. He claims it's a waste of time to do so, as none of them are anywhere near as good as today's games.

Stop spamming this shit nigger

Because they make good games, unlike Microsoft or Sony
> Games that have topped the most "Best Game Ever" Lists since 1985
> 1. Ocarina of Time (75) (Nintendo)
> 2. Final Fantasy VII (19) (Square)
> 3. Super Mario Bros (17) (Nintendo)
> 4. Super Mario 64 (16) (Nintendo)
> 5. A Link To The Past (15) (Nintendo)
> 6. Super Mario Bros 3 (13) (Nintendo)
> 7. Tetris (12) (1984) (Nintendo)
> 8. Dark Souls (11) (Namco)
> 9. Super Mario World (10) (Nintendo)
> 10. Chrono Trigger (10) (Square)
> 11. Super Mario Galaxy (10) (Nintendo)
> 12. SoulCalibur (8) (Namco)
> 13. Breath of the Wild (8) (Nintendo)
> 14. The Legend of Zelda (8) (Nintendo)
> 15. Half-Life 2 (8) (Valve)
> 16. Super Mario Kart (7) (Nintendo)
> 17. Resident Evil 4 (6) (Capcom)
> 18. Final Fantasy X (6) (Square)

Saving this, good shit my dude.

shut up

>Just a picture of the Switch sitting in a corner

I thought they just wanted to have an excuse to shit on trannies and since it was "video game" related it would stay up a bit longer than just one of those open wounds threads

Nice b8

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Missing cuts on hands

How come FF7 & FFX made the list but FF6 didn't?

twitter is that old?

>PhD student
>but also a procrastinator

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Because they're the only company that's been making handhelds for 30 years and still makes them? You wouldn't see a straight person making art like this because Sony has never been in that position, so it's not surprising you wouldn't see a gay person either. This is nothing more than selection bias.

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Stop making this thread

>implying trannies get proper, tasteful burials after alienating their friends and family in favor of other mental detectives

You're pathetic and delusional of you try to say this is on the same level as a drag parade that was endorsed by sony.

I guess a lot of the main Sony players are normies who don’t pay attention to gaming more than
“Eh the new Fifa is out”
For the core players yeah they’ve been ripping themselves apart
GOW went from Bro tier action wth tits to TLOU.
Nathan Drake is nowhere to be found in like 4 years
Everything is more cinematic with gameplay tact on its frustrating so they lash out to everyone else

I mean he isn't wrong. Only autists care about that shit

>trannies try to co-opt another thing
Who cares?

I mean this works with any terrible opinion, if they lose it over an off hand comment they are going to be unbearable to spend time with.

>mental detectives

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Not even Kirby would be friends with a tranny.

why do white people feel the need to be so cringey about being gay?

I believe it started in 2004 or 2005

Joke's on them.
I'd never date a casual.

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it takes less than 20 seconds to check his twitter and confirm for yourself that he's a tranny

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Is the joke that the first one is playing gameboy (note boy) and the second is playing switch (ie switch genders)

by "losing his shit" it probably means a simple "I disagree"

Because of how big of a reaction there is to it.
This thread is live proof.

The only Chad thing to say is
“Never heard of it”

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>probably means a simple "I disagree"
nah some people really are that autistic. had a friend like that in college and he would get red on shit like Melee in public. some of those post here aren't just shitposting


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they always disappoint

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>"A-a-at least my gay parade is not as gay as snoy's parade!"

Tomboys don't grow up to wear sissy things like blouses with visible bra straps

He's not talking about you if you're not Sega->Sony


Nintendo's future also pictured

Hahah I get it. High five, fellow reactionary dupe! We can truly meme, yes we can.



Yeah Doomed since 1985

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>Staciel approaches chad
>Chad leaves the autist who brought up a game he's never heard of
The twitter cuck is secretly helping us out lads

>first date
>go crazy or on a rant about literally anything
>probably not a keeper girls!
who would have fuckin thought

Fucking beat me to it. Based

can we get a Charlottesville-esque style finish with that ford mustang in the parade?

>dog as banner
You just know.

why do you post this thread every hour?